

You say that but we know the clout chasing for the mythical "modern audience" wasn't working so logically the next extreme is to advertise against it to see what happens. :chudsmug:

Like neighbor the "modern audience Xwitter purple hair hambeasts" are the ones who do not play video games wtf, will redditors start saying that vaccines cause autism next year when it comes to them hijacking rightoid talking points from the past 5 years? :marseyconfused2: !g*mers !chuds




:marseyretardchad: :marseyxd: :marseyhacker: MasterCard DNS Error Went Unnoticed for Years :marseyhacker2: :!marseyxd: :marseyretardchad:


Reported by:


Drumpf :marseytrumpgarrison:pauses enforcement of ban on bribing :marseygangster: foriegn officials :chudmuslim:

r/politics has finally gone full BlueAnon :marseykamakama:


Orange man goes full motosierra. Considering getting rid of federal income tax :marseytrump: :marseychainchad:

!neolibs Trump's redemption? Hopefully tariffs are bullshit

@JimieWhales Once Bought a Huge Wrap in a Walgreens in Manhattan

trans lives matter

Do you eat food from pharmacies? Back when I lived in the US I used to sometimes get these sad little fruit cups at the CVS that was across the street from my office and eat them alone in the park. They weren't good but they made me feel virtuous and I enjoyed the self-abnegation and a moment of silence in the sunshine away from my coworkers.

Miss Monique - Million Miles Away

i really like the vocals :marseyjamming:

Do white guys just approach women less?? - r/rs_x


Some dangerous nooooticing going on here :marseychud:, I hope our favourite jannies @kallocain-addict are keeping a tight leash on the potential hate speech! :marseyveryworried:

Whenever I go out in public I am approached at least once or twice by a guy hitting on me or just complimenting me. Every single time it's a black or Latinx guy. The only times I have ever been cold approached in public by a white guy, it's been an older one, like 45+.

Curious... What requisites does rs_x believe could be the cause for this phenomenon?

I feel like it has less to do with ethnicity and more to do with class. White-collar guys don't usually approach random women on the street, that's a blue-collar guy's game.

Contradicting /u/blondbutginger 's lived experience here... :marseysurejan:

Yeah you have a point. It's not usually middle/upper class black men hitting on me, it's bums.


Here's our resident cute twink's contribution:

it's cultural, latinx culture for example is generally much more s*x positive meanwhile contemporary mainstream white culture doesn't reward that kind of behavior (on the contrary, you are more likely to be chastised or even punished for it)

You yt prudes are just too neurotic and inhibited!! Punishing any sort of free sexual expression!! The browns and blacks sensibly revel in their lower inhibit --- ACK


Y'all can't behave. :marseyjanny2:

:marseybsod: lel microcucks :marseymicrosoftpride:


Went hiking

Why are moids so desperate to pay for porn?

You can tell this account is either a moid larping or an uggo chinkess but that wont stop them.


Xbox Showcases Will Now Have PlayStation And Nintendo Logos

I just want blue dragon and lost odyssey

what have you been reading recently thread

balancing like 3 books right now. finished a muriel spark in the middle of the night last night while eating salami out of the fridge.

Tom Holland:marseyspiderman:ID'd While Buying His :pervertedspiderman: Own Non-Alcoholic Beer :marseyrussian:


EFFORTPOST Mr Beast Burger - Goyslop review :marseyburger: :marseynotes: :marseychonker2:


Greetings, fellow dramatards :marseywave2: . When Mr. Beast burgers first launched, I, like any other functioning adult, didn't give a shit. But ever since they announced he was planning to sue the dark kitchen he partnered with for this ventureβ€”and in turn, they were suing him back :marseynoyou:β€”I developed this morbid curiosity to try them. Recently, with all the drama surrounding Mr. Beast, I decided that if I wanted to try them, it would be now or never, before this affront to all fast food finally goes where it belongs: the grave.

I'll try to keep this brief but informative :marseyreportercnn:.


This was my order:

  • 1 Beast Style Burger

  • 1 Nashville Hot Chicken Tender Sandwich

  • 1 Beast Style Fries

  • 1 Chocolate Cookie

It's a lot of food :marseychonker:, but worry not, I just wanted to get one of all my fast food favorites since I don't think I'll be ordering this shit ever again in my life :marseyno:. Hopefully, it'll be worth it to save half of each thing for tomorrow, rather than throwing it all out... and speaking of being worth it... :marseystocksupdown:


I know prices might change depending on the region, so I will add a similar McDonald's order for comparison. On this order, I spent... $9.99 for a Beast Style Burger, $6.79 for the Beast Style Fries, $9.49 for the Chicken Sandwich, and $2.99 for the cookie. That is a grand total of...

$29.26!! :marseypikachu2: (+ delivery fees)

That is fricking insane :marseycalebhammer:. For comparison, a similar McDonald's order would cost me $18.60 (Quarter Pounder: $5.95, McCrispy: $5.60, Basket of Fries: $4.05, 2 Cookies: $3.00).

Mr. Beast is 57.3% more expensive than Mickey D's :marseymerchant:.

Jesus. But I'm sure it'll be worth it, right? :marseyexcited:

The Food

It came wrapped up in this cute bag.

Something I found really cool were these safety seals which indicate if your delivery guy tried to steal some of your fries :marseyrobber:.

I gotta be honest, I love it. It's cute branding, and it made me feel like as long as the food is good, I didn't get THAT ripped off.

Taking out the items was easy, and they all came individually wrapped too. Another good thing :marseyfluffy:.

I actually had to wait a good 15 minutes before starting to unwrap my meal since I got busy. Again, credit where credit is due, the food was still pretty hot when I got to it. Didn't even have to pop it into the microwave.

Now, the moment we've all been waiting for... how does it look? :marseycuriouslook:

Ok, two things immediately jump to mind:

  • This looks really good :marseylickinglips:

  • This looks COMPLETELY different from what I saw on their menu and many social media posts :marseyrofl:.

I don't know if I got unlucky (or lucky :marseywink:) or if they just gave up and now deliver whatever the frick the dark kitchen is making for themselves (as this comment wisely pointed out).

I guess I am a little disappointed that I won't get the raw meat burger experience I was promised :marseysulk:. But enough sulking, let's give them a try.


Beast Style Burger

To me, it looks really good... but does it taste good? ...

Yes! Well :marseyexcited:... kind of :marseysad:. The patty is pretty tasty, the buns are good if nothing special, the cheese is not bad quality, which is always a risk with these types of ventures, and the mayo-ketchup ratio is good. I honestly can't find a single thing to complain about, other than there's nothing special about it :marseyshrug:.

It's not THE BEST burger I've had, but it's not bad. Here, I'll give a list of how other burgers compare in my mind, along with this one, so you can get a feel of my preferences:

  • Wendy's Baconator: 10/10. The absolute pinnacle of fast food. I love it, and I've never had a bad one.

  • Quarter Pounder: 8/10. Pretty good. Not as good as the Baconator, but a solid option that plays in its own field.

  • Burger King: No idea. It's trash, all of it.

  • Whataburger: 6/10. Not a fan. They are a little dry for my taste.

Now, what would I score this one? :marseyhmm:...

  • Beast Style Burger: 7/10.

As I said, it's not bad at all, but really, even if you ignore the price (which is a big fricking if), it still gets outclassed by a Quarter Pounder. Overall, not a bad experience, but I'm pretty sure it's a far cry from what a lot of people got to taste.

The one thing that I guess is a constant are the ingredients, and this burger is condiment HEAVY. It has a good amount of mayonnaise :marseymayo:, which I never add to my burgers. Despite it not being bad, the reality is that once you account for its price, it's just not worth it at all... let's see how everything else fares.

Nashville Hot Chicken Tender Sandwich

I'll be honest. This one looks a lot less impressive than the burger :marseydisagree:. It's just 2 pieces of chicken and some lettuce. I actually prefer chicken sandwiches to burgers, but it's rare for a burger chain to nail them. I usually order mine from Wingstop. Is this one even close to the supreme Wingstop Louisiana :marseylouisiana: or Cajun sandwiches?

  • Nashville Hot Chicken Tender Sandwich: 5/10.

Nope. Not at all.

I'll explain my scoring system a little, to make my opinion on this one a bit clearer. Anything between 1 and 3 is something I would NOT EAT, even if freely available. A 4 I might consider if I'm starving and won't be able to eat anything else for a good 3 or 4 hours.

Between 5 and 6, you'll find all the things that I am willing to eat FOR FREE. Meaning that I would never, in a million years, order them for myself, but if I attend an event or someone's party and that's what they have, sure, whatever, it's better than nothing. This falls squarely there. It was extremely forgettable and a waste of money, if I'm honest. NEXT.

Beast Style Fries

These are weird :marseythinkorino:. They're just regular fries but with caramelized onions, American cheese, pickles, mayo, ketchup, and mustard. Not bad, I guess, but again, really condiment heavy. To me, this just highlights how much this food was targeted for babies and little kids. No adult needs this much shit added to their fries to enjoy them :marseybeanmonocle:.

* Beast Style Fries: 6/10.

Now, for the last part, dessert :marseyicecream:


It was not even a fricking cookie. They gave me a brownie. EXTREMELY sugary, but not dry. 4/10.

That's it! I hope you enjoyed my food review c:

!goyslopenjoyers @lain

Oi, You got a lolicense for that cyber fart? :marseybong: :marseybongcop:


words words words

She tries to reason with the mob


:marseyshrug: they are literally the beyond parody borders are immoral people who want to drive down their own wages "uniting" with 6 billion 3rd worlders

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