I have seen many threads like the one above where people seem to be convinced that no one is doing well because all of their friends are losers, to quote the OP "I have no friends that are working in a professional setting. Everyone I know my age, including even those with masters degrees in engineering, is either working in food service/hospitality or are unemployed". Meanwhile the vast majority of people I know are working a 9-5 in a decent field and are financially stable, the only person I know who falls into the "fallen professional" archetype is a permadepressed leftoid with horrendous vibes (big surprise lol).

I'm not denying that the economy is in a rough state but the pervasive idea that every graduate is stuck being a low level wagie is just loser r-slurs not realising they've surrounded themselves with other loser r-slurs. If you relate to that post you need to listen to some Drake or something.

Is amazon just a giant drop shipping scam at this point?

Ive started checking Ali for every item I'm about to buy from Amazon and the same item is always on there for less than half of the cost.

:parrotukraine: Wake up babe new gender just dropped

The Biggest Lolcow of the Get Rich Quick Gurus

I don't have the will nor the time to put into making a kf thread so I'm just leaving my input here. If you have any involvement in "hustling" twitter, you might know this guy. I honestly forgot about his early life but when I first discovered him he was trying to sell a membership for a groomercord where he'll teach you how to resell items. He was also selling other memberships for other servers like a "creditmaxxing" course, "travelhacking" course, and some bots to automate shopping.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17407177618Od4faZxRhEtGA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740717761mXmBZmUTO7vnSA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740717761acdeP6O8XuZHnA.webp

Right now he claims to make $200k a month from all his methods that he sells. This money is actually from all the memberships that he's selling. Everything in these servers either take way too much effort for little profit or just flat-out stop working after a day. This isn't a random accusation, you can verify this for yourself by looking at the stats of all the servers he's running.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740717761Zh-RF3JKveDiBw.webp (his largest server with public information available)

I left the scene a while ago so I'm not 100% sure on this, but he's made a few smaller servers and tried to sell "season passes" for them to eventually just discontinue them and auto renew people for his more expensive membership. Don't try criticizing him though, cause he'll accuse you of being... POOR!


This guy has an incredibly fragile ego and will instantly meltdown under any type of negativity. If you mention that any of his schemes (which he pushes to unknowing children) are illegal, you'll instantly be blocked. It's not like these methods are complex schemes either, these are pretty basic:

  • Making fake receipts to harvest rewards points

  • Cashing out EBT/SNAP

  • Sending false credit reports (they actually send it on your behalf, but you have to give them your ssn)

  • Self referring yourself to different apps (not illegal but def a TOS violation)

  • Promocode stacking at small businesses for free items (not illegal but very shady)

  • Whatever this is https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740717762y9YLtgvczfjygg.webp

This guy is also heavily hated by other get rich gurus, as he's known to send hate mobs and steal content from other shitty memberships.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17407177630DXIKsZrWzCRuQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740717763SgwAQmeqPE2Irg.webp

While proofreading I remembered I had this screenshot of him threatening to sue some little kid who said his groomercord server was shit lol.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740717762q2OHGCHI9dpsVQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740717762qSaFM6-uZ021Sw.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17407177630217HmBrLyzIQg.webp

To summarize: this guy is an insane grifter with a huge ego and you can probably get him to sperg out by calling him poor.

A short skirmish between fellow leftists


>The historic depravity of white people simply cannot be overstated. It hurts to think about.

Another leftist replies:

>Useless framing

OP replies back to him:

>Shut the frick up will you Jesus Christ you are so insufferable with your pretention. Go get drunk and pray on vulnerable young women or something

A third comments:

>Oy what haha let's just get along fellow leftists.

The other replies back to OP:

>lol as if it's not insufferable or pretentious to prostrate yourself over the evil of the white race. Coming on 7 years sobriety cry about it

Proto-feraljak found in WW2 anti-Japanese propaganda :soyjakferal: :marseychingchongsupremacy:


https://preview.redd.it/3qj2ssaybzje1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=15b9c148b2689a094a54aad8cbcd63f3393def87 :!#soyjakferal: !historychads !asians !soyteens

Weekly fitness thread #243

Hello !fitness how are fricking you doing, b-word?

I started stretching!!!! And what can I say, those hips don't lie 😎😎😎


(I swear I have good posture those stats only look like I am a fricking hunchback)

China is not the answer : BuyCanadian


Worried about europe's islamization : askgaybros


Only acceptable form of gluttony


a woman has been posting about her women's only gym and for some reason scrotes have spent weeks seething nonstop??

this woman posts way too much but I keep seeing these updates pop up on tweeter and like ? queen shit lmao :uglypray:

many scrotes saying that foid gyms fail while pilates and barre classes exist :taywine2:



sadly true :marseysad:

anyway I rly like the gym I go to despite some annoying scrotes, most people are friendly and just there to workout, but I would switch to all pink gym that's not just a $400 stretching class in an instant :loveeyes:



New Idaho bill would require schools get written permission from parents for s*x ed classes : Idaho




GOOD picture

1. Blackpool


2. Glasgow


Blackpool is a seaside town in the north west that was a top holiday destination throughout modern British history until Easyjet started doing Β£30 flights to Magaluf. Now it's a boarded-up warzone visited only by the roughest stag and hen parties.

Glasgow has always been a shithole and some neighbourhoods there have a lower life expectancy than Baghdad.

The DM sent their photographer out to take creepshots of fat people


It's just politics :marseynails:


Zelenskky Buckbroken By Daddy - Thanks Every European Head Of Government On Twitter







Africa nostril-chad Chad :chadblack: dabs on Mayocels :marseymayo: cucks with tiny nostril-lets :marseysniff: :marseyduriansniff:

IT'S CRAPPENING :carpsoyjak:


Why do all men who have an Asian girlfriend date this woman? :marseyhmm:

Is it a psyop?


article that states :marseykamala: name of murdered :marseydead: victim, you can see it in the first :marseywinner: paragraph even behind :marseylookingbackthong: the paywall

Hamas has already praises the attack :marseymodernwarfare: and called it "heroic" lmao

Meanwhile the guy was killed, and Israeli :marseygoy: Druze authorities have put put statements saying they will not allow him to be buried :marseysarcophagus: in a Druze cemetery, they say he moved to Israel :marseydayan: from Germany :marseyhitlerjew: a year ago and believe :marseyparappa: he might have been radicalised towards Islamic :marseymuhammad: terrorism :marsey911: in germany :marseygerman:

State of the union address thread


What if Trump kept using emojis in his tweets?

So this manga I have been a fan of.

I think I romanticize an older woman relationship by thinking my instinct is to go and be acting like a child stems from this.

I feel as if the only way to get attention is by acting like a child and using the Freud thing.

I think I need therapy, but currently getting a weird type of therapy. My hands are full.

I think it's just a sad thing that reflects my life .

I've been fantasizing having a weird relationship with a woman who's old enough to be my mother because that's the only way to be close to a woman.

Women can't be friends genuinely. So I turn to mother-daughter.

I want to stop this kind of mind sink. However, sometimes you can't change.

Also I have severe mommy issues because my mother never existed.

I think it's fricked that I can only see the biggest potential to be in a relationship with a woman is in a incest-like or just basically become a man.

It's sad, sometimes the pain is harsh. I've been trying but there's no end.

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