The data engineer to terrorist pipeline :marseyunabomber:

Is there anybody here that is a data engineer?



This one was nice, r/prisoncels put some money on his books before Christmas and he made a spread for the tier

The daily slopposts are excellent and horrifying

Here's a video of that:

Comments and interests range from this

To this and this

To this

Rare realtime access to a high level state prisoner's thoughts and interests. It's quality stuff. Hopefully it's a long time before the phone gets confiscated.



Post deleted on pigeon meat? : Fitness_India



125, officially half way done.

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST @FourthEggnog callout post :pointgun:

A month ago, November 24th, Romania held a presidential election.

The main parties running were the National Liberal Party (PNL) of Klaus Iohanis and the Social Democratic Party (PSD) of Marcel Ciolacu. Both Europhile, bureaucratic centrists. One slightly more pro-gibs. Imagine democrats and pre-Trump republicans but even more corrupt, stupid and incompetent. There were also other parties, some woke, others !chuds, but all tiny and boring.

Since Poomania has a multi-round election schema, the top candidates, Lasconi, Ciolacu, Simion, and Sosoaca, were angling for the top two spots and trying to kick their main rivals into third or fourth place.

Then election day came around and to everyone's chagrin all four got blown the frick out the water by a guy nobody'd ever heard of: Calin Georgescu, a far-right martial artist whose entire campaign was ran on tiktok. He would proceed to the second round and could potentially become the new leader of Romania (dubious honor)

This post is not about that.

After the election everyone panicked. Woke young romanians panicked because their favourite gibs and environmentalist causes were blown out the water. Geriatric bureaucrats panicked because the grift could end. Romania's European and American "allies" panicked because the last thing you want your puppets doing is voting in their best interest. In short, everyone chimped out and started flinging shit wherever they could to try to prevent Mr. Georgescu's further election.

The only people that didn't panic were the plurality of Romanians who'd voted for Mr. Georgescu. This is because they were too busy consooming tiktok reels.

On December 6nd, to nobody's surprise, a Constitutional Court made up of representatives of the loser parties overruled their earlier certification of the election because the Romanian president "declassified" some "information" that Calin Georgescu was - gasp -



Somebody'd put together the equivalent of a Steele dossier "proving" that Tru- Georgescu was elected not thanks to savvy social media marketing and the stupidity, apathy and desire for change of Romanian voters, but LE HECKING EVIL RUSSARINOS :soysnooseethe:

The EU, Western NGOs, CIA handlers etc. all hurriedly advised the immediate publication of this information and after some backroom political pressure the court made a mockery of the very concept of democracy by throwing out the election. NATO literally commanded them to do it, and the cucks complied, lmao. The only actual evidence was that Georgescu'd misreported his finances on some forms.

For comparison, the president elect of the United States misused or misappropriated over 500 times that in campaign funds. Nobody gives a shit because we're not kitties and no red-blooded American gives a shit about campaign finance contributions

Even in a shithole like Romania people mostly found the election annulment outrageous, except for this guy for some reason :marseyclueless:

Now the country will have a redo election in March or May or some shit and the Romanian glowies are busy raiding and harassing Georgescu so him and others like him will never again challenge the primacy of the unelected fаggots in charge of Draculand. No doubt they'll find he scratched his butt with his left hand instead of the right (contra EU directive 14[a]2.1) and needfully put him away for infinite lakh years.

This post is not about that.

@FourthEggnog's r-slurred gypsy butt made a couple of posts about these events swallowing the Russia hoax hook, line, and sinker.

This is because he, like every Romanian, is dumber than the darkest, stupidest !dixie swamp !BIPOCs

His hypothesis (to put it generously) was that Romania was not actually a failing regime of bean counters, incompetent narcissists, subverted and bribed traitors, etc. In fact, all of these were but a front for the actual power behind the throne, a shadowy decades-old cabal of commie spooks :marseyscream:

This form of "reasoning" is common among the severely r-slurred. 310+ dramatards upmarseyd and presumably believed his schizophrenic ramblings, despite the fact they made no sense.


I was going to go through both posts and link all the shit he said that contradicted itself or was batshit r-slurred but it's literally both giant posts. Seriously, read them. They're entertaining (in the @kaamrev neurodivergent-on-amphetamines way) but 180 degrees diametric to the actual situation. It's insane that someone can have this tenuous a connection to reality while still being able to type.

:redlight: BREAKING NEWS :redlight:

Couple days ago a Romanian investigative outlet published a bombshell investigative report into who ACTUALLY funded Georgescu.

To the SHOCK of !nooticers it was... the ruling party itself :marseypikachu2:

A new report from investigative outlet reveals that the TikTok campaign which was cited in the declassified Romanian intelligence documents (summarized in my post below 👇) as evidence of foreign interference - and used as grounds to cancel the presidential election - was actually paid for by the ruling National Liberal Party (PNL), the very party that supported cancelling the elections!

According to the investigation, the campaign called "#EchilibrușiVerticalitate" that the intelligence services claimed was "identical to Russian operations in Ukraine" was organized by a marketing firm called Kensington Communication, hired by PNL (the ruling party), who paid Kensington over 1 million RON for it (about $210,000). Kensington then used a platform called FameUp to coordinate 130 influencers with specific scripts and messaging guidelines.

This puts the declassified intelligence documents in an entirely new light. What they presented as evidence of foreign interference was actually a campaign paid for by the ruling party. The same party that then supported using these allegations of "foreign interference" to cancel an election they were losing.

Even more bizarrely, confronted by journ*lists, Kensington Communication initially denied using the hashtag but later admitted to creating the campaign for PNL, claiming it was meant to be called "#echilibrusiseriozitate" and was changed to "#echilibrusiverticalitate" without their knowledge. Yeah, right...

This means that either the Romanian intelligence services didn't know this was a PNL-funded campaign when they used it as evidence to cancel the election (which raises huge questions about their competence), or they did know and didn't disclose it (which raises even bigger questions about their integrity).

In any case, it seems to indicate that something extremely sinister happened in Romania: a ruling party used intelligence services to cancel an election based on "foreign interference" evidence that they themselves paid for!


Also, interestingly, Politico is completely misrepresenting this bombshell investigation: Report ties Romanian liberals to TikTok campaign that fueled pro-Russia candidate

Let me show you how they're trying to spin it.

Politico claims that the investigation shows that "a campaign from a governing center-right party may have been hijacked to benefit far-right candidate." They're framing PNL as being a victim here, seeing their TikTok campaign "hijacked to benefit Georgescu".

But the investigation demolishes this narrative with hard evidence because they found Kensington's (PNL's contractor) original brief and proved influencers were following their exact scripts. The investigation shows exact matches between the script and influencer videos. How is that "hijacking" when the influencers were doing exactly what the brief told them to do?

Most importantly, Politico completely buries the lead: a ruling party paid for a social media campaign that was then used by intelligence services as evidence of 'foreign interference' to cancel an election. That's not a 'hijacking' - that's an explosive scandal about potential abuse of intelligence services for political purposes.

This isn't sloppy journ*lism - it's active misrepresentation. Politico has access to the same investigation we're reading. They chose to ignore the documented evidence of word-for-word script following and instead push this 'hijacking' narrative that the evidence explicitly contradicts.

Instead of investigating how a ruling party's campaign ended up being used as evidence to cancel a democratic election, Politico is helping construct a cover story. They're turning what appears to be potential intelligence service abuse into a story about campaign "hijacking".

Which means we potentially have another major scandal on our hands here: major EU media outlets - the same EU media outlets that regularly lecture about threats to democracy - appear to help obscure what might be the most serious abuse of intelligence services for political purposes in recent EU history.``

I called it as not being the Russians two fricking weeks ago

But this dumbass doubled down on the Russian collusion shit. Fricking tard.

HIs "explanation" goes on and on, increasingly unhinged. Blueanon on the Danube.

To conclude, I am now convinced - as you should be - that the Romanian Constitutional Court was correct in cancelling this election. Where it erred is in not cancelling every future election as well, as Romanians are too stupid to self-govern. Instead, American viceroys must be appointed, to guide the ignorant and wayward vlach peasant into a comfortable, pleasant and thought-free life licking NATO's taint while selling his country and resources to our benevolent corporations.


Celebrating Jews

Some people in the past have accussed me of anti semitism.

Well this is a completely unfounded fabrication. The only evidence there is to support this claim, is on my profile page, in which I claim to be an anti-semite:

Anyway, here are some awesome Jews who I love!!!!!

(I love everyone, even the israel cute twink male feminists, but these are ones I especially love!!!!)


John the Baptist


Mary Magdalene

i am gonna skip a lot of biblical guys because they be all my list, if I went by ranking by my FAVORITES.

Noam Chomsky

George Soros

Neturei Karta (Group)

Links to Cool Jewish chad Slop.

Funny Vid:

Unironically, I only dislike Jews who don't respect Jesus or support israel genocide.

All others Jews are cool. Peace out BIPOCs.



War Criminal Jimmy Carter has finally died!


>We are celebrating that the bastard is dead

>Oh no...I'm so sad...SIKE


>Rest in Piss, he has now finally joined his predecessor's secretary of state

They seem like nice people, who would totally not abuse power if they had any....

/pol/ anons decide they like Bernie Sanders :marseysanders: now
:rape: Great Moid Moments In History: Paul Warner Powell (Nazi child killing male feminist) talks his way into the death penalty

Powell, believing that he no longer faced execution due to double jeopardy, then wrote an abusive letter to the prosecutor and admitted that he attempted to r*pe Stacie and boasted about his crimes in detail, among several other taunting or threatening letters he sent to the victims' family. The letter to the prosecutor read, in part: "Since I have already been indicted on first degree murder and the Va. Supreme Court said that I can't be charged with capital murder again, I figured I would tell you the rest of what happened on Jan. 29, 1999 to show you how stupid all of y'all . . . are". He detailed how he told Stacie she could "do it the easy way or the hard way" and how she continued to resist him. He then stabbed her and stomped on her neck until she stopped breathing. "I guess I forgot to mention these events when I was being questioned. Ha Ha! ... Do you just hate yourself for being so stupid and for frickin' up and saving me?"

In fact, the principle of double jeopardy did not apply, since although his capital murder verdict had been vacated, he had not been acquitted of the criminal charge and was still eligible to be retried for first degree murder. Using the letter that Powell wrote, prosecutors indicted Powell again for the attempted r*pe and murder of Stacie Reed. Powell was once again convicted and was sentenced to death.

My parents sexual behaviour


Internet Drama is Good, Actually

My advice would be to have a look at the recent Alec Gunter exchanges with Cardposter. It highlights some of Cardposter's.... issues. The 3rd video is the most informative with a deeper dive into more videos.\_OJhd1Ola2MPIlH6y

FAGGOTSi stand with israel

[🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘] Democracy moment


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

"How do you know capitalism works better than communism.""Look at history!""Ok, should we also look at history to see if monarchy works better than democracy?""NOOO!!!! No more looking at history!!!" (14)

r/RoyalismSlander Royalism was very successful historically. (-1)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

"How do you know capitalism works better than communism.""Look at history!""Ok, should we also look at history to see if monarchy works better than democracy?""NOOO!!!! No more looking at history!!!" (14)

The vast majority of human progress occurred under monarchs (-1)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Are you talking about World War I, literally the most shameful event in the history of monarchy as an institution and the catalyst that caused most politically powerful monarchies to start crumbling world wide? (13)

"What in tarnation, by not ceding ground to Adolf Hitler, you triggered him to start a destructive war! What a shameful display to democracy (Hitler was democratically elected)!" (-1)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

"What in tarnation, by not ceding ground to Adolf Hitler, you triggered him to start a destructive war! What a shameful display to democracy (Hitler was democratically elected)!" (-1)

Are you seriously mixing up World War I and World War II?? Hitler was a direct consequence of World War I which was a direct consequence of poor leadership by monarchists. (10)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

WW2, war of 1812, craziness during classical antiquity, Roman Republic etc.. (1)

So cleaning up monarchy's mess, a war between a republic and a monarchy, and a nation that started more wars as an empire than as a republic? Sounds about right. Did you forget that Europe was at war continuously for 1,500 years under monarchy? (6)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

With the new territories in the East... they would've been able to continue fighting. (1)

Ok, and? The people were being starved, around 750,000 people. That's a lot of non-military casualties. They were being pushed back, their propaganda said they weren't, but they were, and by 1917 luddendorf was already preparing for defeat. That's why they were already weakening the monarchy before the war even ended, they hoped that the entente would prefer a democracy. Austria Hungary would've been battered by Italy regardless, American troops weren't really there, and if Austria fell, than Germany would be by itself. The ottomans were already collapsing, and Bulgaria couldn't sustain itself (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Derpballz

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🔘

Number of comments: 23

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Reported by:
  • kaamrev : Rogue trader next question
The rDrama Game of the Year Awards voting thread :marseyhappening:

!g*mers come cast your votes!


With 100% of the vote, Dread Delusion wins the 2024 rGOTY award in an absolute landslide :marseypoggers: It's also on sale right now and you can buy it here for next to nothing:

And now for a bit about our unanimous winner.

Do you like the way N64 games and Morrowind look more than anything else? I do, and so I wishlisted Dread Delusion years ago before it was even in early access just from the screenshots. It released in full back in May and I'd been putting off playing it until recently because it couldn't possibly live up to the expectations from years of building it up in my head. But no, it actually did and it was way way way better than I even stupidly hoped it could be.

I even really enjoyed the narrative and worldbuilding, and I generally hate those things in games. And DD has a lot of it. Lots and lots of dialogue and ambient shit to take in. The premise matches the aesthetic and I was typing a bit about it but there were spoilers so I deleted it. Anyway it's a very novel postapocalyptic (fantasy world apocalypse) bit where the world is broken and this sick group that killed all the gods runs things now because the gods were all kind of evil and sadistic. But this group sucks too. Everything sucks. It's a world of suck and it's all so compelling and interesting.

There are airships and a mechanical kingdom run by an insane glitching machine king (soviets) and a kingdom where everyone can never die and they all desperately want to and a badass freedom kingdom (Americans) and a broken miasmatic surface world miles below these flying islands they're all so aesthetically engaging and varied and just looking at shit in all its 64 bit lovecraftian glory never gets old and is the primary driver of the game in my opinion.

There is no minimap and no quest arrows. There are a lot of quests. Locating things uses the tried and true system in the bottom of this maymay:

Except even more unreliable because this was made by one guy and sometimes when he says like northwest he actually meant east in another country. But that's ok because there's always shit to find and do and see.

"Choices matter" is an old buzz phrase but it's actually true here. There's almost never a right answer to things, just equally bad answers and maybe one is less bad. Like I let a little boy get eaten by a dormant god so this village's crops would stop failing. The kid dies. His mom is bummed. But I saved the town and it was cool to do so I did that and that was neat.

Anyway congratulations to Dread Delusion. You were full of exciting twists and letting me do things I didn't think I'd be allowed to do. You have flesh farms and god genociding and a town made of maddening clocks and weird abominations everywhere and I even enjoyed reading all of your strange little books to flesh out the world even more.

Buy Dread Delusion. It won rDrama's Game of the Year Award and you're on rDrama, so it should be up your alley.

The Virgin Reply-reader vs the Chad Shouting into the Void
Reported by:
  • forgor : Extra game in title after PC

I'm finishing the reddit>resetERA>Kiwi Farms>rDrama pipeline

The OP

Starts with the Monster Sipping :boomermonster:

Quotes a reddit post that he found relatable- the heart of the complaint was it being annoying having to go through so many log-ins and child account bullshit which sometimes also randomly threw off errors just so his kid could get a Lego game installed

His original commentary- perhaps it should be less annoying to buy a game for your kid

Seems reasonable right? No Child! Banned for 2 months for complaining about video game purchases on a video game forum :marseyjan#ny2: Enjoy no threadmaking privileges when you return!

The enlightened replies

Of course we got some great contributions from the epic game players.

this is true

NOOO JUST DON'T HAVE AN ICKY CHILD. This isn't a problem for me, specifically :smugjak:

But it still is if you have a child

Ummm akshually why aren't you buying this Soyney game for your PS5???? Sony probably gets less money when you buy it for PC, so you should have no reason to buy it there


Why don't you remember all your passwords for shit like Sony accounts that you literally type in once and never again??? Are you stupid? (I guarantee you this guy uses the same password for literally everything)

User is confused as OP is just griping and reminiscing about the good old days instead of trying to stir up hate

Adding unnecessary bullshit steps to everything is a good thing actually! It's you who are impatient for wanting to simply install a program and be done with it! And yes it can be annoying, but why would you want it to be less so?

Remember, you're not a true epic g*mer if you don't spend all your time simping for large companies

:marseyfurry: :marseyinshallah:

Inshallah bruddah

Someone wore this shirt for their Christmas pics on my social media :marseyyikes:

Rightoids what are you doing

:marseyflagpoland: EU leadership will pass from Hungary to Poland :marse!yflaghungary: Poland decided to not invite the Magyaria to the ceremony :marseysmug3:


Poland has declined to invite Hungary's ambassador and Prime Minister Viktor Orban to an event marking the start of its EU presidency. The decision follows Hungary granting asylum to Marcin Romanowski, a former Polish deputy justice minister under investigation for alleged misuse of public funds. Romanowski, who denies the allegations, was detained in July but later released, citing his immunity as a member of a European rights assembly.

Relations between Poland and Hungary have been strained. Tusk has criticised Orban's perceived pro-Russian policies and stance on Ukraine. Orban has claimed that Tusk's government views Hungary as an adversary.

I mean, when PiS(s) was in power they started the opening of the Polish parliament 3 years (-ish) ago by threatening to invade Sweden, because a random Swede bought a book in Prague 350 years ago. I would not say poland are known for their W's... but i like this call. Should have been even better if they kicked out Slovakia as well.

Poles are petty and ready to start shit for any reason, good for them tbh :marseypolandflag:

I am Slovak and they should exclude Slovakia too. I could not be more ashamed of the corrupt criminals and traitors who run my country.

Well we do important business with fico so there is no point in doing this. Hungarians are useless.

Ouch :marseysmug2:

For real. Orban does not care about the Hungarian people, Trump does not care about the American people, Putin does not care about the Russian people and Netanyahu does not care about the Jewish people. There's a common theme among all of these men who constantly praise certain "qualities" within each other.

Leave it to a burger to bring up Trump and Bibi in a completely unrelated discussion :marseyeyeroll:

Poland is one of the very few based countries left in this union. Poland is literally solo protecting Baltics from "the West" as well. Thank you Poland and continue doing awesome work.

Yeah, thanks Poland for sacrificing yourself to protect us all if push comes to shove. Your bravery will be remembered by us the survivors :marseycool:

Pole and Hungarian, two good friends - now estranged and at one another throats : (

And all because Poland wants to invade Russia, whereas Hungary is afraid of nuclear fallout. I'm not sure who is smart, honestly. Of course, being militaristic is hella based. But on the other hand, Hungary can't hope to get its share of the pie by virtue of not sharing any border with Russia, so it's a understandable (unless Transylvania?).

Not sure how Poland invading Russia will help Hungary fight us for Transilvania, but we spent a lot more effort into modernizing our army than the magyars did, so :marseyl:

"Poland wants to invade Russia" Are you drunk?

Yeah, all those armaments she's been buying from Korea are gonna pay for themselves, sure... Hundreds of HIMARS batteries, a hundred Apache helicopters, long-range artillery, tanks, record defence spending, all for peace.

Of course, it's not exactly Russia, it's Belarus, but I'm sure people aren't as obtuse. And Belarus does have nuclear sharing with the RF, so my point about nuclear fallout still stands.

No doubt, you must be drunk.

Wait he was literal about that nuclear fallout :marseylaugh:

Very rare w


Is what you just did.

XD anti polish copium is so funny

Who said I'm anti polish? I'm just telling the truth.

Rare polish w and you'll have to deal with that.

You're french, you have no right to talk

Tell that to the thousands of poles coming here every year.

No I won't, but maybe you will finally tell something to millions of arabs and blacks invading france every year


Orbán is not Hungarian. He is a

:marseyfortuneteller: :marseyagree:

To the rest that will attend the ceremony - have fun!

:marseyflagpoland: : That means not you Hungary!

Chuds fall for the most obvious bait

:rape: Security researcher does a little trolling by releasing a 0day exploit for 7zip

Out of nowhere a guy drops a 0day for 7zip. He claims that unpacking a 7z file causes code execution:

He casually throws in "Offsets might need changing, slight modifications based on victim system could be needed." which casts shade on authenticity of his claim.

Shitty media picks it up, such as , which is written by an Indian.

The 7zip dev responds: "fake"

Our security researcher provides chatgpt-clarification

Hi Idor! The issue lies in the RC_NORM macro in LzmaDec.c. This macro normalizes range and code values during decoding and increments the buf pointer (p->buf++) without verifying if it exceeds allocated memory or the bufLimit. The lack of bounds checking allows a custom forged LZMA stream to manipulate range and code which causes the buf pointer to overflow into adjacent memory. By designing the LZMA stream with very low frequency symbols, we can exploit this to overwrite critical memory regions like as return addresses or function pointers. To put it simply, this vulnerability arises from inadequate validation of the LZMA stream structure which enables malformed input to trigger the overflow and execute arbitrary code. Remember this is a PROOF OF CONCEPT

Twitter argues about technicalities.



Our hero admitted that the code is generated by Gemini and it can't work. He also submitted a lengthy rant and a recording of his desktop, which shows him opening a 7zip file, and after 2-3 seconds calc pops up :marseymindblown:

>My laptop charger died, and I refuse to code on a mobile IDE, so I decided to explain it to Gemini and have it write the code for me. However, as some of you have noticed, the code is useless. It added random file inclusion directives that, to my knowledge, don't even exist,

The glorious United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1 IRA sympathising commie star trek writers 0






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Barenaked Ladies - Pinch Me
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