

1. :marseysad: "Asked a girl to prom and she laughed at me"

2. :sadwomanjak: "a guy once offered to give me $10 not to kiss me..."

3. :doomerfront: "I was bullied by girls so much as a child, my self-confidence is ruined..."

4. :marseyaware: "chick I dated said I imagined us together... but as a joke"

5. :marseytabletired: :marseyetika: black guy gives a short history of his time as a kid :marseytrad: "are you neurodivergent?"

6. :marseyweeping: "just hit the gym they said... just become successful they said..."

7. :marseycrazy: "invited girl to movie, she didn't turn up, saw post online with her and her ex-boyfriend, the next day her front tire blew on the highway... had nothing to do with me..."

8. :zoomertears: "when I was 15, I got laughed at for asking for help against me girlfriend who was abusing me" :marseylaugh:

9. :marseyweeping: "a teacher I had a crush on called me an r-slur" :marseylaugh: :marseylaughpoundfist:

10. :marseyshrug: "you guys probably stunk..." :marseymad: "nothing compared to your unwashed micro peen" :marseyclappingglasses: "weak non sequitur"

EFFORTPOST Evil flag upsets vexillology Intellectuals


not much drama at first

some actual flga strag discussion about colour theory or something

symbols used by evil people are OBJECTIVELY bad

:soyjakhipstertalking: :soycrytalking:

the Orange :marseyexcitedorangetalking: in the Indian :marseysaluteindiatalking: flag represents Bharat racism, except absolutely UNIRONICALLY :marseyagreesuperspeedtalking:

some brave chuds farm downmarseys

"Yes it is" "No it isn't"

"Firstly I for one would compare the Apartheid flag to the confederate flag or Rhodesian flag neither of which are appropriate. Furthermore, both the Union Jack and rising flag should be seen as problematic and I'm glad you agree with that." :soyjakhipstertalking: :soyjakhipstertalking: :soyjakhipstertalking: "The BritBong flag is raping meeeeee" :soymad: :soymad:

miraculously even some circlejerk gets counterjerked against the usual Vexilloligy Intellectual shitlibs which equates symbolism of historically abhorrent regimes/nation-states/movements to be automatically abhorrent

:cdmhug: :sorry:

Anyways the weird things in all of these tiresome debates and slapfights, is that virtually zero safricans are ever involved with these flag MEDIA LITERACY and/or the denial of association with past atrocities/Apartheid connotations ect.

It's very difficult to explain, but trust me you can instantly pick up on the speaking patterns, lexicon and terminology with regards to how Safricans usually have internet slapfights - of of this shit you've seen is exclusively foreigners/westoids/yanks - be they performative shitlibs or Eurocuck Stormfronters utilizing Boers as a proxy for whatever pan-white racial international brotherhood whatever.

1st, actual Boers/Afrikaners, the actual turbo giga-chuds, would never ever utilize this

for pan-Afrikaans cultural celebration or whatever. The green Y symbol is already a racial-harmonious symbol in meaning, and the Black/Yellow stripe is explicitly african in connotation, as well as a call-back to the ANC (African National Congress) early symbolism. The Modern Safrica flag was explicitly chosen by the Mandela Administration to be a blending of previous Eueropean and african symbolism, whilst deliberately excluding symbolism of the Union of SA (the Apartheid State) flag characteristics.

Back in early 2000s internet, when the early web was not so sanitized, and linkrot would not claim like 75% of the internet, and old forums could still exist, including many many Stormfront and actual Boer supremacy sites - the vast majority despised the Y-green stripe symbolism, and conflated it to an Assegai (the signature short stabbing spear of Zulus/Xhosas/Swazi peeps) busy raping/stabbing :rape: :rape: :rape: the old Transvaal flag (which was the much more dominant between the two historic Boer republics)

So that the modern :marseyflagsouthafrica: flag was basically being R*PED by BBC :marseyblackcock: :marseycock: Like i'm not joking or lying, this was the dominant discussion for afrikaans teenage white supremacists on the pre-4chan dustlands of the internet, as small as it was in the early 2000s, and would continue to do so.

Thus any replication of the modern :marseyflagsouthafrica: by just replacing the colour from red to orange, would not have been done by boers, and was instead, strangely enough done by foreign Stormfronters, not grasping the already pan-racial unity symbolism of the rest of the flag.

Additionally there had been a few adult discussions for using the orange coded :marseyflagsouthafrica: flag for afrikaans, but that was a great rarity!afrik.html

like if you read the above fotw article, you'll be under the impression that this "Afrikaner" flag was a large movement, when in reality it was small, unpopular, and with even the majority of Boers being completely ambivalent. In reality it was some last ditch, Boer giga-boomer vexilloligy neurodivergents having a hobby thought experiment

Long boring point, there has never been a real threat of resurge of such symolism.... especially when the actual South African brainless white supremacists with no self-preservation would just fly or parade the Union flag as it was.


On the opposite side, the shitlibs who foam at the mouth :marseychainsmoker: :marseychainsmoker: :marseychainsmoker: for evil WRONGTHINK racist symbology, you know the kind of fools who take 4chan bait of OK :marseyokay: and milk drinking :marseysipping: as fricking subterfuge attempts of conveying coded Mayo supremacy between racists, is a very Westoid yank shit type of purity secular type religiosity

similar to Christian Soccor moms, trying to out purity each other, by demonstrating how they got rid of Rock-and-Roll, Pokemon and Harry Potter from their household cuz that shit is Satanic - it's all very performative - to the extent that these progressives brainwash themselves into fricking believing the colour ORANGE is itself racist, not because of any local connections to their home country, but simply because their purity spiral on the /r/vexillology sub has reached it extreme conclusion, so that just because the Apartheid South African regime had orange within its flag, it automatically means frickin all orange colours on all flags must be associated with chuddery :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseyitsallsotiresome: :marseyitsallsotiresome: :marseyitsallsotiresome:


Additionally the lexicon of of these obvious, white, western, upper-middle class is NOT that of black Safrican peeps, whom often do have real-world reasonable and unreasonable beef with white safricans, and especially afrikaners - the fact that many afrikaners racists do in fact try to find ways in which to transmit racism against blacks without being caught, such as in schoolyard poems, songs, jokes and lymrics. Many very unsubtle

The racial tension is also much so between black and white peeps in Safrica, that ill feeling in the air, in meetings can be cut with a butterknife. Uncomfortable associations like black manual labourers sitting behind a pick-up truck, while whites sit in front can lead to friction, regardless if there's cause for that. Example if i work on my father's farm, we are often so dirty that only the designated driver sits in front, because we've worked with pitch-coated wooden beams, and our hands are covered in sticky residue, and thus I and the black labourers in in the back, until we reach the tap and soaping point - but it often enough occurs that it's only my father (who has to do the driving), and the black men with their gloves sit in the back - a Speedcop/Traffic-cop might take out his ire on my father, replicating the behaviour of Apartheid era bosses, who never let 2nd -class blacks sit within, or the front for any reason, because of their inferior status.

Because of this, a large amount of racism afrikaans humour revolves around being in a superior/inferior status in life depending upon whether you sit in front or the back of the Bakkie - and blackcoloured peeps are certainly aware of such, there is no need for coded flags.

Additionally when black liberals talk about latent afrikner racism they don't talk like fricking redditors :marseybeanannoyed: and call each other "Media illiterates", or use "context and connotation" or "inconvenient symbolism" - black liberals are much more blunt when they tend to describe safrican white racism, it's difficult to convey.


Reported by:
  • G-PIG : Stop posting minors, stop having fun.
Here is the next school shooter Reddit account. Incel, on r/GuyCry of course, says he wants to kill people, obsessed with his jawline, and he's white.

He's 17 and starts off wanting to work out because he says he's fat.

But he hates his face

Maybe if he cuts off his emotions he'll feel better

He finds the blackpill

Now he's suicidal

Gave up on dating

He's short and now hates women

Decides he wants to kill people

He's now an incel and accepts it <-- you are here and we wait for the shooting

In case anyone is wondering how i found it, I've been watching Joe Truax the Reddit scammer creating three threads now trying to get people to give him money. He's now going with the "I'm stranded" grift but had 2 GoFundMe's asking for $50k and $30k to fund his movement. lol

when I text frozen (I'm Elizabeth and she's Sunny)
RSpod say slut rights! :marseyslutshaming: :marseyfans: :marseygeisha: :marseypolyamory:


Stuff i made over the Holidays for yall to enjoy! (All oc edits) [its not much but less is sometimes more i hear lmao]

first off, if yall are getting married, yall better be signing prenuptial agreements, either that or splitting your mbux 20/80.

Mention of WPD and original comment

Finale: an a i Capybara YT Channel i follow!

About China's stance on the Gaza genocide : TheDeprogram


Lumpenproles should sit down and not question glorious Xi.


!asians @Bardpinged

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 27 — A father of five became the first individual to be publicly caned inside a mosque in Terengganu for repeat khalwat (close proximity) offences.

The punishment was carried out at the Al Muktafi Billah Shah Mosque earlier today, according to a report published today in Kosmo Online!

Mohd Affendi Awang, 42, received six strokes of the cane in the presence of Marang Prison deputy director, Mohd Irwan Awang.

Wearing a red prison uniform and a face mask, the carpenter remained calm and composed throughout the caning, which lasted approximately two minutes.

The punishment was carried out with Mohd Affendi standing and facing away from a table, in accordance with Section 31(a) of the Syariah Criminal Offences (Takzir) (Terengganu) Enactment (Amendment) 2022.

The caning was administered by a male officer from the Marang Prison Department on the lower back of the offender.

Earlier, Mohd Affendi arrived at the mosque in a van and underwent a medical examination conducted by a medical specialist at 2.30pm.

A total of 70 individuals, including media personnel, were permitted to enter the mosque hall to witness the execution of the punishment.

Previously, Mohd Affendi was sentenced to six strokes of the cane and fined RM4,000 or six months' imprisonment in lieu of the fine by Senior Syariah Judge Kamalruazmi Ismail.

The sentence was handed down on November 20 by the Terengganu Syariah High Court for his third khalwat offence.

According to the charge, Mohd Affendi was accused of being in the company of a 52-year-old woman who was neither his wife nor a close relative (mahram), thereby raising suspicions of immoral conduct.

The incident occurred at a house in Pengkalan Ranggon, Kemaman, at 1.40am on June 16.

He was charged under Section 31(a) of the Syariah Criminal Offenses (Takzir) (Terengganu) Enactment (Amendment) 2022, which provides for a punishment of up to six strokes of the cane, a maximum fine of RM5,000, or up to three years' imprisonment for repeat khalwat offences.

The enactment came into effect on January 1.

[🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘] Same people will say no one is changing the games you play


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

I also dont get why they changed it with a pride/transflag. Where is the connection between doom and trans people? The doomslayer is just killing demons. Thats it. Nothing more, nothing less. (559)

The doom subreddit supports trans g*mersHope that clears things up  (-128)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Why would they feel the need to support that? Its unrelated to Doom and the fandom. (84)

Because they want to? What's wrong with that? (-37)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

I support the legalization of marijuana. Doesnt mean i have to put weed on a sub thats not about weed (157)

I mean if it scare away the anti-weed crowd, it might be worth it. I remember wanting to buy a bunch of satanic stuff, so that door to door religious people would stop knocking at my door. But pretty sure the HOA would complain about that. (-49)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Honestly, I'm tired of arguing. I've said all that needed to be said. If you want to keep pretending that colors and shapes don't shape meaning or influence perception, that's on you. But you might want to think about how much those "scary colors" really don't matter, until they start influencing what everyone else thinks the space represents. Just remember, you can slap any flag on anything, but that doesn't mean it's neutral. May you find the truth within. (8)

Ask yourself, what is worse about Nazis, the shapes and colors of their emblems they use or the actions they take?The emblems are only seen as bad, because they represent the bad actions of bad peopleThe rainbows and LGBTQ flag is only bad if you believe it represents bad people doing bad things, and I simply don't believe that it represents bad people doing bad things.if you don't give a shit about shapes and color and look at things for the substantive and material impacts, then it becomes a lot easier to not lose your mind when a subreddit decides to change it's banner to scary colors you don't like.If gay people started seizing the majority political power and using to to create material harms that resulted in death, or human rights violations, that is an entirely separate issue than a t-shirt or subreddit banner simply having a rainbow (0)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

This is a great example on why Trump won. These people have gotten so obnoxious, that the average normal person is fed up with this type of thing (41)

Crossdessers have existed since forever but no one really paid them much mind because they kind of just did their own thing. If you didn't hang out at gay bars, you might not have even known they existed. :!marseytrain:s these days go out of their way to make sure you know they exist in the most annoying way possible, and then they act like you're the crazy one when you're like "shut the frick up weirdo, everyone is tired of your shit." No one is trying to take their rights or oppress them or whatever the frick they think is going on. They just need to keep their gay and cringe shit to themselves instead of trying to force in on people. (11)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I really don't think they are the ones who made their identities political. (1)

Yeah no, it was "the enemy". And the enemy has to be fought and insulted, and the enemy is bigoted and kicks puppies. Any kind of evil action is allowed against "the enemy" because of the paradox of tolerance. The enemy wants to deny your existence. That's classic crybully rhetoric used all trough out history. (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Agreeable-State9255

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+1🐮)

Number of comments: 12

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

The Great Spaghetti Heist

Cirno is a gangster!!! Look at her go!

Now we need ZUN to develop Gensokyo Theft Auto.

Chuddies coping at their latest wignat saviour's gf :marseygiggle:


Muh based brown lesbian




Scrotes mad


These furries are getting ridiculous !aichads




Weekly "Drawing prompt" Thread #12

Last thread


Last weeks prompt:

Draw a something for the holidays, Christmas themed, Hanukka themed, Kwanzaa themed, or anything else you can think of that makes sense for the season

Submissions from last thread:






This weeks prompt:

This week, draw something relating to the word "Ink"

As always if you have any feedback on these threads I am all ears.

Furries- yay or nay for younger teens :marseyhmm:


Charlie Kirk :debunked: :marseysalutetrans:





Your contribution has been removed because it tactlessly generalises gender.


now accepting WIFE applications

not on rdrama in IRL

post your bra size and BMI and I'll get back to you



:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Case study : Gaymers actually want Sexy Anthros

It's time for a paradigm shift in gayming. :marseytroublemaker:

We've cracked the code for what actual human beings (not yearly FIFA consoomers) really want in video games. :marseynotes:


:marseyfur#ry: :marseyf#urry2: :marseybu#tt2: :twerking#furry3: :twerkin#gfurry1: :tw#erkingfurry2: :furrybo#obs: :furr#ycatdance:

(and nostalgia)

Exhibit 1 : Pseudoregalia

Great platformer, pixelshit aesthetic. 12k reviews on Steam, "Overwhelmingly Positive" with 97% positive reviews. :marseychefkiss:

People love the platforming. Haven't played it yet, but bought it.

Character is a bottomless THIGHS goat, has 1k art on e621 :marseybooba:

Currently on sale (-20%) at $4.79

Exhibit 2: Atlyss

Action RPG, pixelshit aesthetic, IN EARLY ACCESS!! . 9k reviews already on Steam, "Overwhelmingly Positive" with 97% positive reviews once again. :marseyagreefast:

It plays good. Don't have enough RPG experience to delve deep into it but I like it. :marseyagreefast:

One of the main focus are the multiple races (imp/furry/kobold/bird/rrat) and CHARACTER CUSTOMIZATION SLIDERS, including the fabled THIGH, BUTT and most importantly BELLY sliders. :marseycheers:

By maxing these (or more with mods) you end up with shortstacks made for human peepee. :marseyflushzoom:

Also main overworld characters are sexo :marseynut:

Oh, and did I mention it's MULTIPLAYER? I'm not gay enough to go into one of these lobbies but be warned. :marseykink:

Unfortunately, our jewish overlords made the dev remove the bulge slider, which is a tremendous hit to shortstack femboy lovers worldwide. :marseyrain:

Also, already ~600 art on e621

Currently on sale (-40%) at $5.99. Free demo (older build) to try it out here on itch io

Forbidden exhibit : Axyn Adventure

Let's just go full r-slur. :marseytroublemaker:

What if Pseudoregalia but with a power bottom femboy slut? And s*x scenes? :marseysmirk2:

As mentioned, the main character bottoms. Some people may love that but I'd prefer the opposite.

You can play naked. He has a bigger butt than Sybil from Pseudoregalia somehow.

Warning - gaysex video : :marseydose: @AltAccountOkapi

Only the demo is available (get it on itch io here), but it's already making rounds on /v/. :marseyastolfo:

Feel free to add more furry coomer games, I know I missed a lot of them, but these bangers stuck out as "recent random kinda polished game but with hot furries and obvious coombait".

Merry christmas

:#marseychristmasparty: :#marseychristmasgift: :#marseysanta3: :#marseychristmaself2:

s*x with anthros send post

Community Note by @Budgerigar_but_christmasy

Just wanted to let you all know, furries, that i deeply despise you all, and everything you stand for.

Helpful [17] Not Helpful [3]
Reported by:
Reminder: its olny 2 days until these 2 exclusive badges become unobtainable! :marseybadgejewgold:

!badgemaxxers !metashit !marseyartists


Will DOGE and Musk be out of the Trump administration before he even takes office?

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