EFFORTPOST I am back and I reached a good morning lvl I didn't knew it was possible to reach

So I had to logout from this site because my spring exams were shity so I had to redo them. I aced them. One day had 3 exams, university statistic is like 10% success rate to pass 2 exams in one day and I aced 3 :gigachad4: Basically the first time I failed those exams was because my ps5 broke and I was dedicated to fix it. It also got me reee that local repair centres (Morrocan those who bashed Jews supporters last night) had no fricking idea what a FUSE was :marseyraging: :marseywitchtriggered: the only thing those kankerholebi do is clean ps5 for 120 euro, replace the power supply for 200 euro and replace hdmi for 250 euro.

So at that point I was like:

So I bought a microscope and fuses I needed to replace and fixed it and recovered my save files.

After receiving my exams results I decided to take couple more weeks off and then decided to return when I fix all my daily life problems all related to foids incompetence including helping mossad elect Trump.

One of problem was there was a bug with my university account. It took me more than 2 months 100's emails send to the university (student administration, faculty, IT service and etc) until finally my mail reached a man that fixed my account in 5 minutes. Bros, pain was real.

I legit tried not to be judgmental. One day I even visited IT office, thinking mb in person I would been able to explain my problems better. But there was a 16 year old looking Indian girl working there that didn't even speaks Dutch

And I encountered 100's of such foids moments and I thought foids are at worst when you date them but no. It's when you have to deal with them in your daily life. They are like gatekeepers. It's like everyone puts them to the front(secretary) so nothing will be done.

Also went with couple of different girls out during that period. Somehow had success with tinder this time. Of course all of them were epic r-slurs. Most interesting was one ugly neurodivergent Asian girl.

If simp /r/truerateme rating this girl as 4,5/10

Then that Asian girl would been below 2/10.

She told me her type is "Jordan Barrett".


I was like :!marseybooba: how da frick did she knew who he was and it's legit over when even ugly girls want top tier guys. I first learned about this guy from /r/braincels I never thought I would encounter a girl in real life who knew who this guy is. And since the girl is true neurodivergent she brought up that guy out of nowhere, like randomly told me who her type was when I didn't even asked this.

Now I regret I didn't told that flat Asian girl what's my type in response jfl. To lift her ego.

Other interesting girl I had a fun encounter.

I was watching this:

Then decided to check tinder.

I got a like from a girl that was cosplaying Misa from death note.

It was such hilarious coincidence almost like Putin decided to gift me a petite goth gf


But I consider myself more of L than Kira :marseysweating:

But regardless I couldn't let such flex opportunity go so invited her to an con event :marseymerchantsoy:

I also asked her who would I cosplay well, she told me Yoruichi. I have no idea if it's an L or an :gigachad3:

But I am legit impressed how AI improved since AI could easily tell what was she cosplaying and another example I matched with a girl. That girl told me she has no bf.

The girl is fine, her boobs are top tier.

I added her on FB.

FB offered me to ad her bf as friend :marseyxd:.

I asked her if that guy was her bf.

She started telling me no that he is just her classmate and etc.

She thought that guy profile was closed.

But no it was open and he posted their pictures together and calling her his babe.

But honestly her bf was some special kind of ugly.

He had similar phenotype of riddler from Batman 2022 but more manly and balding, had some psychopaths vibes so the girl is legit trash, dates an inkwell and cheats on him.


And one girl tried to use me as backup man, she ghosted me in August and couple of days ago replied. Hoe has an business instagram account and a telegram channel where she post everything about her life and basically guy she was dating lied about his wealth so she is looking for a new bf :marseythumbsup:

Foids are evil, bros. And it's no nut Novembers bros.

Stay strong and good morning

Edit: just checked instagram and instagram offers me to ad that girl bf also now jfl


I don't know if anyone was familiar with this story but it just popped up in my feed and it's Fing hysterical lol! Haven't seen sneed like this in a while.

First link:

1. :marseysmug2: "why didn't her wife impregnate her... oh wait..." :marseygigaretard: "I don't get it..."

2. :marseykente: "all those celeb friends and one wasn't willing to skeet in her?"

3. :chadwomanblack: "and y'all wonder why they chose a white donor... y'all are hateful as F"

4. :marseykingretard: "why is Judy missing a nail..." :marseyclueless:

Second link:

1. :marseybrainlet: :oldwoman: "why not ask some male strags to procreate with you to keep stragdom going?"

2. No idea what this girl is saying but it seems funny

3. :marseyraging: "disease-ridden whyte men want to pollute the world with abomination mixed babies to wipe out the indigenous black pipo!"

Third link:

The Kweenz sneed :marseyxd: :marseyking:

Reported by:
  • Ubie : ITT: dramaturds falling for the most obvious bait in the world.
In England, getting warned about the Computer Misuse Act 1990 at work because @JimieWhales set @JimieWhales's display too high contrast mode : LegalAdviceUK


:marseyemojilaugh: :marseyemojilaugh: :marseyemojilaugh: :marseyemojilaugh: :marseyemojilaugh:

Bait or bongtardation, call it.

White extinction is long overdue

How many people died again
[🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘] I'm a woman that infiltrated an incel community AMA


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘

You say that you asked some about their home lives and why they feel the way they do. Could you tell us a bit about what home life these guys had, and their apparent reasons for feeling the way they do? (387)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

What are the few wild things you saw? (136)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

How did they take it when you admitted to being a woman? (178)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Have you never been to a women's space online? Like pretty much every large gendered space features plenty of this and women's subreddits are no exception.There are even femcels and their own equivalent of MGTOW. (6)

I agree that both genders are capable of this behavior and behave and feel these ways. However, men are the ones doing it enough and with enough power to create the terms for themselves that we all know. Women aren't lining up to hate-frick or otherwise unconscious men or coworkers. Women are not the majority of people setting people on fire in public. Men by majority have the Groomercords, the known terms and spaces, and the power and urge to turn their thoughts into physical violence that costs more women their lives than the reverse demographic. I do not believe for a second that the two are equal in their readiness to travel down the absolute hatred pipeline. Women by and large are taught societally to harm/reframe/control themselves to protect or dictate others' feelings/community and men are taught to harm/reframe/control others to protect or contro their own feelings and individual community, whatever "community" might be to both of them.So I think everyone has trauma, but women h... (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

This is valid. I agree actually; some men will act like buttholes for those reasons. And after rereading my original comment, I think I came off a little too strongly on the "men can't be irrationally sexist" opinion. However, the comment I replied to by the op said that incels who were specifically abused by women were at fault for not processing the trauma correctly. There is some truth to that statement; the fact that they're women is largely irrelevant compared to the fact that they're buttholes, but either way it's not their fault that the human mind is often flawed when it comes to processing trauma, making them associate that abuse with other women. It is absolutely the fault of the women and not of the men being abused, and to think otherwise is victim blaming (1)

I was abused in my own home as a child (by a male) and I agree entirely that it is on the survivor to heal. Who else will heal for them but themselves? I healed because it was my duty to. You can recognize it isn't your fault, and still understand it is your responsibility now. We have to evolve or repeat. It isn't my fault men hurt me. It is 110% THEIR fault for harming me. But, the difference between me & these incels is that… I recognize my abuser could've, by chance, been a woman, or I could been born male, had I been dealt a different hand… but it would still be my responsibility to heal. Again, who else's could it be?I also had to realize that it wasn't MEN who hurt me. It was that the people who hurt me were male. I was caging myself in a prison. I made every man a potential enemy. It was harming me more to believe 50% of people were abusive (or wanted to be abusive), than it would harm me to just fricking heal and accept that my abusers could've been male, female, black, whit... (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I'm sorry but "choosing the bear" is not comparable to saying it's okay to r*pe kids. Glad you haven't been in enough incel spaces to hear that though. (9)

That's true, but I don't believe that happens naturally through someone being a bloke. I think it's a bit of a vicious cycle, obviously maintained by a patriarchal society, where extreme misogynists have disallowed young people from being able to express their hurt healthily like women can. When a woman is hurt and says I hate men, normal women can say That's okay, I understand. Let's have time for us to help you. They can work through the emotion of it. But due to these incel extremist types, if I or many normal men hear "I'm hurt and I hate women" it's too dangerous to just let them feel it and care for them through the resentments.. who knows if they're one of them nutters already or not? However, the hyper misogynist incels will take them in and actually build upon the hate instead of helping work through it. They normalise violence and murderous hate instead. It's almost funny, but not really, how if those who are so angry that men can't express those feelings just pissed off w... (10)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Fetz-

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🔘🔘

Number of comments: 8

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

280 pound r/antidiet users knees hurt for no explainable reason :marseythonk:


Reported by:
:marseyhappening: Brett Cooper is coming back! :marseyfsjal: The Brett Cooper Show | Official Trailer



you may ask cyberdick why make this post?

BECAUSE Never before in the history of YOUTOOB...

has a Youtube channel gained 600,000 subscribers without uploading a single video!!


This is the first Video in the channel and its already at 645K!!



Ben Shapiro got jealous and dropped Brett from her channel "The Comments Section with Brett Cooper" as she became more and more successful

Her !besties and her Producer backstabbed her and took over the channel!!

Now the channel is in shambles and Subscriber count dropping daily from 4.5Mil highest to 4Mil now

Even with 4 MILLION Subscribers the new BACKSTABBER'S videos don't even cross 100K! They at best cross 50K if lucky :marseyrofl: :#giggle:

Her Stantup was also SOLD OUT and was a SUPER DUPER HIT

!trump2024 !trump2028 !project2025

TLDR VIDEO watch @ 1.5x


Smuk beds the keen to teh shuds msuk bedns the kene to the chuds :chudspin:

Iv'e been vrey claer that the program is broken and needs mjaor reform.

what happened to going to war oevr tihs issue?

:#gigachud: :#marseyelonmusk2genocide:

Day 6 summary of 2025 Freestyle Chess Grand Slam Weissenhaus

vincent draws his match with magnus, meaning.......bozo magnus is out, from his own tournament :marseyrave: :marseyrave: was busy so havent looked at his postmatch whines

hikaru fails to win and gukesh refuses to win. after 3 draws, their 2nd tiebreaker is going on

edit: gukesh is victorious, in their bid to not win a match. (he lost if you are neurodivergent)

back to the main highlight, world no 2 caruana vs no. 31 sindarov

neighbor caruana accepts draw in a totally winning position and when i say total, totally. -5.3 on the eval bar winning. maybe the reason was he had a min on the clock and sindarov had whopping 24. whatever is the uzbeck version of voodoo, its working

they then had a nailbiting tiebreaker - that was a draw too and are currently playing their 2nd one. sindy will win it!

funny post of the day

travelling with peepee pump tube


For all the guy nomads, how do you carry your peepee pumps? The tubes are big and fairly fragile. Any tips for keeping it secure?


The ADL is compromised : Jewish


Actual antisemitism here



Future American pilot crashes plane on runway, which erupts into flame after snapping off a wing and rolling over. No Future Americans died in the crash.


!burgers !leafs

monthly website stats post (January 2025) :marseychartscatter:

Our stats:

Cloudflare stats (30 days):


Cloudflare stats (7 days):


Google stats (30 days):

Chats by activity (30 days):

 id  |                   name                   |         owner         | messages past month
   1 | Chat                                     |                       |               13961
 427 | love and appreciation for manul          | @Patsy                |                3222
 959 | SERIOUS MARRIAGE CHAT                    | @Rad_juju             |                3153
 631 | Football Chat                            | @SN                   |                1959
 905 | JJ & Comm                                | @Rad_juju             |                 802
 924 | Mario Party                              | @TriHard              |                 577
 922 | LuigiFuckers                             | @Kongvann             |                 433
 453 | Official CuteAndValid Chat               | @UncleAbortion        |                 388
 746 | 🐕🐕The Dog Log🐕🐕                    | @Y                    |                 381
 452 | Britbong Rightoid Schizo Conspiracy Chat | @UncleAbortion        |                 210
 208 | The Footy                                | @Avalon               |                 170
 182 | Mops and mop accessories                 | @Kongvann             |                 157
 806 | Official !hornyposters Chat              | @UncleAbortion        |                 151
  16 | FGCHAT                                   | @TrapEnjoyer          |                 141
 471 | @Patsy Did Nothing Wrong                 | @UncleAbortion        |                  97
 818 | Fedchat                                  | @HollyJollyJihad      |                  84
 320 | marital rape                             | @binturong            |                  79
 949 | Cat Chat                                 | @Rad_juju             |                  76
 988 | ART PROJECT                              | @BIGBILLYKONGDONG     |                  72
  47 | Gluewies 47                              | @UraniumDonGER        |                  51
 337 | Public Programming            | @Patsy                |                  48
 977 | COOMthread                               | @Coom                 |                  35
 909 |                          | @JoyceCarolOates      |                  29
 989 | ART PROJECT SUBMISSIONS                  | @BIGBILLYKONGDONG     |                  29
  87 | Tea Party Chat                           | @Drippo               |                  28
 957 | ive only gotten more racist              | @Pasty                |                  28
 117 | /fit/sisters (NO BOYS ALLOWED)           | @box                  |                  23
 432 | 'buchat                                  | @Patsy                |                  23
 871 | JJ & SHILL                               | @Rad_juju             |                  22
 131 | Mountain Lions, Funny Dogs, Smoked Meat  | @Ambervixen_Fluffymug |                  13
 638 | We curl in the squat rack                | @seal_cel             |                  12
 401 | Bundeschat                               | @UraniumDonGER        |                  11
 666 | _666_ HOUSE EDGY SECRET CHAT _666_       | @YappingCat           |                  11
 162 | AI shitposting                           | @WaitingForSummer     |                  10
 543 | last bastion of inceldom                 | @seal_cel             |                  10
 101 | Chadcentral                              | @Losercel             |                   9
 622 | Rothschilds Family Private Chat          | @Count_Sprpr          |                   8
 143 | Slackernews jannies                      | @SN                   |                   7
 606 | friendly dms between best friends        | @Patsy                |                   6
 158 | Funding המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים | @YappingCat           |                   4
 866 | OFFICIAL JEET HATE CHAT                  | @676974               |                   4
 955 | Ho Chat                                  | @Rad_juju             |                   4
(42 rows)

we haven't been contacted by any law enforcement or governmental organizations in 2025 (or ever for that matter)

!metashit !nooticers !chat !chatchads

:marseynullbipolar: Kiwifarms is kill

!dramatards !ranchers



Cannot further elaborate as I'm busy playing Dynasty Warriors buuuuuut the "based" game KCD2 got leaked on some places and the rumors of an unavoidable gay s*x cut scene have been manifested. Furthermore, in 15th century Bohemia there are BLACK people. Yes you read that right. BLACK. The supposed based dev is a fraud, the west has fallen, I'm cancelling my preorders to play World of Warcraft classic again. Frick Warhorse.


Twitter Dev

(300 unironic Nazis seething :marseyxd:)

Twitter - Update of Steam Code of Conduct

Reddit - /r/kingdomcome

Update to our rules


Steam Forums

THEY ARE EXPLODING :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

4chan seethe

I was accused of reading communist propaganda. So I got a Kindle : kindle


California got to be the most pristine land nature/geography wise right?

say what you will about the satanic things that go on there. It's dry, by the sea, mountainous, deserty, green. Great surf, great snow. Warm climate all the time.

Maybe parts of Spain, Greece? Is it the best nature on earth??

:marseylaughpoundfist: Trump bends the knee to Musk, agrees with increasing H1B visas

Not beating the President Musk allegations here

Reported by:
  • Draki_Oldtooth : Whose your favorite million dollar BIPOC?? - trans lives matter
A reminder for all you Low IQ "Sports" fans :marseybigbrain: :donkeykongdtf:
Reported by:

Whose alt is this? They've got some serious baggage.


Feeling a little melancholic today, I yearn to return to pappa Loomis, might start the "Bridgeman marathon" this weekend.

Drew these yesterday

Democracy dies in darkness as r/montereybay mods remove generic Elon Musk bad post


Someone posted a thread in /r/montereybay that was just "what do you guys thinks of Elon Musk's nazi salute". Mods ended up deleting the thread which then caused this follow up thread to be posted. The Nazi mod's explanation:

The post was removed because it had nothing to do with Monterey Bay.

This is the /r/MontereyBay subreddit, which is for discussion of things related to well...the Monterey Bay. When you visit the /r/bicycling subreddit, you go there expecting bicycle-related content. When you visit /r/television you expect discussion of television shows. That's what subreddits are for. To allow people to find places to discuss specific topics. It also allows people to avoid certain topics as well.

The discussion happening in that thread was no different than any of the other threads on the other political subreddits. There was no relation to the Monterey Bay whatsoever. That's why it was removed. Seemed pretty clear to me (and to the many people who reported the post saying it was off topic as well).

Now we have this thread where people are coming up with minor conspiracy theories and conjecture. Assuming that the mods have a political bias, saying things like "RIP Democracy" and the like.

The post was removed because it does not relate to the Monterey Bay at all. That is it. End of story. I figured people would find that to be pretty obvious. If you want to come up with some wild theory in your head, go for it. But that was not why it was removed. If you would like to discuss politics that to not pertain to our area, visit /r/politics, /r/worldnews, and the like. Thank you.

Don't bother reading it, just :marseyreich: stuff.

Wow, I woulda never expected some folks in Monterrey Bay to be apologists for a nazi - but here we are...

There are some aggressive Nazi apologists in this thread. I don't know how many are actually in the area, but I take heart in the fact that this post has overwhelming more up votes than downmarseys, and people seem to think this was a valid concern.

Never stop the fight and trust no one, brother.

Monterey is a hotbed of silent conservatives. They nod and smile at the concessions that allow equality but secretly they wallow in a Republican pit of wealth and willful ignorance. It's all golf and landscaping and real estate with occasional nods to the actual rights of all Americans. The scum of the earth have elected Trump and support Musk, and their trappings of wealth and opulence can't hide that they're just as ignorant as the toothless rednecks who live in a low-life world of Walmart junk and addiction to their own stupidity.

Agreed- and maybe those silent conservatives should speak up. If 'conservative' now means Nazism, then just own it and let rest of us roast them on Reddit, any sub.

Lol what?

Hello. I commented on the post. I find it deeply concerning that this post was removed without the mods talking to us.

Since that post was deleted let me just restate this… Frick Nazis.

I'd like to better connect to my community and yes, I am willing to go on the news or have a cross burned in my yard. I'm here for my community and to stand up for those in it.

This poster is willing to stand up for Nazis I guess? Not sure how else to take it.

I didn't see the post, what did the post about Elon have to do with Monterey Bay?

(OP) National politics concern local politics finding comfort with a local community helps deal with broader anxieties. And finally this one is important, explicitly pertaining to Monterey is not included in the subreddit rules.

OP brings up a good point that it doesn't go against the rules.

You think the lowering of democratic standards is something people shouldn't complain about? What the frick is wrong with you? You think what is happening in DC right now is just another average day? Read something. Learn before you comment. Every decent history book will enlighten you to the fact that fascism is the enemy of a free society and reading about it might open your eyes to why Trump and Musk need scrutiny.

Mods of this app are liberal leftists. They will shut down ban and take down anyone or anything they dim a threat to their views. This is not a surprise that they take down anything that even remotely threatens their views.


Reported by:
Hey rDrama, do you think I'm cute?

So I fricked up and booked my hotel for the same Friday in May instead of tonight. I still got a room, but it's going to be $800/night instead of $350/night like I'd planned. That really sucks.

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