- HailVictory1776 : Is this that anal circumference game
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As you should be able to see, I started my post with a variant of the "Did Vaush just BTFO" copypasta (!soyteens you should recognize this), which was changed to be about Byron Hall, the creator of the infamous rpg FATAL, responding to a very critical review of his game. Byron's response did not disprove every claim in the review, but for the purposes of bait, I pretended that it did. Here is the copypasta I created:
Did Byron Hall just BTFO all of rpg.net's moralstrag arguments?
Where is YOUR evidence to back up your ridiculus claims about FATAL being the worst RPG? By all means, read the entire rebuttal, i promise you that you can't debunk it.
As you can see, this copypasta should be immediately recognizable as bait since it omits important information that was stated during the review, is a modified form of an already existing copypasta, indirectly defends one of the worst RPGs without directly praising any mechanics less generic than dice rolling, arguably lies about every claim being disproven, has intentional errors and, most importantly for both this copypasta which I created, and the original "Did X just BTFO" copypasta, It lists valid arguments in the inb4 section to prevent people from using said valid arguments. The copypasta also has 2 intentional errors which only users who care a lot about detail would notice, which are that I said "just BTFO" to preserve the original copypasta's title even though the rebuttal was made decades ago, and that I said ">inb4 someone links to 1d4chan" even though 1d6chan exists and 1d4chan is down, since many 4chan olds dislike 1d6chan removing content that violated miraheze's TOS, however in hindsight it would likely have been a better idea to reference 1d6chan for additional possible replies.
To give /tg/ credit, one poster immediately accused me of being a "contrarianist troll", but this didn't kill the thread:
Nice baby's first contrarianist troll, but the game's only relevant worth is being a subject of mockery, plain and simple. And I can summarize why with one single sentence: When the simple act of making a character and playing the game is such an unbearably boring waste of time, then that alone is enough to condemn any game even before you get to the r-slurred and the shitty charts. Cause at least the autism in fricking GURPs serves some kind of purpose. FATAL is just unpleasant as a whole.
This reply would be expected when posting bait on 4chan, however the poster also included an anime reaction image, which may depict a character from 40k, but it is unofficial fanart outside of the style of the game. Another user called out this act of extreme oldery:
Consider the following!
anime reddit meme reaction image
No point of substance, just bitching about not liking character creation
2 other users replied back, one of them saying that 40k is board culture, however the user who replied replies again, dropping an off-topic about anime reaction images:
That's not 40k, it's some gay little anime fan image of 40k. Stop being disingenuous and misrepresenting your arguments to worm out of them.
Furthermore, you've yet to present any arguments that aren't complaining about your own personal preferences
This didn't seem to discourage other users from replying to me, Another user accuses me of being Virtualoptim, a namestrag best known for this image:
Another reply which I partially expected due to my inclusion of ">inb4 someone defends Sartin & Mclellan's safe edgy humor" was a response stating that Sartin & Mclellan's humor would have been considered extremely offensive, given that rpg.net underwent a similar transformation to somethingawful (in this case, rpgcodex is the obligatory SASS equivalent)
rpg.net btfo'd themselves. The cute twinks who did this review turned out to be total cute twinks themselves and if someone else were to post stuff like this in present day they'd have a meltdown over it and ban them forever.
I did try to interact with the thread to keep up the pretense of my bait, however this was unsuccessful. First, when another user (https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/94402739/#q94403095) said that the game can't calculate swing force, I immediately remembered that one of the only non-horrible combat mechanics was fulcrum range, which actually does calculate swing force, and replied stating the page number on the online pdf of the rules I had used a search function to find fulcrum range in. Unfortunately, the user I responded to was using a different pdf of the rulebook, and did not find fulcrum range on that page. Secondly, I tried to reply to a user stating that everyone who has played FATAL has hated it by linking to a Kiwifarms letsplay of the game, which I found from this post: https://rdrama.net/h/traditionalgames/post/315746/fatal-and-kiwifarms-a-match-made, but I was banned from all of 4chan for 13 days since my post contained banned text (likely the kiwifarms link). This prevented me from correcting the error made by the user who could not find fulcrum range
The rest of the thread is relatively boring, but some users seem to be unironically defending FATAL as a response to users who responded to my bait, and one user, or potentially a collection of users, began rolling up a character just to prove how bad the character creation system is.
The thread theme, often described as sounding like "Cookie Monster chasing a drum set down a stairwell" is the greatest thing to come from the worst role-playing game ever.
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offers increased child tax credit to encourage people to have kids
offers more money to cities that encourage people to have kids
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🚨BREAKING: Mark Zuckerberg EXPOSES that the Biden administration pressured Facebook to censor posts on vaccine side effects.
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) January 10, 2025
“They basically pushed us and said anything that says vaccines might have side effects you basically need to take down.”
"They basically pushed us and said anything that says vaccines might have side effects you basically need to take down."
"The Jews, Joe. We must secure the existe
I love chud zuck bros shame the CIA is going to ice him
Twitter sees through his lies:
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Here is the thing. I test hypnosis on and off here and there, and over time I sometimes get messages from the dream state. Usually the messages were some simple things like "here is a story idea" or "Here is another cool story idea" or "whoops sleep paralysis." little signals like the last few moments of a dream where something interesting happens and still feels profound when you wake up.
What happened over time however, is that those last moments of dreams became less abstract and more like direct recommendations. Like you know the bicameral brain theory? Where one side of your brain is giving instructions and the other side of your brain is perceiving it as an outside voice from beyond yourself? Something like that but more with my subconscious directly telling me that I am wrong about something or not, and me waking up and going over what I am told I was wrong about, and realizing the dream advisor voice is correct.
Here is where things took a turn though. In my most recent self hypnosis/ nap session, I appear to have gone through a hypnotic regression ( simple explanation for hypnotic regression - going through locked memories in a hypnotic state, memories you cannot normally access ) rather than just a random dream advice message ( I was trying for hypnotic transcendent experience), and that regression state told me a story that does not match up with what I remember of my past but would match up with the theoretical timeline of my life and all that happened.
So I come from a third world nation. We have had A lot, and I mean ALOT, of change in our values and how we treat the people around us. From a 1st world point of view, the third world may still be very backwards, but from a third world perspective, every generation the third world has been busy stuffing in a single generation time frame about 100 years of western cultural and social change at once, to catch up on the western ideas that work. For example - In the west you might have stories of your grandfather beating your dad half dead or your great grandfather beating your grandfather half dead on a whim, but by your time you are trying to give your kid a time out to sit in their room as a lesson to take your car without permission and get caught by the cops for speeding.
Well, you take that level of cultural change and you fit it within a single generation, two at the very longest timescale, and you have got the rate at which culture is changing in the 3rd world. So the very same parent who might have been using you like a gym punching bag while you were 8-9 would be trying to learn to not raise his voice at you just because they are frustrated by the time you are in your 20s.
Now that the background information is filled in, here is my dream hypnosis regression comes in. In it was a message for me, and the message was that one of my parents is supposed to have been a crazy psycho on a whole other level than the worst that I remember about them. That they were a crazy psycho to the point that there is a clear gap between how different and fricked up my life was before I was 8 years old and after I was 8 years old, even though I remember almost nothing from before 8 years old.
Here is the problem with that dream though. It felt like it was the truth, but I don't remember the level of psycho that the dream was telling me one of my parents were in the very beginning, but, and this is an important but, I have enough memories of my parents to know that they became less violent and shittier in their anger every single year over time and the process of becoming less aggressive is still going on till today, and if I looked at the theoretical model of their behavior getting worse with every single year even beyond the earliest point where I can remember a bad memory, it suggests an 8 year time span where I would have absolutely ended up living with pure demons for a few days to weeks every year. In theory that pattern perfectly holds based on the pattern from 9 year old to the 20s that I do remember. Taking that pattern back I would in theory absolutely be living with psychopaths where it is a miracle that half my skull isn't crushed in and I can still speak.
But, here is the second part of the problem. My skull isn't half crushed in, and I can still speak, and the only evidence I have that "it never even began" is a theoretical model that fits, along with a dream telling me things were a lot worse than I will ever even be able to remember. It is like a case of profiling where the profile fits, but I have no 1st hand evidence to support the accusation.
For all I know the hpyno dream could just be completely made up, and actually just a dream filling in random blanks based on my subconscious storytelling mind. Creating a random tragedy possibly where none exists. To make matters worse, I come from a save face culture, which means that even if I asked people in my family about it, they would either label it as not half as bad as whatever I have in mind, or deny the existence of any suffering completely.
At the end of the day, now I am stuck with a revealed truth about my past that may not even be a truth, that has a profound impact on how I view my existence, creating change, and yet for all I know that message about a deep dark past from the subconscious mind is a complete made up fabrication.
Hypnotic regression may or may not be real, may or may not be filling your mind with made up nonsense, but the experience certainly will feel like the truth.
Wouldn't recommend unless you can handle that uncertainty and an alternate truth to your existence that doesn't match up with how you have lived your life so far.
@Redactor0 from what I remember you like Spooky adjacent content.
So rdrama what do you think?
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i will birdpost when i am no longer a walking pathogen. for now. shitposting
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Dear God. James Shupe has hanged himself a month after receiving vaginoplasty pic.twitter.com/VKJh1bxruY
— Graham Linehan 🎗️ (@Glinner) February 11, 2025
here is an interview with him (which i didnt watch)...
suicide note (didnt read) but apparently he was mad at Elon...
- peepeehands : hat
- Vegeta : hat
- Maximus : horse
- Saitama : hat
- corp : shat
- box : ☝️ fat
- Lv999_Lich_King : horse
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and several existing dk ones
just search donkey and diddy (harambe for the 2 new ones)
why are you not kongmaxxing !friendsofkong
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- TotalVatniggerDeath : you need to start sneaking in references to marsey and bard
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In Europe and Switzerland, we don't need social or economic refugees from the USA any other country in the world. Stay in your own country.
He's not going to hurt you, you know? The US is a strong democracy.
Maybe you are trolling, but no, you simply can't just move to Switzerland because you feel like it. You need specialist skills and a company willing to sponsor you, just like it would be if I was to move to the US.
If you husband has mid 8 figures CHF to invest in Switzerland, that might be difficult.
How exactly do you propose moving here? Have you seen the visa requirements?
Also, how exceedingly arrogant to just claim you can live here when your country makes it so difficult for everyone else.
Is this a troll post?
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Most Based Comments
Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘
Free Luigi (19)
Prove that the CEO deserved it. Hearsay doesn't count. (-15)
Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘
I don't negotiate with terrorists (7)
Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘
No, that's why we support Luigi. (10)
Angriest Comments
Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡
Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡
Worst faith comparison yet - handguns and long rifles are the same thing ROFL.C'mon now. (1)
Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡
Correction, nobody would have died if Rittenhouse hadn't been there. None of the other people who were there in a medical role were seen carrying rifles. None of them shot anybody. Rittenhouse shot 3. (1)
Biggest Lolcow: /u/PhaseNegative1252
Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+1🐮)
Number of comments: 13
Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘
Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡
Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘
NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining!
autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents.
Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion
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LA Times, Sun, Jan 26, 2025 - "Quality Time"
NY Times, Sun, Jan 26, 2025 - "Letter Openers"
LA Times, Sat, Jan 25, 2025
NY Times, Sat, Jan 25, 2025
rDrama themed crossword
NY Times, Sun, Jan 3, 2010 - "Antique Finish"
NY Times, Sun, July 4, 2024 CRYPTIC
As you can see, this week we will do the usual Sat & Sun crosswords, then our special drama-themed crossword made by @ShriekingGeek , then we will do a Sunday NY Times crossword from 2010 which was uploaded this week, and then we will finally end on a cryptic crossword printed last year in The NY Times and uploaded this week, which was fortunate for us since we are going to start adding some cryptic crosswords to line up.
If you are not familiar with cryptic crosswords, I highly recommend you familiarize yourself with how they work if you want to help us solve them. Otherwise, the clues will look like gibberish. Here is a guide from The New Yorker:
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So I had to logout from this site because my spring exams were shity so I had to redo them. I aced them. One day had 3 exams, university statistic is like 10% success rate to pass 2 exams in one day and I aced 3 Basically the first time I failed those exams was because my ps5 broke and I was dedicated to fix it. It also got me reee that local repair centres (Morrocan those who bashed Jews supporters last night) had no fricking idea what a FUSE was
the only thing those kankerholebi do is clean ps5 for 120 euro, replace the power supply for 200 euro and replace hdmi for 250 euro.
So at that point I was like:
So I bought a microscope and fuses I needed to replace and fixed it and recovered my save files.
After receiving my exams results I decided to take couple more weeks off and then decided to return when I fix all my daily life problems all related to foids incompetence including helping mossad elect Trump.
One of problem was there was a bug with my university account. It took me more than 2 months 100's emails send to the university (student administration, faculty, IT service and etc) until finally my mail reached a man that fixed my account in 5 minutes. Bros, pain was real.
I legit tried not to be judgmental. One day I even visited IT office, thinking mb in person I would been able to explain my problems better. But there was a 16 year old looking Indian girl working there that didn't even speaks Dutch
And I encountered 100's of such foids moments and I thought foids are at worst when you date them but no. It's when you have to deal with them in your daily life. They are like gatekeepers. It's like everyone puts them to the front(secretary) so nothing will be done.
Also went with couple of different girls out during that period. Somehow had success with tinder this time. Of course all of them were epic r-slurs. Most interesting was one ugly neurodivergent Asian girl.
If simp /r/truerateme rating this girl as 4,5/10
Then that Asian girl would been below 2/10.
She told me her type is "Jordan Barrett".
I was like how da frick did she knew who he was and it's legit over when even ugly girls want top tier guys. I first learned about this guy from /r/braincels I never thought I would encounter a girl in real life who knew who this guy is. And since the girl is true neurodivergent she brought up that guy out of nowhere, like randomly told me who her type was when I didn't even asked this.
Now I regret I didn't told that flat Asian girl what's my type in response jfl. To lift her ego.
Other interesting girl I had a fun encounter.
I was watching this:
Then decided to check tinder.
I got a like from a girl that was cosplaying Misa from death note.
It was such hilarious coincidence almost like Putin decided to gift me a petite goth gf
But I consider myself more of L than Kira
But regardless I couldn't let such flex opportunity go so invited her to an con event
I also asked her who would I cosplay well, she told me Yoruichi. I have no idea if it's an L or an
But I am legit impressed how AI improved since AI could easily tell what was she cosplaying and another example I matched with a girl. That girl told me she has no bf.
The girl is fine, her boobs are top tier.
I added her on FB.
FB offered me to ad her bf as friend .
I asked her if that guy was her bf.
She started telling me no that he is just her classmate and etc.
She thought that guy profile was closed.
But no it was open and he posted their pictures together and calling her his babe.
But honestly her bf was some special kind of ugly.
He had similar phenotype of riddler from Batman 2022 but more manly and balding, had some psychopaths vibes so the girl is legit trash, dates an inkwell and cheats on him.
And one girl tried to use me as backup man, she ghosted me in August and couple of days ago replied. Hoe has an business instagram account and a telegram channel where she post everything about her life and basically guy she was dating lied about his wealth so she is looking for a new bf
Foids are evil, bros. And it's no nut Novembers bros.
Stay strong and good morning
Liberal women are abstaining from having s*x for the next 4 years. pic.twitter.com/VHLrhh26Im
— TaraBull (@TaraBull808) November 7, 2024
Powerful pic.twitter.com/e0z3rpffQE
— MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch) November 7, 2024
Edit: just checked instagram and instagram offers me to ad that girl bf also now jfl
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David Hogg is being a pig, according to Democratic National Committee insiders who are already slinging mud at the new party vice chairman.
Barely two weeks into his tenure, Hogg has been leveraging DNC contact lists to blast out messages soliciting donations to his own political action committee — from which he draws more than $100,000 in compensation a year, according to Federal Election Commission records.
Hogg co-founded "Leaders We Deserve" in August 2023 with the stated goal of electing young progressives to Congress and state legislatures across the country. It also provided him a six-figure income job right out of college.
Since the PAC was founded, Hogg has pocketed more than $175,000, records show, with more than $20,000 in salary payments coming in December alone, the most recent month for which public data is available.
BREAKING: Newly elected DNC Vice Chair David Hogg is using party resources to funnel donations into his own PAC—where he pays himself a six-figure salary. pic.twitter.com/2p1RY7PfGq
— Clown World ™ 🤡 (@ClownWorld_) February 15, 2025
Documents show that not only did the “Leaders we Deserve” PAC pay David Hogg $16,351.39 in May, he is also on the permanent payroll.
— Sarah Fields (@SarahisCensored) August 9, 2024
THIS MEANS HIS PAYMENT WAS NOT a donation. He represents the PAC with every single statement, post and speech he gives.
CALL OUT HIS LIE. pic.twitter.com/fRNDdMzkL8
DemocRATs learn the grift early
- TotalVatniggerDeath : we need Mario (Luigi with a magazine hat)
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This is the funniest thing he’s ever posted pic.twitter.com/onjLwCWXxW
— Lolo (@LolOverruled) December 27, 2024
yes I know /r/enoughmuskspam but he's genuinely losing it and it's SO FUNNY especially for all his stans here that post and he's making u seethe bro!! meanwhile he is unironically writing navy seal copypastas and is STILL POSTING ABOUT THIS 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
He's officially snapped pic.twitter.com/N5HTzus9BK
— Gentile News Network™ (@Gentilenewsnet) December 28, 2024
now instead of having a million d1ckriders he is left with only
btw the fact that rightoids are still so upset about an Australian skincare company having fun on soycial media and projecting all their frustrations from work on women that have nothing to do with eBIPOCing or tech or amerikkka is just
anyway go look at his replies he's nonstop searching for literally anyone on his side to reply "true" and "yes"
due to his extreme autism and pathetic need to be liked, he will refuse to ever let this go and will continue going on like this. and since hes exposed himself permanently as a huge lolcow, no one else will let it go either
DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS :elontantrum:
At risk of starting the obvious, there are many attention-seeking trolls on all social media platforms trying to yank your chain.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 26, 2024
They win if you respond.
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in its time as one of the deadest( but best) esports of all time, competitive tf2 has had numerous dramas, some funnier than others. most of these are libertarian drama. one notable one occurred back in 2016
Grant "B4nny" Vincent is the most successful competitive tf2 player of all time, having at least 30 tournament wins, 4 international tournament wins and numerous other meaningless trophies for his collection since 2008, racking up over 28,000 hours in the game. (no seriously) He is notable for being perhaps the only tf2 player to have made a career from streaming and for his enormous ego, creating numerous moments of hilarity.
(there will be more.)
one of b4nny's most redeeming traits (at least in the past) remains his penchant for tweeting.
his tweet game was so prolific that there is a 15 page thread on the main competitive tf2 forum compiling people's favorites
some of these have caused immense seethe.
some of my favourites include:
(ok, this one is pretty funny, hes making fun of someone for not going to lan because of school or something lol)
despite his mastermind X antics b4nny has had a rough relationship with the community through the years.
initially starting off well liked, something seemed to snap in b4nny's heart, turning it cold.
maybe this was when he got cucked by his teammate and continued to play with him after finding out because he loves winning that much. Maybe it was his own teammate leaving mid-playoffs match due to him insisting on swapping the team's roles around for some reason, causing his team to get upset, get 3rd place (up to this point b4nny hadnt been either 1st or second in the top division for 4 years!) and disband immediately after. This also happened again like 7 years later but thats a different story.
B4nny immediately rebuilt his team with new up and coming players (including some who would go on to play in theoverwatch league (lolll)
all was well in b4nny's camp. He had recently met his funding goal to attend the 2016 international lan hosted in some shithole in england idk lol
one fateful day, b4nny decided to beat his liver and stream drunk. Clearly intoxicated, b4nny streamed on. meanwhile an up and coming top european player by the name of thalash decided to do some trolling by insinuating that b4nny was getting carried by his now ex-teammate who had cucked him
in the past. B4nny's ego, already more inflated than the hindenburg (RIp crodies) reached nuclear meltdown levels. how dare a player who has never gone to LAN talk down on me like this!
b4nny also has a bizarre half-joking hatred for european players, berating their playstyle constantly for being slow and boring (true)
these factors lead to b4nny going on a legendary drunken tangent raving about europeans, accolades and how thalash is the equivalent of what someone might call a plumber or taxi driver driver in the UFC.
the most notable part of this autism fueled rant is b4nny's legendary statement that he requests his new found foe utter when he loses to him on lan(0:33 seconds in video 1 :) )
im sorry im not good i apologize for my ego please forgive me, im just europeean.
uh oh!
this sparks huge drama in the community, with some pointing out that thalash was provoking an obviously deathly drunk b4nny while others laughed at his ego about an already small esport.
august 26, 2016
b4nny has arrived in europe with his team to smite the europeeans once and for all.
at his sexiest, he is ready to take the win and prove why blumpfkenstiltskin needs to stop giving aid to twink european panhandlers.
can you guess what happens?
b4nny loses, becoming a laughing stock and likely killing some hobo in retaliation (he lived in la).
b4nny later returns to his uncrushable winning ways, winning every single major tournament in NA until 2021 and eventually getting his getback on thalash in 2018 and 2019 at lan, one being in NA one being in ingerland.
b4nny still plays to this day. i think despite his insufferable ego, its quite impressive hes been able to dedicate himself to this without roping or moving on to another esport. hes clearly a talented team leader and team builder.
ill probably never post again on this site but theres so much funny drama from this esport holy shit lol
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!friendsofredactor0 !redscarepod
These r-slurs truly think CHYNA is some free society built on socialist values. Are these neighborz even realz?
"Give me 300k per year to say China bad"
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Trump: The US will take over the Gaza Strip… we’ll own it pic.twitter.com/W0mEQzIUut
— Acyn (@Acyn) February 5, 2025