:marseysaluteusa: Trump to be barred from fbi criticism because democracy

What the Frick? [Carp Wojak inside]

!dramatards !metashit @Aevann is this true?


It doesn't even make sense hallucinating green fairys sounds cool wtf why would that make me not want to drink it.

Miyazaki gets filtered

"But in preparation for Shadow of the Erdtree, I played through the main story of Elden Ring. I want to preface this by saying I absolutely suck at video games, so my approach or play style was to use everything I have at my disposal, all the assistance, every scrap of aid that the game offers, and also all the knowledge that I have as the architect of the game … the freedom and open-world nature of Elden Ring perhaps lowered the barrier to entry, and I might be the one who's benefiting the most from that, as a player, more than anyone else."

bro probably uses summons XD get filtered frickface

Bill Cosby sent Biden a gift before the debate

You can always game the system by taking out a 52 year mortgage then hopefully dying.

I was talking to my dad about his finances and his retirement plan when he mentioned he still has about another 30 years left on their mortgage. At first I thought he was confused and thought he had 30 years left because that was the total length of the loan. I told him there was no way he had 30 years left because they have been living in the same house for almost 20 years. I then had him login me into his mortgage account and sure enough he somehow has a 52 year mortgage with 30 years left. My question is should I have him pay as much as he possibly can to pay it off quickly or should I continue to let him make the minimum payment? He has no other debt besides the mortgage. His reasoning for only making the minimum payments is that it's a 3% loan and that money is better off earning interest somewhere else. He will be 87 by the time he pays off the house if he continues to make the minimum payments.

Found it here/for the Twitterinos:

I am once again begging Redditors to stop posting Ls:

For some reason this becomes a /r/childfree struggle session:

Folks can't figure out if this is good or not? Idk didnt read:

OP is getting mogged by his dad and its worse when Redditors are saying it:


r/blankies reacts to Kevin Costner

What the frick when did this happen????
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Total femboy victory :marseyhomofascist:

!cuteandvalid !femboys !bottoms !lgbt

Who would win at golf?


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

A one timer that doesn't tip. Bad luck.A repeat customer that comes in and expects service for no tip; eating the loogies.Edit: I don't even work in any form of hospitality. Lol. Eat those loogies you cheap skates. (-29)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

People that don't tip... your food doesn't get messed with.. what I do is look up your last name on LinkedIn find where you work and leave a review with your name asking the company why they don't pay their employees enough to leave a tip (-28)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Any job that caught you doing that would fire you in a heartbeat, please don't try and be edgy and convince people that actually happens. (23)

Keep chewing. (-15)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Tipping opinions aside, the take that people just “ShOuLdN't ApPlY” is so brain dead I can't believe how often I see itIt's extremely simpleMore people need jobs than jobs available = workers have NO BARGAINING POWERPoint blank. The end.If your only alternative is zero money, you're going to take what is offered in the meantime to be able to afford at least a mealThat's the whole reason we made minimum wage a thing. There's a whole quote from FDR basically acknowledging that with no minimum wage businesses would always be able to exploit and pay less because with labor being REPLACEABLE, there will always be someone more desperate than the last guy But minimum wage never kept up with inflation and that's another topic I don't feel like diving into right this secondIt's baffling how people don't get this. Even if every single worker in the restaurant industry quit right now and went to college, they still have to survive in the meantime and then they all have to find enough jobs in T... (-10)

Service & retail industries weren't the only group deamed essential. I was one of those "heroes" as well. While everyone else collected their ridiculously high unemployment checks (some making more on 1 week unemployment than I brought home in a week), I worked through it all at a job that gets no tips. People may take a min wage job to get by. However, some stay in those jobs for a very long time. Employees, in general, have to stop relying on patrons to pay their bills. Any customer contact at all does not always require a tip, and many people think they are owed something for nothing. 2020 was a cluster and has impacted everything, but it changed a lot for everyone. People don't have extra money to throw around as they are struggling to get by themselves, but you rarely hear someone give a non tipper a pass because they may be struggling as badly or worse (3)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Is called doxing and brigading .Servers talk about doing various mean girl junior high antics like this all the time online . (3)

Such a dangerous risk, especially to attempt to ruin someone's life or job because they didn't get tipped for crappy service. People become unhinged when others try to mess with their lives, especially over a few dollars. They want to FAFO , they will, especially if they come across the wrong person. (3)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

You people are so dumb. Cry and cry and cry about consequences of openly defying your countries culture. (-2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/AffectionateSlice934

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 2

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

dramathots :marseygeisha: when spal :marseyspal: slides :marseyslipperyslope: into their dms :marseyyayyytext:

!dramatards !metashit


He pissed :marseyindignantturn: on it too. I flipped over my mattress to hide the stains but the smell :marseybrap: is still lingering. This is how I slept last night. I had to use a robe as a blanket :marseycomfy: that didn't even cover over my toes and I live in one of the coldest climates in the country.

!ghosts , sorry :marseyqueencrown: to get you all down. Could just use some friends :marseymeangirls: during these struggles.

/r/facepalm takes the (very obvious) bait. Seethe in comments
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Maine bakery named one of the best in America (if you happen to enjoy this post ill do more like it)

This is the link, but ill read it and say what i think since i live in ghe ghetto part of Maine, and would also like to say that each street in Maine is filled with cigarette butts and assphalt.

But the links here anyways for my source since i was asked kindly to leave the info here to not leave the site:

Read More: Maine Bakery Named One of the Best in America |

"Maybe it's because Maine's State Berry is the Wild Blueberry, making each bite feel extra special. Even if blueberries aren't different elsewhere, the vibes in Maine make them so much better."

Nahhh id def stay away from any "wild berries" you find in Maine.

But how are the best bakeries in America determined? And how did a Maine bakery end up on the list?

(fentanyl, def the fenny)

So, which bakery in Maine was chosen as one of the best in the country?

the one with the most money im assuming? either way theres a crackhead livin up the road no matter which direction you choose, which is wierd, because for a heroin epidemic, i could not for the life of me find it anywhere when i was jonesing

Here Are 25 of the Best Bakeries in Maine

25? Bro spent real time looking these up im sure, but legend has it you can go to dunkin and also get a coffee with your pastry, idk tho

Which Peanut Butter Brands Should Maine Shoppers Avoid?

why did you bring up peanutbutter? Werent we talking about pastries?

The 8 Worst Ice Cream Brands in America

bro really said 'breyers' was one of the worst. I am sure each cat woman fell off this topic as soon as they saw that

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First of the Gang to Die - Morrissey :!soyjihadi:
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