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AOC says she's NOT pregnant. She just "ate a lot of food at Thanksgiving. It happens." pic.twitter.com/1L2uhwodGJ
— Libby Emmons (@libbyemmons) February 12, 2025
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You can read more here about Lord Doogycel and the allegations against him.
After a little over two years since getting banned from IncelTear for the grooming allegations, St Doogycel attempted to return on his new alt account: Barleficus2000. That name alone exposed itself as Doogycel's alt. Detectivecels found an abandoned World of Warcraft forum profile belonging to Doogycel, where he mentioned his character name is Barleficus. However, the final nail in the coffin was when Lord Doogycel bragged about his old comics and lied about the circumstances he was banned for. As subtle as a brick, fellow IT users realized this was him and he was canned shortly after. Since he wasn't suspended for ban evasion (yet), Lord Doogycel is still active on that profile, acting like nothing happened.
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In a groundbreaking use of teleportation, critical units of a quantum processor have been successfully spread across multiple computers, proving the potential of distributing quantum modules without compromising on their performance.
While the transfer only took place over a space of two meters (about six feet) in an Oxford University laboratory, the leap was more than enough to emphasize the feasibility of scaling quantum technology by teleporting quantum statesΒ across an 'internet' of connected systems.
Teleportation is a quirk of physicsΒ that only makes sense through a quantum lens, where objects exist in a blur of possible characteristics until processes of measurement force them to adopt each state.
By mingling the undecided states of different objects inΒ an act known as entanglement, and then carefully choosing the right kinds of measurements to make on one, it's possible to use the answers to force an entangled object some distance away to adopt (and destroy) the original object's quantum identity.
It might not be the kind of teleportation that would beam passengers through the vacuum of space in a blink, but it's perfect for sharing the blur of information necessary for logical operations in a quantum processor.
"Previous demonstrationsΒ of quantum teleportation have focused on transferring quantum states between physically separated systems,"Β saysΒ lead author Dougal Main, a physicist at Oxford University.
"In our study, we use quantum teleportation to create interactions between these distant systems."
Where classical computers use binary 'on or off' switches to perform strings of computations on bits of information,Β quantum computersΒ use mathematically complex distributions of possibilities known as qubits, typically represented in a simple feature of an uncharged particle such as a charged atom.
To make this process practical, hundreds or even thousands of such particles need to have their yet-to-be-decided states entangled with one another in a restricted fashion, without intrusive objects weaving their own possibilities in and messing up the calculations.
Scaling current technology to this level is complicated by obstacles that requireΒ error-correcting processesΒ orΒ shieldingΒ to preserve the delicate quantum states long enough for them to be measured.
Linking a number of smaller processors across a network to create a kind of quantum supercomputer is another solution. While quantum information can be transmitted in the form of a light wave, the potential for its state to be irreversibly corrupted along the way makes it an impractical option.
Teleportation requires the receipt of measurements the old-fashioned way β through reliable binary data. Once sent, operations at the receiving end can tweak their own entangled particle until it effectively looks like the original.
The all-important quantum blur of the teleported spin state in the Oxford University experiment was an 86 percent match with the original, more than good enough for it to serve as a logic gate for a simple operation known as aΒ Grover's algorithm, which succeeded with 71 percent efficiency across the two quantum processors.
"By interconnecting the modules using photonic links, our system gains valuable flexibility, allowing modules to be upgraded or swapped out without disrupting the entire architecture," saysΒ Main.
Having options for restructuring a quantum network could diversify the applications for such technology, repurposing networks of computers into cowtools that can measure and test physics at its most fundamental level.
This research was published inΒ Nature.
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Does it make it impossible to comment, b-word? Or does one cancel the fricking other, b-word?
@Kongvann and @Vegeta since capy muted me.
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In 2009, all Asians in the US had was Joy Luck Club, pandas and "azn." Complete cultural irrelevance and felt like representation peaked in the 90s.
Since then Asian Americans were a major part of some of the defining subcultures of the 2010s: raving, streetwear and designer fashion, anime, K-pop, gaming/streaming, tech bros, millennial wanderlust, MUA YouTube, "cool" chefs and campus politics.
Since the 2020s Asians have continued to take Ws while avoiding any backlash. The newest American ultra billionaire is Asian and is perhaps the only tech billionaire that isn't hated by most of the country, yet. Trump lost in 2020 in part due to backlash from healthcare workers, TikTok lovers and the optics of "Kung Flu" while winning in 2024 by softening on China and Tiktok. Stop Asian Hate was genuinely the last moment of left idpol unity before its collapse and that fake crisis was endorsed even by conservatives who focused on "who exactly are beating up Asians in SF π€." Asian directors won best picture three years in a row without any DEI accusations. Asians shifted right in 2024 and successfully rolled back Affirmative Action alongside whites but the focus is only on Arabs and Latinx for "betraying" the coalition. Even in this current moment Indian hate in the US and Canada is at all time high while Asians (who drive up the cost of housing more than Indians I bet) are enjoying record high Q scores. All while the stereotypical "virgin" has slowly shifted from pittiable East Asian math nerd to detestable South Asian bobs and vagene type. The entire political spectrum sees East Asian countries as the pinnacle of culture and India as a smelly den of male feminists. Jews are kicked out of leftism for their loyalty to a Muslim oppressing ethnostate while activists download little redbook. Every town has multiple boba shops and the number continues to increase.
Not sure if it's all a psyop or the payoff of several decades of keeping your head down and doing your homework but I'm wondering how much longer it can continue.
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Women smell good pic.twitter.com/TVCFCt2N0F
— Fuentes Updates (@FuentesUpdates) February 20, 2025