A Jinxthinker stream advertisement

post-stream podcast : had a good stream 7:59

description: i feel like king of the world. one day i'll have phil's wife on her knees whilst phil pleads with her not to commit infidelity. we have mindbending s*x. phil's crying about it. she calls me daddy in front of him & he licks my semen off her wedding ring. i take over his life. he signs his apartment over to me.

  • we're fanging and banging tonight. Today was a momentous occasion because there was a chatter in the Twitch stream. It was a sexual stream

  • He had to restart his EU IV game as Aztec

  • He's becoming more Phil-like (the boss man)

  • Back in the 90s he would have said he liked Elden RIng, but now he doesn't. His fee to pay Elden Ring is now 1000 USD/GBP/Euro 1:40

  • We do a song to celebrate (Zella Day- Hypnotic) 3:00

  • Starts rambling about streaming more 5:20

  • He asked the jinxsisters if they had a twitch account but neither responded 6:20

  • Breaks into song again while ranting about Elden Ring then talks about a Butterfly

!jinxthinkers would you make DSP cry by skinwalking him and stealing his life?

Bro thinks hes him

God and I thought the post-miscarriage eating-raspberries-from-her-vagina-with-a-finger-up-her-butt scene in {Suddenly You by Lisa Kleypas} was shocking. Godspeed everybody.

Women aren't okey

I read The Skeleton King like this 😧🫒😰 and I have a HIGH Tolerance for batshit. I've been reading fanfiction for over 25 years. It's a Nightmare Before Christmas retelling that starts with grave robbing and necrophilia (by Jack) and Sally's face gets cut open for more room to give head repeatedly. My flabbers were gasted.

They need ye

"75 years of dictatorship- China vs 75 years of Democracy- India" curries discuss

Choice quotes-

>infrastructure doesn't mean development

:#marseycope: (typos edited out)

!antibharatiya don't you hate when curries pretend to speak English then slip into Hindustani for no good reason

Intra-brown infighting

Shiba Inu-chan

Dragula girlies dropped out my local pride : Dragula
Reported by:

Sharp decline in white and male recruits. Don't mention woke are DEI because that has nothing to do with it!!

Why are men against women in the military (Janny had to shut this one down). Female soldiers don't end up fricking everyone on deployments and ruining unit cohesion that's for sure.




!anticommunists stragmunist death celebration :#kingkrooldance:

next step: reportmaxxing trad wingcucks :#derpthumbsup: straightter reportmaxxing is too slow tho :#pepewtf:

Strawberry Fields Forever (Take 7)
"anorexia" recovery destroyed my body. My life is finished.

Hello :)

I'm not new to EDSF - for years, I have viewed the site, reading posts for advice and support - but I have never posted. To be honest, sharing my ED journey is embarrassing.

I live in England, in the countryside, with my mum and dad. Before I struggled with my mental health, I was a high-achiever and a perfectionist. I attended a selective all-girls school, played musical instruments, acted, participated in orchestras, volunteered and was in the top team for every sport. I worked 24/7; education was my life. I had ambitions and aspirations. I was determined and resilient to reach them. Typical story - a perfectionist struggles with mental health… My life began to fall apart in 2021. First, I developed anxiety, then, OCD and depression and lastly, my ED.

I have Binge Eating Disorder. I will not lie, writing that is humiliating and mortifying. I am so ashamed. Pre-ED, I was naturally underweight and had no interest in food - I ate healthily, skipped meals and hated junk food. In 2022, I had urges to eat food I did not want, then eating when I was anxious/stressed/depressed became a habit. The binges started small and grew. I gained a lot of weight and felt suicidal because of my body. I began therapy to recover from Binge Eating Disorder. I learnt to control myself around food 60% of the time, the other 40%, I binged. Thankfully, I over-exercised, so I managed to lose weight. I was proud of my body and the happiest I'd ever been in my life. I was confident, determined and 1000x better than the β€˜normal' me. Then, my life began to fall apart again. Long-story-short, I was incorrectly diagnosed with Anorexia (I binged weekly on 10,000+ calories and had binge urges everyday) and forced into recovery. A lot happened. It was traumatic and the medical professionals and CAMHS were AWFUL. They made me gain weight without providing any therapy or even advice/support. CAMHS think eating disorders are weight disorders and do not care about what you are struggling with mentally. They encouraged me to binge (I had BED!) and told me to eat junk food. I lost my willpower and control over food that I had learnt in BED therapy, I lost my motivation and I began binging more. Now, I binge every single day, all day. I do nothing else. I have at least 5,000 calories each day, up to 25,000. I have gained 5st in less than 3 months. I can't exercise, I can barely walk up the stairs, my mum helps me to shower, I look disgusting and unrecognisable, I'm uncomfortable 24/7 and I pray each night that I won't wake up the next day. I attempted suicide because I hate this body. My body is ruined - my teeth, hair, skin etc, everything is ruined. I'm having private therapy to help my Binge Eating Disorder but it's not working. Anorexia recovery and all the people who forced me to gain weight have destroyed my willpower/determination and now, I have zero control over food.

I want my body back. I wish I had hidden my weight from everyone or faked weight gain and recovery. Now, I'm just waiting for my life to end.


[–]SpursBanana_trumpet 52 points 1 day ago

>The vitriol some of you have for the women's game is unreal. It's not just indifference or even a dislike of the game compared to NBA ball, it's actual hatred. Some of the comments are just crazy when the only crime the wnba has committed is existing. :marseyindignant:

[–]SpursSpicyTigerPrawn 9 points 1 day ago

>I tried to watch the WNBA a couple times but I did not find it interesting so I stopped. Same with dozens of other sports I tried and moved on when I lost interest. That worked fine until several players went on a media blitz that tried to shame people into consuming a product that did not interest them. That was a clumsy move that probably turned a lot of neutral people against the WNBA. Shame is only a motivator if you know and respect the people who are trying to shame you. Since few people cared about the WNBA to begin with it did not have the desired affect.

[–]MentallyIllBlueHair -14 points 1 day ago

>Bro just admit you hate women. :marseysmughips:

[–]BubbaTee 2 points 20 hours ago

>I mean, the quality of play is pretty low. I imagine most 8th grade travelling AAU teams could compete respectably in the WNBA. 8th grade Seventh Woods would dominate the WNBA, let alone 8th grade Lebron.

>It's an inferior product. That's not mean-spirited, it just is. HS baseball is inferior to MLB. That doesn't mean everyone hates high schoolers.

>What do you want people to say? Pretend that Griner would school Jokic?

>But it's ridiculous to say these women have no skills.

>Every dude who makes All-City in HS basketball has some skills too, it doesn't mean people wanna watch them, or that they should get paid "equal money for equal work" compared to Luka.

[–]Grizzliesdeltalitprof 1 point 15 hours ago

>I think comparing the quality of WNBA games to those of junior high school males is a huge exaggeration and an insult to what these women can do. Maybe the most talented eighth grader in the nation could do a lot in the WNBA, but that's not what a lot of these comments are saying.

>Comparing the level of WNBA gameplay to that of the average eighth-grade male AAU team. That's just flat chauvinism and ignorance. I'll gladly take all your downvotes to call that shit :marseykneel:

much more self righteous scolding in the comments. Including the familiar repeated argument that Amazon lost money in their first ten years, so why can't the WNBA lose money for 20?

[–]MavericksPointBlankCoffee 4 points 1 day ago

>Yes please talk to me about how all these tech companies are massively profitable- IE uber, food delivery apps, amazon for a decade+ etc. Plenty of examples of nonprofitable businesses.

>The NBA clearly sees value in the WNBA, to grow the sport, get women involved, support non-NBA programs, and so they subsidize them. Same reason title IX exists. In another realm, it's the same reason the government supports many social programs, libraries, fire departments. None of those things make money, they are there to benefit people, to grow their fields.

>Regardless, it's not my or your money so why does it make you so mad that it's going to growing women's sports?


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