[๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜] Why does honesty never work when dating women?


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Exactlyโ€ฆ.. OP is being honest which is fantasticโ€ฆ.. that doesn't mean these women have to stick around. Good news : he isn't wasting anyone's time because he's being honest. (291)

True. The problem then becomes these women are so used to believing the thrill of a lie, that an up front truth is not refreshing, just disappointing (-11)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Honesty is working. If you don't want to build a relationship and want to have s*x and leave make it clear. Maybe you're some sort of handsome irresistible man? That's why they want to keep you if they can, but when they find out you really mean what you say then they leave. In reality, s*x is a sacred bond and causes people to be emotionally attached. Because of this, it affects your partner and creates an attachment, even if it doesn't affect you. Continue to be honest with them. They can't blame you for anything if you told them from the start that you're looking for s*x not into making love. (27)

The serious problem is that most of the time if a man says he just wants casual s*x, most women already give up. It's better to hide your goals to seduce a woman and tell the truth after having s*x. (-29)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Being honest doesn't guarantee that she will like what you have to say. (651)

Which is why you are better off just telling her what she wants to hear. (-23)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Oh no I'm not expanding. Sexual abuse is many things - including manipulation or lying to get access to a person's body. Sexual assault involves attacking but abuse can occur without physical violence. If a guy I'm dating wants a bj but I'm not in the mood - he then responds by calling me a b-word and refusing to talk to me and giving me the cold shoulder so that in future when he wants a bj, I give him one to avoid that reaction - is that not abuse? Of course it is. S*x should be mutual.Think about it this way. If I go out with you and you pay for dates, pay for my nails to be done, pay for my phone so we can chat, pay for my hair, etcโ€ฆall while I lead you on with the impression I will be your gf one day and/or put outโ€ฆam I financially abusive? Of course. I'm stringing you alone so that you'll pay for my shit. Abuse is rampant and it's often things that people don't consider to be abuse. We need to move the conversation forward. It's not evil. (4)

What you defined, well explained, can indeed be abusive, but linking it to the field of sexual abuse is very dangerous, even for greater reasons such as the trivialization of the concept, because if the concept of sexual abuse expands more and more, it will be so bureaucratic to be correct that we will have to file contracts for the protection of men and women.Here in Brazil we have the concept of sexual fraud, which is when a person deceives another to achieve sexual intimacy, this has been somewhat common for a long time, but the law that turns this deception into a crime is something very new. This is bad, but expanding into a sexual context could equate this minor crime with actual violent sexual crimes. There is a huge difference between subjective violence and objective violence and equating both things can further disadvantage the real victims.This example of a woman deceiving men with seduction that could result in casual s*x or dating happens a lot. It is common for men wit... (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

What you defined, well explained, can indeed be abusive, but linking it to the field of sexual abuse is very dangerous, even for greater reasons such as the trivialization of the concept, because if the concept of sexual abuse expands more and more, it will be so bureaucratic to be correct that we will have to file contracts for the protection of men and women.Here in Brazil we have the concept of sexual fraud, which is when a person deceives another to achieve sexual intimacy, this has been somewhat common for a long time, but the law that turns this deception into a crime is something very new. This is bad, but expanding into a sexual context could equate this minor crime with actual violent sexual crimes. There is a huge difference between subjective violence and objective violence and equating both things can further disadvantage the real victims.This example of a woman deceiving men with seduction that could result in casual s*x or dating happens a lot. It is common for men wit... (1)

Your first two paragraphs - your argument is that sexual fraud (as it is called in your country) is not akin to sexual abuse because it is not as serious and the victims aren't real victims. You do not understand how s*x is viewed for women. If we find out a guy has been lying to use us - we feel shame, disgust, low self-esteem, we are more likely to accept poor treatment in future because of our lower self-worth - it's very violating and it absolutely is sexual abuse. I was in a relationship like I describe above in my earlier comment - it very much fricked with my head. Adding to it - let's make it murder instead of sexual abuse. The definition of murder I will use is "Person A took action to end Person B's life". The murder could be that A shot person B in the head and they died quickly without pain. Maybe A even had an (almost) understandable reason for wanting B dead. A murder could also be A kidnapping B, tying them down, slowly carving them up, and then setting them on fire. O... (2)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

It is not sexual abuse for two reasons:1- This never happened, I only spoke of the hypothesis.2- Sexual abuse involves forcing and attacking, these are two things I have never done.His mentality lacked common sense. Sexual abuse is something very serious, do not try to expand this concept to other things as this is pure evil. (0)

Oh no I'm not expanding. Sexual abuse is many things - including manipulation or lying to get access to a person's body. Sexual assault involves attacking but abuse can occur without physical violence. If a guy I'm dating wants a bj but I'm not in the mood - he then responds by calling me a b-word and refusing to talk to me and giving me the cold shoulder so that in future when he wants a bj, I give him one to avoid that reaction - is that not abuse? Of course it is. S*x should be mutual.Think about it this way. If I go out with you and you pay for dates, pay for my nails to be done, pay for my phone so we can chat, pay for my hair, etcโ€ฆall while I lead you on with the impression I will be your gf one day and/or put outโ€ฆam I financially abusive? Of course. I'm stringing you alone so that you'll pay for my shit. Abuse is rampant and it's often things that people don't consider to be abuse. We need to move the conversation forward. It's not evil. (4)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/MrsKML

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Peanut and Me.

This one's for @pizzashill


EFFORTPOST :marseyflagromania: More election drama! Study on the ethics of making stupid political alliances and throwing campaign money at even dumber causes :marseybrainlet: Also, no one can coup your country if you coup it first! :marseyletsgo:

Previous posts on this subject, even if you don't want to read the whole thing you should check the description of the candidates and parties involved from the first link because I'll use the same marseys to represent them for a easier reading :marseyfluffy:

Political rivals :marseynoyou:

  • This was annoying to write because I don't know what details are actually relevant enough, I don't want to make this too boring :marseyhmm: A little backtrack first. I focused a lot of Georgescu :marseyhitler2: in the previous posts but now the :marseysuit: :chadleftoid: parties and the relations between them are more important for the drama. PSD :marseysuit: and USR :chadleftoid: really don't get along. The old guard :marseysuit: wants any new person entering politics to follow their orders while :chadleftoid: is formed from politicians who want to dethrone them and form their own political 'dyasty'. So they really hate each other. As I said in the previous post, the :marseyauthright: parties are too new to really have clear love or hate relations with either side in this conflict.

  • So, when the Constitutional Court (controlled by :marseysuit:) demanded recounts for the first round of the presidential election, USR :chadleftoid: were naturally suspicious. PSD :marseysuit: would never do something in their favor after all. Then the recounts happened and nothing changed, and ok, if these buttholes aren't trying to frick us over then what was the point? :marseyconfused: But they still remained tense, because while this move was weird and useless, it's a clear warning that :marseysuit: are preparing to mess with the elections. And it turns out they were right to be worried :marseygiggle:

  • After the elections were cancelled people were expecting, you know, stuff like explanations, accountability, arrests, plans to guard against similar shit in the future and other stuff that competent countries do :marseysmug2: At the beginning things were fine, some heads of the nazi and other far right organizations that threatened with violent riots were arrested, members had their homes searched, and our authorities were working with NATO and EU over the election interferences. For some reason, Georgescu :marseyhitler2: was left alone. But hey, we're still in the early stages of the investigation, we just uncovered this whole russian plot, his time will come right? :marseyclueless:

  • That planned riot was a failure, people didn't show up, some literal nazis were caught trying to enter Bucharest with weapons hidden in their cars, lots of funny shit. The guys were jailed :marseyclapping: Later released :marseyfacepalm: Then grabbed by the police again :marseyhope: ...then released for good and allowed to frick out of the country :marseyaware: This is some :marseyglow: shit, isn't it? Aside from a few r-slurs threatening violence and screaming about the jews on the internet that were fined no one faced any punishment for the whole thing. And no one bothered Georgescu :marseyunamused: Add the fact that we still don't have any extra information on what happened during the elections and it's once again starting to look like this bullshit is just our own politicians doing stupid shit. But the question is, are they working with Russia or is this whole Russia story just a lie? :marseyhmm:

  • Since they were already paranoid, USR :chadleftoid: saw the writing on the wall and accused PSD :marseysuit: of trying to steal the elections as soon as the presidential ones were cancelled. After all, they were battling Georgescu :marseyhitler2: for the president position, so the cancellation affected them just as much as it affected him. Besides, if the elections were cancelled because of Russian interference, then both the presidential and the parliamentary elections should be cancelled, since Georgescu's :marseyhitler2: unofficial party POT :marseyauthright: won seats through the same TikTok strategy, but only the elections that PSD :marseysuit: lost are being remade. But since they spent so much time during the elections screaming about how dangerous Russia and Georgescu :marseyhitler2: were they now came out looking like hypocrites and were criticised for siding with the far right just to keep their political power.

Trying to form a government - new alliances and betrayals :marseybackstab:

  • Since no faction won a majority for the parliament, our politicians are now stuck trying to make coalitions together. As the :marseyauthright: parties were branded as traitors the most obvious solution is for :marseysuit: and :chadleftoid: to form a pro-NATO/EU coalition and leave the anti-NATO/EU parties in opposition, right? :marseyclueless: Too bad they hate each other's guts :lelolidk:

  • So, the first tentative alliance was formed. PSD :marseysuit: + PNL :marseysuit: + USR :chadleftoid: + UDMR :marseyquadmagyar: UDMR is the party of our hungarian minority and they are big enough to make a difference in the parliamentary negotiations so despite being hated by everyone they are accepted into every single coalition ever. They are the single biggest whores in out politics, but then again I already said they are hungarians :marseyscoot:

  • :marseyauthright: are starting to accuse our president :marseysuit: of being an illegitimate president, since he only kept his position because our Constitutional Court refused to allow a new one to be elected. They said that if he doesn't step down after his term is over on December 22nd he's an unelected dictator. USR :chadleftoid: agreed with them. Once again, they were criticised for preferring to side with the extremists over working with their political rivals.

  • Multiple embarrassing slapfights happened while all parties were trying to negotiate their coalition. USR :chadleftoid: came with an 8 point political reform program and said that if it's not accepted in full they will abandon the coalition and join the :marseyauthright: in the opposition. While their plan was good, their unwillingness to negotiate it while they were already hated by the :marseysuit: were obviously not in their favor. Ciolacu, leader of PSD :marseysuit:, insisted on being named prime minister, but PNL :marseysuit: told him that his embarrassing failure in the elections (couldn't even enter the second round) alongside his disastrous economical policies during his last term made him unfit to be placed in the same position again :marseyprotestno: So PSD :marseysuit: decided to grab their toys and go home and told everyone that they'll join the :marseyauthright: parties coalition. This was a problem since they are the biggest party in the parliament so them joining :marseyauthright: means that they can form the government together. They said that they will make sure to only vote pro- NATO/EU proposals but no one trusts them, so... shit :marseysweating:

  • PNL :marseysuit: decided that if their brother party isn't in the coalition then they'll back off too and soon after UDMR :marseyquadmagyar: threw in the towel too. So, that will leave only USR :chadleftoid: and some minority parties in the coalition or what? :marseyquestion: In the mean time USR :chadleftoid: went to the president :marseysuit: to complain about his unconstitutional mandate extension. They refused to stand up when he joined the meeting room, he didn't shake their hands, they told him to resign, he said no, and the whole thing lasted three minutes in total. Meeting ended after :marseyshrug:

  • But plot twist! Not even a day after 'resigning' PSD :marseysuit: told everyone that they were joking and that they'll still form a pro-EU/NATO coalition and invited all the other parties to negotiation again... aside from USR :chadleftoid: who were thus officially kicked out of the coalition. PSD :marseysuit: + PNL :marseysuit: + UDMR :marseyquadmagyar: can form a majority together, a barely there majority true, but still a majority.

  • USR :chadleftoid: threatened to not vote the new government, probably hoping that the in-party :marseysuit: rivalries will destroy the barely there majority and will force the other parties to re-invite them in the coalition. Instead, :marseysuit: convinced 20 parliamentarians from AUR :marseyauthright: to vote for them, and now we finally have a government! :marseyletsgo:

  • Ciolacu :marseysuit: was named prime minister again, and with USR :chadleftoid: out of the picture PSD :marseysuit: controls most of the country again.

Lmao wtf is going on? :marseyhelp:

  • After this childish political battle more and more people started to accept that the real coup was done by PSD :marseysuit: Again. EU, confused that there is evidence that Russia messed around our elections but also sniffing bullshit, keeps harassing TikTok for investigations. In the meantime America praises our decision to cancel the election every few days. At least someone is happy with the situation? :marseybeanrelieved:

  • Obviously now, when things started to calm down, it's the perfect time for another bombshell to drop! :marseyjam: A journo group announced that they have proof that PNL :marseysuit: paid for Georgescu's :marseyhitler2: campaign! :marseypearlclutch: At this point people weren't even shocked just exasperated and done with the whole circus :marseygiveup: PNL :marseysuit: denied it and said that they paid a firm to promote their campaign and that their money was instead funnelled into Georgescu's :marseyhitler2: campaign. Really? :marseyunamused:

  • Still, things don't make sense :marseygigathonk: Georgescu's :marseyhitler2: campaign was massive, with millions of bots and dozens of sites involved, the cost alone must have been way past what PNL paid, and multiple countries confirmed Russia's involvement. We're still missing a few things here :marseythinkorino:

  • Trying to patch all the information... PSD :marseysuit: wanted to promote AUR :marseyauthright: to split USR's :chadleftoid: anti-establishment votes and lower their winning chances. Realizing this, PNL :marseysuit: then decided to promote Georgescu :marseyhitler2: as a way of splitting AUR's far-right votes so that PSD's :marseysuit: plan will fail. But at some point Russia decided to promote Georgescu :marseyhitler2: too to stir chaos and/or coup us and massively blew up his popularity. PSD :marseysuit: was too busy with their schemes to notice anything and gave some of their votes to AUR :marseyauthright: in the first round, accidentally kicking themselves out of the second round. Georgescu :marseyhitler2: and Lasconi :chadleftoid: won the first elections because these two :marseysuit: r-slurs were too busy fighting each other. That's why our secret services and :marseysuit: didn't react to Georgescu's raise in popularity, they were involved in the whole mess too and now they didn't know how to swipe everything under the rug as much as possible.

  • Still, Georgescu :marseyhitler2: was a problem and something had to be done, so they had to sound the alarm and call NATO's help. Russia's plans were stopped :marseyrelieved: PSD :marseysuit:, until now disappointed that they lost the presidency and their hold on the parliament was severely diluted, realized that they now have an excuse to steal the elections and get their control over the country back. They couldn't do any bullshit with all the NATO/EU eyes on them so Russia's interference was like a gift send from God Himself into their laps. So they talked with the Constitutional Court to annul the elections, all with our allies panicked blessing, kicking Georgescu out of his top position for now, caused one heck of the mess during the coalition negotiations, and managed to kick out USR :chadleftoid: too :marseytroll: PNL :marseysuit: just shrugged and went back into allying with them, while :marseyauthright: and :chadleftoid: parties were left defeated and screaming in the dust :marseyrage:

  • Another theory here is that, after messing up and accidentally promoting Georgescu on top on the race with Russia's help, :marseysuit: parties wanted to let him win the presidency and join forces to control the parliament and block any dumb shit he wants to do. Especially since he has some ideas similar to Trump, so maybe they'll get along or something. But Biden's cabinet insisted that we do something about it so the elections were cancelled. Unfortunately, now people around Trump, like his son and Musk, are bitching about Soros and democracy, so what do we do? America might still get pissed at us :marseyveryworried: Now wait, we have an idea! We'll just do nothing against Georgescu himself, we'll postpone the new elections and any investigation until Trump steps into the White House and if he still wants Georgescu as president we'll just let him candidate like nothing happened while blaming everything on Biden and his people and things will be fine :taysmart:

Current situation :marseychristmastree:

  • So, right now we still don't know what exactly is with Georgescu :marseyhitler2: He seems to be both with our glowies and with Russia. Mostly probably PSD :marseysuit: will try to negotiate with him until the new presidential elections (somewhere in spring most lkely) and if he seems like he can be reasoned with (read, he'll listen to their orders - and :marseyglow: ) he'll be allowed to run, if not they'll just get some institution to forbid him from running again :marseyshrug: PDS :marseysuit: has not only gotten more power, but will also get bolder in their bullshit next elections since the population didn't react to them stealing the elections in any way, so why not do it again? :marseywink:

  • Out of all the :marseyauthright: parties, AUR started to work with PSD :marseysuit: the most. It's expected that the rest of them will be pushed out of politics one way or another until AUR will become the far-right controlled opposition to PSD. A few parliamentarians from the other :marseyauthright: parties are already two steps away from getting kicked out of their new positions because of different cases opened against them in the past (corruption, defamation, antisemitism, and other shit). USR :chadleftoid: is marginalised ever further, and seems like they'll even lose their anti status-quo party to AUR :marseysulk:

  • :marseyauthright: :chadleftoid: parties and their supporters are still screaming about how the government is illegitimate and try to get people to protest them, but since it's cold and most of us are doing the last minute preparations for Christmas they don't have much any success :marseysleep:

  • But there's still time for other plot twists to happen, so who knows what the future will bring? :marseypopcorntime:

The (second) revolution that never was :marseylibleft:

  • Quick funny thing that didn't fit in the main post :marseyfluffy: So, two weeks after the elections were cancelled, Georgescu's :marseyhitler2: voters finally realized that they were dunked on by the :marseysuit: establishment :marseysuit: and decided to actually carry out a violent revolution :marseyclueless: We're serious this time guys, we swear! :marseymad: So they threatened to gather in the streets with axes and bats if the president doesn't step down after his mandate expires on December 22 :marseyishygddt: Like with all of the :marseyauthright: shit that happened until now, this was massively promoted on TikTok :marseytiktok:

  • In the mean time, in order to calm down the far right rumours that EU couped us in order to force Romania to enter the war alongside Ukraine, our (old) government used it's last days in office to approve two laws: one where Romania can now down foreign drones flying over our airspace, which could be used as a potential escalation against Russia, and anther one where foreign generals from allied countries can take command over our army. Yeah, totally not suspicious at all and will definitely calm everyone down :marseygiggle: (Last one should be called the 'America take the wheel' law tbh :marseypatriot: )

  • To prove to everyone that they are hardcore patriots willing to die for their country at any time, our brave revolutionaries panicked that our new NATO army will break their bones if they start shit and stayed at home. No one turned out to even protest peacefully :marseyxd: So that embarrassing episode ended without any bloodshed :marseybloodpuddle:

All right, last two things:

  • our diplomat in America said at some point that our secret services work hard to gather data for CIA, fifth largest contributors actually. This will totally calm down all those conspiracy theories about glowies and us being a NATO colony :marseyderp:

  • First shit our prime minister :marseysuit: said after taking his role was that we are ready to fully support Trump's peace plan for Ukraine, so if at any point EU plans to keep supporting Zelensky after America bows out of the conflict they should start planning on how to do it without us :marseygiggle:

Destiny sued by Pxie for revenge porn (lawsuit got filed)

Total libtard death incoming


:marseybeanrelieved: :marseyspa: :marseycalm: :marseyknifecat:

!animalposters !cats

facebook always has the best drama :marseylovedrama: Red Pill meme page posts a screenshot of a :marseyfoidretard: woman with a :marseypenny: kid being texted by a :marseychud: asking if her kid is black. One of the wilder comments sections I've seen lol...


1. :marseychonkerfoid: "he was wrong with the ew part" :satokohoujoufan: "when you're white there is no upgrade; don't mix."

2. :marseyshrug: "guys, she might not have been a whore... think about it" :marseydoge: "nah she ruined her genes with mystery meat bastard child"

This :marseymexican: :ethot: messages Cesar's wife lol:

3. Bai Michelle is back and she's trying her hand at some sweet Reportmaxxing!

4. :marseymexican: " I agree it's rude, he should have just moved along..." :chudsmug: "it's not a kid, it's a lump of coal"

5. :coomerface: "completely normal reaction" :gothjak: "you're literally a single Dad, bro..."

6. :holdupjak: "insecure and racist" :chadnordic: :chadbaby: "there's nothing wrong with being racist actually"

7. Man literally called "Soy Horeman" chimes in. I checked his page, he's real...

Baiting chuds by being a :smugjak: has never been so easy :marseyoctopus2: :marseyoctopus2: :marseyoctopus2: :marseyoctopus2:
Reported by:
  • prez : idiot ban admins now
zoomers call 911 because tiktok got shutdown :marseyzoomerimplosion: :marseylaughpoundfist:
Selling 1,000kg of meat per month!! Original American style Baby Back Ribs BBQ / Korean street food
Kanye is still up


@JimieWhales Once Bought a Huge Wrap in a Walgreens in Manhattan

trans lives matter

Do you eat food from pharmacies? Back when I lived in the US I used to sometimes get these sad little fruit cups at the CVS that was across the street from my office and eat them alone in the park. They weren't good but they made me feel virtuous and I enjoyed the self-abnegation and a moment of silence in the sunshine away from my coworkers.

Redditards hate reagan


i love watching cats groom themselves

men could learn something from this!

Chad finds a workaround to high drink prices


>be Jared

>Show up

>Get daydrunk on Founders All Day IPAs

>Piss everywhere in the men's room


>Drunk drive a stolen Kia with no plates and 17 parking tickets on the windshield

>Sideswipe a Waymo

Just another day in Ancap Paradise

Is this gay or should I keep working on it? It's a tribute to some dead raccoons.


your honor, my only crime...
@username is having a melty over some cute raccoons.


:marseycop: Redditors mald over cops eating hot dogs. :!marseyweenie:


Food looks amazing. I don't think I would be so enthusiastic about serving the oppressors though.


ACAB tho


so cops just roll up and get free food then then go down the street and give someone a ticket for handing out free tho the homeless..

The boot lickers here don't wanna talk about what cops actually do.

everyone is like he's so fast! he's crapping himself.....


How is this not a bribe?

I sell heavy equipment to municipalities, and I can't even take them out to lunch because of conflicts of interest. Cops are above the law.

It literally is. And they are taught that accepting free food is an ethical violation. These losers are willfully corrupt.


Did those cops get a free meal?

I hope so! If I had a place like this law enforcement would eat free if I could afford it. ๐Ÿ‘

Would you serve boots to your customers or do you just save those for yourself?

holy frick redditors are insane


I've learned this is a tough situation. First, you for sure want the police protection in your area, and you want them to like you. Second, we pay taxes and favoritism is inappropriate, and one business should not incurr a cost in excess of another business for the same level of protection.

I wanna see the pink women's lace underwear shoppe also offer free pink lace underwear at the same dollar rate as the meal subsidy.


brain-worm:marseycanofworms:man: Black kids:marseyblack:on ADHD:marseypills:meds should be 're-parented'

:marseyradfem: thread about it

rsp dating directory launched!


surprise it's almost all moids with one token post wall foid! (and she's a yuropoor, is it our very own @JingleWhales?)

CBS News admits that they, and other journ*list scum, are the reason Kamala lost

Veteran CBS News reporter Jan Crawford dinged news organizations for not thoroughly covering President Biden's "obvious cognitive decline" this year until it became unavoidable during his disastrous debate against Donald Trump over the summer.

Crawford, the network's chief legal correspondent, insisted stronger reporting on the topic could have changed the entire election as she responded to a question from "Face the Nation" moderator Major Garrett about the most underreported story in 2024.

"Undercovered and underreported, that would be, to me, Joe Biden's obvious cognitive decline that became undeniable in the televised debate," she said on the Sunday morning show.

further reading:


Year 1:

Year 2:

Year 3:

Year 4:

If my pwost has 1 upmarsey and 1 cwomment iww quit my jwob.
Democrats: This Is War. Isn't It Time You Acted Like It?


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