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For ~10 years, r/atheism, r/science, and r/4chan (some other subreddits, too) shared a β€œmoderator”, u/AnotherClosetAtheist β€” who (surprise!) is a closeted neoNazi, transphobe, homophobe, & obsessive stalker. If you got flaired on r/science, he might have seen your certs / diplomas. No way to tell

Msβ€Š. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch ( 2025-03-02T20:35:17.872Z




neighbor got some pouty lips
:elonsalute: Reddit-toss bravely calls out the Nazi :hitler: in nuanced, highly-media-literate comic :!naziseethe:


Chud Status: Owned


Side Note:

Sooooo, imagine a world where we're all just chilling, right? Good vibes, inclusivity, people respecting each other's pronouns, and maybe even agreeing that pineapple on pizza :marseypizzaslice: slaps (don't @ me). It's the utopia we deserve. But thenβ€”dramatic stingβ€”here comes the intolerant squad, ready to ruin everything. And where do they congregate? Twitter, :elonsalute: obviously, because ever since Elon Musk yeeted himself into the driver's seat of that hellsite, it's been a nonstop cringe-fest of unchecked edgelords and literal Nazis. Yeah, I said itβ€”Nazis! :marseykitler: They're back, baby, and they're thriving in the "free speech" paradise Elon's turned Twitter into. It's like he saw Popper's paradox of tolerance and went, "Nah, fam, let's see what happens if we just let the gremlins run wild."

And that's where the paradox comes in, because Karl Popper :fatbrain: β€”absolute legend, btwβ€”knew the score. He said if you're too tolerant, like if you let every single take slide, even the ones that are straight-up fascist garbage, then you're toast. Intolerant people don't vibe with "live and let live"β€”they're out here trying to torch the whole system. Elon's over there like, "I'm a free speech absolutist," meanwhile the platform's turning into a cesspool where swastika-pfp chuds can scream about "heritage" without a care in the world. Bro, you're not defending free speechβ€”you're handing the megaphone to the worst people imaginable. The paradox says you can't tolerate that if you want a tolerant society to survive. It's not rocket science :marseyelonmusk: β€”though maybe Elon :chadmusk: could figure it out if he wasn't too busy tweeting memes and simping for crypto. :marseywallst:

And don't even try that "but muh free speech" :marseyjanny: cop-out with me. Free speech is the GOAT, 100%, but it's not a get-out-of-jail-free card for Nazis to goose-step all over Twitter while Elon shrugs and says, "Just vibes." The paradox of tolerance is the ultimate reality check: you don't get to use "speech" as a shield while you're trying to oppress people or, I dunno, resurrect the Third Reich in 280 characters or less. Twitter's basically a case study in what happens when you ignore Popperβ€”spoiler alert: it's a lot of dogwhistles, :dog: a sprinkle of stochastic terrorism, and a whole lotta "well, actually" from blue-check weirdos who think they're owning the libs by platforming hate.

This is why the paradox is everything, okay? :marseystanleycup: It's the line in the sand we need when Elon's out here turning Twitter into a safe space for every basement-dwelling troll and their swastika tattoo. If we don't shut down the intolerant clowns :pepeclownk: β€”like, yesterdayβ€”then we're just handing the keys to the kingdom over to literal Nazis. It's not cancel culture, it's consequence culture, and I'm living for it. Popper clocked this tea back in the '40s, and it's scalding hot in 2025. So next time some Musk stan :marseydrum: or Twitter Nazi tries to tell you "tolerance means I can say whatever," just hit 'em with the paradox and watch their smooth-brain takes implode like a Tesla in a ditch. Upmarseys to the left, downmarseys to the Nazis, and Elon, please, for the love of all that's holy, read a book. Mic drop. :platymicdrop:



I'm begging you to sit with this story and feel it.

This morning at 3:30 AM. I'm in bed with my wife, our three young kids asleep down the hall. Suddenly, there's this violent pounding on our door,like someone's trying to break in. My wife and I awaken in terror, 'Someone's beating on our door!' Our German Shepherd is losing it, barking louder than I've ever heard.

I leap out of bed, heart pounding, my only thought,protect my family. I don't know who's out there or what they want. I grab my handgun, tell my wife to stay with the kids, and head to the door, adrenaline surging.

I peek out the window,two figures, all in black masks covering their faces. My stomach drops. I yell to my wife, 'Call the cops!' as she's screaming, 'Don't go out there!' But I have to I can't let whoever this is get closer to my kids. I step outside, gun ready, and see them move to my neighbor's house, pounding again, relentless. I run over, shouting, thinking they're about to break in there too. Then they turn, coming down the driveway toward me, shadows between two cars, silent and fast. I'm yelling, 'Stop! Get on the ground!'

but they keep coming.

I'm backing up, gun aimed, finger on the trigger, as I scream again, 'STOP NOW!'

I don't know who they are, what they're armed with, or why they're here.

Everything slows down, like a nightmare you can't wake from. They're close now, too close. One more step, and I'm ready to pull that trigger to end the threat. Suddly after I yell "GET ON THE GROUND OR I WILL SHOOT" they stop.

They drop to their knees. One yanks off a mask, and I freeze. It's a girl's face. A kid.

I lower my gun, 'HOW FRICKING OLD ARE YOU?' She mumbles, '14. We were just bored, ding-dong ditching.' The other pulls their mask off, another teenager. No weapons. No threat. Just kids.

I clear my gun, hands trembling, and it hits me, I almost shot two children. My anger explodes, but then relief floods in, and I'm dizzy with it. I could've ended their lives, left their parents grieving, changed my own family forever,all because I didn't know. To me, they were intruders, faceless,in the dark.

Cops came, took them home, I guess. I walked back inside, told my wife, tucked my kids in again. It's 5 AM now. I'm sitting here with coffee, adrenaline crashing, replaying every second. I burst into tears, puked, because if I'd pressed that trigger a little harder, two bored kids would be gone. Their families destroyed. Mine too.

God was there in that moment, guiding my hand to pause. I'm still a wreck, crying as I write this. Parents, please,teach your kids every action has a reaction. They didn't know how close they came to dying. I didn't know they were just kids. One split-second decision in the dark could've ended it all. Talk to them.

He's probably right, you know. Still these dummies are taking the story at face value and acting like it's okay to be a little r-slur at the peak of night.

Me personally, I need to see the color of the kids to determine whether they were in fact playing ding dong ditch.

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UkΕ™Π°Γ­nΠ΅ ΠΎffíсíаļļу Ε™Π΅tΕ™Π΅Π°ts fΕ™ΠΎm KuΕ™sk

ThΠ΅Ρƒ wΠΎnt


RΠ΅tΕ™Π΅Π°t rΠΎΠ°d Γ­s fuΔΌΔΌΡƒ undΠ΅Ε™ Ε™ussΓ­Π°n fΓ­Ε™Π΅ соntΕ™ΠΎΔΌ, thΠ΅Ε™Π΅ nΠΎ Π΅sсарС Π°nd thΠ΅Ρƒ Π°Ε™Π΅ UkΕ™Π°Γ­nΓ­Π°n Π΅ΔΌΓ­tΠ΅ sΠΎ nΠΎ suΕ™Ε™Π΅ndΠ΅Ε™ ΠΎΡ€tΓ­ΠΎn Π°vΠ°ΔΌΓ­bΔΌΠ΅ sΓ­nсС Ε™ussΓ­Π°n hΠ°vΠ΅ Π°ΔΌΕ™Π΅Π°dΡƒ muΔΌtΓ­Ρ€ΔΌΠ΅ tΓ­mΠ΅s mΠΎΕ™Π΅ сарtuΕ™Π΅d Ρ€ΠΎws thΠ°n UkΕ™Π°Γ­nw hΠ°s.

But wΠ΅stΠΎΓ­d dΠΎnt wΠ°nt Π° stΠΎΕ™Ρƒ hΠΎw thΠ΅Ρƒ Π°ΔΌΔΌ wΓ­ΔΌΔΌ dΓ­Π΅

@Tonberry Π°m Ξ™ Ε™Γ­ght ? :marseyjanny2:

Should I talk to this guy in class [Cute twink Incel Poll, vote now on your phones!]

I think he noticed me looking at him sorta lustfully the other day in class (hes cute though its not my fault), and we came across each other later that day and he struck up a bit of a conversation (I guess he was trying to get me to do something) but I just talked about group project stuff. IDK if he likes me or something. I kinda have his his number from a group project chat but i figure I should ask him if he wants to hang out or something in person cause its weird to just text people out of the blue with a number they didn't explicitly give you. Once I texted him in the group project chat and gave me a "heart" reply but idk if im reading into it too much or this fella just a bit fruity. He seems really fem though so idk I guess I have to be the assertive one.

so should I try reaching out to this guy

if yes, how do I reach out to him

what do i say?

This is r-slurred like asking /b/ to name your dog, but whatever. I also have like 3 rolls of film and 2 cameras so that could be a fun date or something. idk

The last time I tried to get someones number (I think i literally just asked if they wanted to study together or something) like a year ago they kinda flaked so but idk if that other guy was straight or just uninterested in what I was putting out so It kinda left me with a bad impression and I just gave up on meeting people IRL. I don't want to like perv on some guys especially if its like we have class or a group project together cause I feel like we're sorta forced to be together and thats like too predatory like workplace harassment or something.

:seizurecat: You literally couldnt match her freak :seizurecat:

neurodivergents built the internet and now we're being pushed out


it's normies that ruined the internet actually

I'm growing rhizopus oryzae on rice so I can make a maltless corn whiskey

TL:DR rhizopus oryzae make enzymes that convert starch to sugar, you need these to make grain based booze (beer, whiskey, saki, ect)

This is my 3rd try growing rhizopus oryzae on rice, first time I didn't get the proliferation I wanted (I think it got too cold/dry). Second try got infected with orange mold (bad).

This time I'm growing in jars turned on their side and instead of lids I put cloth over the mouths. I roll them every few hours so the mold will grow thruout instead of just on top. Basically tiny koij drums (which seems to be something you can't find anything about on the DIY level in English)

For whatever reason there's jack all about doing this on the English internet. Even if you search "koji whiskey" you get a handful of posts about it virtually none of which have follow ups, or they just buy angel yellow label (rhizopus oryzae that was grown on rice flour + yeast) and just chuck it in to a pot of unmashed corn and water and ohh and aah about how it totes still converts the starches to sugar not understand they basically just added a shitton of enzymes they could've gotten for cheaper on amazon and that it's not as effective as mashing and adding it

I'm doing all this to have a cheap constant supply of enzymes and make a cheaper, tastier whiskey


If it works I should have a cheap DIY way to turn any starchy food waste (potatoes and bread being the two I'm most interested in) into cheap booze!


Ncommander, Tech YouTuber, TDS R-slur and Encourager of Le :marseytrain2:ing.

Full album of his stuff here:

Ncommander, or Michael Casadevall, is a small YouTuber who 2-3 years ago did great content about computers and vintage hardware. I recently months, his output is more about whining about the FSF and other shit

His groomercord indicates he's an r-slured troop supporter and he actually fled because America is transphobic to GREECE.

This is not a new development. He has always been a :marseytrain2: friend

He hates when people point out the 41%

He's a fat butt who can't afford Germany so he's in the Balkans

He thinks Portland is better than NJ, where he used to live

His sins:

Actively encourages pink pilling in a mostly teen/YA audience (He probably takes pink pills himself)

Constantly attacks old man RMS because he's behind the times and neurodivergent Show me someone RMS' age who isn't!

Seethed with his audience over Trump's surprise 2024 Election

And finally, he's not producing anything good anymore and yet begs for $ with patreon and shit.

He is a dishonor to the sixth house.


why are women so cruel to other women

OP link is the tweet cwying fwor help.

Alswo, her husband was fwound in bwoxers and a buwwet pwoof vest lmao Meth addict arc. Guess the husband didn't beat her enyough fwor her two actuawwy leave him.


eta: wooked up her addwess and dang her hwouse is nyice. She's gwot climbable wawws thwough.



Fifty theses on DOGE :marseyluther:
Curtis Yarvin disappointed me.

I read some of his writing thinking it was going to be interesting or thought provoking or challenge my own ideas in som way. He literally just thinks and talks like a republican dad but is online edgy enough to be like "maybe I like hitler too, then again maybe I don't… you'll never know" :marseylongpost: :marseytroll:

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Dorito cheeto has delayed the leaf rake for one more month (two more weeks), proving that nothing ever happens :trumpnice:
Trump sets record for longest presidential speech to Congress :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost:
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Please vote to change the English flag to bear witness that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad (PBUH) is the Messenger of Allah

!islam !christians !britbongs !burgers

They got the Tates out of Romania just to arrest them in America :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

Oh no no no tatebros, where can they go now?



Oh keeps getting better. "My name isn't Bard, it's Penny!"



Response to the fricking grants and contracts being frozen : columbia


For those people who didn't get the fricking joke yesterday I was fricking acting out being chudded and was fricking just using "bullying is fricking bad" as my chud phrase. I didn't think it would upset so many people.

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