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Tonight, I'm wearing bigass fake titties and smoking a bowI in my car. I like to feel sexy but where does this end?
It started as leggings that I bought, to indulge in a completely seperate fetish from crossdressing.
It's not meth-induced
and I've have had it since like age 6. 21 years later and I finally can explore that part of me a bit. So I get hyped that I get to explore that fetish finally, yet here I am dressing up as a woman to "look sexy," wh??
Will this hit a ceiling before I'm fully trans?
(this is fully trans)
I'm pretty secure as a male & I don't act feminine ever (except now with the having titties and struggling not to play with them)
Thanks for any insight or experiences
P.S. If you wanna see my tits...well ngl I wanna show you them hahaha, and I won't be able to judge them accurately so I need your opinions. Together we can perpetuate the cycle of goon and stop humanity from freeing itself
!chuds !transphobes please let these people in the bathroom with your children
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I frequently mention in front of my straight white male husband that straight white men need a tall collective glass of shut the frick up and listen.
He agrees and mostly does. I meet him in the middle and only watch about a half hour of news/commentary a day. Let's face it, whatever comes about with Sweet Potato Hitlers plans, he will be impacted the least of the two of us. He is with me when I'm crying for the fear and pain of this time and I'm with him as he finds how horribly deep the rabbit hole goes. He knows he'll never be able to fully be in my position or the position of the Navajo who are being detained.
But he listens.
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- TheUbieSeether : tl;dr - Fat cute twink barfs out another r-slurred post.
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My company is freaking out over the trade war stuff. They're basically trying to turtle up and slash hours based on the instability of the current government.
They keep preparing fairly large price hikes on tons of items just to shelf them 2 days later.
With unemployment about to explode and government fueled instability increasing food prices I'm legit worried we're gonna see serious strife.
- 70
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"I'm feeling so defeated and depressed as a two fed family. I can't take much more of this."
"I have honestly cried most of the day today. ."
"I've been scared for myself and my friends/work family."
"I'm a middle school social studies teacher and everything I keep seeing just makes me think of 1930s Germany or 1950s Russia."
"I did not sign up to be customer service rep to die and compromise my health. I'm bordering suicidal and had to have my antidepressants upped today."
Jesus Christ, burgers, what the frick did Trump/Elon do?? Is this just about laying off federal employees??
link to the literal Command HQ of the Reddit army
: Don't touch the Dong you fricking butchers
Unless for dinner
- Arran : dumbest njgger award
- Tillicum : This b-word gets uglier every time he posts her
: @SlidingDonGER
- W : Foreskin Derangement Syndrome
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As you probably know by now, I firmly stand against the circumcision of infants and young boys. I believe that it constitutes genital mutilation and that it is barbaric that this practice continues without strong legal and social consequences. I don't care whether it is your religion or your culture, circumcision is wrong. I don't care what grown adults do with their bodies, although I would also advise them not to get circumcised.
For many of us, it is obvious that circumcision is a bad idea. However, there are several groups that have worked hard to convince the public that circumcising their child is the best choice to make. Don't fall for their tricks! Today, I'd like to discuss the common arguments made for circumcision, and why they are incorrect.
Before we begin, a quick survey. How do you feel about the circumcision of babies and young boys?
Circumcision prevents STIs and STDs
It is commonly said that circumcision is "cleaner". The logic is that the foreskin, with its many folds, traps dirt, leaving you more susceptible to infections and diseases. With the foreskin removed, it is easier to wash the peepee and prevent dirt from accumulating. According to this logic, men with foreskin are more likely to develop smegma and to infect their partners with bacteria and viruses.
More specific medical claims are also made, and it would be useful to outline them all. Firstly, it is said that circumcision reduces the rates of UTIs, or urinary tract infections. This is noteworthy, because while UTIs are normally easily treatable, they can lead to kidney complications in some instances. It is also said that circumcision reduces the risk of contracting HIV. This has been the motivation to encourage circumcision within African populations where individuals are at high risk of being exposed to the virus. Lastly, there are claims that circumcision reduces the odds of one acquiring penile cancer.
What's the truth?
When it comes to arguments for circumcision, the hygiene line of reasoning is perhaps the easiest to debunk. It is ridiculous how much data there is disproving most of these talking points, yet people act as though research stopped in the 90s. It is sad, and it is an indication that even our medical institutions are not immune to propaganda.
Where do we begin? Let's begin with the general argument that circumcision is cleaner. It is true that the lack of foreskin makes the peepee easier to clean. However, this is simply due to the fact that there is less surface area to clean. This is like saying: "if you cut off your fingers, your hand will be cleaner". Of course it will, there is less hand to get dirty! Besides, if one considers the ease of washing your peepee, it is ridiculous that anyone would think you need to remove skin to keep it clean. It certainly isn't worth mutilating a child over.
Next, let's get into the more specific claims. Firstly, many circumcision advocates argue that circumcision reduces the rates of UTIs. Well, it is true that circumcision reduces your odds of acquiring a UTI. This is what the evidence bears out. However, it is useful to zoom in on the research to get a clearer picture of what's going on. What we find is that the risk of getting a UTI during childhood is a measly 1%! Not worth mutilating a child over. This is pretty much the conclusion of a study published by the National Library of Medicine. They claim that:
Assuming equal utility of benefits and harms, net clinical benefit is likely only in boys at high risk of UTI
As we've discussed, only 1% of boys are at risk of getting a UTI, so the number that is a "high risk" is minuscule. Should these boys get circumcisions? Maybe, but other solutions to UTIs should be considered first. Circumcision is a drastic measure.
It is also worth noting that circumcision of infants may be the very thing that causes a UTI! When an infant is circumcised they are left with a wound that can be irritated by faeces and urine in the diaper, leading to infections. In short, just leave the darn foreskin alone.
As previously mentioned, circumcision advocates also claim that circumcision reduces the odds of one contracting HIV. If true, this would be an important discovery, as it could lead to us making headway in the HIV/AIDS epidemic that has gripped the African continent. So, what does the research say? Well, most studies claim that circumcision reduces the risk of contracting HIV by about 60% for men. This is also the number cited by the World Health Organisation.
According to one study:
Circumcision reduces both the total bacterial load on the peepee and also specifically reduces the relative abundance of these anaerobic genera associated with HIV acquisition. Significant penile microbiome changes are apparent within 6 months of circumcision, and anaerobes continue to decline significantly for at least 2 years post-operatively, mirroring the progressive declines seen in IL-8 levels.
With this evidence at hand, it would seem that we should rush to circumcise all Africans to end the HIV epidemic. Let's get started.
Before we start snipping off Black foreskins, we need to consider a few things. It is worth noting that there are parties within the medical field who have a vested interest in ensuring circumcision continues. After all, it is a source of income for hospitals, and foreskins are purchased by the cosmetics industry to make skincare products.
This is horrific, but it is important that you understand this so you can accept that much of the research surrounding circumcision is deeply flawed and skewed to promote the practice. However, there are a few dissenters willing to speak the truth, and through them, we learn about some of the shortcomings of common circumcision research. As we previously discussed, most papers claim that circumcised men enjoy a 60% decreased risk of contracting HIV. This may be a tempting statistic to believe, but you should be cautious. As one paper points out:
the clinical trials were rife with various types of bias, such as attrition bias (the number of participants who dropped out vastly outnumbered those who became infected), duration bias (the trials were not long enough to determine if the positive effect would plateau) and expectation bias. Some of the primary investigators had already called for mass circumcision, Travis writes, so it is no surprise that they got the results they expected to see. This expectation of positive results may also explain why all three trials were terminated early.
The paper also warns that promoting circumcision as a form of protection against HIV is dangerous. It is explained that:
mass circumcision could lead to problems in some settings. It could discourage the use of condoms, for example. Also, circumcised men are "likely to present themselves, especially to poor or illiterate village women, as rendered surgically immune to HIV."
Most importantly, consider this: if you are circumcised, is it wise to have unprotected s*x? No! So the choice is either to wear a condom or cut your peepee and wear a condom anyway. Why cut your peepee?
Lastly, we need to address the claim that circumcision reduces the chances of a man acquiring penile cancer. This is probably the most abhorrent one, as the claim is that circumcision is effective at preventing penile cancer IF it is performed on an infant. The same effect is not noted in adult men who are circumcised. As one metastudy notes:
We identified eight papers which evaluated the association of circumcision with penile cancer, of which seven were case–control studies. There was a strong protective effect of childhood/adolescent circumcision on invasive penile cancer
BUT this paper also discovers the following:
In two studies, the protective effect of childhood/adolescent circumcision on invasive cancer no longer persisted when analyses were restricted to boys with no history of phimosis.
In contrast, there was some evidence that circumcision in adulthood was associated with an increased risk of invasive penile cancer
You should also be aware that penile cancer is exceptionally rare to begin with. In the USA, less than 1% of the male population acquires penile cancer. So ask yourself, is it worth mutilating a baby over? I say protect the foreskin because I'm for skin. Read that again.
When circumcision is mandated by religion and culture
For some, the arguments for circumcision have nothing to do with health or hygiene. Instead, they believe that circumcision should be done for religious or cultural reasons. Let's go through a few common religious and cultural arguments.
As you all know, circumcision is a part of Judaism. Circumcision is part of a ritual known as the Brit Milah. They circumcise infants because they believe they are adhering to a covenant between God and Jewish people. The following verse is often cited:
"This is My covenant, which you shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you: Every male among you shall be circumcised." (Genesis 17:10)
Personally, I would not worship any God who wanted me circumcised. That's gross! Anyway, the ceremony involves a "trained" specialist known as a mohel (usually a Rabbi) who is supposed to ensure the procedure is done in a way that adheres to Jewish laws. Sometimes, the mohel will perform what's known as the Metzitzah B'peh, which involves sucking the blood of the infant straight from the peepee after making the incision. After the circumcision is performed, there is a great celebration.
Jews aren't the only ones who practice circumcision. For example, Muslims also believe that cutting the foreskin is the right thing to do. It is not mentioned in the Quran though believers point to the Sunnah and Islamic tradition as justification for the practice. Many Muslim boys are circumcised at birth, though some are circumcised during puberty as a coming of age ritual.
The obligation to get circumcised isn't just a part of religion. Many cultures around the world have adopted circumcision as well. In South Africa, for example, Xhosa boys participate in Ulwaluko. This is a ceremony held in the mountains yearly, and it is part of a coming of age ritual. The entire ritual lasts about a month, and the boys are circumcised without anaesthetic.
What's the truth?
This is nonsense! These are by far the worst arguments for circumcision. In short, I don't CARE what your religion or culture says about circumcision. We know that it is genital mutilation, and therefore we should stop the practice immediately, at least when it comes to babies and young boys.
Furthermore, we must understand that religions and cultures are based on traditions that were forged long ago. As we advance and gain new knowledge, our cultures and religions should adapt to reflect this. You don't have to abandon your religion or culture - I get that it's part of your identity. However, you do have to cut away the harmful aspects if you wish for your religion or culture to flourish.
Sometimes, it is worth noting that an aspect of your culture is just silly. This is especially the case in the USA where the widespread propagation of circumcision is due to propaganda from a cereal manufacturer. Let go of this depravity!
While we're on the topic of culture, we might as well address the cultural belief that "cut" peepeees look better than uncut ones. This is nonsense. Firstly, circumcision leaves the peepee with an ugly scar. Secondly, it's not worth cutting your peepee to please women. Thirdly, and most importantly, it it deeply depraved to claim that you prefer mutilated genitals. Anyone that expresses such a preference should be ashamed of themselves.
Circumcision is harmless!
When all else fails, this is what circumcision advocates lean back on. They essentially claim that the foreskin is useless, and that removing it is an arbitrary act. This is also what many men who have been circumcised believe. I understand why - it's a comforting belief, far more comforting than confronting the truth that your parents mutilated you at birth!!! So keep coping if it keeps you sane. There isn't much to elaborate on here. It's a relatively simple claim.
What's the truth?
Good Golly, it is completely false that circumcision is harmless. In fact, the act is very harmful. It is psychologically harmful, as you are violating a child's bodily autonomy. That is a horrible thing to do, and you shouldn't do it, man!
Here's what you should know - circumcision decreases penile sensitivity. Yes, that means s*x feels less pleasurable when you are circumcised. Nobody has a right to interfere with your s*x life like that, which is why every man should fight to eradicate circumcision. There is plenty of research on this topic. For instance there is one paper that states the following:
For the glans peepee, circumcised men reported decreased sexual pleasure and lower orgasm intensity. They also stated more effort was required to achieve orgasm, and a higher percentage of them experienced unusual sensations (burning, prickling, itching, or tingling and numbness of the glans peepee). For the penile shaft a higher percentage of circumcised men described discomfort and pain, numbness and unusual sensations. In comparison to men circumcised before puberty, men circumcised during adolescence or later indicated less sexual pleasure at the glans peepee, and a higher percentage of them reported discomfort or pain and unusual sensations at the penile shaft.
This study confirms the importance of the foreskin for penile sensitivity, overall sexual satisfaction, and penile functioning. Furthermore, this study shows that a higher percentage of circumcised men experience discomfort or pain and unusual sensations as compared with the uncircumcised population. Before circumcision without medical indication, adult men, and parents considering circumcision of their sons, should be informed of the importance of the foreskin in male sexuality.
Contrary to popular belief, the foreskin is NOT useless. It covers the peepee head, ensuring it remains moist and the nerve endings are protected. When the foreskin is removed, the peepee head is exposed, and it begins to callous, leading to a loss of sensitivity. This is why circumcision is mutilation.
It is also worth considering the times that circumcision goes wrong. I have spoken about the case of David Reimer, a boy whose peepee was burned off during a botched circumcision. You will also be aware of the shocking number of deaths that come as a result of circumcision within the Xhosa culture. Furthermore, when Jewish rabbis put their mouths on a child's peepee, they run the risk of spreading herpes to the youngling. All these risks can be avoided by simply saying no to circumcision.
Most of the arguments for circumcision come from 2 sources:
1. Cope
Many men have been circumcised and they cannot accept that they have been mutilated, and that their penile sensitivity has been decreased. Hence they cling onto any argument they can that circumcision is harmless, or that it is actually preferable to being intact.
2. Medical profits
People in the medical field stand to gain a profit from performing circumcisions, so they want the public to believe that circumcising babies is good for them, and that you are a good parent for circumcising your child. They typically ask the mother if she wants to circumcise the child straight after birth. The mother, who may be drugged, and is exhaused from childbirth, is overloaded at that point and she can't always make a clear, educated decision. This is wrong, and people in the medical field need to stop taking advantage of women in this way. Firstly, women know nothing about peepeees, it is not their place to say whether a peepee should be cut or not. Secondly, even if the mother said yes, it is against the hippocratic oath to perform circumcisions because doctors are supposed to "do no harm". Cutting off the foreskin when no medical condition necessitates it is definitely doing harm.
That's it for today. I hope you all learned a lot about circumcision, and are equipped with the knowledge you need to fight against circumcision propaganda. Remember, circumcision bad!
Truly, I say this as a feminist ally.
Sneedman is mad because they took a little too much off the top
Helpful [46] Not Helpful [5]- 29
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Geopolitical Analysis
"We lost the 20 rangs of soft power because of Drumpf, we need them ALL", says the geopolitical experts on ARR SLASH DRAMA @nuclearshill
"We don't need ANY RINGS", says @Dude
You're both wrong.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
If one ring rules them all, the lesser rings are COMPLETELY USELESS!!
They're cuck rings, they literally bind you to the One Ring.
While we're wasting our taxpayer money on the 19 cuck rings, CHINA is taking the One Ring for herself. That's geopolitical suicide.
USAID knew this, so... why are they wasting our money?
Rangs of Soft Power
Here's an accounting of the 19 lesser rings we WASTED our money on:
Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky
1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Musical in Ireland
2. Transgender Opera in Colombia
3. Peruvian Transgender Comic Book Series
Seven for the dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
4. Electric Vehicles for Vietnam
5. Tourism Promotion in... Egypt.
6. "Condom" Purchases for Gaza
7. A Fish Farm in Afghanistan (That Was Immediately Abandoned)
8. A (Failed) Sesame Street Adaptation in Pakistan
9. A Mango Farming Initiative in Haiti (That Didn't Sell Any Mangoes )
10. DEI Advancement in Serbian Workplaces
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
11. S*x Reassignment Surgeries in Guatemala
12. A (Failed) Program to Teach Kenyan Youth How to Use Instagram to Become Influencers
13. A Reality TV Show in Afghanistan to Promote Democracy
14. Training Mongolian Yak Herders to Use Social Media
15. A Gender Studies Degree Program in Bangladesh
16. A Climate Change Board Game for Young Activists in the Philippines
17. A "Hip-Hop Dance for Empowerment" Program in Senegal
18. A Workshop on Writing Feminist Poetry in Kyrgyzstan
19. A Program to Train Ukrainian Farmers to Write Grant Applications in English
Not only did they spend millions trying to acquire 19 worthless rings, but they LOST FIVE of them. The sesame street ring, the fish farm ring, the Mango ring, and last but not least, our Kenyan Influencer ring was pawned for a Dodge Hellcat.
All this to say we only needed the one ring TO RULE THEM ALL, we only need the AIDS ring for teaching Africans not to pound sand into their foreskin. Obviously Mordor refers to Africa because it's "Where the Shadows Lie". Shadows are black, what else is black? You guessed it. BIPOCs.
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M27 from the UK and following what is going on in your fricking country.
Rent free
Btw if you're a 27 year old male in this country and STILL haven't chudded out, transition immediately
I hope you Trump voters are happy.
Immigration - He promised to lower immigration. You do realise that the majority of your illegal immigrants come into the US by plane on Visas and over stay their welcome?
Heh I bet nobody at ICE has figured that one out
no wait no you can't take those Dreamers from their homes and fly them back to Colombia nooooo defund ICE
Price of groceries - He promised to lower groceries. Has that happened? Has it frick. Its fricking risen.
How would this cute twink know exactly why does he care so much about american 'groceries' when a loaf of bread here is like 3 hours wages
Elon Musk - He has put the world riches man in charge of a joke of an government agency. I would say he is a much bigger threat than the Chinese are with Tiktok.
DEI - You realise that we fricking need diversity? To bring a varying range of perspectives into areas.
Unless those perspectives happen to come from white men
If all people working in an agency are of one race, gender and economical upbringing, chances are they are going to come to a very similar conclusion on a lot of matters.
So what you're saying is diversity encourages conflict? interesting...
Honestly frick your country. All you are doing is isolating yourself.
Isolating themselves from....? A backwater communist shithole island?
Forgot about fricking Ukraine. What happened to Trump ending the war almost as soon as he stepped foot in the White House? Hasn't fricking materialised has it?
yeah chuds what happened to this thing I just made up in my own head. Bet you feel silly now
Hmm, I condescendingly hectored and lectured everyone about trump and it didn't work... What am I doing wrong?
When is Trump Derangement Syndrome going on the DSM-5? Like holy shit chuds were never this bad about Biden, were they?
I wonder how our Brave Resistance Leader feels about Jan 6th
I am a proud dissenter I...
larp as a witch and cast spells against Immigration Enforcement
Look at my Resistance dawg we ain't ever escaping the Trumpreich
shouldn't you be anyway?
This user spends his entire waking life neurodivergentally typing paragraphs about cats
Hey there. What you have to realize is that in general, MAGAts lack empathy.
Empathy mentioned, deploying heatmaps!
- Hecking_Valid : wtf
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🏈🔥 STRAP IN, PIGSKIN PERVERTS, IT'S SUPER BOWL SUCKFEST 2025!!! 🏆💦😈 The Kansas City Chiefs 🏹❤️🔥 are about to RAM that tight Philly Eagles 🦅💦 defense wide open 😵💫👅 and you better be STRETCHED AND READY for this FULL CONTACT ORGY 🍆🏈🔥 The game starts hot and heavy, but when that TWO-MINUTE WARNING ⏳ hits, it's BIG PEEPEE PLAYOFF TIME 💥🔥 You better be WIDE RECEIVING 🏃♂️🍑💦 and READY FOR A HARD COUNT 😏📢 because some THICK MEATHEAD QB 🏈👨🦰 is about to GO DEEP IN YOUR REDZONE 😩💥🔥 Just when you think you can catch your breath, Kendrick Lamar 🎤🫦 and SZA 🍑✨ are gonna make you BUST ONE AT HALFTIME 😩💦 before the FOURTH QUARTER FRICKFEST sends you STRAIGHT TO OVERTIME 🍆🔥 No more tight end, babe—you're getting a FULLBACK SMASH STRAIGHT UP THE GUT! SEND THIS TO 10 (🔟) FOOTBALL FREAKS 🏈💦🔥 If you get 10 BACK, you're a SUPER BOWL SUCCUBUS 😍💋🏆😈 If you get 5 BACK, you're a THROATY THIRD STRING HOE 🐐🫦💦 But if you get NONE BACK… 😱😭 babe, you got a DRY BUTT DEFLATED BALLS LIFE 🏈🥀🍆🚫 GOON HARD OR GO HOME 🏡💀
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We spent $20 million on a Sesame Street show in Iraq. It probably looked something like this Lmaooo pic.twitter.com/BGkKEFSjaf
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) February 6, 2025
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wouldnt you think about the face tattoo all fricking day it would drive me insane thinking about it
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Cocaine "is no worse than whiskey" and is only illegal because it comes from Latin America, said Colombian President Gustavo Petro, whose nation is the world's biggest cocaine producer and exporter. https://t.co/eeOHBPcXP0
— CBS News (@CBSNews) February 6, 2025
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Congratulations to every single person on the left who’s been campaigning to destroy women’s and girls’ rights. Without you, there’d be no images like this. pic.twitter.com/mzR7l5k1OW
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) February 6, 2025
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Most Based Comments
Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘
Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘
Might want to move to a different part of the state if you're that ignorant (-83)
Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘
The Goat in Carmel used to fly the Blue Lives Matter flag and often has Fox News playing on their TV. (26)
Make sure to call the DEI department when you need a police officer. (-53)
Angriest Comments
Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡
Me not agreeing with the logic isn't marginalizing them. Can I ask why it's so important for them to be validated by others? Believe what you want. Let me believe what I want. I'm not disrespecting them but you can't change your DNA. (1)
Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡
It's your right as an American 🇺🇸 to have and voice your opinions beliefs- it's also your right to be wrong. MAGA is not the problem. It's the infighting and tribalism that divide us. I just want the best for America and its citizens. We should all be able to revolve around this point. We are all Americans. (-1)
Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘
Not mad - just pointing out the left's hypocrisy. What if a conservative said they didn't want to support trans businesses? Y'all would call them every name in the book. (-16)
Biggest Lolcow: /u/CortaCircuit
Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘
Number of comments: 8
Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘
Maximum angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘
Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘
NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining!
autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents.
Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion
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