
This is :marseyakshually: actually pretty strange. Maybe he's just some turbo neet addicted to the janny life. I'm not sure how he'd be making money from this. But it's creepy how these jannies weasel their way into more and more control.

I saw him on the front page :marseysoyhype: earlier here

Just a discussion thread, nbd. But I found a bunch of posts about him.

Sardines discussed him 2 weeks ago (removed of course)

That's a flagrant repost :soycry: :marseyxd: But he mops hard on any post that calls him out.

Not sure the rDrama rules here :marseysquint:, but there is a private social media account with the same reddit username :marseysmirk:

:based: sardines? :marseywtf2:

This redditor explains what he's doing

OR they have some sort of mental illness that drives them to see their fake internet points go up.

:marseysmirk2: I'm leaning toward that, but I'll make a poll at the bottom.

Anotha one

Couple more posts

:based: janny making redditors seethe? Or cringe janny?

Redditors, I mean dramneurodivergents, discuss:



:marseyniqab: Gaza is not for sale! :ma!rseyisiscry:

Good thing no one is buying it then :marseysmug2:

China :marseychinesedevil: caught :marseyflirt: being sneaky :marseyninja: again


Disney princess shit.




Carp? Carp what are you doing there? :marseysweating:


I don't really know why I'm venting my frustrations here, but I guess this is one of the only real pro-Ukraine communities on the internet I am aware of,

sure sure nowhere is pro Ukraine sure sure

"If you want to know where the real milk is, figure out who you're not allowed to milk" - John 子. Cenady :marseyschizowave: :khazarmilkers: :marseygigatitty:

This is 100% home grown photoshop no AI which is why it kinda sucks

there is nothing else implied though

:marseyflagukrainegenocide#: :marseysaluteusa#: :!marseysaluteisrael#:

!illuminati !schizomaxxxers


being a sensitive young woman is torture


i'm at my big firm corporate girlboss job and one of my coworkers said something about grad school - i missed a deadline last month, guess that's a sore spot for me - and i just started crying. tried to hold it in but all i managed were tears silently sliding down my face. had to slip out after a minute when it didn't stop.

literally been slinking around the office and hiding in the bathroom for an hour trying to stop crying. once, i thought i was in the clear, but when i put my hand on the doorknob to the meeting room it started up again.

i'm so annoyed because i'm a totally competent person otherwise. i'm not even really ""emotional"", like i stay pretty girlboss professional eloquent deadpan all the time - which makes it even worse when i turn into a blubbery red-eyed swollen-faced mess.

all my life i've been someone who cries at the drop of a hat - in elementary school, during ballet class, at parties, etc etc. one of my exes would get so mad at me when i cried and accuse me of doing it to derail whatever stupid fight we were having and make him feel bad. i kept swearing i wasn't doing it on purpose and i tried my best not to cry but he never believed me. i do try!! i hate crying. it's embarrassing and it's a waste of my time. i'm missing an important meeting right now :( i have to go collect my laptop that's been sitting there abandoned. what do i even say? nothing? say my tummy was upset?

Good lord this woman is a MESS. Someone casually mentioned grad school and it caused her to cry for the rest of the fricking day.




This was posted on rDrama a year ago but without annotation or marseys.

The reddit OP is [[[deleted]]] but his legacy lives on.

Pinned comment:

You can read the full context behind the 'You will never be a real woman' YWNBAW copypasta here

The link does not offer full context. It references its origin on a 4chan thread but doesn't even give the get.

:!marseyfreedomofspeech: You can say whatever you want but it is true. Just because you "feel" you are a woman, doesnt mean you are one. Period. Its all in the post

:marseyakshually: Psychiatrists disagree with you.

:marsey: Psychiatrists can say what they want, you will still, never be, a woman.

:marseywitch2: Why not?

:marsey: Because You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs... [the full copypasta]

:marseywitch2: So what gives you more authority to make that judgement than psychiatrists?

:marsey: So essentially, this is my reasoning:

You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. [full copypasta]

:marseywitchtriggered: That's not reasoning. You just reposted the copypasta.

(Yeah no shit, that's what it's there for :marseyxd:)

:marseyslab: Because for some reason you aren't getting the message.

His observation doesn't come from an appeal to authority, like yours and "psychiatrists" do. His observation is based off of reality.

I can say I feel like an Asian woman. I can say I feel like a foxen kin, and psychiatrists can agree that I AM one, all they want, but the fact remains I was born a white male. Nothing changes this. Surgery doesn't. Altering my hormones doesn't. Changing my posture and clothes doesn't.

Would you like me to pasta that copy for you, again? Or is 4 times good enough?

:marseywitch2: [gay shit about appeals to authority and meta discussion]

Heres the climax!

:marsey: I'll ask you point blank then: You think a man is a woman the moment he believes himself to be one?

:marseywitch2: Yes, she is.

:#pronouncorrection: INTENSIFIES

:marsey: [[[ Removed by Reddit ]]]

:marseywitch2: Except that the overwhelming scientific consensus on the subject is that gender identity exists separately from biological s*x, and that altering the latter to match the former is better, more healthy, and more feasible than the inverse.


:marsey: As per my last two paragraphs [[[removed above]]], your comment qualifies as this conversation being ended.

:marseywitch2: If you're not willing to converse without me rejecting science in favor of supporting your bigotry, then yeah, we can't really continue from there.

Our brave little biological reality warrior then goes on to frick everything up by resorting to 2015 insults.

:marsey: You're a bootlicker, incapable of thinking for yourself. Probably a cuck. Thanks for removing yourself from the gene pool

The battle continues, a year past the original post date. I won't copy it here, it's off in the weeds past the original point but here's the link many layers deep:

A couple of teasers if you want to delve into the ancient battlefield:

  • Imagine calling someone a "bootlicker" because they're more pro-freedom than you

  • Freedom to sin is terrible for the soul. Should be stopped immediately. Inshallah.

  • If I want to commit a sin that hurts me and me alone, then I see no reason why laws should exist to restrict that. It's my afterlife to afterlive.

  • There is no such sin that only affects the sinner.

  • Ivan Karamazov ... Grand Inquisitor ... Long gay quote from some dead russian with a stupid name :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost:

  • Yeah I'm not reading that great wall of china long text wall

  • Your lack of classical education does not render Dostoevsky obscure, kid. (my favorite cringe out of all of this)

  • Those who believe in omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent gods must know that such hypotheticals bla bla

  • [the battle ends 2 years after the original thread]

Honourable Mention (!bardfinn spelling)


You 😎👉 will never ❌ be a real 😍 woman 👩. You 👉 have no 🙅🌈 womb 👶, you 👈 have no 🙅🏻❌ ovaries 🗣👩🏾, you 👈 have no ❌🚫 eggs 🥚. You 👈 are a homosexual 🏳️‍🌈 man 👨🏼🚫 twisted 🥨 by drugs 💊 and surgery 🏥 into a crude 👺 mockery 😤 of nature's perfection 👌.

All 💯 the "validation" you 👈 get 🉐🇮🇹 is two-faced and half-hearted 💔. Behind ↩ your 👈🏾 back ⬅ people 👨 mock 😨😟 you 👈🕛. Your 👉👶🏼🚀 parents 👪🛬 are disgusted 🤢 and ashamed 😩 of you 👈, your 👉 "friends" laugh 🤣😂 at your ⛓👉 ghoulish appearance 🔎 behind 👟💥 closed 🚫 doors 🚪.

Men 👨 are utterly 🐄 repulsed by you 👉😏. Thousands 👌🌼💯 of years 🗓 of evolution 🐒 have allowed 😖 men 👨 to sniff 👃 out frauds 🚫 with incredible 😯‼❗ efficiency 📊. Even 🌃 :!marseytrain:s 🙋‍♂️👠 who "pass" look 👀 uncanny and unnatural 👽 to a man 👨🌊. Your 👉 bone 🍖 structure 🏠 is a dead ☠ giveaway 🎉🥳🎊. And even 🌃 if you 👈 manage 🧔 to get 🉐 a drunk 🍺🍻 guy 👨 home 🏠 with you 👈, he'll turn 🔄 tail 🍑 and bolt 🏃🏻‍♀️ the second ⏱ he 👥 gets 🉐📴 a whiff 🤑 of your 👉🏄🏾📝 diseased 😷🐱, infected 😖 axe 🙌😤😠 wound 💨.

You 👈 will never 🚫💩 be happy 😊. You 👈 wrench 👨🏿‍🔧 out a fake 👻 smile 😊 every ☝ single ☝ morning 🌄 and tell 💬 yourself it's going 🏃 to be ok 👌💯, but 🍑 deep 😱 inside 💠 you 👈 feel 😜 the depression 😭 creeping 💥 up ⬆ like 💖 a weed 🍁, ready 😏 to crush 😘📏 you 👈 under ❌⬇👇 the unbearable 😤 weight 😔😓💤.

Eventually 💦🍆 it'll be too much 😩😂🙀 to bear 💯🐻 - you'll buy 💰 a rope ➰, tie 👔 a noose 😔, put 🔛 it around 🔃 your 👉😘 neck 🐪, and plunge 😵😲😩 into the cold ❄ abyss 😍😝. Your 👉 parents 👪 will find 🔎 you 👉, heartbroken 💔😢 but 🍑 relieved 🤤 that they no 😣 longer 🍆 have to live 😩 with the unbearable 💥👃👎 shame 😳 and disappointment 🙃. They'll bury ⚰ you 👈 with a headstone marked 🖍 with your 👶👈 birth 👑 name 📛, and every ☝ passerby for the rest 💤 of eternity 🌋🆎💅🏿 will know 🤔 a man 👨 is buried 🕳 there. Your 👉 body 💃 will decay ☠ and go 🏃🏼‍♀️ back 🔙 to the dust 💨, and all 💯 that will remain 😥 of your 👉 legacy 🐒🌄 is a skeleton 💀 that is unmistakably male 👦.

This is your 👉🏠🍕 fate 💀☠. This is what you 👈 chose 👉😎👈. There is no 🙅💔🚧 turning 💫↩ back 🔙.

!chuds !transphobes !historychads

Gen z boss and a mini discourse is still ongoing :siren: this is not a drill :siren:

Someone manages to work in Visualizing The Apple and The Heatmap into gen z boss and a mini criticism

He missed incorporating the BQ but someone else has his back

YWNBAT is a novel take

SPAL jumpscare

This is the first time I've seen anyone rightly call out the scrote menace with regard to this though. So even after like a year on, the discourse is still evolving :marseypraying:


Reported by:
:redlight: :smugjak:California could end the United States as we know it :soyjakanimeglasses: :redlight: :bidenshocked:


What do los angeles redditors think about californians leaving the US?

To be fair most of the comments are pointing out how r-slurred that would be

Early springcells be seething over six more weeks chads.

Woke up at 3 am, drove two hours and then walked three miles there and back to see this little neighbor say six more weeks of winter.



News thread is FILLED with redditors suddenly caring about "muh freeze peach" :soysnooseethegenocide: :soysnoo2genocide:

CUAD about to get evaporated with a 2000lb bomb :ramonajakgenocide: :ramonajakgenocide: :ramonajakgenocide:

Neolibs snarky as ever

DNC Headquarters secretly love it but still gotta rail against orange man :marseykamakama:

Personally this is the guy I want to see deported most:

Mr. -ACKl :pepezoomerhairgenocide: over here was responsible for this chant at Harvard, which I found quite revealing at the time:

Reported by:
"Sometimes we eat, sometimes we don't" - :marseychonkerfoid:

The implication
Why so many chudrama posts lately

This place is turning into ruqqus 2.0, can we get more libs on site?

:fellforitagainaward: DDR to put TARIFFS on TAIWAN chips. JENSEN on SUICIDE WATCH :marseychingchongitsover:



/r/wsb :marseyxd:




!g*mers !macacos

EFFORTPOST The 1958 Middle East Crisis: Syria

I recently polled my people and this is what they wanted me to write about. Fortunately I can use declassified CIA documents for most of my research.

There were multiple huge crises in the Middle East in 1958 that seemed like they were going to lead the world into war. There was even a major deployment of US troops there. But you never hear about them. Why? Because there wasn't a war. I'm going to tell you some stories about what scared the heck out of everyone in the USA and the Middle East but they managed to get it under control. Think of it as the anti-Chernobyl.

Buddy Holly - Peggy Sue. Yeah, those were the days. :marseyboomer:


The first big crisis of the year, the one that got everything rolling, was Syria's admission to the United Arab Republic. Or to say it another way, Syria being annexed by Egypt. Every state in the region and the superpowers had been expecting something like this to happen eventually since World War II. Now it seemed that the balance of power had been overturned and all of the pent-up conflicts in the Middle East were about to blow up.

I'm guessing it wasn't really a 99.99% vote in favor of it because Nasser had grave misgivings about this and could barely be persuaded to.

Syria was the most failed "failed state" that you could imagine. It owes its existence to the French demand at the end of World War I that after all their sacrifices they deserved their own chunk of the Ottoman Empire. In 1946 it gained its independence but it didn't have much of a national identity other than being the land that France used to own. It was widely expected that it would soon be absorbed into a larger Arab state with Iraq and Jordan. But for extremely complicated reasons this didn't happen and little Syria survived.

Notice how everything he mentions being in "Syria" is in what we call "Lebanon" now. :marseyhmm:

Soon it wished it hadn't survived. After independence Syria had about one successful coup every two years and countless failed ones. By 1958 most of the factions had been purged from political life and it was Ba'athists who held a tenuous grip on power. They couldn't even trust their fellow Ba'athists, and worse, the Communists were becoming dangerously powerful. And nobody likes a commie. In order to make sure they didn't seize control, in January 1958 Syria's leaders came up with a creative strategy: Become part of Egypt.

One of the main factions that briefly held power there in the early 1950s was the batshit crazy SSNP. I heard the British were supporting them back then.


This was pretty crazy but not as crazy as it sounds. There was a strong desire across the region to unite into one Arab nation. What is the heart of the Arab nation? Egypt. And its leader Nasser was the only one who could do this. Two years earlier in the Suez Crisis, Eisenhower ordered Britain and France back into their cucksheds and forbid them to invade other countries anymore. But Arabs saw this as a great victory where Nasser stood up to the colonial powers and defeated them, which at least had a kernel of truth to it. Many people across all the Arab world considered him to be their leader and were annoyed that their country hadn't joined him yet.

Some of the most extreme cope I've ever seen. British troops withdrawing in humiliation from Egypt under American orders, never to return.

The only problem is, how do you get Nasser onboard? He wants to to unify the Arabs, but he doesn't want to start out by being responsible for this basket case country that doesn't have its shit together. Eventually he agrees on a few conditions: The Syrian people have to vote for him. All political parties will be dissolved. The army will get out of politics.

The conservative monarchies are not about to take this lying down. The Saudis try to arrange a coup before unification can happen, but it is terribly inept. The King of Iraq, who kinda hoped he was gonna be the one to annex Syria and lead the Arab world, proposes merging with Jordan. It's another pro-British monarchy ruled by his brother so it makes sense in these dangerous times. The problem is, the Saudis are afraid of Nasser but they're also afraid of Iraq and Jordan getting too powerful, so they have trouble coordinating a response.

This is what the government of Iraq was like in the 1950s. I wonder what will happen to them... :marseythinkorino:


On February 22 Egypt and Syria join together as the United Arab Republic.

  • The kings of Iraq and Jordan are worried that this will lead the many Nasserists among their own people to overthrow them.

  • King of Saudi Arabia is too busy dealing with getting overthrown by his brother to do much.

  • President Chamoun of Lebanon is extremely alarmed. The domestic situation is already really screwed up and the last thing he needs is Nasserists on 80% of the country's border.

  • Israel doesn't really care since both Egypt and Syria are already hostile to them. Their only problem is if Iraq and Jordan merge because Iraq would be the senior partner and they are not fans of the whole Zionism thing.

  • The British are desperate to keep alive the Arab monarchies they set up after WWI. Their whole imperial plan was to build these up and now they only have Iraq and Jordan left.

  • The USA is ambivalent. Nasser is hard to deal with, but at least he kept the commies out of the region.

  • The Soviets are probably as mad as Boris Badenov when one of his plots fails.


Nasser soon sends Egyptians to take over key government positions away from Syria. The Ba'athists are understandably butthurt as they're the ones who invited the Egyptians to come and now they're getting pushed out of power and having their newspapers shut down. The Egyptians probably figure that if these people are so incapable of running their own lives that they ask us to take over their country, they can't be trusted in leadership roles. There's also less obvious divisions, like business people being butthurt about how the Egyptians don't understand that their economy is different. These tensions were already obviously before the year was out. In 1961, a coup topples the Egyptians. Like so many others who tried to control Syria in this era, they lasted about two years.

Damascus, 1950s. According to some redditor.

Reported by:
Banana award is live. Please apply bananas to this post to test.

sizing check



:dkwould: with text

You'll also notice that I've forcibly reenabled the cursor Marsey for everyone. This is so you can appreciate the adorable cursor kong by @Elias_Acorn. You are welcome.

EFFORTPOST Darklands LP XIV: Another Detour

Darklands Series

1 - Darklands LP Part I

2 - Darklands LP Part II: Charles Bronson Edition

3 - Darklands LP III: Nuns and Coins

4 - Darklands LP Ep IV: Introduction to Equipment & Combat

5 - Darklands LP Part V: We finally briefly go out into the dark lands

6 - Darklands LP VI: We actually start a quest!

7 - Darklands LP VII: We reach our destination :marseycrusader:

8 - Darklands LP VIII: Raubritter confrontation & learning how combat works

9 - Darklands LP IX: I'm not giving you my goddarn alchemical materials

10 - Darklands LP X: We actually do some alchemy!

11 - Darklands LP XI: The Main Plot

12 - Darklands LP XII: Halloween Edition

13 - Darklands LP XIII: Detour

Episode XIV

We're headed toward Denmark to attack the Fortress Monastery, but we're going to run into a few things along the way.

The Castle

I stop by a castle. Let's see what's going on here. (I love the artwork in this game so much it's unreal.)

Well I can't let this continue. I ain't Scheherazade but let's see if I can convince this wicked lord to change his evil ways.

These peepeeheads won't even let me in to confront him! :marseyrage:

I guess we're gonna have to do this the hard way.

Note that there are other saints who can get you up there in different ways. Like levitation.

The castle guards like using their bows. Fine. I'll just shoot back. My guys need some practice.

Since we're in a fairly large castle, we go into non-combat mode until the next time one of them sees us. Time to search the place. These fights get kind of annoying because only one person can go through a doorway at a time. So you have to wait your first guy to get through before you send your second. But this will be of tactical importance in certain situations, like in the Fortress Monastery.

This is the main gate. If we had blasted our way through with a potion we would had have started out here. We could also retreat through it if we wanted to, but we're doing fine.

Frick this. I've searched almost every room and I can't find the castle lord. I'm getting bored. (This virtually never happens btw, this is just incredibly bad luck.) I'm out of here.

Back on the road. I run into another one of those corrupt Dominican friars peddling indulgences. Remember how last time I had St. Dominic himself set him straight? This time I'll use another saint, one who is against church corruption in general.

It's incredible how much content there is in this game. I'm still finding new stuff that I've never seen before.

A Mid-game Quest

Uh oh. WTF is going on here? Suddenly the normal travel music is replaced by something really ominous. :marseyshook:

It's probably some MMO tard who likes flying around on dragons in Guild Wars 2 or whatever.

Goddammit this is gonna cost me so much.

old hags cackle as they stuff carrion into a filthy leather sack

That's just an ordinary thing you see every day in Portland. :marseyshrug:

Pagans. I hate these guys... er... girls.

Dammit! I'll definitely need to go replace my equipment after this.

This is what happens when you piss off /r/witches_vs_patriarchy.

Notice how many choices this game gives you when you run into a problem.

Finally we found him. I think we've got him now.

I try to reason with the dragon. I doubt this will work as dragons are satanic beings. But who knows? Maybe they just got a bad rap?

I knew it. Okay, we're dealing with a dragon here so when combat starts it's time for everyone to take a Flamewall potion for protection. Also Hardarmor and Strongedge to improve the weapons of Sasha and Nathan. (Since Yuna and I use impact weapons we would need Greatpower instead and somehow I neglected to make any of those.)

Just to make sure we're protected from flames I also implore St. Polycarp for some help. (He was burned at the stake for refusing to burn incense for the Roman Emperor.)

Or as we call him in Marseyese:

:#marseysaint: :#marseypolyamory: :#carp:

I have everyone take a missile shot and then just charge this bastard.

Redactor is getting the heck beaten out of him. Better take an Essence o' Grace potion just to be sure he isn't killed. And a New Wind to restore some endurance since he was about to fall. That 19 point hit must be Nathan using his alchemically enhanced halberd. Normally it's not great at penetration, but with Strongedge it is and it inflicts massive damage.

We cut through him pretty fast. I dunno if that's a bug or we're really that good. I guess I did do everything possible to prepare for fighting a dragon. St. Polycarp especially gives you a huge advantage. Just pretend that was a really epic fight.

Fame 216: Good reputation!

We're gonna have to stop singing this song now:

And we've got 100 florins now if we need to buy anything.


Next time I really will go to the Fortress Monastery. I just wanted you to see one of the more complex mid-game quests, but it was a bit disappointing. There's a lot more dragon-related encounters you can have while searching for it. We just happened to run into him early.

I had to go all the way from Bohemia to the outskirts of Koln to bring this quest to you. The things I do for you people.

@kaamrev :marseywave2:

Now playing: Fear Factory (DKC).mp3

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