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Me (cis f) and my soulmate (mtf) are having our son on Friday and we just finished her second lactation consultation today. She's been on a protocol of hormones that essentially mimics pregnancy and can trigger lactation it's looking like she's starting to produce a milky like substance which she got swabbed today during the appointment. Her breast development has also sky rocketed since the new protocol and she's really happy with that. She's just been glowing and I can see her confidence increasing which makes me so happy for her. If all is well she will be able to eventually feed our baby (we will both be breastfeeding).
The lactation consultant seems really hopeful and excited because there aren't many cases of situations like ours. There have been studies about trans women breastfeeding but what makes our situation a little different is that our baby is my fiancées biological son. I feel like in a way my fiancée will be able to help other trans women in the sense of providing the lactation consultant with this experience and further knowledge on MTF breastfeeding. Her lactation consultant has dealt with lesbian couples before, but not a lesbian cis/trans couple.
On top of that, my fiancée is so excited to be a mother and I know she's going to be amazing at it, I can't wait to see her hold and love our son and I'm so excited to start this new chapter with her. I love her so much.
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🇺🇸 Trump describes the US in 3 words
— Zlatti71 (@Zlatti_71) February 20, 2025
- ukraine_watch pic.twitter.com/6KInzkAiHG
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Dear God. James Shupe has hanged himself a month after receiving vaginoplasty pic.twitter.com/VKJh1bxruY
— Graham Linehan 🎗️ (@Glinner) February 11, 2025
here is an interview with him (which i didnt watch)...
suicide note (didnt read) but apparently he was mad at Elon...
- BernieSanders : How to do coffee right : throw it in the sink
: I drink Folgers and that's good enough for me
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If you buy ground coffee, Congratulations!!!! You are buying dirt!!!!!
Don't buy pre ground coffee ever. Coffee grounds go stale within hours after being ground. When you buy coffee grounds from the store, the coffee is already stale and has been for probably multiple weeks already.
Seriously, that shit is stale before it even reaches the stores shelf.
Coffee beans are a little better, not as stale as ground coffee but there are other worries.
Quality control is terrible, with the amount of contaminants very high for coffee beans.
The FDA limits contamination at 10% of the total coffee beans count are insect-infested or insect-damaged.
So yeah, ignore my advice, and keep eating the bugs like a good little NPC.
The other issue is how old the coffee beans are will heavily affect taste quality. Too fresh, and the taste will be too bland, to old and the beans will go stale. Expiration dates aren't accurate methods of determining roast date, so honedtly you are spinning a wheel whenever you buy.
How to Do Coffee Right
The only acceptable form of coffee making is the use of GREEN COFFEE BEANS. Green Coffee Beans go stale as well, but if kept in an airtight container will be good for a good 3-6 months.
Then you roast as much a you need for a week period. There is an art to coffee roasting which I am not going to explain but YOU WILL NEED TO RESEARCH. Also don't start a fire by cooking them too long lol. After roasting, you should put the coffee grounds in airtight container and wait generally between 2 days to 2 weeks lafter roasting. This highly depends on roast and what type of taste you prefer. So play around with it a bit. I personally prefer waiting a shorter amount of time, around 3-4 days.
The before you make your coffee you grind the amount of beans you need for the amount you will drink (obviously). Don't grind all at once. This ensures coffee grounds are fresh for each cup of joe.
Machine and Method
Espresso machines are best (if you can find a good one which is hard). You want to get an all metal inside one though, which honedtly can be difficult to find and expensive. Like $2000 expensive. There are ones with plastic internals that pull amazing shots but you should obviously not do that unless u like consuming microplastics. The espresso machine imaged above is really good, great workhorse, finicky, but a classic. Rancillio Silvia, is its model. This is one of the few espresso machines I still have, since I adore it, but its plastic water reserviir so I would recommend no. Just let me be nostalgic though about pulling a better shot thab you have ever tasted on a $400 machine.
This one is all metal, but obviously, doesm't have as much capabilities:
Europiccola 8, cost around $600-1000 depending on if you know how to find used stuff.
Europiccola is the other espresso machine I currently own and is good. If you are on a microplastic free diet but still like machine precise espresso, this would be good pick up.
Pulling a good shot cna be difficult. Measure out grounds and learn the right pressure ti press the grounds into the thingy (cant remember name).
Depending on machine you might want to learn how to temperature surf. This might be outdated, since newer models might just be better at getting right temp. I had Rancillio I can't remember model, but it was like a classic. Plastic internals, but pulled amazing shots. Had to temperature surf though to get it right.
Crema is the easiest test to figure out if you pulled a good shot. Crema is layer of golden brown foam on top of the black espresso, that forms NATURALLY.
More Crema = More Swag.
Less Crema = More Strag.
No Crema = You have not only failed at making espresso, but you are also probably r-slurred.
Note on Cappuccino
If you add sugar or anything else to a Cappuccino besides frothed milk and espresso then exit my post immediately. You are a cute twink who I will slam head first into a brick wall.
Cappuccino is amazing. You need a steam wand, bezt ones come attachrd to Cappuccino/espresso machine. Don't use one of those terrible handheld frothers.
You want the container you put the milk into, to be solid metam and it should be in freezer before hand, so its icy cold. Pour milk into container froth, starting at botton then rising to top to create the froth.
Top: Froth
Bottom: Steamed Milk.
You want about 50% froth and 50% steamed milk by volume.
Then you tilt espresso cup slightly like 45° with espresso already made JUST BEFORE!!!! and you pour in while tilting espresso cup back to facing up.
Cappuccino Art
Cappuccino art is created with how you pour the frothed/steamed milk into te espresso.
Using a stencil, using some sort of cinammon, or whatever isn't acceptable.
Cappuccino art is ONLY achieved through the pour, using additional instruments or methods is not only cheating but also is the equivalent of sucking a peepee.
If you see some fancy desig with a logo or whatever on Cappuccino art, then that person kust used some stencil thing and I give you permission to beat them bloody.
i am not amazing at Cappuccino art, but I am much better than you will ever be. I am not going to share my secrets either. Continue to next section.
Not Espresso
Nowadays I don't even bother and only make Pourover or Mocha Pot for Espresso (rare). Too many iszues finding an all metal espresso machine under 2k so it is what it is. That being said you can pull great shots with Mocha Pot, like Italians do all the time. You just have to he an OG artist not a scientist. You knowimsayingneighbor.
Pour over is an art as well, don't listen to the cute twinks talking about temperature with therm and measuring out yada yada yah. Its an art. You use your intuition. You won't make good coffee this way if you are a nerd.
Speaking of which.
Coffee isn't for Nerds
If you want to measure out evrrything and tempetature whatever, die. That isn't coffee. Italians (the inventors if coffee), pretty much just grab the beans roast them in the oven and grind with simple grinder amd use Mocha Pots. They pull better shots than 99% of coffee shops in America.
Nerds require fancy equipment. If you are an artist, you will require less and less fancy equipment until you can pull a great shot with a handful of green coffee beans, a handgrinder, and a stove.
Alternative to Roasting
You can buy from Coffee Roaster directly and they usually (should) in most cases roast the coffee well and deliver freshly roasted coffee.
I will be honest, this is gay. Straight men don't let other men roast their beans. So if you are gay, this might be good option. If not, stick to roasting yourself.
What Coffee Roaster to Use
While you can roast Green Coffee Beans in the oven, you absolutely shouldn't for many reasons I am not going to get into here.
What you need is a good coffee roaster. These can be expensive, bunch of different types and I don't feel like explaining. Do your own research idiot. Expect to pay at least $200 for a good one though. I have a decent drum roller type one that cost like $300, but there are even better types of coffee roasters some being $600 ones all the way up to like $20,000. Obviously thise ones that aren't drum rollers, can't remember what they are called, but they are OG as shit. You probably don't need one of those though.
Look here for Drum Rollers (my preference):
There are other types of coffee roasters, but yeah.
Probably most important after roaster. Get the best one you can afford, or learn how to hand grind like a true Italian. Probably cost around 400+ for a decent one.
i have a $500 (?) roaster, pictured above. That model is outdated, but I recommend since its served me well for past 10 years and alnost as good as the Italian hands grinds.
Most importantly, to make good coffee you will need to go to Italy. If you haven't been to Italy, Congratulations!!!! Your coffee is almost guranteed to be shit.
Putting this one last, since I know this is the biggest barrier to entry and want people to read through thinking they are gonna make some good joe, then realize they can't visit Italy so they juzt wasted their entire time reading a straggy article abiut coffee making.
Import Info on Italy
When I refer to Italy, I am referring to Southern Italy.
"Northern Italy" isn't Italy, its basically Brussells + France + Amsterdam if they were black. North "Italians" can't make Coffee.
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Yes it's true, I get social anxiety when I try to order a coffee at Starbucks, and I spend almost all my time writing on social media about how I want to achieve brutal revenge against everyone who disagrees with my political views. But the truth is, women don't like me because I'm slightly unattractive. I don't know if this is actually true, since I don't talk to women, but I have an entire folder of infographics explaining that women only want to have s*x with jacked 6'7" billionaires.
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His fratboy neocolonialist cishetnormative anthem of mysogyny :
about how much they support the misogynist taking a stand against national socialism
misogynists stay losing
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- Grue : /h/anime
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Y'all remember the smash hit One Punch Man (OPM) in the mid to late '10s? The persiflage of the entire shounen genre as an invincible but bored superhero defeats all enemies with just one punch? Filled with other nonsensical characters like the strongest man on earth who's essentially the weakest man alive or the guy whose basically just a male feminist (male feminist) in real life? Anyways, that shit is still going strong but I've to elaborate here, OPM is based on a shitty drawn but sovlful webcomic by ONE, which in turn got adapted into an official (tm) manga with much better art by MURATA. The thingy got picked up as an anime and rose to immense popularity. Naturally, the original tone of the comic has been lost as it essentially became what it was making fun of - but that's a given for japanese "writers" as they're all whiny or talentless hacks or a combination of the aforementioned - except Fukumoto he's bae(sed). Anyway, OPM has always had a terrible release schedule but lately it's gotten so disgusting that even long-time fans are dropping the series.
To reiterate, here's the release schedule of the original comic (ONE):
while lazy he managed something
Here's what Murata has managed to draw after late 2023:
You may notice the Retconned tag after some chapters. And yes, it's exactly like you are thinking. He draws those chapters, releases them, and then later decides he isn't happy with the chapter (or the entire arc) and revisions all of it while making slight adjustments. Anyway, the latest chapter is a redraw of an already redrawn chapter originally released in 2023 featuring a filler side story of a filler arc. So basically the entirety of chapters released in 2024 are retconned - people don't like this ... at all:
I love OPM, I love all the stupid drama over which wiafu is best (they're cartoons and y'all are weird), I love the characters and story, I love the art. But the thing is we are getting a product for free here, and early. We don't have to wait for the Manga to get released, we don't have to wait for the finalized product to be able to read what's going on. We literally get a look behind the curtain as this is being made. And part of that process is fixing work that they felt needed to be fixed. Who's to blame? Murata? One? Who cares. It's their work. I'll complain about redraws when I have to rebuy my physical mangas because there's an updated version. It's not done until it's been printed and released. It feels like people are acting privileged and entitled because One released his content online, and now they assume they deserve access to finalized and completed content at our convenience. It will be done when they say it's done. Can we just enjoy what we have in the meantime?
I'd argue that trying to pretend that deleting 14 month of progress out of nowhere is completely fine is far more insufferable.
This isn't a look behind the curtains. It's officially released chapters that also gets official translations. No other series even remotely com close to this mess so of course there is nothing wrong about pointing it out.
Another moment of silence for the poor fools read the official version of OPM on VIZ's app. Because VIZ doesn't translate redrawings.
It is fine? That's how the creative process works sometimes
Literally no other manga series does that.
why make us wait a whole year for a promised move forward in this story and then throw it all away? Its not us being ungrateful but if Murata truly wants quality for this manga he ought to take his time rather than rush and give us half-assed butchered storylines and retcon it constantly
What you don't understand is you're not the audience.
He is getting it right, and the version he wants is what will actually make it into the volume.
He is the audience. Fans like him are the reason why OPM got an official English physicals in the first place. His opinion will be valid if he says it in Japanese or so? That's just silly. He's still a supporting fan, and he could buy the physical manga just like any Japanese fan could. That's a narrow way of looking at it. Every fan contributes to the series' success.
Thread Dump
DISC One Punch Man Chapter 195 - 2nd Revision
Ngl the constant redraws have killed my excitement for this series. Doesn't help that I personally think the story gets worse with each version (just my own opinion)
Simple redraws or changes to the pacing is one thing, but changing the literal plot or direction is too far. It feels like that they don't have a vision for the manga and is just drawing whatever they feel works, which they then don't stick to and subsequently and in my opinion wastes my time and attention.
This manga fell off so hard, it really needs to be studied. Being so utterly clueless in what direction you want to take the story that you have to rewrite an arc for a third time. Just copy paste the webcomic at this point.
The funny thing is the defenders of the comic on the main subreddit
Well, it's easy to find defenders when the powertripping mods on there will parma ban anybody even remotely stating something negative about the manga.
OPM is genuinely starting to feel like an afterthought with both of its artists at this point.
I know Murata has that animation project he's working on, and ONE seems occupied with Versus and Bug Ego.
Deleting an entire year's worth of chapters, after having already done a complete 180 on the direction of the climax of the most pivotal arc of the series, is actually mental.
What's the point of reading any of this if it can just be retconned whenever ONE or Murata feel like it?
And the people that are on maximum strength copium trying to justify this shit by saying it's some sort of meta-level 4th wall interference by God to prevent his will from being hindered by the plot are just hilarious. Yes, it's totally that and not just blatant mismanagement and confusion by the creators as to where they want to take the narrative.
Thread Dump
All of 2024's chapters are gone from the site lol.
Get ready for another year of ninjas
I'm bored and this isn't as interesting as I've initially assumed. I'll revision this thread in the future.
: As always, frick you nvidia
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!g*mers laugh at Nvidia-cels a $2000 GPU still cant play cyberpunk at 4k 60 fps with gay tracing. Have fun paying $2000 for a DLSS software update.
Oh yeah remember this?
Total fricking lie by 4090 performance they mean 5070 can use 4x frame generation to have an equal framerate, but frame gen also increases the latency to like 60 ms meaning the game will play like utter dog shit despite looking smooth.
Its kinda funny how the cope went from "well 60 fps doesn't matter" to "well its 400 fps who cares if the game has 60 ms latency"
!fosstards !linuxchads Nvidia continues to suffer the curse of proprietary BS
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Do you hear that sound? The creaking and groaning? That was the sound of all of the people who played this game 30 years ago rising from their coffin to defend its honor.
I don't think it is worth it gramps as this game has aged so poorly it should be laid to rest with you. And I'm not just talking about the graphics or overall polish, there is barely even a game there.
There are almost no decisions to make in terms of your build. Almost optimal stat choices can be described in anywhere from a sentence to a word depending on which one of the 3 classes you chose (hint the magic user puts points into magic). Even the fights barely have you making any decisions. Early levels with the warrior have you sitting in a doorway wacking who ever comes in range while later levels have you chugging potions because dodging is 100% impossible. Playing a mage is more interesting as you have a sizable selection of spells but half of them are just Blast Baddie Fire or Blast Baddie Ice and you just find which one is better and stick with that.
The one place where user choice does come into play is the itemization. You get many different magic items throughout the game which can have pretty interesting upsides. Its not perfect and it definitely doesn't make up for the rest of the game though.
That isn't to say the game is all bad. The visuals aren't perfect but some of the enemies have pretty cool death animations. But even the best of this game isn't especially good, there are hundreds of games that have better visuals, fallout 1 is a good example of another sprite based isometric game that looks much better.
Also the Sorcerer is BIPOC, DEI much?
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LMAOOOOOO YE cooking random people on IG 😭😭
— Ye Streams (@kanyestreams1) February 4, 2025
Anyone who has IG can you go see what else hes up to.
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Once again I am leaving the Munich Security Conference in a low mood. Amongst all the noise, the US signalled their plans for Europe, so things are becoming clearer. But things are clearly not good.
— Gabrielius Landsbergis🇱🇹 (@GLandsbergis) February 15, 2025
This is what we now know, and what we now have to do about it:🧵1/17
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@whyareyou I didn't actually think you were fricking that r-slurred but I thought it was fricking funny reading out "why are fricking you r-slurred"
!vibecheck !r-slurs !edgelords
If you want to make your own, you can use this