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And in my heart there is COOM.
If cooming has billions of fans (it does), then I am one of them. If there are only ten coomers, then I am one of them. If there is but one coomer, then that is me. If there are no coomers, then that means I am no longer on Earth. If the world is against cooming, then I am against the world.
If think about it, cumming is literally the PERFECT hobby. You don't need anybody else to do it. You don't need any "thing" else. You don't even need your clothes. It's just you and your body and coom. It's like a connection with god. Maximalism through minimalism, or vice versa.
I coom to genocides and abuse neighbor I desecrate the sacred. I blaspheme and spit when I coom then I coom some more. I'm an untrollable maniac if we're talking about the C*M scale hard peepee BBC porn human trafficking nigguh I corrupt the next generation by spreading drugs and STDs all around them.
You don't know what's made me coom so don't try me. This new generation of coomers annoy me. My generation is the one of true SOULFUL gooning. Everything else is just an imitation. Real shit, you think it would be a good business to open up a longue where I don't sell any drugs or alcohol, just provide calm music, chilled water, and a table where distinguished folks can talk about the finer aspects of gooning. What stroke you use, what new kink you've developed, if you're sick of one kink just keep GOONING until a new fetish lights your fire. TRUST THE PROCESS.
And you'll have some of the most amazing cooms imaginable
And to the admins of this shithole site: Yes this is an effortpost because you best believe I was gooning HARD when I wrote this. Headset on, "open video in smaller tab" shit nigguh I took my fricking shirt and pants off for this shit, we don't take half measures when it comes to gooning. I'm trying to start a C*M gang, you interested in signing up?
I GOON when reading the Bible
I GOON when I'm eating
I GOON when I'm on the phone
I GOON whenever I have even a vague sexual thought or my hand happens to brush upon my peepee. That's enough to derail my entire day with just coom. As you can imagine, it gets hard to deal with all the laundry when you COOM so much but I've learned to just keep a lot of towels lying around the house. Goon and wipe yourself as you see fit.
By the end of my reign, you'll be calling me Satan's Nightmare.
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This is because the creature was mentioned to be a prehistoric marsupial . Yes I'm saying he shoved them inside his pouch. You're welcome.
- forgor : Take this down you can still see stuff at the top
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- kaamrev : Rogue trader next question
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!g*mers come cast your votes!
With 100% of the vote, Dread Delusion wins the 2024 rGOTY award in an absolute landslide It's also on sale right now and you can buy it here for next to nothing: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574240/Dread_Delusion/
And now for a bit about our unanimous winner.
Do you like the way N64 games and Morrowind look more than anything else? I do, and so I wishlisted Dread Delusion years ago before it was even in early access just from the screenshots. It released in full back in May and I'd been putting off playing it until recently because it couldn't possibly live up to the expectations from years of building it up in my head. But no, it actually did and it was way way way better than I even stupidly hoped it could be.
I even really enjoyed the narrative and worldbuilding, and I generally hate those things in games. And DD has a lot of it. Lots and lots of dialogue and ambient shit to take in. The premise matches the aesthetic and I was typing a bit about it but there were spoilers so I deleted it. Anyway it's a very novel postapocalyptic (fantasy world apocalypse) bit where the world is broken and this sick group that killed all the gods runs things now because the gods were all kind of evil and sadistic. But this group sucks too. Everything sucks. It's a world of suck and it's all so compelling and interesting.
There are airships and a mechanical kingdom run by an insane glitching machine king (soviets) and a kingdom where everyone can never die and they all desperately want to and a badass freedom kingdom (Americans) and a broken miasmatic surface world miles below these flying islands they're all so aesthetically engaging and varied and just looking at shit in all its 64 bit lovecraftian glory never gets old and is the primary driver of the game in my opinion.
There is no minimap and no quest arrows. There are a lot of quests. Locating things uses the tried and true system in the bottom of this maymay:
Except even more unreliable because this was made by one guy and sometimes when he says like northwest he actually meant east in another country. But that's ok because there's always shit to find and do and see.
"Choices matter" is an old buzz phrase but it's actually true here. There's almost never a right answer to things, just equally bad answers and maybe one is less bad. Like I let a little boy get eaten by a dormant god so this village's crops would stop failing. The kid dies. His mom is bummed. But I saved the town and it was cool to do so I did that and that was neat.
Anyway congratulations to Dread Delusion. You were full of exciting twists and letting me do things I didn't think I'd be allowed to do. You have flesh farms and god genociding and a town made of maddening clocks and weird abominations everywhere and I even enjoyed reading all of your strange little books to flesh out the world even more.
Buy Dread Delusion. It won rDrama's Game of the Year Award and you're on rDrama, so it should be up your alley.
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Do you hear that sound? The creaking and groaning? That was the sound of all of the people who played this game 30 years ago rising from their coffin to defend its honor.
I don't think it is worth it gramps as this game has aged so poorly it should be laid to rest with you. And I'm not just talking about the graphics or overall polish, there is barely even a game there.
There are almost no decisions to make in terms of your build. Almost optimal stat choices can be described in anywhere from a sentence to a word depending on which one of the 3 classes you chose (hint the magic user puts points into magic). Even the fights barely have you making any decisions. Early levels with the warrior have you sitting in a doorway wacking who ever comes in range while later levels have you chugging potions because dodging is 100% impossible. Playing a mage is more interesting as you have a sizable selection of spells but half of them are just Blast Baddie Fire or Blast Baddie Ice and you just find which one is better and stick with that.
The one place where user choice does come into play is the itemization. You get many different magic items throughout the game which can have pretty interesting upsides. Its not perfect and it definitely doesn't make up for the rest of the game though.
That isn't to say the game is all bad. The visuals aren't perfect but some of the enemies have pretty cool death animations. But even the best of this game isn't especially good, there are hundreds of games that have better visuals, fallout 1 is a good example of another sprite based isometric game that looks much better.
Also the Sorcerer is BIPOC, DEI much?
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However, even some normie ledditors start to about why living expenses are getting more and more expensive, yet the ruling class and media only talks about "internet extremism" as the issue that plebians should be focused about!
I'm gonna bash my fricking head against the...
IT'S BECAUSE WE'VE TRIED ASKING NICELY TO AFFORD BASIC SHIT AND KEEP GETTING * * FRICKING IGNORED!!!** By our political "leaders", by our employers, landlords, law enforcement (see; elite class public security detail, lower class suppression unit) we're fricking sick of fighting to meet even the bare minimum!!!
And now it's "Ooooohhhh.... I bet all these attacks are because of that EEEEVVVVIIIIILLL INTERNET! It's gotta be that 'political divisiveness. That's the proble-"
GET FRICKED, NBC! It's the thing that your fricking owners won't let you fricking talk about, and I am beyond sick of the actual fricking problem getting so carefully danced around.
We're. Tired. Of. The. Owner. Class's. Bull. Shit.
I never thought I would be agreeing with a redditor typing an neurodivergent mental breakdown
Its getting bad in the last couple of months we have had 2 assignation attempts on Trump a third non-attempt where a guy tried to sneak into his press conferences with a gun, we have had two shootings at Christian schools, an attack in new Orleans that killed a bunch of people and finally a guy tried to blowup a cybertruck in front of trump tower. these attacks are all over the place but the one connecting thread is it is all far right violence.
Just remove anonymity/usernames from all platforms. Users have to use their legal name. Let's get some real accountability behind people's actions and what they are spreading.
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I've been thinking about selling my main car for something more practical since I rarely ever drive it much anymore; was reminded of the horror of Fisker in an incredulously cheap local ad and found some semi-recent redditor coping.
Fisker was initially founded in 2007 as a sort of luxury electric vehicle. I'd only seen one of them on the highway in the city, but it was horribly ugly. The company had issues with production in 2011 and had to file bankruptcy for the first time on its government loans in 2013 after multiple issues with quality and production, including battery explosions.
It ended up being purchased by a Chinese company in 2014, which red to many improvements and much more high quarity parts, directry reading to its second bankruptcy firing rast year.
Anyways, the /r/fisker sub is somehow still active and full of cope, arguments, and complaints about bugs causing their cars to stop working and/or crash.
Some choice comments from right before they filed their second bankruptcy:
I am all in. Still holding 31000 shares and never planning on selling. I am here to stay.
Good luck bud. Hope you get something out of this. Really mean that :)
This subreddit is one of the few where it's very positive and not toxic.
Unfortunately not much a regular person can do besides word of mouth and showing the car off. Company needs a much more powerful assist right now
The company needs to get off its own peepee, fire the entire exec team, hire a competent one and start over. Unless that is done there is no amount of outside assistance that will help anyone outside the family.
The company is dead.
Dead company walking! Zero chance of salvaging this corrupt company.
Data to back that up?
Tesla was in FAR WORSE positions than this over their history.
Tesla had more funding though and also was ran better from a business perspective.
Tesla was in a spot where they had two weeks of cash on hand (ie no funding). They were completely out of money. At the last gong they got a 20M injection to keep them floating.
Meanwhile Fisker is here sitting on 400M and no fixed costs, and everyone acts as if they're already dead.
I own 10k shares at .13 and may buy 90k this week. I can see them getting financial support just like LUCID eventually if they can convince others to support. They actually have a demand for their product and it's growing. You may not like the company and how they have managed up until this point, but when you got something that sells it's hard to go away. There was a coffee company once that went to pinks and ran to double digits. It's high risk to own this stock but for under 5k, it's worth a risk. People don't want to get rid of their cars and stock and I can't blame them for doing so. I see a revival here for sure. EV will be pushed tremendously these next 5 years
I'm thinking the same. If they turn things around, it could be a huge payday. Im wondering how many class A shares are in existence at this point?
Some panic for when the rumors of bankruptcy were first announced:
Can we still sell our shares at the opening of the market today?
Yes, for $0.
So does this mean the stock is worthless? Is there any hope at all? Serious answers only please
In bankruptcy shareholders are far down the waterfall provision of bankruptcy law in who gets paid. All the senior creditors (employees, bond holders, bank loans, vendors, lawsuits etc.) have to get paid out in full before shareholders see a penny. Not to mention the cost of the lawyers and bankruptcy itself are expensive and get top priority in being paid.
If Fisker liquidates their assets and has anything left over after paying the senior creditors in full then shareholders could receive something. But I doubt even the bondholders will get that much recovery.
Fisker declared bankruptcy because they have no money, a ton of debt and have little chance of generating money. Who is going to buy a car from a bankrupt company and does Fisker even have the money to make a car and sell at a profit? If Fisker had really valuable assets they would have sold them to cover their debts. It doesn't look like there's much chance of shareholders seeing much money, if any.
yes the bondholders are way, way underwater. what does fisker have left - a couple thousand pretty worthless cars thar wouldnt sell at a 50 pct discount, maybe some tooling and some worthless ip. might be worth 200 mil being really optimistic. debts are many multiples of that number. unless someone sees their ip as super valuable [super unlikely, theyve obv been for sale for months now with no takers] the equity is worth less than zero
Some type of recent hope still yet remains.
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Most Based Comments
Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘
It's almost like her and her husband pay for every accolade they've been given (2)
Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘
Can't say I'm surprised as the Grammys aren't what they used to be, but I think Lainey should have won that category. Really anyone except Beyoncé. (7)
Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘
CC is a dissertation on the black roots of country/Americana music. You should be happy it won then… (1)
Angriest Comments
Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘
My bad, I didn't realize you would take that to mean those two elements alone are pop. That isn't what I meant.Well no duh. I didn't say take Beyoncé out. I mentioned Miley because Miley's vocals sound country. She has a drawl and grit. Not saying you have to have those particular elements but there are clearly vocal differences from a pop singer and a country singer. If Chris Stapleton, Morgan Wallen, or Lainey Wilson sang a song without a twangy guitar or overly hokey lyrics you will still recognize it as country. That was my point. If I took Beyoncé song with just Beyoncé and no twangy guitar or Miley Cyrus… it would just sound like one of her pop songs. I really don't want to harp you anymore but I can't just ignore this lol. Just as a twangy guitar doesn't make a song country I don't think corny country sounding lyrics make a song country. I don't think Lil Nas X singing about a a horse makes him a country singer lol. It's a great song and is fun. But, to me, it lacks any depth... (1)
Angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘
I feel so bad for the artists. It's an insult to their craft. (2)
Angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘
I mean there is definitely a vibe of her using country like a costume. Studying country aspects and incorporating it into an album doesn't make the album any better. No more than a country artist studying R&B and releasing some corny album with corny lyrics. Like "this ain't Texas, ain't no hold em"? Come on… and that was the most popular song on the album. Like what metric are we using to call this good? (1)
Biggest Lolcow: /u/HistoricalDatabase94
Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘
Number of comments: 3
Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘
Maximum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘
Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘
NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining!
autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents.
Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion
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We need about 3% of Americans (about 11 million) go to on general strike. This has always been an effective strategy against fascism.
Our broad list of demands includes, but is not limited to: Climate action. Universal healthcare. Racial justice. Reproductive rights. LGBTQIA+ rights. Living wage / raise the minimum wage. Immigration reform. Education reform. Gun safety. Tax the rich. Affordable housing. Disability rights. Welfare and child support reform. Voters rights. Constitutional convention. Paid family and medical leave. Criminal justice system reform. Workers' rights. Permanent ceasefire in Gaza.
IMO we should be demanding that Trump rescind his EOs and resign by 2/22, or we take the economy down with us through sickouts, slowdowns, boycotts . . . whatever people can do to throw a wrench in the system.
this will happen!
Do NOT USE THAT URL! It may be a honeytrap. There is no need to sign a stike card or share your info. It is very dangerous to do so! A real strike will not require sign ups!!!
- peepeehands : hat
- Vegeta : hat
- Maximus : horse
- Saitama : hat
- corp : shat
- box : ☝️ fat
- Lv999_Lich_King : horse
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and several existing dk ones
just search donkey and diddy (harambe for the 2 new ones)
why are you not kongmaxxing !friendsofkong
: There's still time for one last spectacle
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Just off the top of my head:
tunnel jews
trump assasination attempt
biden dementia debate
replacement dem debacle
trump landslide
laura loomer and trump romance rumors
assad went
the claims adjuster
south korea attempted coup
NJ drones
atheist terror attack
two major commercial airline accidents
H1-B/musk internet race war
This definitely isn't a comprehensive list. What else happened this year?