HAPPY CAKE DAY!!!!!!!!!!
- whyareyou : notice me
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The value I bring to this platform is unmatched. I'm
hilarious and handsome and have level headed takes. People irl actively seek my attention and input.
Once again, rdrama is showing their bias against excellent users who bring positive change here. Please do better. I do not want to have this conversation AGAIN moving forward.
- whyareyou : wtf
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>he got blocked by Crunchyroll for this
— Chise (@ChiseHatoriBan) February 11, 2025
I'm so glad pirate sites consistently get more traffic than Crunchyroll pic.twitter.com/veSi98sP9H
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Redditor tells her own mother she hopes she gets r*ped and calls her slurs (theyβre all white) because she voted third party (in California)https://t.co/5fisINiQrb
— rDrama.net (@rdramanet) November 8, 2024
The tweet itself was an rDrama baitpost in that it was to bait rDrama users. I gave the thread an absurd title but really it was just an /r/AmIOverreacting thread about some chick farting so much and so nastily that her boyfriend couldn't sleep. I did this because I found the actual thread to be funny and I wanted to make rDrama users laugh, and that title seemed the best way to get eyes.
Then I posted it to Twitter for similar reasons but also to bait morons who will just go by the words in the tweet (libtards are cruel and tell their moms to get r*ped) instead of the content of the thread itself (girl with nassy butt farts). Reddit_Lies (500k followers) retweeted it to this reaction:
Reddit_Lies had the tweet up for several hours but has since deleted it. There was no admission on Twitter of it being a shitpost. The "lol Reddit_lies ily but nooooo" thread was Country Club only, which had a 1,000 truescore gate to view.
From this deletion we can conclude three important things:
1. Reddit_Lies is an active user here and routinely checks the site, as he not only has sufficient TS to access Country Club but he also scrolls far enough down Hot to find aged threads. He is also probably a carp follower, as he deleted the RT long after the pins on the thread expired.
2. Even our Very Online specifically anti-Reddit-themed friends are fricking morons who accept everything at face value and can't be bothered to so much as click a single link and immediately see "MY FARTS STINK AND MY BF IS MAD" because they get so excited about the negative effort title presented and want to believe it.
3. I remain the only competent baiter here, routinely returning massively high yields with absolutely zero effort whenever I bother to cast a line. Contrast this to the meticulously planned pathetic gayops you people try to run every few weeks that always fail because you're boring, utterly average intelligence homosexuals.
Enjoy the subsequent dwindling and death of activity (again) when post-election hilarity dies off and I go inactive.

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1) greatly increase the requirements to be an ice agent.
2) tax money fairness: greatly reduce the amount of government money going to rural areas or low income red states and re-balance it so it better matches contributions.
3) take a hard look at farmer subsidies and cut off anyone primarily producing corn syrup.
4) remove qualified immunity from police officers.
5) automatic voter reg and issue a national voter ID card to every single US citizen and verify they got it.
6) completely gut the dod and purge any conservatives from the department of defense that ever expressed any support for Donald Trump.
7) launch a national task force to investigate and respond to child marriage in rural/republican areas. arrest any judge that approved any child marriages.
8) launch a national voter suppression effort targeted at rural/republican areas (this would be legal, as republicans have pointed out, as it would be partisan and not racial.)
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One of my favourite ways to bait bongoids is to venture into small-town subreddits, particularly /r/Bristol and make an oblique reference to how many rental properties I own
then go around treating everyone like they're Oliver Twist.
It's natural that British Redditors would be some of the most detestable mayoids on the internet, so I have compiled various examples of small-town seethe.
It's one thing to read the top-level headlines about GDP, but it's better to dive in and observe the bong in his natural habitat, which is rapidly becoming Burundi:
Renting in Bristol
Ive been living in bristol for almost 10 years and watching the rent rise every year to astronomical amounts is so discouraging.
This user plays Dungeons and Dragons in his thirties
Β£1200-Β£1400 for a one bed flat and theyre not always in the centre.. i dont get how this is acceptable.
Bristolians unironically give up half of their third world salary to live in The Backrooms
For reference, Bristol looks like this:
(Which could all be forgiven if they didn't use words like 'vibrant' to describe homeless encampments)
why would you admit this
A lot can change in ten years
I really hope a big rent revolution is coming soon. This is a too wide spread problem
reeeeeee the revolution is coming (
I understand the supply vs demand argument, but that does not quite apply to housing, does it?
Why is so difficult for communist losers?
Sadly, it's the result of all the londoners etc moving here in the WFH post covid times
That 'etc' is doing a lot of work here
Simple but well executed
How's that going for you? Let's see what communism is doing for the job market
What are some non customer facing Jobs in Bristol with limited experience?
I'm on Student visa but graduated.
This got a Masters' degree in AI
In Britain
where every tech job has been sent to Mumbai
I've applied to fast food places, supermarkets, and retail jobs, but all I've faced is rejection.
I wonder if anyone gave them sound advice?
We have a taker! The response?
my parents aren't sufficiently supportive of trans rights
so I guess I'll starve
Remember, poors deserve it!
just give em a firm handshake
Hartcliffe and Knowle West: Is it fair to describe them as "deprived" areas?
Hey, I am researching a documentary about knife crime in Bristol. Would it be fair to describe Hartcliffe and Knowle West as "deprived" or "low income" neighbourhoods?
please bro just give them more free money I swear it will work this time bro please Keynes said it once you have to believe me
Computer add shopping trolleys to the list
30.7% of social housing tenants in Coventry were born outside the UK.
These figures are quite scary to me to be honest, does anybody else care about this?
There's a Grade 1 Chud Incursion on /r/coventry as the city's Last White Man wakes up and discovers he is living in a cross between Lahore and 1992 Belarus.
For reference, Coventry looks like this:
And it should look like this:
Labour's strongest soldier chimes in!
β Condescending Neurodivergent woman
β JK Rowling Derangement Syndrome
only a THIRD of our taxpayer-funded property during a housing crisis goes to the third world, chud! This is a good thing somehow
Why indeed?
/r/coventry is a particularly funny example because it genuinely reads like a messageboard posted in the centre of a Jakarta slum
('Buy nothing group' is like a commune btw)
Anyone know where I can get some free old scaffolding boards?
Can anyone please suggest good fish and chips in Coventry without alcohol in recipe?
any tips before i move to coventry?
Oh, so the entire thing?
Never realised how bad the NHS is struggling until I had to go to the QE last night at midnight.
7 hour wait. 0 degrees outside and you're in an outside queue to get in the front door.
People lying on the floor or standing against windows. All the walk ways blocked. One bloke sat in his own shit. The smell from just standing in the waiting room with all the sick people, piss heads who have turned up made me retch.
excuse me
Last time I went to A&E at the QE someone tried to nick my wheelchair.
yeah paying a few hundred quid for Bupa is so much worse than watching your family members die in their own piss and shit while an NHS nurse records a tiktok nearby
In conclusion: It turns out that the average bong is either a seething marxoid or just doesn't care as long as he gets his benefits and sag paneer
. Do not feel bad for the bong; he deserves all of this and more
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thumbnail unrelated, click this link for an image-based meltdown
Or this gallery and scroll to the comments
They're having a bad time in there:
There's some sort of online petition that's apparently about forcing Congress to pass a law saying that Trump can't make himself King of America. This reads like a joke, but I promise you it's not. Behold, the No Kings Act:
The left can meme, they're just not very good at it:
Imgurians just cannot stop swallowing the Matt Walsh "lmao libs we tricked you we're doing Project 2025 now" bait:
Here's a good one in which the image hosting website users rail against democracy as a concept because of some TV show or movie:
Looks like they didn't get the memo about how even if Harris had took PA she'd still have lost lol
Though I do appreciate this surprising lucidity buried in the replies to a reply to a reply to an image:
There's nothing groundbreaking here, just run of the mill hysterics and seething. It's quite literally everywhere and I feel like an neurodivergent child at a carnival, I am completely sensory overloaded with sneed from absolutely all angles. It's so good.
Anyway that's all here's my small contribution to our potluck
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the dejenerate podcast - bad things happen to bad people 9:53
- This has been amusing Jinxthinker all day. Basically Jim Cornette's dog died (I assume this has something to do with wrestling because he's on /pw/). He got energy drinks and jelly beans from the shop, and the shop guy was new.
1:00 it's okay to be mean to Jim because he's just getting his just deserts. We look at /pw/ comments. Right right right.
1:50 He responds "one less b-word but he's still got his wife who also probably has fleas & is more filthy than his dog, she's unkempt, fat & less hygienic"
3:10 AI navis are back. Jinxthinker has been fiending for alien ladygarden because it's superior or just as good as emo women.
3:50 The libertarian crew is messed up, right? Jinxthinker is a heroine addict for adult women.
4:20 Jinxthinker is unsure what day it is. It might be friday or saturday.
4:50 Jinxthinker "cuts a promo" on Jim
5:10 There was a person that went undercover on a Columbian or Argentinan child s*x trafficking site
5:40 what would happen if Jinxthinker started sieg heiling and swasticking
6:00 Jinxthinker will stick to adults, thank you. If he took a screwdriver and fricked up his brain to become a libertarian, he'd be 2nd only to Hitler.
6:40 No dogs, no children, no pokemon
7:05 Jinxthinker the first time he saw an emo girl at school.
7:40 According to science (a tv show) said that the peak age of women is either 23 or 27. Talks about Liv Morgan and other wrestlers.
9:00 It's cheesecake city the way people are getting their just deserts. Jinxthinker ated burgers today with doritos crumbled up on top. Tomorrows dinner will be different or maybe Sunday's dinner will be.
!jinxthinkers you probably have fleas and are more filthy than your dog, you're unkempt, fat & less hygenic
I'm going to be real, probably a 2/10 jinxthinker vlog.
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explicitly designed for sexual
education also existed in the period. One well-known work was the grandiosely titled Aristotle's Masterpiece, first
published in 1648 but regularly revised and reprinted throughout the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries. (No connection to the ancient
is supported by the historical
record.) The manual includes descriptions and diagrams of sexual
anatomy, including an explanation
of the clitoris as crucial to female
pleasure. Tableau de l'Amour Conjugal by Nicolas
Venette was purportedly written by a medical
and, like Aristotle's Masterpiece, was a central sexual
education text for hundreds of years after its 17th-century publication. In 1826, frequently jailed British
reformer and radical
publisher Richard
Carlile put out the first
well-known sexual
education tract specifically designed for women: Every Woman's Book, or What Is Love? Every Woman's Book includes extensive descriptions of contraceptive options, including how to access
and employ them. These books
were often sold alongside medical
textbooks, but we know from newspapers and diaries that they were frequently read by laypeople as well. Though Aristotle's Masterpiece and its later
editions were often published anonymously, print
runs were high and the book sold extremely well β even when the medical
information therein was considerably out of date.
And of course, the historical
record also gives us numerous books
from the period
written for titillation. Eighteenth-century erotic novels, often translated from the French, were enormously popular and provide a fascinating
into the sexuality
of the period. Lesbian
encounters were common in fiction, even for otherwise heterosexual characters, such as the eponymous Fanny Hill, written by John Cleland in 1748. Works like the Harris's Lists of Covent Garden
Ladies, published annually in the second
half of the 18th century, blur the lines
guidebook and erotica. These lists purport to describe all the s*x workers in London, often in effusive and charming terms, along with their prices and favorite
activities. One "inviting nymph" in 1788 is "of the middle
stature, fine auburn hair, dark eyes, and very inviting countenance β¦ In bed she is all the heart
can wish, or eye admire, every limb is symmetry, every action
cover truly amorous." The list helpfully informs us that this nymph's fee "is two pounds two." S*x worker
memoirs were not uncommon; one particularly well-known work in this genre is The Memoirs of Harriette Wilson, Written by Herself (1825). Wilson's lovers
included numerous members of high society, including the Duke of Wellington, and her autobiography displays her ambition, intellect, and powerful style. "I will be the mere instrument
of pleasure to no man," she writes.
white extinction is long overdue
: I thought the title was a joke, but the post actually contains photos of white women
- Lv999_Slime_God : I do not like white women
- Kotj1224 : No white women on Christmas. Please. Thank you.
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Especially to white women, without whom we would have almost no drama please let the white women in your life know that you love and appreciate them
Previous White Woman Wednesdays
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Long story short, I met a guy from grindr 10 years older than me. He was the daddy type.
He said he needed the money because he was short on rent. Which wasn't a lot. I was hesitant because I hadn't done it before, but I thought he was also kinda into the fun, but with extra money.
When I came to his place, he looked like he was really struggling. I asked him if he was okay, and he said yes. I gave him a bj and paid him. He really looked like he regretted doing it, being paid for s*x because he had no other choice.
I told him it was just a friendly gift instead, and he didn't have to treat it like a transaction.
I am so guilty. How am I different from a grapist or a mol*ster? I had s*x with someone not from their own will. I didn't enjoy it. I didn't enjoy it at all. I feel disgusted.
I texted him if he wanted to just pay me back in the future and treat it separate from our s*x transaction. But he blocked me already.
EDIT: when i said struggling, i meant struggling financially
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I know it's likely not a belief in this group but⦠To those that believe this lie, I ask how?
My father and 3 of my siblings when to college/uni, 1 works in a related field.
If you went into the situation with the wrong idea about what college is for, then yes, I can see how you'd think it was a scam.
"Oh you thought this was about improving your life? No it's about securing your membership in the elite you peasant"
Or if you're someone who didn't attend and are one if the few who are "doing fine" and only have the lies of grifters, then yes, I can see how you'd think it's a scam.
Keep yourself safe cute twink. People like you give education, not even higher education but the very concept of it a bad name.
But college or higher education is not about getting a job, its about acquiring skills, learning how to learn, and how to process it all when you no longer have a teacher.
!r-slurs come get your boy!
What possible point is there to acquiring skills if it doesn't improve my life? What is college a fricking hobby (tbh it is at this point and that's why it's a scam)?
And "learning how to learn"? Oh shut the frick up I've heard that same sorry excuse for why schooling is a waste of time since I was little boy. I learned how to learn in grade school, then again in high school, there's no point in taking a 3rd swing at it.
If you went and only focused on grades in order to get a degree in order to get a job, then you screwed up!
!nooticers these people treat higher ed like a ritual, a passage into adulthood.
You the individual focused on the wrong thing and now want to play the blame game. Its like playing basketball but only focusing on dribbling, of course you won't get the outcome you want your focus was on the wrong thing.
The out come I want is access to jobs I've already done, been trained to do by professionals but have been locked away from me by some insurance adjuster or bitter HR ladygarden.
To those that did not attend but are doing well, congratulations!! You are a prime example of survivor bias. Good for you in pulling 6- figues but the vast majority of people don't or would even get close without some level of higher education.
God they hate the poor. The only people in my family who make 100,000 a year or more are oil field workers. Literally it. And none of them have what an American would consider a college or uni education.
And in what world is 100k "doing alright"? It's fricking rich! I was raised on less than 2k a month in household income.
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Top Drama
Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)
autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents.
Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion