The story of the Michelin-star chef that killed himself :marseychef: :marseychartdowntrend2:

A classical Greek tragedy about hard work, big egos, and French culture.

His fanatical attention to detail, frenetic work ethic, and discerning palate, propelled him to the top of his profession, and earned him a knowledgeable and loyal, but unforgiving and demanding clientele.

:marseychefkiss: :marseyautism:

In the late 1990s, a new form of Asian-inspired "fusion cuisine" swept France, catering to an international corporate class and pleasing trend-driven "foodies" (a neologism of the movement), which Loiseau resisted.

:marseybased: :soyjakhipstergenocide:

Loiseau was downgraded from 19/20 to 17/20 in the Gault et Millau guide and received a strong negative media review from the gastronomic critic François Simon in the newspaper Le Figaro, but he still had his three stars in the Michelin Guide. Criticism continued to pour in and the media speculated about a possible future loss of a Michelin star.

:marseysweating: :marseystocksdown:

But on February 24, 2003, the chef finished his lunchtime service, rolled up his apron and drove home. Telling his ten-year old son – one of three children – to go and play outside, he went upstairs, locked the bedroom door and shot himself in the head with a hunting rifle, a present from his wife.


After his death, three-star chef Jacques Lameloise said Loiseau had once confided, "If I lose a star, I'll kill myself".


Derek Brown, Michelin director at the time, said: "The idea of telling him about the concerns we had about some of his cooking was in order to give him an opportunity to consider whether he wanted to do something about it, which he did, as it turned out."


All in all, a messy story sparking many debates about whether reviewers should really be brutally honest, and if they are unfairly harsh. Perhaps it inspired Ratatouille (2007)?

It's almost over for EA, EA Stock Drops as Dragon Age: The Veilguard Misses Sales Mark by 50%, 6 billions lost

I know many of you here didn't liked the game and called it second coming of Hitler

But I agree with this comment:

(I know the anti woke don't want to admit it but they basically cancelled this game.

Like how woke people cancel stuff they did it to this game because it didn't fit their "view".

This game never had a chance from the get go.

To much checklist:

EA hate

To "woke"

Gameplay was to different

"Ugly" characters

Some characters not having enough "bust"

I can't judge the story because inhavent played it yet

Honestly if it wasn't labeled dragon age it might of done better.)

Yep, they want shareholders to believe that they reached 1.5 million sales, but their wording is intentionally misleading.

Will never stop surprising how r-slurred Redditors are, Dragon age sold similar to ff7 rebirth so the numbers did reach 1.5 millions

But main problem hating dragon age is this

For shareholders it doesn't make any sense now doing AAA single players games since most people just play call of duty and fifa and some mobile sloop.

Dead space remake was awesome but it also flopped so no dead space 2 remake.

Anytime I begin to talk to anyone about gaming here in the UK, they all mention they're g*mers. When I ask what they play, they all respond "Fifa and COD". If they're under 30 they also mention Fortnite. It's so rare for me to find anyone who plays anything outside of the aforementioned games in real life let alone someone who plays Final Fantasy.

Gaymers are r-slurs

It's like that meme where nerds playing a dungeon and dragon then a normie join, then normie invites a foid and then they kick out nerds and make new rules

Trump announces day one pardon for man arrested for not saying Happy Holidays on domestic flight

Where is this king now anyway

heads up

I'm working on my magnum opus of foid hating. I'm going to be a little light on the rightoid patrolling until the work is finished. my days consist of getting wasted and finishing my work.

Just went outside for the first time ever

WTF is this white shit everywhere?

All photos taken hastely and with disregard on my shitty Nokia X10

Reported by:
Official rDrama mods statement We are banning the discussion about banning discussions about banning twitter links. Praise the Gods :marseypray:

It has recently come to my attention that we, as a community, are wasting too much time discussing the ban of the discussion about the ban of twitter links. To prevent a dip on drama contracts being carried out and keep the marleycoin economy of the town flowing, all discussion of any kind of ban discussion is banned.

I would love to cast blessing of light on all of you, brothers and sisters, to guide you on your path towards salvation and productivity, unfortunately I am merely a Lv1 Cleric, so I shall save it for the comment that needs me the most.

Thank you so much for your attention. May the Gods bless you all :marsey7o7:

Current HP: 100

Current Mana: 150

Books that ruined a whole generation
Soycialist :sjwjak: tries to organize corncels :marseycorn: to the Omnicause :marseyleftoidschizo:! Des Moines :marseyflagiowa: Denizens Duke :marseynouautism: it out in the comments.


!neolibs, do you support immigration? Well you better sign on with the more radical elements of BLM, sympathize with literal terrorists, and give Russia a blowie! !grillers, the only way to defeat Blumphler's extreme right wing agenda by supporting an extreme left wing agenda!


I'm so confused, are you protesting for all of these things at the exact same rally? Because that doesn't make any sense, poor way to get your message across when you have 10 different messages going on at once.


Protests for all of these individual issues have been happening for years, with no policy change to speak of. Organizing under a more general anti-establishment, anti-capitalist, pro-worker sentiment can draw a larger crowd. These issues are not separate, all of them are interconnected, and each and every one of these issues is at jeopardy under the current administration. PSL, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, is trying to build a large working class coalition to work together and put pressure on our government to really get things done, as asking nicely clearly hasn't worked. Every member of the working class has gripes with our worsening economic and political conditions over the past few years (decades really), but addressing these issues separately hasn't and doesn't work, so connecting these gripes into one real, organized, educated fight is the only way forward.


Unsatisfied with your material conditions? Well, chudderino, better support all these unrelated nonsense causes because I'm an adjunct associate professor and I need to justify my existence somehow.


My mom said she can drop us off at the protest if your mom can pick us up


Sleepover afterwards?


No cis boys allowed!


This is a bad idea combining 30 different things into one event. This is why we aren't taken serious we demand everything at once. The pressing issue is immigration as ICE is actively trying to deport people. FOCUS ON IMMIGRATION RIGHT NOW


The main idea is defending our rights and the rights of our neighbors. There is no bad idea when it comes to being heard


Muddled progressive messaging is how you get things done chud!


Wish I could be there but a trans girlie's gotta keep herself safe from any crazies that might try to pull something.

Best of luck to everyone who attends! :) 🍀🛡️


Understandable! Your safety takes priority. Thanks for the support 🫶🏼


Lmao, unreal.


Exhibit 1 for why progressives can't get anything accomplished. Think immigrants should be left alone? Well, we're also going to need you to co-sign for Free Palestine, trans rights and something something tax the billionaires.


None of these concepts are mutually exclusive.


Those are all good things that anyone claiming to be progressive should support, what is your point?


It got cancelled. Its useless




Apparently not wanting innocent people including children mass murdered, but also not supporting a terrorist group in the same country is just too nuanced of a view for them to comprehend.

Maybe y'all shouldn't have been screaming from the river to sea… so much. Pretty despicable.

I'm jewish and still saying "river to the sea", Israel was a colonial project of European powers. Israels government is vile and genocidal, and its aims are Palestinian genocide.

Except a lot of people voted for Trump because Harris/Biden was "nice" to Israel.

Some people voted for Trump because Biden wasn't able to use his influence (yet no actual power) to stop a war.

These people are really fricking stupid.

Yes, the thought behind it is very clearly "stop killing innocent Palestinians," but the ones who voted for Trump are fricking braindead. The left knows it, the right knows it, too - but those are the ones Fox news highlights.

most drama

This is the issue, too many ppl at the protests still call hamas freedom fighters and can't comprehend this point

Why did the freedom fighters commit genocide on October 7? Why do you still call them that after such an act?

Cos they're fighting against an oppressive regime that's trying to eradicate Palestine as a country and an ethnicity

I mean in the sense that any is too many you're right I guess. Some people will always miss the actual point and take get extreme about taking a side though. I would like people to actually cite a study though about how many pro palestine protestors actually support Hamas in any way. Unless we have solid data to give us a figure like 30% or something, it just sounds like a smear.

Because they are lmao

I support Hamas

Not in the internal Palestinian political struggle of course but against Israel? It's not even a question

Been rough, a lot of my fellow jews including some friends are still in the Israeli propaganda machine, but I have hope, many of us especially in the younger generations are finally waking up. I think we'll eventually get a formal split between Israeli and Diasporic Judaism

also much drama

But some do refer to hamas as freedom fighters, I've heard it and it's worrying how it's progressing. Ask a Jewish person and they will tell you they are starting to feel unsafe or in need of constantly saying "but I don't support Isreal" bc that is the assumption many have

If I saw my family get bombed by israel I would 100% join hamas and I don't blame anyone who does. I don't SUPPORT hamas, I don't LIKE Hamas, but I DO understand why they exist, and im not gonna pretend it's for no reason at all.

I like how that excuse is only used for one side. Israelis have seen their families get bombed and killed too, but you DO blame them for joining their military...

There's much much more similar drama to link

i'm not saying this is very reportmaxxxable post, Chapotraphouse was banned for less



One of the women featured in Destiny's :marseydestiny: s*x tape leaks wants to sue him


On November 29th, I learned that the streamer Destiny had non-consensually shared pornographic content of me online. My dignity, peace of mind, and hopes for the future, were stripped away in a mere matter of seconds following the betrayal of someone I previously trusted.

I am at least the third person he has done this to. I hope to be the last. I will not be commenting on the experience of the other women he has hurt, as it is not my place or story to tell. I will however share my story in the hopes of preventing this from occurring again.

I have been told that a court case like this could potentially cost over tens of thousands of dollars. I am terrified. I mean, this guy talks about potentially suing Hasan (as if for fun), and Hasan actually has the resources to defend himself. I cannot imagine what he might try to do to me in this process. Sometimes, I wonder if he does this as an intimidation tactic. I wonder if he is purposely trying to put fear into my heart when he casually talks about throwing money into a lawsuit with a multi-millionaire who can fight back. As if it's an indirect flaunt/warning over his capability of out spending me in whatever legal case I throw at him. At the request of my friends, I have been encouraged to link my give send go regarding this case here, in hopes that we can raise enough for me to legally succeed.

EDIT: The mods of /r/Destiny have acknowledged Pxie's statement (without mentioning her by name) and say that Destiny will prepare a statement of his own:

@arsey !ranchers

Ghost Ship (2002) - Opening Scene

The rest of the movie is butt but I still think about this scene sometimes.

Skyblivion is nearing completion

Sometime in 2025 for sure (TM).

Livestream of the demo

Grown butt man havin his playtime😹😹🖕🏾🫵🏿🫵🏿🫵🏿🫵🏿
Reported by:
  • Grue : Daily reminder to bully spergs that use degenerate as an insult
Conservative (?) news account that got big during covid outed as a furry, gay bottom

Now THATS how you conservatism in 2025. Uwu



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

I am 90% sure it's not raining, and he just doesn't actually know how to close an umbrella. He just abandons them and buys another.  (10858)

Yeah man she's fricking soaked (39)

Basedness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

I mean this is from a guy who can't figure out how to pick up a piece of pizza so he resigned to cutting little bits off of it and shoveling them into his enormous cloaca (24)

That's a birds butt (5)

Basedness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

In a perfect world he would catch her in bed with Elmo. 😄 (1)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Is this what I have to look forward to on Reddit for the next 4 years? Do you guys not understand that these little "gotcha" snaps do absolutely NOTHING to lower this man's legitimacy in the eyes of his voters? Not only that, but this sort of thing enables the narrative that people will criticize him for anything regardless of how wrong he is.Criticize him for concrete things, not optics. If I were a working class dude in the US, barely scrapping by with the looming threat of poverty over my head, I wouldn't give an ounce of a FRICK how much of a "gentleman" this guy is. Democrat policies are generally popular but your optics are so fricking atrocious that you have a huge section of the country voting against you because you treat them the same a king would treat a peasant. Calling them uncivilized, racist, sexist and all kinds of other things instead of treating them as rational agents that can be persuaded. The age of guilt politics is over. The quicker the Dems understand that, the... (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Honestly I don't frickin care. It doesn't matter. These people have and always will have power strictly because they bought it. He could be dragging her by her hair through gravel and he would still have won the election. Not because he's great but because this country is stupid. He could reinstate lynchings and half the frickin country would cheer and gaslamp you for being angry like it's no big deal.It's not that his followers are ignorant, they're malicious. You don't vote for trump in 2024 after 4 years of him in 2016-2020 unless you want to hurt the people you don't like. And liberals posting these pictures on social media and clutching their pearls like it matters is just going to normalize whatever shitty behavior he does. His frickhead cultists will see him mistreating his wife and say "heck yeah looks like it's mistreat your wife season, time to put my ufc gloves on" (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I wish people wouldn't post dumb shit like this. It's just a candid shot that is likely taken completely out of context. Trump is literally a fascist, why is it necessary to make up stupid shit like this? It just distracts from the actual terrible things he's done/is doing/is threatening to do. Not convinced OP isn't a Russian bot tbh (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/SCPATRIOT143

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 2

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

blaming women for every crash is insane - but it is valid.

this is the natural conclusion of diversity politics. when you elevate foids and every other demographic to positions on the basis they are foids or whatever else, people become less trustworthy.

was this woman a competent pilot? probably, but it doesn't matter - diversity politics ruined any respect she might have.

i've been reading a lot of sirpings blogs and learning a lot from him, and I think he might be a genius.

Dog Attack :marseyfloch: Roundup 24 February 2025


Reported by:
  • HailVictory1776 : Grace jones is the only good muscle black foid trans lives matter


3 main points of contention are:

  • Marvel/millennial writing

This trailer didn't win any favors because all I saw was "Marvel quirky writing in generic space setting".

I really didn't get that impression. "Marvel writing" is quickly becoming a meaningless term.

one liners, jokes, and sarcasm every other line of dialogue is what people mean by marvel writing

millennial writing, im good

  • Excessive amount of product placement, which kills the game for no fun chuds and makes it better and more immersive to soylennials. Also media literacy or something

Sony record player? Porsche spaceship? Addias shoes? Fricking DXRacer gaming cockpit chair? What was with all of the absurdly distracting product placement

Kids, they did that because the style is 80S RETRO FUTURISM.

this whole subreddit is wooshing so hard on the aesthetic of the game

That has literally nothing to do with the point he's making. They could use fake brands and achieve the same aesthetic.

No, you couldn't have. Because those of us who saw it immediately, saw it BECAUSE of the very visible brand placement. Some of you are just to young to have actually gotten it.

I hate the brands in real life just as much.

Wow, so edgy.

Sounds exhausting.

:marseysnappy: It's creating a more relatable alternate reality that captures a vibe that we can sort of intuitively know and feel based on our real experiences with known brands

:marseysuit: It kinda gives you the tone of the character imo. Like if Porsche is making space ships in this alternate timeline, it sort of informs us about the character a bit. It's not a junker rebel ship- it's badass, high-performance, and perhaps ostentatious and egotistical even.

Why were 3 massive brands planted so obviously in the trailer? Porsche, Adidas, Sony?

Obvious 90s inspired retro futurism aesthetic. How are people not seeing this??

G*mers have some of the worst media literacy of anyone on the internet, are you really surprised?

I can already see people freaking out about this online, when it's such an obvious artistic direction.

Sony has such a fricking hardon for themselves with the product placement in their movies, now games too?

I can't wait to play as a bald woman with my adidas shoes, my sony record player, my porsche spaceship. Wow! Thanks for the ultimate marketing game!

  • That last comment brings us to most discussed part of the trailer - is having a tattooed, bald Black woman protagonist (and a character with an eye patch) woke Sweet Baby globohomo propaganda or are they just strong, diverse and inclusive characters that enrich the players' experience?

Looks like a cool setting and concept. But why... why do I gotta play as a bald chick? I'll play the game if it's got a good story and gameplay but i wish it didn't have to be... that. Just let me create my own character

We wanted masculine character lead again. Naughty Dog gave us their best: A bald lesbian

I mean the main character looks expectedly like a Neil Druckmann design.

I remember when bald badass women were celebrated. I see people pooping on the character and I just don't get it. She's has an obvious feminine build she's just bald lol.

Female, Asian, black, bald! The perfect combination ❤️ (can't tell if this is a :chudsmug: or a :marseycoomer2: lmao)

I immediately said "Naughty Dog" once I saw the bald and tattooed female protagonist

Oh man it features a non-feminine looking, woman of colour protagonist, the people who still vomit hate about TLOU2 and Neil Druckmann to this day are going to absolutely lose their minds.

Also, a truke at the end

TLoU2 and TLoU gameplay loops are honestly really boring. The only reason I made it through TLoU was because of the story. The gameplay loop of move from cover to cover throwing rocks and assassinating people gets really boring really quickly.

Redditors turn out in droves to promise anuddahshoah


But it's ok because we know how to avoid the cattle cars and delousing now: just say no.

I was actually going to post a large collection of replies to this thread and dives into the profiles of those who posted them but I'm too tired. But here's a pooner with obesity, a drug addiction, and a job at an Amazon warehouse:

Fighting back against Redditors
look at this cute tired deer

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