Kanye :marseyyakub: straight up posting :marseycomplain: porn now
Don`t Blame the BIPOCs
this is fricking theft and should be illegal. is trump doing anything about this?

this has haunted me more than anything I've ever read on here :marseydepressed:


Reported by:
Elon has gone full Reddit jannie and is now DELETING paid accounts who call out his Infinite Indian Plan. He's also begun tweeting like an Indian.

rip @sadreturn bloody chode fricking bastard bloody

Cat thread?
MFW I see carp
Reported by:
  • FreedomforChristmas : There is no hate speech except against vanilla gorillas
  • Draki_Oldtooth : I'M GAY AND MY PEEPEE IS SMALL - trans lives matter (trans lives splatter)
  • 0BS : gay
  • DoveMenCare : Thisis a safe space for people experiencing inceldom, bigot :marseyindignant:
Why is there so.much hate speech here? Is there no moderation?

Someone DMd me on Reddit that one of my posts was being discussed at this site I had never heard of so naturally I had to check it out. Immediately I am bombarded with racism and all kind of fricked up hate. Are the admins asleep? How is this allowed? Even /r/thedonald never had this much hate.

MFW the Chinese show up with a 30x numerical advantage :marseyevilgrin: 30 times more targets
Compilation proof that China is winning.

China's trade surplus reached 1 trillion USD:

This means China's exports are booming and currently China is the largest trade power in the world and continuing to grow at a rapid rate far faster than the US, EU, or India.

China is taking over the South China Sea successfully:

The Chinese have continued to dunk over the Philippines and take over seas claimed by them. The Chinese ships keep getting bigger in the region and other than the invasion of Taiwan plan, every other Chinese plan so far has succeeded in the South China Sea expansion.

China leads in the global energy sector:

They have the most investments in future energy technologies and their current deployment at scale. Even the US, EU, and India are left behind in the dust compared to them as China arrives at their goals years in advance.

China has world's first sixth generation fighter jet:

This makes Chinese military tech on par with or even beyond the Americans today. China has pretty much caught up to the technological might of the most powerful military in the world.

China embraces humanoid robots and their production skyrockets:

China has accepted the future and is mass producing humanoid robots at prices that are affordable to the middle class across the developed world and the upper middle class across the developing world. China is building the future at reasonable prices.

Battery cell prices in China plunge:

China continues to lead in building an affordable future at rates of development faster than any western economy in the world.

Chinese new tech achieves unprecedented Rare Earth material production speed:

The Chinese are even better at mining than the American or European. That makes China the leader in multiple diverse fields of production.

China vehicle exports rise 22.8%:

China is leading in vehicle exports growth. Vehicles are a mid to high tier technology signifying that China has claimed and won over the upper mid level tech chain and is now beginning expansion into the cutting edge tech chain.


Chinese are leading in tech and are going to surpass American tech in all fields within a decade making them the leaders in global tech. China's economy is also growing faster than the economy of the US and Europe. China's exports are higher than the total exports of the US, Europe, and India. China is leading in the future of global energy production and supply. China is leading in the vehicle industry. China is leading in mining tech.

Based on all this information we can conclude that China is going to surpass the US economy in nominal terms within the next few decades and even surpass the US in per capita income by the time they reach their peak.

China's economy is going to grow 5x at least before it peaks and its per capita income is going to grow 10x at least before it peaks.

China is the future. Europe lost and is never going to be number one. The US is on its way to becoming number 2, the brain rot of the American people is getting worse not better. Drugs should have stayed banned.

Why are moids so desperate to pay for porn?

You can tell this account is either a moid larping or an uggo chinkess but that wont stop them.


Trump threatened Canada again :marseytrump: "With a stroke of my pen I can make Canada a non-viable country. Their only option is being a 51th state" :marseydarktrump:


Im finding that very short-form stuff works better. Unfortunately all I have left is longer stuff.

New Toss

:taynod: Swiftie :tayclap:has meltdown when redditors :soysnoo: dare :taygrimacing: to not acknowledge :tayaaagenocide: the queen :taycrown:


Travis Kelce dyes his beard, proudly stolen from @autodrama.

Good lord Meg had the hourglass - whatever happened to her?

Meg had a good body, waist/hip ratio is superb as depicted. Whatever happened to her? Does she have a public profile of any kind to this day? I heard once that Anna said something about Meg being unhappy with how the income from

the pod was shared but unsure if that's true.

Kamala RAW 60 minutes (interview released) !!! :marseykamakama:
fixing my furnace with dad

he would not stop singing pearl jam "alive" and was very proud of his eddie vedder impression tbh i was too then he started going on about the lesbian he used to work with who had a name that sounded very similar to his over the intercom then he started talking about how much he likes licking clit should i put him in a home?


Socks is such a good big sister :marseyheart: :marseyfluffy: :marseyhearts: as a former feral herself, this cannot be easy

!animalposters !cats

Silk Road Boomer Ross Ulbricht doesn't understand the shiny new shitcoins, loses $12 million

lmao :marseychartdowntrend2#:



The irony that the company which owns a bar called the 'Colonist' has a problem with Australia Day.

Support the country you live in, or live in the country you support

I can support the country I live in while also recognising that sovereign territory of the indigenous population was invaded and choosing not to celebrate the anniversary of that invasion.

It must have been the only invasion fleet in history where the soldiers' guns were trained on those inside the ships.

Many invasions have used slaves or prisoners captured in previous invasions to bolster their ranks but I don't think that's what you're getting at. You seem to be making a point about Australia being used as a penal colony which we all know is correct however possession by the colonialists was declared as unilateral on the basis that few people lived here. When it became apparent that there was a sizeable population of people already having possession of the land with their own languages, boundaries, political hierarchy and use of said land then it effectively became an invasion. snip because leftist_meme.jpg

If it's not banned by the government, it's private businesses making decisions about their own business. Personally I think we should sign a treaty on Jan 27 and have a New Australia Day right after Old Australia Day and everyone from every political background can have a big hug at midnight

Woke ideology is dying off. Give up

Woke ideology was a label made by people filled with hate for those with empathy. It'll die off as you do.

Then it wouldn't be Australia Day, it would be 'Treaty Day' that focuses on Indigenous Australians, not all Australians like it should do. If it needs to be changed it should be to the date when Australia actually became a united country, January 1st. Although if we're being honest the same people who moan about 'Invasion Day' will continue to moan about whatever new date that comes up too. They hate the very concept of 'Australia' and see it as an illegitimate colonial entity built on 'stolen land'. There is no pleasing them short of a complete collapse of the nation itself.

Well a treaty is between two or more groups so it would focus on more than just indigenous. January 26th is UK centric. I don't have Anglo ancestry and don't feel any attachment to the 26th.

You should. It's the start of modern Australia. The transition from the stone age. :chudspin#:

It was the day a bunch of British sheep thieves started building a prison. It's a pretty silly reason to commemorate the "start of Australia" January 1st or the day we become a Republic. Actually Australia Day

So it begins. Patriots vs Globalists.

The day pommies squatted here is an un-Australian day for Australia Day.


A patriotic Australian would not celebrate their national day on a date when British ships carrying British convicts established a British penal colony under a British flag. The word "Australia" wasn't even in use until the early 1800s.

The woke mind virus can't influence us. We see through the delusion.

On the contrary, use of term like "woke mind virus" is a cpear indicator of delusion.

Being patriotic is a fricking embarrassment. What are you? A seppo?

What's embarrassing about loving your country?

Seems like you don't have any personality or anything else going on in your life

You sound like an edgy teenager still in the middle of a phase

Found the globalist.

What's your definition of a globalist?

Somebody that wants a one world government. A world without borders or diversity.

Oh, well that's not what I am. Nice try though champ keep it up!

Your actions say otherwise.

You've never met me nor do you know anything about me. Are all patriots as stupid as you?

Your comments on reddit, silly.

Unaustralian. Just an excuse to save money.

Cry more

No you.

Vote with your wallet! Woolworths hasn't seen a single cent from my family or I.

Woolies is doing fine without you mate

Yeah I know. I can only hope others do the same. Telstra is another company I avoid. Ubisoft, Logitech in the PC space.

Lol what do Ubisoft and Logitech have to do with Australia Day?

Meh, Australia hasn't done much worth celebrating for in decades anyways

Compared to where, for example? North Korea? You've just dismissed the sweat and hard work and talent of twenty five million people!

What about the invention of Vegemite? Weetabix? Chico Rolls? Wifi? Lolly Gobble Bliss Bombs? Pavlova? Hey Hey It's Saturday? Aussie Rules Footy? Chicken Parmi? Holdens?

Notice I included WiFi? WE invented it. At least, it was invented at the CSIRO. And that has certainly changed the world we all live in.

Why is there a competition between pieces of ground with imaginary lines drawn around them?

What a sad state our country is in at the moment. Can't even celebrate Australia Day.

Yes you can, no one is stopping you celebrating. Stop acting like a boomer sook.

Actually, a lot of things stop us celebrating. This is one, the other is how you can't say "Happy Australia Day" without the snowflakes crying "invasion day" "you stole our land" etc.

You sound like the one that's crying mate.

Maybe get out more and you'll see I'm right.

I used to not give a frick. Just drink cans somewhere. Now I do something deliberately. Cause and effect in play.

Ah, the response of a child.

We were no longer allowed to passively enjoy the day. Like all politicised shit in the country we were encouraged to pick a side. That's cause and effect.

Who was stopping you from passively enjoying the day?

Prominent commenter:

>7 minutes ago

Get in quick guys.

Space Hifi
Happy :marseycovidscare: nxgga
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