Lovecraft is smiling in heck
Daily Bard Digest 2024-10-08

Live feed of the best moderator on the internet, straight into your veins.

Here's todays official post from the BARDCHIVE:

11/22/15 18:45:22 with a score of -3:

Apple won't allow f.lux because the code hooks system functionality that is currently handled in silicon and, if it were piped through f.lux, would cut battery life β€” like, literally, it would eat the battery, which is the opposite of one of its intended features (saving energy). So much of iOS devices are implemented in specific ways to not use the CPU, and hacking them can never be elegant.

The brightness controls exist for a reason. Also β€” turn off the device and go to sleep.


I used scribbles to make sure nobody could re-use this meme...




!grillers welcome to 2024, current year + I forget how long.

The Cure for Alone
Canada tells all Jews to drop dead
Spohgpip gonna get cancelled for this :marseyspit:

!spongebob why did spongebop say this?

We gotta get out of this place

I remember they played this on the day of the first World Trade Center Bombing


This is what they listened to in the 101st.

Think like a doctor # pediatric relapsed CAML

Pretty rare case so should have enough articles that can be looked into.

Pediatric patient presented to the clinic with pancytopenia w/ hx of a broken shoulder and hypovolemic blood loss that resulted in the referral. Patient described pediatric ALL treatment as 'It fricking sucked and I had to take drugs.' Upon inspection of drug usage, patient noted cytotoxic usage of induction therapy and unsure of follow up.

Patient expired roughly 12 days later. What was offered and refused?

KPOP and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
Old Gregg


Name my band, rDrama!!!
Should I go get a ice cream rn?

It's midnite btw

Bard spotting on Bluesky 06 October 2024 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.

well /v/?
Sokkai Gakkai, come on

You frickers do this in Japan all the Japan all the time. Somebody just falls out of a building. Okay. I know the Portland Police are protecting you because they work for you just the cockcsuckers in Tokyo. We get it

What happens when we turn on you? You guys talk, I'm willing to to die for for my belief. I ain't got anything better going on

@Sokka Gakkai get the frick out of our continent. Immediately.

:marseysatanworship2: Dutch feminists campaign for national monument to 'witches' :marseysatanworship2:

Susan Smit, Bregje Hofstede and Manja Bedner, the chair and board members of the National Witches Monument foundation, have raised €35,000 (Β£29,000) for an official site of memory for about 70,000 people who died during a Satanic panic that swept Europe and the Americas.

"It's about creating more awareness around this history of, basically, femicide," Hofstede said. "To this day a witch is still a comic figure. In the Netherlands, every year at the carnaval, people burn effigies of witches … but there's hardly any knowledge of the actual history of people being burned at the stake."

The foundation is asking for public feedback on three municipalities that want to host the national monument. In Roermond, at least 75 people, mostly women, were burned alive during the most significant witch trials in 1613 and 1614. In the area of Montferland, Mechteld ten Ham was burned alive in 1605, although she had asked for a court trial. The last candidate is Oudewater, which had an official witches' weigh house and royal dispensation to issue certificates of innocence if someone's weight matched their body mass (meaning they were too heavy to fly on a broom).

The historian Steije Hofhuis, who is publishing a book on the European witch-hunts, said it was a time when the masses really believed that others – generally "weak" women – were consorting with the devil and causing chaos.

They were then and they still are now. :marseythumbsup7:

"People were genuinely panicking about the witch," he said. "It was widely thought that the end of time was nigh … and horrific witches were very dangerous. You could say it was a big conspiracy theory that the devil was cooperating with people to ruin Christian communities, and the way it spread was like a cultural virus."

It is skated over in the Dutch historical "canon" of 50 events taught to all children. It is one of the "shadowy" areas that some politicians want to teach explicitly, and a revelation to schoolchildren who visit Museum de Heksenwaag in Oudewater.

Although historians such as Hofhuis say witch-hunts were not an explicit conspiracy by church or government, campaigners believe a monument would carry a strong political message. The rightwing MP Geert Wilders called the former first deputy prime minister Sigrid Kaag a "heks" (witch) in widely shared tweets and comments. She was ambushed by protesters with burning torches and later said "hate, intimidation and threats" had chased her from Dutch politics.

For Hofstede, more awareness of the people, mostly women, who were put to death as witches is not just about restoring past honour. "Culturally, ideas haven't changed that quickly in just a few centuries and we're still dealing with some of the thinking that went on back then, right now," she said.

"This cultural unease with powerful women is for me the big theme linking these historical witch-hunts and the way we treat women today … And the witch can be a figure of warning."

"There was no Church conspiracy to oppress women, but we're going to create monuments to satanic imagery, and we'd like to teach your kids about how you and all of your ancestors were evil."

Cat's Eye [1985]

Signed into YouTube Music under the wrong account, this was recommended. Feels good with the Homoween theming.

Haven't heard this song in years but holy heck it's 1985 distilled to its purest essence.

The synthesizers, the voice, everything.

Watching Tommy Boy with my wife last night, thought to myself about how every decade has such a feel to their movies. 1980s, cameras sucked so all the lighting is piss-poor. 1990s, everything had constant rock music during running and driving scenes. 2000s leaned more towards slapstick and T&A


!chuds :marseywould: that witch Stevi btw.

Inflexible Plastics Company CEO makes a non apology

"To Impact Plastic's knowledge, no one was ever trapped in the building or on its premises," O'Connor said.

"Impact's first shift began at 7:00 AM on the morning of September 27, 2024, as usual. At that time, there had been no flooding alert or warning. Written evacuation plans were posted in conspicuous areas of the plant many months prior to September 27th, 2024.

Impact Plastic's Inc. ("Impact Plastics") parking lot is in a low-lying area between South Industrial Drive and the plant building. Runoff from adjacent properties and surrounding property often pools in its parking lot during or after heavy rain and often necessitates employees and other visitors at the plant to move their cars.

Water began to pool in the parking lot around 10:35 AM on the morning of September 27th, 2024, which is not an unusual occurrence. Public warnings were disseminated via cell phones at approximately 10:40 AM, coinciding with a power outage occurring at 10:39 AM.

A decision was made within minutes of the power outage to shut the plant down and dismiss all employees including supervisors. Employees were directed to leave the plant property within minutes of the power outage and certainly no later than 10:50 AM. Bilingual employees translated the announcement in Spanish. Senior management conducted a walkthrough of the facility and attempted to move the company's server and other important documents. They exited the building around 11:35 and were the last individuals to leave.

Subsequent analysis of recorded video footage and photographs has identified both current and missing employees who left the property of Impact Plastics and remained on South Industrial Drive for approximately 45 minutes after the plant's closure.

This group has since been either rescued or reported as missing or deceased. Review also indicates that when employees were dismissed as water was pooling in Impact Plastic's parking lot, but South Industrial Drive, in front of the plant appears to have been passable. The water pooled in the parking lot was approximately six inches deep as indicated by the water level shown at the bottom of small passenger cars parked at the time reviewed by the company.

To Impact Plastic's knowledge, no one was ever trapped in the building or on its premises.

Impact Plastics is aware of the allegations circulated on social media that employees who asked to leave were told not to leave by their supervisors and that supervisors left the plant before other plant employees were dismissed. The allegations are false. Impact did not prohibit its employees from leaving. It did not threaten anyone with discharge from employment. Its senior management were the last, not the first, to leave. Senior management was the last to leave

approximately 45-minutes after the plant had been closed and all other employees had been dismissed. Impact Plastics made decisions based on the information available at the time.

In times like these, words feel inadequate to express the depth of sorrow we are all feeling. The recent flood has devastated our plant and, more tragically, taken the lives of some of our dear colleagues and friends. Our hearts go out to their families and loved ones.

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