
TL:DR it's because Heathcliffe should be darker skinned and is instead being played by a yt Australian. Also Margot is 7 years older than him but that's less dramatic so who cares?

It's nice to finally see the media getting woke to the wrong race topic.

Margot Robbie and Jacob Elordi, known for starring in Barbie and Saltburn, are to join forces in a major new film adaptation of Wuthering Heights.

The Australian actors will play Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff in director Emerald Fennell's adaptation of the classic Emily Bronte novel, set on the tempestuous Yorkshire moors.

They may be two of Hollywood's hottest stars, and it may be one of the most enduring love stories ever written, but their casting has left many film fans unimpressed.

Some pointed out that Catherine is in her teens in the book, while Heathcliff is described in the novel, written in 1847, as "dark-skinned".

"White Heathcliff and 34-year-old Cathy, and they both look like they belong on Instagram. I'm obsessed," wrote TV and film critic Gavia Baker-Whitelaw, external.

Nate Wood argues with some r-slur about keys

Allan Lichtman is a historian that came up with a set of bullet points he calls "Keys" that will predict the next president to get spots on morning talk shows. He's wrong, r-slurred, and should feel bad about himself. Ironically the keys say Trump will win, but Allan says otherwise.

It was 90 today but I've begun Halloween decorating and no one can stop me

I also bought some ridiculous spooky eyeball solar lights for around the deck, stocked up on pumpkin spice essential oils, pumpkin spice tea and soap

Have you begun preparing yet

The season begins in 9 days

Join !hallowhitesupremacists today and get in early

The Bad People keep gaining traction. r/eurocucks takes it well when Zoomers are the arbiters of Homofascism :soysnooseethe: :soysnooseethe: :soysnooseethe:

Greetings Dramatards :marseywave2:

Elon capitulates to Brazil's Supreme Court

Orange Site thread

In semi-related news, Cards Against Humanity is suing Elon for $15m:


From its beginning, this site has been glorious, and I want to pay my respects to the kings :marseyking: and queens :marseyqueen: and chings :marseychingchong: of this community. Please do the same if there's a banger comment you've ever seen, saved and still appreciate. It can be yours, it can be some other's, it can r-slurred, it can be smart&insightful, it can be one whilst initially intending to be the other and vice versa.

As long as it's entertaining and from 2021, anything goes. :marseywink:

Here's my wall of fame, in order of seniority:


Ls being groomed into FtMs

Gs being driven into exile

Bs abandoned ship a long time ago

Ts promoted to CEO of globohomo

BIPOCs now considered a sexuality

1980s gay activists wouldn't even have bothered fighting through AIDS and Bible thumpers if they knew there was gonna be days like this

@32624647 on the fall from Grace of white gays, 4 aug 2021


owning the libs is literally the only political project that exists now for some states. All issues of material need are secondary to ownage

@cantsaythat on republicans' priority, 20 aug. 2021


It's a good thing, it means I won't have any competition in the job market. I'm not a hyperwoke liability, I'm not upset by "microaggressions", I don't have weird pronouns, I take minor obstacles in stride, and I can fricking use a computer.

@RedAero on gen z's technological illiteracy, 23 sep. 2021


Every time I hear something about South Africa, I can't help but be reminded that they're the only country to voluntarily give up their nuclear capabilities. Not out of concern for peace and humanity's future, but because apartheid was ending and they didn't trust BIPOCs with nukes.

On the one hand hilarious, but on the other an unfortunate setback for the mayocide.

@RocketRaccoonspeepeesleeve on South Africa, 11 oct. 2021


All I know about female psychology is that for some reason they want to frick married men more than single men and this is how I know women are the devils creation.

Don't listen to the lies about "quality assurance" or "confidence." The real answer is that women get spiritual pleasure from harming other women emotionally.

Two of our local muslim scholars, @Unironicdramadebater and @MARFAN_EATS_DOODOO, discussing about the woman problem, 12 oct. 2021


I legit feel like there is some outside force intervening from incel drama from taking off. It's like a fireworks warehouse surrounded by fields of dry dead flora, and we're just waiting for some asshat to drop a cigarette, but it never happens.

@MOONTEP, also on incels, 15 oct. 2021


I might unironically cancel my Netflix subscription if they cave. I've already seen all the good shows anyway so avoiding it for a few months would probably be a good thing anyway.

I'd cancel mine but that would mean having to figure out which ex's account I'm still leaching off of.

@UpmarseyIfYouCope and @WootFatigue on the Netflix walk-out over Dave Chapelle's skit, 22 oct. 2021


Not only do I have internal monologue, but I can't ever get it to shut the frick up for a moment so I can actually enjoy something in peace.

@UpmarseyIfYouCope, rdrama's sanest user, over internal monologue, 24 oct. 2021


They instantly regret [transitioning] when they realise what life as a manlet is like.

@Communist_spez on FtMs, 1 nov. 2021


Kind of chilling to see all these formers /r/incel users become trains. In a way it's poetic. They peered into the abyss of roasties and the abyss stared back.

@MOONTEP on incels, 13 nov. 2021


When the caliphate arrives only the members of rdrama will be spared, were gonna need to come up for a word you can say to the mujahideen so you don't accidentally get roofed, or beheaded

They're they most deserving to die though

@GT and @August, on american politics and the inevitable triumph of Allah, 28 nov. 2021


Word of advice to the consumeproduct guys. The traditional values you keep harping about aren't the problem, the pious cute twinkry in which you espouse them is.

@EEE's message to chuds, 7 dec. 2021


Cuban missile crisis was the gayest shit ever in retrospect. America puts missiles in turkey first, throws a hissy fit when russia does the same in cuba, gets so mad, they try to invade cuba then screws up so badly cubans still laugh about it today and just agrees to remove the missiles in turkey anyway. America should've ended the cold war after that just to save face.

@Myotheraltissanta on the Cuban Missile Crisis, 8 dec. 2021


And now here's for my personal favourite of the year, and honestly should be one of r drama dot net's motto: :marseykingcrown:

Redditors create sexless times,

Sexless times create incels,

Incels create drama,

Drama kills time for me at work


@Patriarch, on incels, 14 oct. 2021

To all the dramatards who got tagged, thank you for your unhingeness. You make this website worth browsing. You truly are the grandsons of the r-slurs they couldn't lobotomize.

:#marseyking: :#marseyking: :#marseyking: :#marseykneel:

And what about you? :marseyroses: :marseypointedgun: Which were your favourite comments of 2021?

Dixiebros… I don't feel so good

Shout out to all of my !dixie brothers whose lives are also about to get fricked up for the next week or so lol. I'm directly in the path of this thing. Could still bend around us but we'll see!


still can't actually decorate for another week but i bought a couple sets of flameless flickering spooky candles with halloween designs on them

apparently 3 of them are made from wax but idk what that means

anyway i just set them up and they will run from 19:15 to whatever 6 hours from now is every night

they look GREAT

!hallowhitesupremacists 6 days until it is legal to decorate

what are you doing this year

Interesting choice of countries to describe tiers :marseythinkorino:

!goyslopenjoyers !burgers

r/insanepeoplefacebook - "consent just isn't hot"

idk if this has already been posted - too :marseyantiwork2: to check

Big male feminist energy there.

The guy's account was easy to find. Turns out he is also a Neonazi. I mean an actual fan of The Axis powers.

I wish we didn't live in a time where it was ok to openly admit you're a male feminist. Or a Nazi. Maybe the internet was a mistake.

technology was a mistake not necessarily electronics, but planes, trains, laws, cowtools :marseyunabomber:

But... Telling someone to kill themselves is awful regardless of who it is, could also be a crime in some jurisdictions But this guy is totally fricked and his parents failed him

They didn't tell them to kill themselves, they made a polite request.

Why are incels so stupid? :marseyhmmhips:

Huh? - r/facepalm

So fricking obvious a man wrote this.

If you're in a healthy relationship you should not always have to ask to give your partner a kiss. And if you're both strongly attracted or "in the moment" something as simple as lightly stroking the rim of an ear could be considered a sexual act. The human body is covered in nerve endings. The adult thing to do is try and discuss ahead of time what you both like, don't like and may or may not be interested in trying.

Communicating beforehand is giving consent.

Not for consent extremists. :marseylaugh: They want specific permissions given before during and after. For every single action. As far as I have heard it's all one sided too. The woman is not required to ask.

So... you're a virgin, then?

Not in the literal sense of the word. Available guys in my area and age range all seem to be drunks/smokers/drug addicts all 3 are major turn offs for me. With my work schedule it's been a few years since I've had time to consider any sort of relationship. I can recommend some authors that definitely do a lot of research into kink/S&M play. Consent and talking about needs and care etc. are very well covered. Also 1 YouTube channel hosted by a couple of gay men that are into kink. I never looked for gay kink but it was recommended a lot so it must be popular. I'm curious by nature and learned a few unexpected things.

To me, consent means being wanted. How is being an undesirable creep hot?

I mean I think he's talking about the question itself, it's like putting terms and conditions before banging. It's kinda boner killer to pause and ask if you have consent.

"It's kinda boner killer to pause and ask if you have consent."

Only if you're a moron virgin that cant figure out how to make it not a boner killer.


Chill dude. It takes practice to figure It out. Wtf

Im sure for someone with 88 in their name it takes practice like most basic social interactions. For most people its common sense.


I feel like a lot of this is kind of her own doing. If she wasn't chronically on social blathering ever single thought that runs through her head, much or the backlash that's been thrown at her just wouldn't exist. She sounds like an immature teenager, not a seasoned 26 year old who had been working hard to get where she is for years. I'm normally not in favor of telling women to shut the frick up, but she kinda needs a lesson in shutting the frick up to be honest... Or I guess a real social media manager would work too.


None :marseylaugh#:

So long story short, the "BAC consulting" company was some mossad shell company they used as a front to import the beepers or something before stuffing them full of RDX PETN and sending them into the pants of terrorists. The company was complete with a website with filled with nothing but gobbledygook and a number fake employees as well. The CEO/owner, Cristiana BΓ‘rsony-Arcidiacono Ph.D, appears to have been magic'ed into existence by spooks about 6 years ago and is somehow an expert at literally everything from physics to economics to art blah blah blah and makes Bardfinns larp look like childs play as she lists fake credits for published papers on positrons and shit dating back to 2005 lol. :marseyemojilaugh#: Savage

Complete w/an instagram which terrorist lovers already found and bitching at

More info:

Oh yeah and in looking into this I found she was also listed on some other website that looks like a generic Mossad website front too but no ones really caught on to this yet:

They already took her off or disabled the about us page, but this website is really funny too though because it all reads as gibberish meant to mimic boring corpo-speak

Also they got some real cutie to pose as the CEO who I'm not sure if shes actually a spook or an unwitting patsy, but the videos associated with this gibberish company are equally nonstop word-salad:

You can tell they had some fun with this :marseyxd#:


Edit, more misc funniness from their second glowy shell company: looks like they figured out this part was too obvious lmao totally legit comments :marseysurejan#:

also found this person in their employees: :marseyinvestigate!#: Looks legit Looks like their still active! and one of you named the jew tsk tsk :marseysmughips:

Democrat ads make Trump seem so cool and badass :marseydarktrump:

From the people who made the ad:

BARDO, the team that brought this project to life, began with a poll commissioned by Elizabeth Cabraser and Eva Paterson. It revealed that uncommitted voters could be swayed if made aware of Trump's alarming statements, such as his willingness to terminate the Constitution or act as a dictator. 50% of voters in America are swing voters.

Our poll showed that this information could shift 7% of these swing voters toward the Democratic ticket. In response, Paterson began creating a dystopian video to highlight the dangers of a Trump re-election, incorporating animation and a strong creative team. With $150,000 raised, the Bardo team believes this effort could be crucial in deciding between Vice President Harris or President Trump.

EFFORTPOST Darklands LP Ep IV: Introduction to Equipment & Combat

Darklands has sometimes been derided by its detractors :marseyautism: as "the first RTWP game". Which is technically true, but its mechanics are (intentionally) quite different from Bioware just adapting D&D crap. Today we're going to start scratching the surface of the combat system.

I've been spending some time grinding, just going through the cycle of getting into fights with muggers, selling their stuff, healing, and going out for more. Every few times we win we can afford to buy a new item to equip our characters. Even more importantly, everyone is improving their weapon skills. They're increasing pretty rapidly since we're still at low levels. (Later on as they get closer to 100 they improve much more slowly.) Let's take a look at the current state of our party:

Sasha now has some javelins. These are useful for doing a little damage to the enemy as they advance toward you. Ideally I would equip everyone with some kind of ranged weapon but we can't afford that yet. Looking at her skills, her Edged Weapons ("WEdg") is up to 27, decent enough for dealing with street thugs. Her Thrown Weapons ("WThr") is only at 14 so she's going to need a lot more practice before she can reliably hit with those javelins.

Redactor's simple club has been replaced with a mace, which does slightly more damage and will penetrate the armor of anyone we're likely to encounter soon. His Impact Weapons skill is getting pretty formidable at 35. I am such a chad.

Yuna likewise has a mace now but is much less proficient with it.

Nathan has swapped out his short spear for a long spear which does slightly more damage. His Polearm Weapons skill is up to 30 so he should be fairly deadly with it now.

Notice that I've equipped everyone with a shield. These give a moderate advantage in avoiding being hit, about as good as having 15-20 more points in our weapon skill. They'll be more important later in the game for blocking arrows when we run into enemy archers.

Everyone still has a "light load". That means they can attack a little bit faster and they'll be better in certain situations like dodging traps. Later on we'll have to make some tough decisions about how to equip our people as only the strongest can effectively use the heaviest armor. But for now we can't afford much armor anyway so it's not an issue yet.

Let's go out and look for a fight now. You'll (hopefully) see how much better our party does with better skills and equipment.

Music for that same grove of trees at night.

So far these are very simple fights without much going on in the way of tactics yet. Things will get much more interesting later in the game as there's more interesting maps, more sophisticated weapons and armor, alchemy, and more dangerous enemies.

I have Sasha toss a javelin at one of the enemies but she misses.

Sasha and Yuna manage to take down one of them quickly.

Now that it's 4 vs. 3 we should make short work of them. A guy who is fighting two opponents at once is at a big disadvantage. Here Yuna whacks at a guy from behind him, distracting him so that Nathan can land a powerful blow. With the strength he puts behind his long spear he does tremendous damage and kills him. The fight is over shortly.

We pick up the two javelins that Sasha threw and the cheap armor and weapons from our dead opponents. Nathan and Sasha have been hurt slightly but are still quite ready to fight. This is way better than when we first started the game, when a single fight with these riffraff would make us run away to heal.

Sasha's Thrown Weapons skill increases. Those javelins might not be too useful yet but she's getting good practice with them.

After that I got in another fight and my people got some modest wounds. Nothing too serious, but as their strength gets worn down they don't fight as well, so I figure it's time to call it a night. We can't go back to the nuns to treat our wounds again because they won't just do charity work for you constantly. You've got to at least wait a couple months. So we'll go to the inn and settle down there for a while.

Thanks to Yuna, the best healer in our party, we are each able to regain 2 points of lost strength per day. Sasha isn't hurt so we'll have her just get a job to help pay our rent. Due to her Edged Weapons and Artifice skills she qualifies to be a swordsmith, earning 6pf/day. She could make more money if she was more skilled or we were in a bigger city, but in a bigger city we also would have to pay more in rent.

After a few days everyone is completely healed except for Nathan. Redactor can make 8pf/day as a craftsman because of my high int. Yuna's healing skills earn her 5pf/day.

Now that our party has at least the basic skills and equipment needed to survive low level fights, maybe next episode I'll leave the city and venture forth into the dangerous countryside.



Most Based Comments

Basedness: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

The people get more money which is the point how much the rich have is irrelevant. (8)

Everyone gets to be able to lift 500kg with no issues, but one guy gets to be homelanderPlease ignore the fact that homelander exists and can kill all of us if he wanted to, it's a better situation than 200 years ago when everyone was only able to lift 50kgyou (0)

Basedness: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Serious question: OP, are you rich? (-5)

Basedness: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

This is kinda a misrepresentation, as the middle/lower class gets richer, so does the upper class. Not the other way around (20)

You got a Zero sums mindset (0)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Thats....not rich...? Depending on where he lives that wouldn't even be enough to pay his bills (0)

You have a strange understanding of what it means to be rich, I would say. In my personal observation, anyone can become rich, but the problem lies in their spending habitsβ€”wasting money on things they don't need or on things that harm them. (2)

Angriness: πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

I'm not denying his hard work, just pointing out the hypocrisy of saying "anyone can do it" when here in America the average cost of a master's degree is about $60,000 and he'd be out on the streets starving or dead if he spent 2 years job searching.Edit: that's $60,000 not including undergrad. (1)

I've heard this a lot, but the real issue is how people spend, not how much they earn. I read a post a while ago where someone mentioned that in America, people tend to spend a lot on things they don't need or that harm them, and then they complain about their salary. But I'm not there to say how it is. (1)

Angriness: πŸ˜‘πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

You think the black book of communism is accurate don't you? (0)

Your words, not mine.Now, what's your argument in favor of communism other than "I'm a loser and I want the state to steal money from my neighbor and give it to me". (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/iltwomynazi

Score: πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Number of comments: 1

Average angriness: πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Maximum angriness: πŸ˜‘πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Minimum angriness: πŸ˜‘πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


!besties !nonchuds /h/Atheism says trans christian lives matter :#carpexcited:



:marsey911roofer: :bork2:

The dog's owner told Newsweek: "Each morning when I feed the kittens, [Dakota] pushes her way in. I usually bottle feed them and she's always right there, even at 4 a.m., as they need to be fed every three to four hours at a time."

:marsey911roofer: :bork2:

The video shows Dakota waiting patiently outside a door before it's opened, after which she heads towards the bathroom where a carrier containing kittens is seen inside an empty bathtub. The tiny feline friends are later shown scattered around the bathtub, with Dakota sticking her head in among them.

:marseypop2: :marseyfoidretard: :giggabork:

"Dakota is the best foster assistant when we have baby kitties. She loves to help me feed them & babysits them too! #fosterkittens #saintbernard #animallover #fosteringsaveslives #fostermom"

Bald Marsey: "Ackackackackackmeowackackmeowwwackack"

What did he mean by this???


Crazy how America is an uneducated, stupid dystopia yet consistently laps Europoor countries in recovering from things like COVID and the 2008 financial crisis. Fricking Alabama has more economic resilience than the biggest European economies.


Daily Mail has the scoop

The attack took place at Chongqing Zoo in the city of the same name in south-western China just after 9am on September 19.

It first shows the keeper trying to escape the enclosure but the panda throws its weight behind the door, forcing her to run back inside.

The panda then runs after the zookeeper who tries to keep the animal at bay by putting her hands on its shoulders.

But the panda surges forward, and eventually swipes her off her feet and pounces on top of her.

It appears to be biting the terrified keeper on the arm as she tries to push it away.

She eventually managed to run for the door while the panda was distracted.

Foid tries to film anything without impotently screaming like scared monkeys challenge: Impossible

The attack shocked visitors at the zoo who could be heard screaming as it unfolded.

Chongqing Zoo has since promised to put safety measures in place to ensure a similar incident does not happen again.

The park, built in 1953, covers an area of 111 acres and has a variety of animals including giant pandas, red pandas, the South China tiger and white tigers.

A zoo spokesman said the keeper's condition was not serious but did not elaborate.

And at the time of writing the panda, named Ding Ding, was still visible to the public in its enclosure.

Ding Ding is a female panda born on August 30, 2015 at Chongqing Zoo, with pedigree number 982.

Move along, please. China zoo safety numba 1 :marseyjewoftheorient:

Reported by:
  • HailVictory1776 : Not ex girlfriend? Ew
  • Corp : ^^ Please don't report my posts with nonsense. Only I can do that
:marseyyoutube: Some Chick was R*ped on the set of a Mr. Beast production allegedly, with onlookers :marseysickos2:

kiwicels :marseynull:

It is so over. Not reading this bullcrap anymore.
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