Reported by:
Have you guys noticed foids stopped posting here?

Snally :marseysad:, Ted, Frozen, Penny, Intervention, HardIsLife :marseygravedance:.

What could have caused this? :marseythinkorino: Are foids on their way to extinction?

namecheap drops

soyteens are now forced to immigrate to



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

78 is way too old. (-1)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

He shits is pants daily according to those around him. (-20)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Perhaps it's time that the male feminist, terrorist, convicted felon, ends his campaign. He will be demoralized after the election in November. A loss to a woman, especially a woman of color, would be too much for him to stomach. (-14)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

His supporters don't want some sissy boy in tailored suits. Kinda like Boris Johnson: he looks like a buffoon on purpose because it makes his goofball fans think "he just like me!" (13)

Nah, it's much more pathetic than that. He doesn't wear tailored suits because that would mean there would exist a tailor who could give an interview where they say for sure that he has a 53" waist or whatever it is.Now, obviously the person working at the clothing store will know which pair of pants he took off the shelf, but that's not intimate knowledge. He's terrified of a tailor knowing his measurements, because deep down, he knows he's a fat fricking walrus.Imagine how terrible and empty his life is. Hes created this caricature of himself. He has to wear the same ridiculous tie and ill fitting suit everyday, spray himself with orange paint, the hair, and play this conman carnival barker thing. He can't stop doing it or he will lose any money he has left, because his name and likeness is literally the only value he has.Imagine being a world famous movie star that 3/4 of the world hates, that can't even put on a hoodie and walk to a coffee shop. He's stuck being this thing until ... (11)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Haha he's such an old bag of shit. Miserable fricker making all our lives a shitty circus and spreading stress to everyone. Rot in heck, ya worthless clown. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

"Donald Trump! Donald Trump, I call em' Dementia Donny! Dementia Donny. Can't even remember he ain't president! He wants to "make America great again", Dementia Donny. Sold- ah- sold CIA documents to Ciiiiina! He sold em' to Chiiiiina. Dementia Donny, Dementia Donny. Look at his face- ah- mouth breathing in court! Dementia Donny, no, no, Dirty Diaper Donny! I call em' dirty diaper Donny! He stinks up the court room! Trust me, I can smell it! We all can smell it. Smells so bad the judge started drooping! Dirty Diaper Donny, Dirty Diaper Donny. 78! 78! No, cough no, that's too old! Too old! Even for me! If it weren't for the spray tan, you'd see his pale dead skin! Pale dead skin, yes. Dirty Diaper Donny." (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/JDS6000

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


Years ago I was dating a super hot guy who lived like an hour away from me so we sent each other a lot of nudes. I went through his phone once and saw he followed a page that was just for girls that had vaginas without lips and got super insecure because mine has lips right. So next time we were sending each other nudes I Facetuned it to make my lips smaller.

My plan was to be somewhat conservative with my edits so maybe in real life he wouldn't be able to tell but I am not skilled in mobile editing apps so it was probably ridiculous looking. It was years and years ago but sometimes I remember I did this and it ruins my day. Like today I was getting coffee with my mom and she was talking about the woman leading the opposition movement to Maduro in Venezuela and I just tuned her out thinking about this. A few weeks ago when I got into my phd program, I thought of this and my face dropped mid celebration. It's sobering to remember.

What kills me is I found out that you can see it was edited when you save it because the file is automatically named "facetunesomething" so I'm sure he knew. I try to remind myself that I broke up with him and he threatened suicide to feel better but I just knowwww he knows.

:marseyrave: A.Cr.A.B :marseyrave:


Reported by:
Charges dropped in u/itsnottreasonyet v. People's Republic of Incelistan :marseyhappening:

You naughty community you.

Initial email:

The prosecution:

The defense that made prosecutors concede they had no case:

And just like that, Mr. Westfallen gets himself another courtroom W.


She had this to say about rDrama before joining:

But fortunately the news of President Black Girl Magic has heartened her

This will be an account to watch, I think.


A suspected p-dophile killed himself moments after he admitted to watching child pornography to a predator hunter outside his South Dakota home.

Donald Letcher, 60, described the graphic detail of the disturbing videos that featured children as young as infants to Predator Poachers founder Alex Rosen, according to footage shared by the "Breanna Morello Show" podcast.

Letcher described his atrocious viewing pleasures, which featured males holding down babies as they "ejaculated" on them.

After hearing enough evidence, Rosen called in a police officer and got Letcher to admit his heinous act to the cop.

As the officer called his supervisor, Letcher walked inside and a "pop" was heard.

The crew outside say they didn't think much of it because it "wasn't a loud shot," but it was later revealed that Letcher shot himself in the head with a .22 bullet.

"The cop breaks the door down and then one of my camera guys goes around the window and sees him (Letcher) on the ground with a hole in his head bleeding out of it," Rosen said.

Letcher was airlifted to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead, according to Rosen.

The p-dophile had reached out to Rosen's team, who were posing as a preteen girl, and asked for "nudes."

"This guy messaged us first in April, and all the messages he was pretty sexual, asking us for nudes thinking we were a 12-year-old girl," Rosen said.

The predator hunter said he had Letcher graphically describe the videos to ensure the creep admitted to the crimes for video evidence.

"When they describe basically everything they see, it leaves no doubt they're guilty of watching and possessing that stuff," he added.

Letcher reportedly molested a 9-year-old girl in 1996, a fact unknown to Rosen at the time of his conversation, but the case was overturned by the South Dakota Supreme Court.

"The justice system never held him accountable," Rosen said.

Letcher was also hit with DUI and hit-and-run charges after he ran over a 6-year-old girl in a "non-p-dophile" incident in 2022.

Alex Rosen was actually arrested and taken into custody over this. Here's the video of it:

Many are mad at Rosen over this, but he did nothing wrong. One less p-dophile in the world is certainly not a tragedy as far as I'm concerned. :marseywoodchipper2:


King Olympics

Even somehow united christian and lgbt

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : fake news. he's a good kid. see how there isn't any actualy proof?

!groyperethnostate !chasers !cuteandvalid !lgbt in in in

If die hard white nats can get that sweet trussy and bussy why cant you?

Bonus older stuff:

Reported by:

The situation explained:

(Bro really should have started mewing 10 years ago, and I guess cop insurance doesn't cover Ozempic.)

This guy had 2 DUIs before being hired and worked through 6 agencies in 4 years lmao.

Copy of the indictment:

They're going to bury him under the jail

Not endearing to a jury is also the fact that he called her a crazy b-word after putting a bullet in her head.

"The Assassin's Creed Shadows team has a message for our Japanese community." : Games - HAHAHAHA :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist: seems pressure has been building!


Dumb colonizing b-word 😂

Here come the fricking white women, motherlover!

I have a fricking feeling the fricking Indians are fricking gonna make Kamala pick either Indian or black if this r-sluration continues.

It's so beautiful 😍

Let's see if we can't get a fricking Kamala BJP crossover.

@GOCK4LYF_HIGHtil_iDie I worked really hard on this so an upmarsey would go a fricking long way

Might be the worst white savior liberal I've ever seen :marseymayo:

!chuds wonder what subreddits Alec moderates

lmao he looks just like you would imagine

Reported by:
  • Spysix_Amostnamash : 0/10 You're not even trying at this point so why waste the bandwidth uploading?

Reported by:
kris from mr beast drama (chat logs)



orange site


I've watched a bunch of these clips from multiple news sources and different sites and youtube, and usually most political congresscels try to get their turn to punch the pinata of the SS director and look good for their constituents,

this 8 minute interrogation I think sums up her r-sluration and bad conduct, and lack of answers the best :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed:


Not that the jannys there care or maybe even exist but the post breaks one of the main 'rules' :marseynerd: (this is why the esteemed jannys of rdrama have jannymentary supremacy to decide what the rules are at any time)

No digital elements or text

The post has been up for like 8 hours as of now lol

Redditors revolt:

Doesn't this go against like every rule in this sub. It's not a pic even lol

Currently the top rated comment

Subreddit should be re-named to /r/propaganda at this point.


Can we please calm down with the constant political posts in this sub? Thanks.


Basically all of the top comments are some variation of this, the post still has like 6000 upsorens very interesting :marseynoooticer:


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