
me trying to do the weekly !crossword
:marseycupid: :marseybunny2:

Escapism is just a bigoted dog whistle :marseyindignant:


Bought Canadian jacket

I didn't looked at brand and thought the jacket looked cool. The package came destroyed because package that cost more than 500 euro are marked so local Muhamed had to make sure to check if it's not iPhone so the package was open and plastic damaged with fingers.

The jacket is like 10kg, very heavy, looks cool but what genius decided to sell Canadian winter jacket in west Europe, that jacket is super warm. Even for Scandinavian capital cities

Our waitress Gail at Woody's restaurant.

Hey Folks - I have a request from Gail to all of us on my mailing list of 160 now. Some of you come for Friday coffee fairly often and some of you don't I know, but Gail is going through a pretty

tough time right now at home and with her daughter. Without going into specifics, her daughter has been having liver and other health problems and recently found out she has blood cancer

on top of everything else she's experiencing. Gail is basically the sole breadwinner, having lost her husband some time ago. Making a short story long: she needs to find a reliable CHEAP car ASAP,

for her daughter to drive to the several Drs she needs to go to every week. Gail can't afford to take days off from work and drive her everyplace she must go.

Gail says she can afford to spend like $1500.00 or so. She doesn't care what it looks like, for sure, but she doesn't want to worry about it breaking down with her daughter on her way to any

of her appts..

I'm asking for help on her behalf I guess - if ya know of a car that she could get, give Shirley a call - house 269 795 5555 cell - 269 207 5566 or see Gail directly at coffee. Can we put our heads

together and see what the Geezers can come up with?

On a "special car" related note: I think many of us made the pilgrimage to K-zoo fairgrounds Friday and today for the KAARC "swap" meet. We got there about 1030 this morning and the parking lot

was really slippery and full of cars. Good to see. As usual - some guys brought stuff folks wanted and more brought "items" that people didn't care so much about anymore. A lot of what was put

away to sell for the "big bucks" and horded, has either been replaced by good reproductions and now available on the interweb or really not needed very much anymore, as the buyers have moved

on to newer models or just haven't gotten involved in the hobby now. Shirley got plenty of hugs from fellow sellers and car show attendees that we haven't seen for quite awhile and I spent all

of $40.00 bucks on some hubcaps I don't need, along with $10.00 on a Chevrolet sales brochure for our '84 Z28. Lots of discussion on upcoming events for the summer. Changes at the Gilmore Museum,

NSRA - Goodguys - local shows-cruise ins - year cutoffs - Autorama - and PRICES. All interesting for sure.

Remember guys - it is only 12 days and a wake up til Valentines Day!!

Just Me

Sent from Outlook

:!marseytrain:s :marseybardfinn3: have a schism over r*pe and incest :marseyfreud:

Kendrick? No. This the only Lamar that matters
Detail from the BrΓ©viaire de Renaud de Bar (1302-1303)
:ragejak: :marseytrumpwrong:
:marseychtorrr2: who works at a bakery gets mad at the comments people make about their 700+ calorie abominations


>I have a kid in Girl Scouts and people will talk like that in front of the Scouts selling cookies. It's so frustrating because I have tried to raise my kids as body neutral as possible but that shit is pervasive.

Tell the kid to learn how to mind their own business like an adult lmao

>Maybe a sign? "Please stop bumming out the baked goods by calling them Bad."

>Years ago used to have a small bowl of candy & mints at my office desk. The performative diet culture is REAL. Just come over and say hi, then grab a piece of candy, there's an actual sign that says "help yourself."

Sorry, but food doesn't and will never have feelings, I should be free to shittalk it as I please

>I worked at a barista at a trendy (college students and rich white moms) cafe and yeah it's pretty bad. I would just deadpan and not respond to it or play dumb and say "why would you feel bad about eating a croissant"

Because it's like 600 empty calories you don't need

Reported by:
:chad: is sick of mowing his lawn and has an innovative new solution that leaves the neighborcels seething

:marseygrilling2#: The whole yard is your patio + more time to grill



NASA :marseyastronaut2: predicts incoming asteroid now has 3.1% chance :marseygangster: of striking Earth :marseyxdorbit:

Why Hollywood loves "EmΓ­lia PΓ©rez"? Good article by neolib magazine :marseymexican: :marseytrans2:

The article in question !neolibs

The film's Rotten Tomatoes rating is down from 75% in December, before it opened in Mexico, where viewers were unimpressed (see chart). Some of this decline is explained by "review bombing". This can happen when films take on heated subjects. "The Promise" (2016), about the Armenian genocide, saw its imdb page mobbed with thousands of one-out-of-ten ratings from users in Turkey; in response, most Armenians gave it full marks, resulting in a middling overall score.

But socially conservative Mexicans objecting to a trans woman starring in a film is not the full picture. "Emilia PΓ©rez" is, objectively, poor. The dialogue sounds as if it has been hastily translated from French to English to Spanish, leading to jarring phrases like, "Hasta me duele la pinche vulva nada mΓ‘s de acordarme de ti" ("Even my fricking vulva still hurts as soon as I think of you"). The lyrics have been lost in translation, too. Consider the opening line of one song: "Hello, very nice to meet you. I'd like to know about s*x-change operations." (Somehow "hello" gets one syllable and "change" gets two.) "I see, I see, I see," is the reply, as perfunctory an iambic trimeter as you will ever hear.

A scene from the film btw !kino !latinx

Botched pronunciations have angered Mexicans. Karla SofΓ­a GascΓ³n, who plays Emilia, was born in Madrid and cannot always hide her Spanish accent. Emilia's wife with the sore vulva (played by pop star Selena Gomez) sounds robotic in Spanish and slips into English halfway through a line. Adriana Paz, Emilia's love interest, is the only Mexican in the main cast. She has less than 12 minutes of screen time.


:marseyitsover: :marseyyeezusgenocide:


:nuggetesoteric: Daily neolib :marseysoylentgrin: slop post :nuggetesoteric: Milquetoast article :marseywords: about milquetoast Democrats :marseyclintongarrison: causes slapfight :slapfight: between two verbose :marseylongpost: power users :soysnootypefast:



/u/OkBuddyLiberals - a centrist/neurodivergent neoliberal who's got a custom Manchin flair.

/u/l00gie - a gay Asian progressoid who's basically an embodiment of the reason dRumph won.

slap fight #1 OkBuddyLiberal's longpost about how the Dems really should punch left if they want to win.

Slap fight #2 l00gie's gaslamp/gatekeep/gayboss way to lose the hearts and minds of the American public.

Could Joe Biden do better ? :marseytrump:
have usernames been showing this icon instead of their profile pictures when you tag them in comments?

!dramatards !metashit

Bongland is doomed


Now it's Texas Fried Chicken, TFC
If you're in London, be on the lookout

This post rests on native land



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