Aussie :platyaboriginal: soccer player who called Bonglish cop "fricking white and stupid" is now being tried

She said she was uncomfortable in the taxi because some taxi driver in Sydney murdered some people and got upset at the popo for taking the taxi driver's side or something. Idk heard it yesterday on the radio.

Basically, Sydney is a dangerous place that you should never go to.


Chud working :marseylifting: for Elon Musk's AI company :marseyapple2: FIRED after LEAKING… the existence of Grok 3?


How @ToeBeans hurt my feelings

Recently, I suffered a massive injustice at the hands of @ToeBeans, and I wish to talk about it because it concerns a lot of important societal topics. Recently, @ToeBeans made a lighthearted thread asking people why they were still up. The humor is obvious - as a global website, there are obviously many users for whom it is not night, but @ToeBeans is acting like it is bedtime for everybody. It is also a relatable thread, as we have all had the experience of suffering from insomnia and finding ourselves browsing this godforsaken site.

I was one of the first people to respond to the thread, and I think I gave a worthwhile answer.

I left the thread and tended to other matters. When I returned, to my surprise, the thread had blown up and there were over a hundred replies. I jumped back into the thread to consume the new content but I soon found myself crestfallen. @ToeBeans had responded to everybody except for me. It felt like a knife to the gut, like having acid thrown on your face. Sadly, it wasn't an unfamiliar feeling, however, and the sadness that fell over me was something like an old friend. This is a situation I've dealt with plenty of times in my life - being ignored, overlooked, ostracized - and it comes down to heightism.

What Is Heightism?

Heightism is the discrimination of others based on their height. This is a harsh form of discrimination because one cannot change their height. It is a form of discrimination that mainly affects men, and it permeates all spheres of life. Height is used to judge one's fitness, attractiveness, and worth.

This is apparent when we look at the world of economics. What the studies show is absolutely darning.

Summing up the Wikipedia article:

1. Your height at 16 determines your whole life's earning power

  • They also found that men's wages as adults could be linked to their height at age 16

  • The researchers found that on an average an increase in height by one inch at age 16 increased male adult wages by 2.6 percent. This is equal to increase of approximately $850 in 1996 annual earnings. In other words, the height and corresponding social experiences of taller male adolescent at age 16 would likely translate to higher wage in later adulthood as compared to shorter male adolescent.

2. Your height determines what jobs you can have, even if height has nothing to do with your duties

  • Studies have shown that short people are paid less than taller people, with disparities similar in magnitude to the race and gender gaps

3. Your height determines whether you will hold any leadership positions. If you're below 5 foot 7, you have almost NO chance of ever holding a leadership position

  • Surveys have uncovered that less than 3% of CEOs were below 1.70 m (5 ft 7 in) in height. 90% of CEOs are of above average height

Heightism isn't limited to the world of money. It also extends into the romantic realm. Here, things get brutal for short men.

1. Women prefer taller men

  • in a 2019 survey performed by Ipsos in Hungary with over 500 respondents, the perfect height for men for 53% of participants was between 1.78 m (5 ft 10 in) to 1.85 m (6 ft 1 in)

What Are the Effects of Heightism?

By now it should be obvious that heightism is not benign, nor is it a laughing matter. As a 156cm man, I have felt the harsh effects of heightism and it has permanently scarred my psyche and moulded me into who I am today, for better and for worse. There are no organisations or groups to come to my aid, and if I complain about the obvious discrimination I face, I am ridiculed. Heightism is suffered in private, and you are led to believe it is non-existent. Nobody has sympathy for you when you're short. You're always overlooked, never seen as a leader, you're always just "less than".

As you would imagine, research has shown that going through life as a short man has deleterious effects on the psyche.

  • A study produced by the Universities of Groningen and Valencia, found that the taller a man was, the less anxious he felt about attractive, physically dominant, and socially powerful rivals

  • it was found that a 5-cm (2-inch) increase in height was associated with a 9% decrease in suicide risk


When @ToeBeans ignored me, I felt that pain of being a manlet. That familiar feeling of being unseen and rejected for factors outside of my control. I put my best foot forward and I got overlooked. What's sad is that I've always tried to be nice to @ToeBeans so I don't know what I did to deserve this treatment.

But all that doesn't matter. I don't matter. I'm just a worthless manlet so nothing I do matters. I feel like cutting myself but I'm not going to do it. I'm dedicated to having a benzo and cutting free 2025. Nobody will take me off my path to self-improvement. I can't control what others think of me but I can control myself.


Null is in an neurodivergent arms race against the users who desperately want to know how much edgy reddit karma they've accumulated. This thread is apparently the second time a user debuted a userscript that can calculate a user's reaction score, and the previous one was foiled by Null disabling something. Now reactions are completely unviewable except on a post by post level.

Should I shit my bed?

I'm too cozy but have to poop.

I hate the neurodivergent twinks on dating apps


Hector Martin :bardfinn: is stirring shit in the linux community again. Linus responds


We had a good run :marseyitsover: :marseyhillarybackstab: :marseytrump:


Temporary Protected Status or TPS is a legal mechanism that protects illegals from deportation. According to the gov itself, Homeland Security may designate a foreign country for TPS due to conditions in the country that temporarily prevent the country's nationals from returning safely, or in certain circumstances, where the country is unable to handle the return of its nationals adequately. USCIS may grant TPS to eligible nationals of certain countries (or parts of countries), who are already in the United States.

This is a godsend for illegals from particular shithole countries because it is a literal trump card :marseycarlos: when it comes to illegal immigration. As long as TPS is extended, the date in which you had to make it to the US to apply for it keeps being rolled down, and with shitholes like Venezuela who remain unsafe given their actual dictator in chief, the prediction was that it would be free from Drumpfs list of targets as they are neither accepting deportees or stable/safe/not committing human rights abuses :marseyflagvenezuela:

TPS as a trump card is legitimately insane and lawcels use it to a ridiculous degree to prevent deportations. Notably, TPS can be used during deportation proceedings to:

>petition the court to close an ongoing deportation case, with or without the support of a prosecutor

>prevent enforcement of an active deportation order

>appeal a deportation order to then close the appeal once you have TPS

Lawcels will effectively sneed at having a large amount of clients be outright unable to avoid deportation now, as will actual beneficiaries. The sneed from beneficiaries is also going to be monumental, because a TPS beneficiary qualifies for:

>protection from deportation

>work permits to work legally

>social security number

>housing benefits and numerous forms of welfare like healthcare, cash, student loans, food stamps...

So wheres the drama? Soon to come about as the news comes out pretty late night about a niche topic. NYT has confirmed they have a copy of a Trump Administration Decision to shut down the latest renewals, meaning Venezuelans will lose their protections in 2 waves, one in April and another in September and face summary deportation unless they beg to be placed in the enormous queue for a deportation hearing. Keep an eye out for sneed sometime between tomorrow and saturday (deadline for DHS Sec to announce if renewed or banned). Once the official announcement is made and this actually hits headlines beyond one outlet, we may get a surge in Dramacoin (or it will all be unintelligible bastardized spanish).

Dawn of the Final Day : r:somethingiswrong2024


Homemade Planes :marseywtf2:


pretty cool

Chatgpt chuds out about the UN and western powers installing female leaders in Africa


I never expected chatgpt to be so honest

:marseynullbipolar: Kiwifarms is kill

!dramatards !ranchers

I don't think Americans understand what a war with Canada would actually look like : AskCanada | American pretends leafs would do terrorism


Right off the bat, I'm American, and this is just my best guess, but I've been talking to and hearing a lot of Americans say stuff like "oh if it came to it it would be over in a day" or some stuff like that. WRONG

We. Would. Not. Be. Able. To. Stop. The. Bombings.

I don't think most Americans consider how much easier fighting a war is when you can identify your enemy by skin color and language, you guys speak English (mostly) you have basically the same demographic makeup as the US, basically what I'm saying is that you are the platonic ideal for a partisan guerilla campaign.

You can't buy KN03 in Canada because the government is worried people would make black powder with it. Americans have nothing to fear from !leafs bombing them.

I can pretty much guarantee that the first thing the Canadian military high command does is erase all records of who is in the Canadian military, hide all of their leopards, their jets, their stuff that is on par with US military tech in bunkers in the Northern Territories and destroy the fricking maps, you won't be using them for a while, but they're nice to have around if needed.

No. We haven't even destroyed the long gun registry 20 years after a court ordered it to happen.

The Canadian military will then systematically erase any identifiable signatures it has, servicemen and women will burn their ID cards, their uniforms, bury caches of small arms, explosives, anti tank weapons, anti air rockets.

Lmao no. Most CAF members have little to no real training. They don't have the ammo needed to train. Heck they got rid of post basic training! !burgers that right leafs go to basic and then "learn on the job".

This war would not look like anything the US has ever seen before in its history, this war would look like car bombs in Des Moines Iowa every day, Police Stations being shot up in every state of the Union, political assassinations.

Canadians allowed themselves to be disarmed (at least the lefties did). They don't have guns to shoot with.

/u/Grotesque_Bisque You're a moron jacking off to fantasy

Bearded vulture-san
monthly website stats post (January 2025) :marseychartscatter:

Our stats:

Cloudflare stats (30 days):


Cloudflare stats (7 days):


Google stats (30 days):

Chats by activity (30 days):

 id  |                   name                   |         owner         | messages past month
   1 | Chat                                     |                       |               13961
 427 | love and appreciation for manul          | @Patsy                |                3222
 959 | SERIOUS MARRIAGE CHAT                    | @Rad_juju             |                3153
 631 | Football Chat                            | @SN                   |                1959
 905 | JJ & Comm                                | @Rad_juju             |                 802
 924 | Mario Party                              | @TriHard              |                 577
 922 | LuigiFuckers                             | @Kongvann             |                 433
 453 | Official CuteAndValid Chat               | @UncleAbortion        |                 388
 746 | 🐕🐕The Dog Log🐕🐕                    | @Y                    |                 381
 452 | Britbong Rightoid Schizo Conspiracy Chat | @UncleAbortion        |                 210
 208 | The Footy                                | @Avalon               |                 170
 182 | Mops and mop accessories                 | @Kongvann             |                 157
 806 | Official !hornyposters Chat              | @UncleAbortion        |                 151
  16 | FGCHAT                                   | @TrapEnjoyer          |                 141
 471 | @Patsy Did Nothing Wrong                 | @UncleAbortion        |                  97
 818 | Fedchat                                  | @HollyJollyJihad      |                  84
 320 | marital rape                             | @binturong            |                  79
 949 | Cat Chat                                 | @Rad_juju             |                  76
 988 | ART PROJECT                              | @BIGBILLYKONGDONG     |                  72
  47 | Gluewies 47                              | @UraniumDonGER        |                  51
 337 | Public Programming            | @Patsy                |                  48
 977 | COOMthread                               | @Coom                 |                  35
 909 |                          | @JoyceCarolOates      |                  29
 989 | ART PROJECT SUBMISSIONS                  | @BIGBILLYKONGDONG     |                  29
  87 | Tea Party Chat                           | @Drippo               |                  28
 957 | ive only gotten more racist              | @Pasty                |                  28
 117 | /fit/sisters (NO BOYS ALLOWED)           | @box                  |                  23
 432 | 'buchat                                  | @Patsy                |                  23
 871 | JJ & SHILL                               | @Rad_juju             |                  22
 131 | Mountain Lions, Funny Dogs, Smoked Meat  | @Ambervixen_Fluffymug |                  13
 638 | We curl in the squat rack                | @seal_cel             |                  12
 401 | Bundeschat                               | @UraniumDonGER        |                  11
 666 | _666_ HOUSE EDGY SECRET CHAT _666_       | @YappingCat           |                  11
 162 | AI shitposting                           | @WaitingForSummer     |                  10
 543 | last bastion of inceldom                 | @seal_cel             |                  10
 101 | Chadcentral                              | @Losercel             |                   9
 622 | Rothschilds Family Private Chat          | @Count_Sprpr          |                   8
 143 | Slackernews jannies                      | @SN                   |                   7
 606 | friendly dms between best friends        | @Patsy                |                   6
 158 | Funding המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים | @YappingCat           |                   4
 866 | OFFICIAL JEET HATE CHAT                  | @676974               |                   4
 955 | Ho Chat                                  | @Rad_juju             |                   4
(42 rows)

we haven't been contacted by any law enforcement or governmental organizations in 2025 (or ever for that matter)

!metashit !nooticers !chat !chatchads

Classic 2 | drink and drive PSA for ABOS

HEY! grog and drive no good! :grug:

Reported by:

I stumbled upon a post on /r/NPR of the :marseysowsmug: :marseyreapcrying: voot bloo no madda who black trans lives matter ultra-wokeoids getting cannibalized by their own listeners, because they do not hate Drumpf enough and are being "unfair" towards Biden :soysnootypefast: :soysnooseethe: :soyjaktantrumfast: :marseyitsallsotiresome:, and well, I just clicked on the profile of a random commenter, called /u/Knower_of_somnothing who calls himself a "mega-progressive" to see how much reddit has been affecting the mental health of terminally online antisocial urbanites in the 2020s. :marseyclueless:

However, I was shocked to see that this leddit user is a Progressivecel version of Anders Breivik :bruh:, the user is very obsessed with IQ points, constantly mentions 4chan, and hates jannies, something uncharacteristic of the average redditor with /r/politics brainrot, and very likely an inside job of a Dramanaut, KiwiFarmer, Sharteen, or 4chud.

So deep inside, I hope to Allah (SWT) that /u/Knower_of_somnothing is just a shitposter from /pol/ making fun of redditors during election season.... but this seems unlikely, since he has been non-stop posting his mass shooter manifestos for over a year, and has very upmarseyd comments, let a user like this be put on the museum of 2020s internet brainrot, a cautionary tale for future generations who might start to rebel against social media and culture war doomposting:

1. Anyone and everyone who tries in any way to frick with the election should be hanged until death like the law states. :feraljaktantrum:

2. I am definitely a mega progressive, I hate republicans, fascism, russia, and any kind of hate. So when I hear NPR being soft on trump, I question why more people let them slide? :smugjak:

3. Nobody wants to unify with garbage nazis. What do you not understand about that? You are a shitty loud minority, and we will progress this country without you all. You all lost all respect years ago; lucky for you, you will benefit from the progress. Best thing to do is just shut the frick up after the election, but we all know you'll go smear shit on the walls of some government building and get arrested. :soysnootypefast:

Ledditor version of the "you sound like a seething jewish chad, Trump won, get over it" copypasta :marseyhorseshoe::#wingcucks:

4. :marseyleftoidschizo:


Why are both leftoids and rightoids so much obsessed with the IQ points of people they believe to be subhumans worthy of death? :marseynooticeglow:


A MAGNeurodivergent wants to leave the MAGA cult? you would expect that ledditors would let their inner Evangelical take hold and welcome new Democrat voters with open arms, but no lol, to this future mass shooter, there is no forgiveness for the unforgivable sin of being a Drumpflermort supporter, once a RethugliKKKan always a RethugliKKKan, your only form of mercy is getting choked before you burn to death at the stake


Once again, my post is not a "lol look at this crazy libtard amrite fellow MAGA pedes? :marseypepe:", this guy is a genuine schizo mass shooter in the making who hates even Democrats who despise Trump, it does not matters even if you are a hardcore vote blue no matter who Black Trans Lives Matter Trump 4 Prison Kamalabro, this guy still fricking hates your guts for existing, and wants revenge against those who he feels wronged him because he is an r-slur that is likely already on a mass shooter/Trump assassin FBI watch list.

He just uses culture war politics and faux-Progressive/right-side-of-history lingo to justify his emo edgelord misanthropy and fedposting straight out of 2004 VampireFreaks, the "everyone is welcome in our movement, we do not discriminate" doctrines has led to countless charlatans, grifters, predators, manipulators, outright malicious and violent people to infiltrate Progressive/faux-Leftist/Gaming/Animation/Geek circles in the past decade or so, politics and working for your friends and community be darned, they just want what benefits them and themselves only.

8. :#bruh:


To be expected, he actually despises Palestine, and is honest about why he does not gives a shit about it..... because he heckin christofascist MAGA bigot chud Paleschudians hate LGBTQIAP2S folx :marseyeyeroll:



!schizos !grillers !fedposters !reportmaxxers

:redlight: US:marseysaluteusa: launches Nuclear :marseytruthnuke: missile :redlight:


ZUCKED: Zuck's chud arc continues, rolls on Biden's admin, spills the tea on vaccines :marseygossip: "They basically pushed us and said anything that says vaccines might have side effects you basically need to take down." "Who is 'They'?" "The Jews, Joe. We must secure the existe

I love chud zuck bros :marseyembrace: shame the CIA is going to ice him :marseydejected:

Full video for the unemployed

Twitter sees through his lies:

Walnut the Crane-Chan and her Human
Would you vote for your gf?

!Meowr !foidmoment



I'm 28F, my husband is 32M.

Not a good start, he's a confirmed groomer. :malefeminist:

He's always wanted kids [..] I don't express myself as super excited about it.

Stop wasting his time, b-word! :marseywall:

I've seen so many depressed moms who regret their decision

How many happy mothers do you reckon she's encountered that she completely discounts because she can't relate to them?

Last month was our marriage anniversary [..] he had a gift for me. I was excited. I opened the box and it was so creepy. It was a realistic doll like how a baby looks.

Even the sight of a baby :chadbaby: upsets her. This woman is ROTTEN!

I was so creeped out, but I didn't want to ruin the night, so I just said thanked him and went to bed.

Now she's denying s*x to her husband on their anniversary :marseyindignantwoman: because he actually got her a gift from his heart and not a Stanley cup handbag or whateverthefrick

a few days pass and last night sunday, he went out with his friends. [..] he'd be home late. [..] At 4 AM, I woke up to get ready for my shift. I went downstairs and saw him passed out on the couch. I went closer to wake him up so he wouldn't hurt his back sleeping there.

He would rather risk his back than risk waking up this harpy :marseygrin:

Next to him was his drinks. A bottle of lube. And that silicone sticky doll. Without clothes. Placed on his private parts. He was just laying there. Passed out.

This man is so desperate to be a father he used a doll and the lube that his frigid :marseyeggless: wife needs to simulate the warmth of the child she won't provide him with, and HE'S the monster?

Disturbed. I quietly went upstairs, grabbed some clothes and left. I called in sick and checked into a hotel.

Any reason to get out an honest day's labor with these harlots

i don't know how to tell my friends or family. I'm Indian


EDIT TO THIS POST. A lot of people are asking about picture. Before leaving the house, i took a picture because i knew no one would believe me.

Now admitting to an actual crime, very good! :marseywomanmoment2:

Or, more likely, this is a bored 20-something troll that realized getting proof made way more sense than running off, not understanding that running off with no proof is what an actual woman would do.

When you're pretending to be a woman you must heed this

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