- HailVictory1776 : Dumbocraps deny Christ, hate the Constitution and democracy and want to disarm and enslave
- Doc : "if the democrats just appealed to my politics exactly, they would win, it's so obvious!"
- Impassionata : lmao rightoids choosing trump over women in comments
- QueenOfSchqiperia : TND now
- DickButtKiss : Geomancy and clairvoyance are good qualities in a leader tho...
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My main takeaway from this, a hypothesis that I've been developing since the first time I voted and was appalled about how our side managed to lose, is that the people running the Democratic Party don't want to win.
Look at how the Democratic Party works in South Korea. The they're hounding the current president's wife because:
Would be such a MILF but...
She's a weirdo.
She's into geomancy.
She believes that she's clairvoyant.
She accepts very small bribes.
She's childless. She doesn't hear the pitter patter of childrens' feet in her house, just the paws of cats. (Yes a female DP member actually this.)
The last president before that:
She might have been fricked by a cult leader in the 1970s. (Heard this one direct from a Korean ajumma.)
She's the lesbian lover of that guy's daughter (I've actually never heard any Korean say this but it's so fricking obvious I'm gonna say it now.)
She's always been controlled by the cult.
She sank a ship carrying 1000 kids as part of a human sacrifice to that cult.
She's childless.
It's not important how many of these things are true (it's a lot ). There's one pattern here to me that's really obvious: None of these things are ideological. They're things that would offend rightoids as much or more. That's what you do when you're trying to win. You try to appeal to the middle to join you and the other side to be so disgusted they stay home.
In America the Democratic Party would rather lose than do anything obvious like:
Call Trump an r-slur.
Call out Trump directly for adultery. (It's everyone's right these days.)
Call out Ivanka for being a literal whore. (Some GenX dem got really offended at me when I even said this on a message board.)
Cut ties with the Teachers' Union and appeal to parents. (You ever wonder why you're losing support among blacks?)
Drop the whole gun control issue. You lost on this long ago. Every time you bring it up you're (no pun intended) shooting yourself in the foot.
Say that you're against illegal immigration without using a bunch of euphemisms that us regular people don't understand because we didn't just graduate from Oberlin with a gender studies degree.
Block blatantly illegal mergers that directly effect consumers, like the one where all grocery stores in the western US are merging.
Do a publicity stunt on Columbus Day where you say something like "I won't apologize for America."
Insinuate that Lindsay Graham is homosexual.
Say that abortion is really bad but it shouldn't be illegal. (Remember when Clinton did this and won?)
Say that you're not "woke" and denounce "anti-racism". (Virtually everyone in America agrees with this.)
Acknowledge that blacks have been losing their jobs to illegal immigrants for a long time.
Reform the tax code so that ordinary people don't need to have so much stress about it. Blame the other side for stopping you.
Reform corrupt county sheriffs and judges so that you can't get held up by highwaymen in uniforms and given a ticket while traveling through hick towns. (The President can't actually deliver on this, but promise it anyway.)
Stop treating Cesar Chavez as the token LatinX you'll appeal to all Latinx through, because you're lazy and want a Martin Luther King of every minority and they're all the same.
Stop saying LatinX.
Call out Republicans for blocking every attempt to stop illegal immigration for generations.
Propose actually doing e-Verify.
Explain to r-slurs that building a wall was always a scam because most of the illegal immigrants come right through the gates and just overstay their visa.
Emphatically support nuclear power to combat climate change.
That's just off the top of my head. I've got better ones I can't remember right now, issues that neither party will address but are really important to the American people.
I've heard that the Democratic Convention in 1980 was already like this. By now it's terminal. The Democrats these days are a bunch of special interest groups tied together by intersectionality, which just means nobody can do anything because someone might be offended. It's an organization where most of the people don't give a shit if their party wins or loses because they'll keep their "activist" job either way. For the rest of us who are actually voting, that's not good enough.
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A Connecticut man who was found not guilty by reason of insanity of killing a victim with a hatchet and eating body parts has been granted conditional release from the state's only maximum-security psychiatric hospital, despite concerns expressed by the victim's family and state lawmakers.
Tyree Smith was ordered confined to Whiting Forensic Hospital for 60 years in 2013 in connection with the killing of Angel Gonzalez, whose mutilated body was found in a vacant apartment in Bridgeport in January 2012 a month after he was hacked to death. Smith's cousin had testified that Smith told her he ate part of Gonzalez's brain and an eyeball while drinking sake.
The state's Psychiatric Security Review Board granted Smith conditional release from the hospital on Friday after hearing from a psychiatrist, who said Smith's schizophrenia
and alcohol
and drug
disorders were in full remission as a result of medication and other treatment.
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Report maxxers in
What an odd show of excessive 'protection.' It isn't like they have assassination attempts from the average person they need to protect the guy from. Is this just an open display of force to calm the worried oligarchy?
Yes, and to intimidate the general populace. They're showing how seriously they consider threats to their plutocracy. They're also sending the message that would-be copycats will be dealt with using any and all law enforcement necessary to deal with them.
These people watch too many movies
What a great point. Zero protection for him. Which they always do for other big name cases.
Vests aren't standard unless your El Chappo, and NYPD hats are standard issue for NYPD?
They do realize that all the security theater around Mangione will only feed his personality cult, don't they?
This one just bothers my guntism, sidearms are called sidearms for a reason.
Big escorts with heavy weapons. Someone is scared and it ain't the people.
Give them the D's all 3 of them.
"Heavy weapons" you mean the carbine or the pistol?
This is worse than the shit that got /r/The_Donald banneed
Also guntism lol.
These people watch too many movies. If they wanted to make an example of him they'd just throw in jail and not let him out
Cops are class traitors
DAE Commie shitholes also have cops
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The Message:
"Elon. You know the world is not surviving till 2100. You need to stop with the dumb distractions because we need more than 10,000 people on Mars before 2050 if we are going to survive the collapse. Good luck."
Send me a screencap of the message being tweeted to Elon and I will transfer you 100 dc.
Preferably as many of you send the message to him as possible.
This is important. I have checked with both AI and psychic sources. This needs to be done now.
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Wow how shocking and strange and unusual. https://t.co/ed7jbj9oh1
— Conor McGregor (@TheNotoriousMMA) February 22, 2025
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Wow. This is an incredibly insular, and empathy devoid take. The author's binary assumption that introversion and introversion are choices are incredible. Go and do some research on neurodivergence, and then go and have a think about how harmful this advice is.
Remember, shyness, like fatness, is totally determined by your DNA, and your choices have nothing to do with it.
For me it isn't just a matter of "I'd rather be in front of a computer", going to a big social encounter is extremely stressful. And the idea of approaching and talking to someone I don't know fills me with terror.
Lots more computercel cope in the thread
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- ChristoffWChanderson : inb4 deleted lol
- HailVictory1776 : Free @HailVictory1776 at all cost
- DickButtKissAlt : I also got permabanned for going after that weirdo
: And they still won't give us our horseshoes
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Let me start this off with saying that I am, in true !grillers fashion, an impartial party in the Moon v. Patsy dispute. Obviously, I gave Moon a very fair interview, his first out of prison, and have generally been supportive of his presence on this website. I even gave him $50 to buy a microphone so that he could do interviews with not only myself, but whomever he wanted to talk to next. I'm not saying that to hold it over his head, but to show that I am not "coming after him" or joining le evil heckin groomercord moberino
Let's be clear here: @Patsy deserves to be freed.
you cant heckin call people libertarianrinos!!1
We here at rdrama pride ourselves on being the last bastion of the ways of ye olde internet - a place where you can call people cute twinks, r-slurs, the n word, you name it. We have cultivated a community where, like the internet of old, slapfights over inane, r-slurred bullshit result in years long rivalries and produce sweet, sweet seething and malding between terminally online homos amongst a tight knit community.
The core argument supplied by the janny cabal is that calling people libertarians, without "evidence", is akin to real life harm.
Let me rebute this very easily:
I'm to believe that a fully grown man, who went to prison for years for trolling (unjustly, in my opinion), can't handle being slandered by an r-slur on the internet without janitorial intervention?
Janny Cabal simps: a good faith retort
Let's start out with @arseupwrongo
Our guy here is right in his analysis that libertarian flinging is unfunny and r-slurred. He is also spot on in saying how it develops: r-slur 1 cherry picks an out of context, nothingburger comment and lobs accusations. However, is that really banworthy? If being an unfunny r-slur was banworthy, 99% of you neighbors would be sent packing.
No it doesn't, literally just ignore it lol. Seriously, you can just say "no I'm not, you're r-slurred" and let the other person keep sperging. Everyone I've gone after on this website only made it worse by responding to my bait. Of all people, my neighbor moon should know this - which is why he isn't posting about it anymore, I'd assume.
Now, let's move on to @sayxirname
Easily the most r-slurred argument I've seen in regards to this !metashit. Do you really, actually believe that calling someone a libertarian is going to bring the feds here? Do you think that there is a team of feds that tracks the millions of libertarian accusations posted online daily and checks up on them? That they will shut down this website because some r-slur called another r-slur a libertarian?
Aren't the feds more likely to be poking around because a (wrongfully, imo) convicted terrorist, whom they undoubtedly monitor the online activity of, has made this his home and is a moderator? Get real dude. You are the biggest r-slur on this whole website. How much is the janny cabal paying you?
Lastly, let's go over @UraniumDonGER's comment
This is in regard to @Aevann running around and calling SPAL a libertarian, justifying his ban and the behavior that many users and jannies engaged in when they baselessly lobbed libertarian accusations at him.
SPAL is a fricking schizo psycho btw. He's never once had s*x without a condom, including his WIFE of 8 years, because he was worried about catching STDs. He is deeply paranoid and delusional, yes, but this is also in character for him.
This is the best proof that he is a libertarian that anyone can find, and it's baseless speculation at best. He asks for IDs when he takes women out? Wow, what a libertarian!
The fact is that he was banned for calling Carp a libertarian, and trying to find out why he is a felon. This shook carp so badly that he rage quit the site for months and refused to keep being Aevanns head capo unless SPAL was gone.
I don't blame Aevann for doing this. I don't even blame him for banning Patsy. I just think he should be honest: it's his website and he's doing what he's doing to keep his website running how he wants it to. That's fine, but just be honest brother.
Patsy didn't cross a line by harassing another user, that's what this website is all about. He simply made your life harder and didn't listen to you when you laid down the law. SPAL cannot be credibly accused of being a libertarian, he just made your life harder and didnt listen to you when you laid down the law.
Catching a ban on the website comes down to drawing the ire of the janny cabal in 90% of cases. You don't need to make justifications for it, we all know it's true lol.
Final Thoughts
This whole debacle is pure r-sluration, from the top on down. The jannies are being r-slurred, moon was being r-slurred, Patsy was being r-slurred. I'm being r-slurred by making a post that took way longer than I thought it would and wasting a half hour of my day that will ultimately not make a difference. I probably just pissed off a bunch of people I otherwise have a good relationship with for no reason - Patsy will still be banned because he didn't listen to Aevann.
In conclusion, every user on this website, including every member of the janny cabal, is a libertarian. Except for me, of course.
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- forgor : Not a sport
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shilling s, a youtube channel, and chris chan.
back in my day we had REAL WRASSLIN' SIGNS
eddie was mexican but i'm sure i don't have to tell you that everyone knows dead wrasslers
edit: why didn't that first pic work is it just me it's the RODDY HAS AIDS sign
is it gonna work this time does rdrama just hate stuff saved from tumblr
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I wanted to make a betting thread about it but I don't even know what the options would be since he can't be sentenced to prison and I can't imagine the court is allowed to be like you are fined for a gazillion dollars
Speculate wildly itt
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- ticktocktrainbutgoneagain : please fix the dyslexia award or manually edit your post to say B/A test
- 0BS : Best post 2024
- Grue : TIL I have an odd numbered user ID
- FreedomforChristmas : New tab is fantastic
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if ur uesr ID is fricking odd, nothing chnages for u
if ur uesr ID is fricking eevn, u get the fricking new ping group tab
@J !nooticers !chuds !nonchuds !codecels !transphobes !g*mers !grillers !r-slurs !fellas !bookworms !downmarseyrs !schizomaxxxers !metashit !boozers !poll_voters !zoomers !schizos !animalposters !homeowners !anime !moidmoment !effortposters !edgelords !anticommunists !friendsofsnappy !fitness !lgbt !historychads !familyman !badgemaxxers !trekkies !foidmoment !noalcohol !jinxthinkers !personalarmy