let's make love and lots of money, baby


!animalposters !cats

UNEXPECTED CPI rise (again)

Shockingly the CPI (customer prices index) has risen again to 3%, nobody in the country could've predicted this happening.

Of course, this doesn't mean much of anything when prices seem to be entirely arbitrary, as seen by this monstrosity


Alongside non-existent wage growth


Results entirely in the obvious choice to get out of this country as fast as I can. But the next vote will fix things surely. :marseyflaguk:

Gulf of America chads, we've won
Asking Reddit CEO u/Spez the important questions in the Mod World AMA (GROOMERCORD STATUS: INFILTRATED) :marseyletsfuckinggo2:

I infiltrated the Mod World official groomercord. I honestly totally forgot it was happening, so I woke up still half drunk and hungover and decided to pop a couple questions to him while he was doing his AMA. Here's what happened:

First, I ask about the most important issue: Fair compensation for our hard working jannies.


Predictably, he doesn't respond. In a fit of rage, I decided to go nuclear on him.




The messages got jannied in about 10 seconds each, but i managed to post it 3 times before getting banned. He definitely saw the question lmao, he was active in the chat. I did this at extreme risk to myself, as I supplied my doxx to reddit so I could get that sweet, sweet mod world merchandise.


also I wasn't watching the mod world stream, maybe it popped up on there? Working RN so I don't have time to check. Would be around 11:18 to 11:20am PST to see if he reacts at all.

!metashit !grillers !jannies LFG

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@hACAppy_2025 thoughts

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Alright as nobody wants to create this thread apparently I will half-butt it. :marseyraging:


As 2024 comes to a close, it's time to celebrate the incredible games that defined the year! From groundbreaking remakes of washed-up IPs to famous franchises that reached new lows, this year has given us plenty of unforgettable gaming moments. Whether you were swept away by jaw-dropping visuals, gripping arguments in our current culture war, or derivative gameplay mechanics, there's no doubt that 2024 was a stellar year for g*mers everywhere. And if you didn't care about the highs, what about the lows? Sony even managed to one-down Suicide Squad with Concord as the biggest failure of the year, Ubisoft became an even bigger laughing stock while Nintendo still didn't release the Switch 2 and instead focused on bringing down emulators while seething about Palworld's success. I'd say something derogatory about Xbox too but honestly there's not even anything to even frick up. Whatever, the year was overshadowed by the sheer endless DEI cultural war and I'm just so tired. In fact, every game should either look like Scarlet Blade or Nethack.


In this thread, we're asking you to share your picks for Game of the Year! What game captured your heart or dominated your playtime? Was it a AAA blockbuster, an indie masterpiece, or something entirely unexpected?

  • Did you finally find the right gacha to jerk off too?

  • Did you use the year to work on your backlog instead?

  • Did you even play a single game released in 2024 instead of depressingly queuing up your favourite endless game that you don't even like?

>Neighbor you wrote half of that shit in ChatGPT, do you have any original thoughts?

2024 was one of the better years in the past decade with many genuinely fantastic titles - and 2025 looks even better. Gaming is le saved - regardless if woke is le devil or not.



I unironically love these pictures, same with non-buynary :marseyxd:

Previous Years

2022 - Elden Ring

2023 - Baldur's Gate 3

idk ctrl-f popular titles and these were the largest hits


Here's a short look at some of the most trending releases of 2024:




But it wouldn't make sense to include all of them on the list, r-right? That's why I went out of my way and queried rdrama's data base to find the 20 (or so) most mentioned games released in 2024 on this site. Anything goes too! DLC, Mod, Remake, Release, Early Access? I don't care. Isn't that just amazing? Anyway, here are the nominations:


carp, capy, geto, ninjjer, donger, elfy pin please :marseybegging:

!g*mers !poll_voters

Gooner memorial
travelling with peepee pump tube


For all the guy nomads, how do you carry your peepee pumps? The tubes are big and fairly fragile. Any tips for keeping it secure?


Ye claims he had to leave Bianca because she was a Mossad hoe.


Trump signs Executive Order declaring control of Independent Agencies


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Flying rats need to be slaughtered

I'm personally okay with losing all the songbirds and lizards if feral cats can kill all pigeons :marseysickos:

/fit/ anon claims power cleans take years to learn, this causes another anon to flip out for multiple posts

Huge time investment, by the way.

It's a huge time investment you have to invest the time.



It's technical. Technique. Technical technique technicals.

You have to invest the time, invest huge time, to learn the technical technique.

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  • Maximus : jannie abuse
  • DickButtKiss : Lol thats based. Nicks a good kid
  • HailVictory1776 : Spray the jewish chads, race war now
  • BWC : If you need to spray a 57-year-old 5'1" woman because you're scared then you're a gigacute twink^
  • jew : he did nothing wrong

!chuds !nonchuds thoughts?

Zoomer asks why Foids Prefer Chuds. Answers his own question in the second sentence.


Why do so many liberal women date conservative men

Long time lurker of this sub but thought to make this post. For preface I am a liberal guy but am bisexual. Currently in a great relationship with a guy and not interested in dating women. So this isn't a "why don't women date me" post.

So I've been pretty involved in liberal politics in my adult life. Been to plenty of protests, rallies and even worked for a democrat running for local office. Due to this my social circle is filled with like minded people including plenty of women.

Over the years it seems that every single one of my female friends has brought around a conservative boyfriend at some point. Some of them have held their views secret but all of us could tell through comments and obvious discomfort with our political views. Others have been outwardly conservative both in person and on social media.

Recently a female friend started dating a die hard MAGA guy. The type of dude who wears a MAGA hat to the grocery store. Lets just say I was shocked. This was the same girl who went to protests and was outwardly anti MAGA. I asked her and her response was "oh he's only MAGA because he cares about the economy" when his social media is filled with posts that were everything she hated.

I understand that people's views can change but it seems like a really abrupt 180. Going from "I'd never date a conservative guy" to "oh he just cares about the economy" within days.

I've done some internet lurking about it and lots of posts say its a masculinity thing. Conservative men tend to fall into traditional masculinity a lot more (financial provider, family values and such). I'm wondering if any Gen Z women can shed some light on this?

For preface I am a liberal guy but am bisexual.

"Why don't women see a guy who gets fricked in the butt by other guys as a good long-term mate?"

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rDrama :dramatard: rejected :marseyno: : I emailed the crazy tech chick :marseycatgirl: that you guys found yesterday to join the site and she has politely declined :marseygiveup:.




Yes it's true, I get social anxiety when I try to order a coffee at Starbucks, and I spend almost all my time writing on social media about how I want to achieve brutal revenge against everyone who disagrees with my political views. But the truth is, women don't like me because I'm slightly unattractive. I don't know if this is actually true, since I don't talk to women, but I have an entire folder of infographics explaining that women only want to have s*x with jacked 6'7" billionaires.


good morning :marseycoffee:

Ww grooms little dog with best mask I've ever seen

This is very expressive little dog!

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737576184nIQNs4wS-tpTCw.webp Prancing in

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737576184v4S_ESHmjgEo3Q.webp Stops. Ears forward!

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737576184Mk3o7opAaIyHpA.webp Ears back again. Sus about this situation :marseysquint:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737576185Ou7uaGBxqSQtqQ.webp Water turns on, hair stands up! Now vibrating :marseyfluffyannoyed:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737576185vphJdQHeCjMkYw.webp Too much water! Goes dobby the elf mode https://media.tenor.com/upgi33Kb9LgAAAAx/dobby.webp Crying :#marseycry:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737576186tZ1yqJXx28HnEg.webp Stop :marseycry:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737576186iz9DlstWqUDURQ.webp Rest of drying had to be done in a hug :marseyembrace:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737576187INNb3ZTVswHBaQ.webp Very Fluffy and Clean! I didn't notice the eyeliner before! :carpbratz: :marseyemojilaugh:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/173757618788KziuyotSzcsQ.webp Ears forwards again! She's done and happy! :marseywereback:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737576188a4DxsdufJfa__g.webp Vicious hunter spots her prey :marseyscream:





:marseyshrug: they are literally the beyond parody borders are immoral people who want to drive down their own wages "uniting" with 6 billion 3rd worlders

hey rsp.netcels what are your thoughts on the MSSOM drama

on the one hand dasha weighed in and i want to frick dasha so im inclined to agree

but on the other hand the person who made the reddit post is called lana and lana is a hot name too

what is the correct take here

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  • Aevann : OP is a forgetful DUMMY
Just manually gave out like 300 Christmas awards and realized they're not actually paying people the coin rewards they should be

feels bad man


image of his two accounts, the second :marseygunnut: one he used to ban evade (which normally twitch :marseypoggers: would :marseywood: never :marseyitsover: even let you appeal after you ban evade lol)

I taught my mom what truck of peace means and she started using the lingo.
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