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The youtube algorithm for some reason has started promoting these "losercore" videos.
Social media algorithms have started promoting losercore videos because people like them because they lost at life too and because it's so over for genz it's the only thing they relate to I guess.
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Getting surgery this week. Flying to 90210 for it. I can't find any women in nyc who find me physically attractive. I'm gonna be injecting about 8 peptides a day after this as well. Been taking a couple for about a month and I haven't noticed significant improvement but here's to hoping somehow taking a frickload more will do something.
I'm just feeling like nothing works. I deleted another dating app tonight because I spent 3+ weeks on it without a single match. This one didn't even have a chat feature and is new to the US. You just match and go on a date. No excuses of "you've got bad game" or something in the texts. Still not even one match after swiping every single day.
I'm going to be 35 sooner than later and I'm one of my surgeon's oldest patients for this particular surgery I'm getting. He says he doesn't get "older" men very often. Talk about being a fricking loser. I'm not supposed to be getting cosmetic facial surgery at this age - I'm supposed to be a dad but here we are.
Grim fricking world we live in.
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It really does seem like he fulfills the prophecies. There's a pinned post at top of that sub of a video of Donald meeting with some Israeli associates; apparently some Israeli's think Trump is the Messiah Ben Joseph. Is it possible a US-owned Gaza could be where the Third Temple is built?
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would you do it? the text chat was amazing but she looks identical. even my brother said it was too close. we were married a loooong time.
been on three dates with this other lady and she's hot but a little awkward there has been nothing physical at all yet so i'm thinking about cutting it off to talk to the ex wife lady. the awkward lady doesnt have kids so that's convenient.
switched to tinder yesterday and i'm blowing up so will see where so if those go but darn… kinda just want to go for the ex wife lady. but if it were to get serious she would find out about her resemblance to my ex wife pretty quickly. i would probably have to bring it up before she found out. conflicted.
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https://voidnotvoid.straw.page/ zrladygardenlo aka zrcalo is a furry groomer and proshitter this is his strawpage
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Ukřаínе hаs ļíkе 80+ f16 аnd оnļу 5 рíļоts аnd nоw thеу rесíеvеd а gígа třаsh jеt thаt ís wеаkеr thаn míg29 ín аļļ раrаmеtеrs
Le Mirage, pas mwl nyon ? C'est Fwançais !
Fwоgs tесh реrfоrmеd wоrst ín thís соnfļíсt, уоu rеmеmbеr thе whееļеd tаnk ?
They are superior two russian jets. Better aewonyautic, better radars, etc. But whatewer the planye, a dwog fwight scenyario is wery impwobable. It's aww abwout seeing the enyemy fwom a distance, and fwire a wong range missile.
Thоsе аrе ļítеrаļļу thе wоrst jеts khоhоļs wíļļ hаvе. su27 ís bеttее thаn f16, su25 аnd su24 аrе sресíаļ rоļе jеts аnd míg29 ís símíļаr tо f16 (íswаеļí míg29 рrоbаbļу bеttеř)