WHITEY BAD PLEASE FRICK MY WIFE :marseysoylentgrintalking: :soyjakwowtalking: :soysnootalking: :soyreddittalking: :soyjakyelltalking: :marseycucktalking:


!chuds !nonchuds genuinely what prompts even the most lefty leftoid to say shit like this.

Redditors cope about the uselessness of a psychology degree


In short, OP talks about interviewing candidates and being heartbroken at how many have psychology degrees followed by unemployment or low-wage employment in an unrelated field. With this experience, they offer a word of warning to those who wish to pursue this degree. Sure, psychology is interesting, but it's not a reliable career to pursue if you hope to become financially independent.

OP isn't wrong. According to Harvard, psychology is a top 3 most popular degree and it's not a surprise. Many people are interested in psychological topics and they pursue the degree at a young age without considering much concerning the job market or retirement or anything of the sort.

According to a Niche ranking, psychology was the third most popular major among college students in the classes of 2022 and 2023. The share of college students majoring in psychology now hovers around 6 percent, up from 4 to 5 percent in the 1980s.

The number of people with psychology degrees far outnumbers the available jobs. Unfortunately, Redditors don't want to hear it. They love their precious degree and they'll defend it to the death, darn it.

:#marseygiggle: They survived by tricking others into getting a useless degree

If you aren't going to become a psychologist, why spend hundreds of thousands on a psychology degree?

If anyone young is reading this, please don't listen to this fart. We live in a capitalist world. Rid your mind of this nonsense of "chasing your dreams". You're at university to set yourself up to make money, not to pursue your passions. There is nothing remotely passion-provoking in a university.


One of the few based takes.

This is massive cope. You can literally do the MIT psychology course for free online.

The truth is that if you're curious about psychology, there is no need to pursue a degree in it. Everything you could hope to learn is online, neatly organised, waiting for you to access it for free. It's a stupid reason to go to university. If you're trying to get money, the psychology degree is still useless. So, in short, avoid the psychology degree.

TOTAL CANCUCK DEATH as we beat them in the only sport they even care about

Someone ping more !hockey !chuds !burgers

Goyslopenjoyers rise up and make domino's workers quit over 9.99$ any pizza deal
:marseyleafpearlclutch: Canadians are super pissed... : PrepperIntel :marseyrake:



Canadian here. Not sure if this is PreperIntel worthy but just reporting something I've honestly never seen in my life. Canadians woke up today feeling super patriotic. And super pissed. Not that we aren't usually patriotic but we aren't a bunch of flag wavers. It's more a quiet patriotism we keep to ourselves. And we are generally a polite and reserved bunch in general.

Not today. Holy... the mood in Canada is ... PISSED.

Most of the anger is aimed at your current head of state but also at your country as a whole. Not so much individual Americans. You will be perfectly safe traveling through Canada or visiting. But there is outright anger directed at any product with a "Made in the USA" flag. Every store in Canada is going around with maple leaf stickers marking the "Made in Canada" products. Consumer boycotts are springing up organically across the country. The talk is really sort of ... ugly.

I get the sense there has been significant damage done to the US Brand in Canada. And I don't think it's confined to Canada. I have friends in the UK who say the same. They are also just frankly pissed beyond all reason. I expect it's the same across Europe.

Hopefully it dies down. It's absolutely non-productive and unCanadian. America and Canada have been ride or die BFF's for a century or more. I live in Arizona 1/2 time and I love LOVE it here. I have yet to personally meet an American I didn't genuinely like. You are good people. You do not deserve any of this.

Unless of course you voted for this. In which case... hope you get everything you voted for and then some.


also RIP to /r/prepperintel, it has turned into just another 'Drumf le bad' subreddit :marseylibations:



Is Cenk Uyghur a full blown chud now? :marseyhmm:
Pikachu says Trans rights! (OC, customized PokePla kit)



Some nasty witch made a post about her trans pikachu or something and posted it on /r/pokemon. They didn't like it as confirmed by unddit:

  • removed comments: 132/322 (41.0%) deleted comments: 21/322 (6.5%)

Anyway, as I'm the chad type (and they are the crying soys), I've noticed that like a majority of trans positive comments are downmarseyed to oblivion due to bots and/or brigaded by right-wing extremists and the reactions are too funny:

/r/Gamingcirclejerk - G*mer couldnt stand seeing anpikachu and a trans flag in the same pic [sic jfc]

Anyway, the thread got posted to our friends over at /r/gamingcirlejerk by the gorgeous Oktavia - whose beauty only reflects their orthographic skills - and it's a crysis-just-got-released-in-2007 situation. Most comment chains got jannied clean but undelete has them saved:

Anyway, transphobes got btfo'd by lore accurate pikachu:

Ash's Pikachu has canonically crossdressed by taping a piece of yellow paper to the end of his tail, which is directly referenced in the photo.

monthly website stats post (January 2025) :marseychartscatter:

Our stats:

Cloudflare stats (30 days):


Cloudflare stats (7 days):


Google stats (30 days):

Chats by activity (30 days):

 id  |                   name                   |         owner         | messages past month
   1 | Chat                                     |                       |               13961
 427 | love and appreciation for manul          | @Patsy                |                3222
 959 | SERIOUS MARRIAGE CHAT                    | @Rad_juju             |                3153
 631 | Football Chat                            | @SN                   |                1959
 905 | JJ & Comm                                | @Rad_juju             |                 802
 924 | Mario Party                              | @TriHard              |                 577
 922 | LuigiFuckers                             | @Kongvann             |                 433
 453 | Official CuteAndValid Chat               | @UncleAbortion        |                 388
 746 | 🐕🐕The Dog Log🐕🐕                    | @Y                    |                 381
 452 | Britbong Rightoid Schizo Conspiracy Chat | @UncleAbortion        |                 210
 208 | The Footy                                | @Avalon               |                 170
 182 | Mops and mop accessories                 | @Kongvann             |                 157
 806 | Official !hornyposters Chat              | @UncleAbortion        |                 151
  16 | FGCHAT                                   | @TrapEnjoyer          |                 141
 471 | @Patsy Did Nothing Wrong                 | @UncleAbortion        |                  97
 818 | Fedchat                                  | @HollyJollyJihad      |                  84
 320 | marital rape                             | @binturong            |                  79
 949 | Cat Chat                                 | @Rad_juju             |                  76
 988 | ART PROJECT                              | @BIGBILLYKONGDONG     |                  72
  47 | Gluewies 47                              | @UraniumDonGER        |                  51
 337 | Public Programming            | @Patsy                |                  48
 977 | COOMthread                               | @Coom                 |                  35
 909 |                          | @JoyceCarolOates      |                  29
 989 | ART PROJECT SUBMISSIONS                  | @BIGBILLYKONGDONG     |                  29
  87 | Tea Party Chat                           | @Drippo               |                  28
 957 | ive only gotten more racist              | @Pasty                |                  28
 117 | /fit/sisters (NO BOYS ALLOWED)           | @box                  |                  23
 432 | 'buchat                                  | @Patsy                |                  23
 871 | JJ & SHILL                               | @Rad_juju             |                  22
 131 | Mountain Lions, Funny Dogs, Smoked Meat  | @Ambervixen_Fluffymug |                  13
 638 | We curl in the squat rack                | @seal_cel             |                  12
 401 | Bundeschat                               | @UraniumDonGER        |                  11
 666 | _666_ HOUSE EDGY SECRET CHAT _666_       | @YappingCat           |                  11
 162 | AI shitposting                           | @WaitingForSummer     |                  10
 543 | last bastion of inceldom                 | @seal_cel             |                  10
 101 | Chadcentral                              | @Losercel             |                   9
 622 | Rothschilds Family Private Chat          | @Count_Sprpr          |                   8
 143 | Slackernews jannies                      | @SN                   |                   7
 606 | friendly dms between best friends        | @Patsy                |                   6
 158 | Funding המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים | @YappingCat           |                   4
 866 | OFFICIAL JEET HATE CHAT                  | @676974               |                   4
 955 | Ho Chat                                  | @Rad_juju             |                   4
(42 rows)

we haven't been contacted by any law enforcement or governmental organizations in 2025 (or ever for that matter)

!metashit !nooticers !chat !chatchads



Me and my partner are both plus size. We were having s*x doggy position and he slipped out and immediately try to go back in but went into my butt instead.

This is the second time within a month that the same incident has happened. First time I cried so much because it hurt and he comforted me. This time it hurt still as much but I didn't cry because I'm more mad than sad.

I'm mad because I've always told him that I never want to do anal it's not something for me and he brought up doing anal for the longest time until I told him I'd have to break up if this was a deal breaker because it's never happening and he let it go.

Now that this has happened twice so close together I feel as if it's been done on purpose. Only because we've always done doggy and when he slips he repositions himself gently back in he never just tries to immediately go back in.

He apologized and said "I'm sorry. It's my fault I've gained weight and my belly is more round so I couldn't see and didn't realize"

So am I to believe his belly blocked him and he was just into it that's why he didn't position himself gently back or was this done on purpose? He didn't stay in long only because I let out a scream and told him to get off. It just feels so close together to have the same thing happen twice when in our 2 year relationship this has never happened before.

JUST WANTED TO ADD: Thank you I just felt like I was overthinking this. Once I brushed it off as accidental but twice within a month is too much. He is currently snoring while I'm here with a bit of soreness, nothing compared to the first time it happened but still. This happening twice now… I don't want to think he did it on purpose but this is looking like it was. I'm not sure how to proceed if we didn't have a baby together I'd say it's over. But me being a sahm me leaving over this it just can't happen overnight.

I think I'll just refrain from s*x with him for a while. He's not an aggressive or mean person but this incident just has me needing to take a step back from being intimate.


I will follow for follow.

I'm looking to gain followers for my Madoka Magica content.


The last of the Dolls is dead. :marseysad: RIP David Johansen.

Mike and Jay Talk About The King Tide
Ghost :marseywraith: is a larper

@Vegeta , @Aevann , can you ban this neighbor :marseyfuckyou: @Liquid_Bridge and @laguerna. It's obviously ghost. I know you probably don't care tbh, but the first :marseywinner: one is pretending to be me and obviously failing, and the second :marseygunnut: is larping as a groomercord :marseynominers: BIPOC.

I really struck a nerve here. Screenshots in post.


Foid LARPer (literal, not a :marseytrain2:) experiences full contact autism


Fascinating thread. Could actually be a :marseytrain2:, but you know what I mean.

27 you can't just cut tax OK :soycry: :soycry:

Findom enjoyer genocide


Nah indirect taxes are better even at progressive taxation. Taxing income is stupid.

The middleclasscel will kiss his robber's feet for leaving him a little more and he will be happy.

Madarchod NRI I hope some wignat screwdrivers your fat gut.



I hope we hit back so fricking hard it gives Trump a stroke.


main sub Ls


I don't know who else to tell about this but I feel the need to tell someone. For reference I'm a 25 year old guy who hasn't shit himself since he was a kid. Anyway I got up this morning as usual, left the house to go to work and as I was approaching the train I felt the sudden urge to shit. I searched around for a cafe or something with a bathroom I could use but couldn't find anything. It happened in that moment of complete defeat. For a split second I thought I was farting, but no. Naturally I ran home as fast as I could, trying to hold my pants up as much as I could for fear of the shit (diarrhea) dripping further down my legs, and washed up, washed as much off of my butt, pants, thermal underwear, underwear and sweatpants I was wearing under my regular pants to protect myself from this horrible NYC cold. I texted my boss saying I "had a problem at home" and was gonna be about 45 min late. I put all my dirty clothes in a trash bag and will do laundry when I get home tonight.

I kinda need help coming up with an excuse for being late. I don't really know what to say and I do not want to tell them what actually happened.

how bad is your diet if you shit yourself as an adult

[🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘] Democracy moment


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

"How do you know capitalism works better than communism.""Look at history!""Ok, should we also look at history to see if monarchy works better than democracy?""NOOO!!!! No more looking at history!!!" (14)

r/RoyalismSlander Royalism was very successful historically. (-1)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

"How do you know capitalism works better than communism.""Look at history!""Ok, should we also look at history to see if monarchy works better than democracy?""NOOO!!!! No more looking at history!!!" (14)

The vast majority of human progress occurred under monarchs (-1)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Are you talking about World War I, literally the most shameful event in the history of monarchy as an institution and the catalyst that caused most politically powerful monarchies to start crumbling world wide? (13)

"What in tarnation, by not ceding ground to Adolf Hitler, you triggered him to start a destructive war! What a shameful display to democracy (Hitler was democratically elected)!" (-1)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

"What in tarnation, by not ceding ground to Adolf Hitler, you triggered him to start a destructive war! What a shameful display to democracy (Hitler was democratically elected)!" (-1)

Are you seriously mixing up World War I and World War II?? Hitler was a direct consequence of World War I which was a direct consequence of poor leadership by monarchists. (10)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

WW2, war of 1812, craziness during classical antiquity, Roman Republic etc.. (1)

So cleaning up monarchy's mess, a war between a republic and a monarchy, and a nation that started more wars as an empire than as a republic? Sounds about right. Did you forget that Europe was at war continuously for 1,500 years under monarchy? (6)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

With the new territories in the East... they would've been able to continue fighting. (1)

Ok, and? The people were being starved, around 750,000 people. That's a lot of non-military casualties. They were being pushed back, their propaganda said they weren't, but they were, and by 1917 luddendorf was already preparing for defeat. That's why they were already weakening the monarchy before the war even ended, they hoped that the entente would prefer a democracy. Austria Hungary would've been battered by Italy regardless, American troops weren't really there, and if Austria fell, than Germany would be by itself. The ottomans were already collapsing, and Bulgaria couldn't sustain itself (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Derpballz

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🔘

Number of comments: 23

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Reported by:
[🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘] Give Biden his due, he has been one of the best presidents of our time


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

The 20 million women in Aghanistan who can't speak in public anymore might have a different opinion on how wonderful Biden is. (-8)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

You can't be a serious person and make this statement. Biden taught a masterclass on incompetence and failure for four painful years. There isn't a single thing he did that has had a material positive impact on the country. History will be extremely unkind to Biden. (-7)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

I'm sure that putting billionaires in charge will fix the inequity problem! /s (26)

Billionaires have been in charge for time immemorial. Nothing new here except it's more overt than in the past. (-5)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Hmm, no. But I will credit him with being the worst leftist president in modern history (LBJ is a tricky runner-up having started the war in Vietnam).Firstly, what has Biden done well?He's successfully avoided a recession and navigated the economy into a soft landing -- but people still feel bad about his economy largely due to his inability to communicate and conditions deteriorating for the poor and middle class.He allowed Medicare to negotiate for ~20 drug pricesHe restored a semblance of order and gravitas to American foreign policyHe passed a major climate change and infrastructure bill -- but it was all carrot and no stick, and consisted entirely of spending a lot of money over a short period of time.What has Biden not done well?He waited to drop out of the election and deprived voters of an open primary, undemocratically placing Harris at the top of the ticket with not enough time to conduct a campaign -- this directly led to a second Trump presidency.He declined to prosecute... (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

High COL, open borders, inflation, causing a shit storm in Afghanistan, sending billions to Ukraine, weaponizing the DOJ, pardoning his son when he said he wouldn't. Using the media to hide his declining health. His whole admin was a woke joke. You don't have to agree with me but election results speak for itself. I'll likely get downmarseyd for this which will prove my point. (-2)

I will address each point. High COL - COL was high pre-pandemic. Trumps proposed tariffs and threats of trade wars with our biggest trading partners will make that worse. Inflation was a global phenomenon that followed the pandemic. Every country in the world experienced it. It had to do with resulting whiplash from supply chain disruptions, and all of the aid that was sent out. Most of the aid Covid Aid was sent out by Trump. Biden had the fastest recovering economy from inflation in the world and it's currently below where it was pre-pandemic at 2.1%. It typically floated at 3-4% pre pandemic (ps: that's lower than Trump). Open borders - more border crossings happened under Trump than Biden. Biden administration had a bipartisan bill that was going to bulk up border security. Trump undermined it by threatening republican congressman so the Dems could not get a win and he had some bull shit to run on. What did Trump do for the border? Why didn't he lock it down while he was in offi... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Sorry which part of this did you not want me to call out as bullshit? Biden was by no means perfect but his term saw the most benefit for Americans in terms of a global recovery scale, do we average Americans enjoy that benefit? No, because shockingly corporations used "supply chain distribution" to increase the cost of goods to pad their year over year "record breaking profits". Crazy how the bill to reduce price gouging and increase consumer protections was drafted because of the corporations greeding increases in prices. And side note "it's harder to get the prices to come down" meaning we're fricked no cheaper prices 🤷‍♂️As for Russia and Afghanistan, Russia is not under our governments control and we have always been at odds with them as an enemy super power. In the conflixt we are siding an ALLY OF OUR NATION without being directly involved in the conflict, we are glorified arms dealers. If you in any way shape or form think that Ukraine is the bad guy and we shouldn't help our... (1)

Arming and funding Ukraine while giving them permission to strike in Russia using US weapons is pretty involved. Why not negotiate? That's often the best course of action when it comes to global conflict. Particularly one with nukes. Russia considers us to be at war due to our involvement in Ukraine. Biden has been drip feeding resources, never giving enough to ensure victory, but enough to keep money in defense companies' pockets. It's a forever war, and Ukraine is paying for it with their blood. Biden did not have to follow Trumps plan. The Taliban didn't follow the terms set in negotiations, so why did we? Biden is the CIC, and the buck stops there. That whole cluster frick cost a lot of innocent lives. Biden upholding the plan of a dog shit president, a plan that failed, is a very bad look. Also, continuing to fund the Taliban for years after is a very, very bad look. Funding a controversial war in the middle east that many of the American people consider a genocide( I ... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Funky-Heimerdinger

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🔘🔘

Number of comments: 6

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡🔘🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Based on a TRUEE :marseyserioushatfact: story

:marseynullbipolar: Kiwifarms is kill

!dramatards !ranchers

Reported by:


Post Mortem embarrassment

One of the main things that has kept me from taking my own life, and added to the fear of death, is the idea that after I die I will be laid out on a sterile table and observed in all my pathetic glory. My whole life I've done a very good job of making sure no one sees my peepee while flaccid. Won't matter. Honestly just wanna blow myself up.

the homelessness industrial complex scam in California : GreaterLosAngeles


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