Why is concurrency in Python so fricking r-slurred? (rant)

I'm working on a project in Python and there's a very obvious, almost textbook, spot to throw in some concurrency. I'm allergic to reading documentation and most of my code comes from modifying stackoverflow snippets so I perhaps naively googled "python threading" and implemented that. Imagine my surprise when I got literally no performance gain. So I looked into it and it turns out threads in Python are just fake threads, the entire program still runs in a single thread. You get all the overhead of concurrency with none of the benefits.

So I switched over to the multiprocessing library, which thankfully was pretty painless since it works almost identically to the threads library except with, you know, actual concurrency. That started out ok but I ran into trouble trying to return complex objects from the spawned processes. You can return simple data types pretty easily in a thread safe way, and even objects composed of simple data types, but trying to return an object that contains another object simply doesn't work. So once again I looked into it more and it turns out I have to specifically use a SyncManager if I want to return complex objects. So once again I implement that and it finally fricking works after hours of mucking around in the shit.

Why are there like 30 different ways to do concurrency in Python, with most of them sucking butt or not working at all? I've done concurrency in lots of other languages and they're all very straightforward. Even fricking C++ makes it easy to implement.


!chuds !oldstrags !ranchers GTFIH

Nah they got my whole bio on wiki
Top 10 reasons to hate drinkers

1. They're stinky

2. They can't walk straight

3. They talk shit

4. They're broke from buying booze :marseyjackmormon: all the time

5. They can't handle responsibilities

6. They're loud

7. They're male feminists

8. They're a burden on our healthcare :marseydoctor: system

9. They drive :marseysteer: drunk :marseyharrierdubois: and kill people

10. They act stupid :marseyclueless: and reckless

Quick goyslop review


Creamy Coconut Dr Pepper

Doesn't really taste like Dr Pepper at all, just coconut. Kinda good as its own thing, but was a bit of a disappointment. Mixed the rest of the bottle with pineapple rum, and was also disappointed it didn't make a good mixer.

Cheetos Pretzels

These are just normal pretzels with a healthy coating of cheetos dust. The unnaturally uniform orange on the bag made me think it was Cheetos in pretzel shape. The dust is good of course, but then you're left with a hard pretzel. Doesn't really give the essential cheetos experience of dissolving in your mouth.

Doritos Baja Fiery Mango

I have no idea why the Mtn Dew Baja Blast logo is associated with this. I think Mtn Dew had a different mango flavor years ago, but that's it.

This was pretty good, the sweet mango taste was interesting alongside the spicyness. Better than the default doritos flavors, but I'm not a huge fan of default doritos anyway.

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Okay, buddy

Quadruple thumbs-up Marsey commissioned by @WayOut for a burlap sack full of nearly expired pork (street value: 136 dollars).

Coming soon to a :marseythumbsup4: near you

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  • Sner : locking house holes was a MISTAKE :marseyindignant: :eaglesipping:
The :marseybeach: Summer of PRIDE :marseyhomofascist: banner contest WINNER thread - Bird Bussy for everyone :eaglebussy:

Unsuprisingly furries showed complete and utter domination, and none of the competition even came close :marseycool: Another !furries dubski

30k in MBUX has been awarded to @Sner the GOAT (even though he's an eagle).

Previous thread :

Shouldn't have split it in two but that was a hangover from an earlier idea :marseyghosthappy:

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2000DC reward for a marsey that gives a double thumbsup with a big grin

I'm a double-thumbsup kinda guy in real life and there isn't a marsey that can adequately convey my double-thumbsupedness.

I intend to do a lot of double-thumbsupening in the near future so it's very urgent.

And it's gotta be grinning. I gotta have a grin. It cannot work without a grin you guys.

Also no winking, cause I don't wink and thumbsup at the same time, that kind of nonsense is for sexual deviants.


edit: @TournamentFishing got the 2k


A man named Joseph Neibich sued Reddit for defamation with intent to unmask 50 anonymous /r/Screenwriting members, but, unsurprisingly, he failed. He then tried to have this case sealed, but, once again, he was denied. So, now, he has actually hired people to create positive posts about how totally amazing he is in order to manipulate algorithms about his case and his /r/Screenwriting harassment on search engines.

Below is the original drama from 2021:

Screenwriters flagged a group of scam contests that exploited aspiring writers by race, gender, sexuality, religion, and/or location for $50+ per entry and then posted warnings on /r/Screenwriting. The contest manager, a fledgling middle-aged screenwriter from Arizona, threatened to sue Reddit if the original posts weren't removed. The moderators stood their ground and case 20STCV10291 was filed in an LA Circuit Court. Over the course of 2 years, that contest manager harassed /r/screenwriting members, both on social media and by calling them personally once he learned their true identities that had been hidden behind the JOHN/JANE DOE ones.

The case lagged on until the contest manager and other parties settled out of court, and it was dismissed in 2021. The contest manager hired online reputation services to remove any mention of his name in case 20STCV10291 from the internet. For example: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx v. Reddit Inc - Trellis Law or Santa Clara Law's Digital Commons.

Long after Reddit was dismissed in this legal case, the contest manager continued to harass one of /r/Screenwriting's moderators, who then posted the following warning:

Nobody really cared about this lawsuit anymore. That is, until 2023, when Reddit admins posted Reddit's Defense of Section 230 to the Supreme Court, which actually referenced the original /r/SubredditDrama post linked above.

TL;DR: The Supreme Court is hearing for the first time a case regarding Section 230, a decades-old internet law that provides important legal protections for anyone who moderates, votes on, or deals with other people's content online.


Now, this embarrassing old legal case - 20STCV10291 Neibich v. Reddit - would actually be referenced by the largest court in the United States. :marseyjudge:

To update /r/Screenwriting about the Reddit Amicus Brief, moderator /u/wemustburncarthage posted the thread /r/Screenwriting mentioned in the Reddit Amicus Brief to SCOTUS. She mentioned some context about the contest manager's ongoing behavior:

He has stalked, harassed and defamed many of us for calling out his fraud, and while some of us were lucky to receive pro bono legal representation (me included, thanks to the support mentioned in this brief) not all of us had that option, and were put to unjust expense.

A lot of us are still recipients of his obnoxious attention seeking behaviour, hedged under the guise of his delusional belief in his own importance as an industry player. He's not an industry player. He's a citation in a landmark US Supreme Court case, forever enshrined in that legal history, defined in precisely the character he deserves.


Later in 2023, the contest manager decides to file a Request to Seal Records in order to completely hide his case from the public. While that's going on, something weird begins to happen on Reddit...

The username /u/JeffreyJosephNeibich was registered on Reddit and is quickly suspended before he can post anything (because any user name with josephneibich in it is automatically suspended). :marseyjanny2:

/u/JeffreyJosNeibich (now suspended) then pops up instead and begins to spam their user page with random positive facts about the contest manager (all of these have now been deleted, of course):

His love for animals:

Love helping animals get adopted with my hubby Jeffrey Joseph Neibich

Hiking trips with his fictitious wife, "Hillary":

Hillary L Neibich is camping with Jeffrey Joseph Neibich at HorseShoe Bend

And, of course, helping the homeless:

Joseph Neibich took his only day off last week to help a homeless woman find housing.

(The only comment on the post about was from him, and it simply said "Yea." This dude genuinely thought that confirming a post that he himself made would lend it credibility. I also love that he imagines that he's a great script writer, yet that's the best fake story that he could invent to venerate himself. It legitimately reads like North Korean propaganda for Kim Jong-Un.) :marseyxd:

Once the contest manager's request to seal all records was denied by the LA Court, a new subreddit popped up in the hopes of overshadowing negative search results from Google:

/r/JosephNeibich (now set to private) - "All about the life and works of Joseph Neibich"

Posts were made on the subreddit such as:

Life and Work of Joseph Neibich

Joseph Neibich's journey in the film industry is a story of passion, creativity, and hard work. From his early days in marketing at...

Biography of Joseph Neibich:

Joseph started his career in film in 1997, when he moved to Los Angeles and began working in marketing at Paramount Pictures. This experience...

Joseph Neibich Charity Works

...and so forth.

Try it for yourself by searching for "reddit neibich" on Google. Instead of information about the previously mentioned case, you're instead greeted with results about how wonderful and amazing this heroic human being is. :marseygetgle:

The posts on /r/JosephNeibich came with totally legitimate comments from completely real Redditors such as...

/u/Fresh-Ad8642 (now suspended):

I like it I like it

I like

I like

I like it

/u/Sweet_Peet_Scotch (now suspended):

So great and powerful

So great and powerful

So great and powerful

/u/Intelligent-Love6969 (now suspended):

Silly love


Joseph Neibich is great consumer advocate! I love it.


And some other totally earnest new Reddit accounts who just happened to only post about Joseph Neibich:

/u/Academic-CatLover (now suspended)




In other words, a Redditor has been hired by Joseph Neibich to post on /r/JosephNeibich in order to make Joseph Neibich look better on Google search results. Right before that user began posting about Neibich, however, they only concentrated on OnlyFans updates. :daddysgirl2:

A parody subreddit, /r/JosephNeib-word (get it? :marseynice:), has also been set up. :soysnoo5:

Will it work? Or will Joseph Neibich go back to his old ways where he is emailing moderators threatening legal action? Whatever happens, we know one thing: it will be far more entertaining than any script that Neibich could ever write. :marseypopcorn:

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oh did i make a mess in your hole?

was that me

oh god im sorry jannie

sorry you have to wipe down the mess i made

in your hole

for free

:crap: :!marseyjanny2:

Go for the gold πŸ₯‡

Thank you cnn for this

!neolibs !chuds

Hunter Biden is forcing his dad to stay in the race :marseyretardchad:


Truly made of Teflon

Ideas? I say we doxx him and then show up at his place with cacti to repeatedly shove up his butt


plus bonus mcgregor drama:


:marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch: :marseyevil:


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