r/Teachers in Shambles After Anti-Woke EO


Trump banned indoctrination in education, resulting in shit jokes and some sneeding from r-slurs like these:

This is precisely why I, a closeted transgender grad student a year away from my teaching certificate, have been contemplating unaliving myself. There is no way I can legally and safely be happy in this lifetime anymore.

It's not worth it with legal avenues removed, never able to change documents, being discriminated against and witch-hunted.

Should do it, and is an unironic threat to children.

Scary stuff for a Health teacher because I actually do teach about sexuality and gender. It's not my whole job, but it is part of it, and the curriculum we use is very lgbtq+-friendly.

Wonder where parents are getting the idea that gays are out to indoctrinate their kids into being gay... :marseywrongthink:

The sub has a few posts on this shit, it got some insane "im such a dramatic hero" posters and a few breaking that circlejerk to actually comment on why the EO happened.

I hope my trans students know I'll go down swinging for them :/ i hate that shits gone backwards since i was in highschool, we got to celebrate gay marriage being legalized and obama and biden running through the whitehouse with pride flags. They get to experience being fear mongered scapegoats for people to direct their misguided hate towards, all with the guise of "protecting kids". Just wait for those suicide rates to go up higher.

Trans kids are not the result of him pushing them in that direction at all, totally normal development...

We need a national walkout. ASAP. Between the immigration bullshit and the trans students, they want to turn us all into deliverers of a different sort of indoctrination that doesn't value, honor, or respect the individual rights of our students, and will absolutely turn us into criminals for being safe spaces.

Literally the next MLK in the making bros



Reddit commies truly are a blight upon mankind !anticommunists

some are confused :marseyhmmm:

OP is giga cringe

"LABOUR IS JUST PINKO TORIES" :soyjakhipster: :soyjakhipster: :soyjakhipster:


These reddit lunatics are genuinely more dogmatic than the religious fanatics in the 40k universe

How worried are you about the rise of fascism?


My great grandpa (maternal side) is Czech and he once told us of how during the rise of the Nazi Party in neighboring Germany, but there were many in Czechoslovakia as well who were sympathetic to the Nazis, Hitler and their ideals, as truth be told, many Czechs saw the Germans as "equals", thought that the Nazis hatred of Jews, Roma people or Slavic people somehow didn't apply to them (Czechs who saw themselves as "Germanic" and/or sympathized with the Nazis).

Meanwhile many of those who opposed and/or did not sympathize with the Nazis also downplayed the threat the Nazis posed by saying things like "Oh, what's happening in Germany won't happen here", or "Hitler won't make good on his crazy threat to invade us", "Oh, it probably won't get that bad" or some other way of saying that we (those who are raising alarms over the danger Hitler actually posed) are overeacting.

When Hitler's forces invaded, a number of Czech people actually welcomed them giving Nazi salutes to the columns of invading Nazi troops or tearing down the Czech flag from buildings themselves to replace it with Nazi flags.

However, my great grandpa saw the danger the Nazis posed, the repression, violence and death they'd bring and lo and behold, when the Nazis did actually occupy Czechoslovakia, turns out the Nazis weren't just oppressing the Jews, gay people, communists, liberals, Czech nationalists and academics, but also extended their oppression of ordinary Czech people, including those of Germanic ancestry. Turns out, the Nazis didn't see us as equals after all and many of those Czechs who welcomed the Nazis had a "why are the leopards eating my face, I supported them?" mentality when the Gestapo came after them as well.

This is basically an oversimplification of why my great grandpa told me but yeah, the reason the Nazis (and fascism in general) was able to rise the way it does was because people either underestimated its danger or downplayed it for years, treating them like a joke until that joke wasn't funny anymore.

10k up votes we're going to hear about drumph until the universe ends huh


:marseyretardchad: lmao :!marseyretardchad:

48th president of the united states


no trans women are women


It's OVER.



I CAST BEER SMASH! :marseydrunk:

I really, really, REAAALLY wanna drink right now, but I have a super promising date tomorrow, so I can't :marseycry:

But I'm defo going to the casino and getting fricking wasted after the date, regardless of how it goes (It's just our first date)

Are you drinking, frens?

!metashit :D

Current HP: 117/120

Current Mana: 160/180


New Toss

The first terrorist getting deported for organizing Pro-Palestine campus protests is... Liu Lijun??! :marseyburgers:

!asians is that at least like a Uyghur name? Do Uyghurs look different then Han?

Okay so this is just a full on Chinese. Weird!

[🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘] Just a typical morning at the US Embassy in Ottawa, Canada


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

A big sorry to you from the U.S.Just know that at least half of us want nothing to do with these tariffs. (-37)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

As a red blooded 'merican. I'd flip it off with you. (-11)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

And a flappy head. (199)

Can confirm. We all look exactly like South Park portrayed us.  (31)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

He even has Canadian hands (927)

Bro I'm so glad this was the first thing I saw 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 (4)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Just because a president is dumbo, and 30% of voters elected him along with his team, doesn't mean you should hate an entire country for it. This is the problem with people today—you don't realize that hatred starts from small things. Then one day, you wake up wondering, why do they hate us back? and suddenly, there's a war. Hate me or disagree with me all you want, but today it's this guy, tomorrow it will be another, and so on. This is how hatred toward an entire nation grows—because of a single person who comes to power. One leader's actions shouldn't define an entire people. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

There are a lot jokes… but in reality this post is sad.The orange frick, his administration and the policies they are enacting has made an average citizen in arguably our closest ally nation feel it necessary to give us the finger.Instead of "making America great again," these pieces of shit are destroying our standing on the world stage (which was already shaky to begin with). (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/CaBBaGe_isLaND

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 2

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Woman driver identified

I don't care about Beyonce or country music and have never listened to a second of this album, but I think it's pretty obvious this is how Kamala can still win.


Orange Site 'Both Sides' has pathetic struggle session


Reported by:
  • Sussy_Kong : anime
  • KongmothyX2 : anime in japanese means animation
  • Y : Actually anime in Japanese is アニメ :marseybigbrain:
Giga stacy moment :marseyyass:
[NO DRAMA] Redditor dunks on Starbucks wagies by showing off their big house and shiny car :marseystarbucks: :marseywagie:



No drama but it just seemed funny to me, like why are you humblebragging on Reddit to a bunch of minimum wage wagies?

Also what the frick is up with that house? Why does it have two garages?

OP also sucks at parking:

She posts to /r/ebayselleradvice so I assume she's a stay at home wife with a rich husband.

She really loves humblebragging

And she has some Karen story that I didn't read:



When Sonic the Hedgehog blew up in America Sega of America worked into overdrive to make new Sonic media to fulfill the west's insatiable lust for the fastest thing alive. This led to the creation of two tv shows by DIC entertainment The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog a network weekday episodic comedy ( :marseypingas: the pingas show) and Sonic the Hedgehog (hence called Satam due to its Saturday morning time slot) a syndicated serialized cartoon with a far darker tone. As the only Sonic characters in existence at the time were Sonic Tails and Robotonik a whole new cast was created to serve as side characters:

From left to right: Rotor "boomer" the walrus, Bunny Rabot, Sonic, Tails, Sally Acorn, and Antoine the Fox (french :marseypuke:)

Robotonik was also given a right hand named in a cowardly Nephew named Snivley and in this story Robtonik was a made dictator who had taken over the planet Mobius, which is Earth after humans got into a war with aliens and the aliens just nuked the frick outta the earth mutating the people into anime people and the animal and human DNA merged into furries (Mobians and Overlanders/Humans are canonically sexually compatible !furries).

Constructing a sprawling mass of factories to pollute the environment and robotizing the native mobians into his mindless slaves including Sonic's parents and Sally's dad King Acorn who once ruled the land (well he actually he was turned to crystal and stranded in the Void ruled by Ixnis Nagus).

This lore ended up being used as the basis for Archie's long running Sonic Comic (290 issues + spin offs and one shots) with some major modifications and developments.

Anyway this is to say to a whole generation of neurodivergents growing up in the 90s Sally and the Freedom Fighters are as important to Sonic as Tails and Knuckles are and they will fight to the death to defend them (and also goon to sally) despite the fact they have never appeared in a game

Well they actually do make a cameo in the special stages of Sonic Spinball which was created by Sega Technical Institute the fully American branch of Sonic Team which made Sonic 2 and Sonic and Knuckles

The new Information

Sonic Satam ended after 2 seasons with season 2 ending on a cliff hanger of sonic killing Robotonik and Snivley being contacted by a mysterious pair of red eyes. A season 3 was planned but never released. There has been lots of speculation as to why this never came out such as ratings conflicts or some very neurodivergent drama between Satam's creator and Archie's very own careercow Ken Penders because both of them were pitching Sonic movies to hollywood without Sega's consent, but now we know the real Answer:

Sega owns all of the DIC characters and DIC tried to sell animation sells without Sega approval. TBF this is pretty common in the animation world but Sega took extreme umbrance to this and cancelled season 3 on the spot. This isn't huge new info as Sega allowed the use of the freedom fighters and other Satam characters in the great Archie reboot which removed all Archie original characters from the book in retaliation for being humiliated by Ken Penders in the courtroom.

Here comes the cope :marseycope:

Based on what I see here, Sega owns the Freedom Fighters, Could we ever see them show up in other Sonic Media? Imagine if they were brought into the movies.

Sega will totally bring in this decades old characters bros for their new family movie they definitely wont only focus on the super marketable and popular ones

They WILL use them again! It's been decades upon decades. Times have changed. There's new people involved. WildBrain owns the DiC cartoons. The Freedom Fighters are gonna return!

Did Sega frick up or did DIC frick up?

Archie chad calls Sega r-slurred and accuses archie haters of being :marseytrain:

Sega and Sonic Team actually just hate fun

To be fair, in this case...They're right.

DIC was selling Animation Cels of the show without permission.

Which you have to be absolutely stupid to do, especially since the show was ongoing.

No, sega is just r-slurred actually.

so they should just let other companies make profit from their property without any compensation?

Yes sega should lay down and die because I hate that freaking company

"Wah I hate this company because my furshit isn't canon."

That's you.

And I have no love Lost for SEGA, especially as a SoR Fan...but Jesus, if you think SEGA is even remotely in the wrong here...

Since we're making wild unfounded assumptions about each others motivations I'm gonna respond by accusing you of being a transsexual libertarian


That was the reason all along? That's curious,I always thought that selling animation cels was something that companies didn't really care about.


Darn what the heck was dic thinking??? Braindead company causing Satam to be canceled that sucks! Maybe that's part of why sega of Japan doesn't want to do anything with those characters/worlds

Anyway the simple fact is Sega fricking hates all of the western lore, veiws it as off model to the current Sonic brand, and is just letting Ken Penders do whatever he wants because they don't give a shit and want all this neurodivergent shit gone.

Tho !comicshitters !furries Sonic's creator is an Archie chad

TLDR: There is an neurodivergent civil war because we found out Sega owns all the characters from the old sonic cartoon and is sitting on them, and that season 3 of the show was cancelled due to the animation studio selling animation cels without Sega's approval. !neurodivergents

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Ranch time :marseycertifiedangus:

How would you feel if you weren't daddy's favorite? But I am daddy's favorite :marseybib:

The cavalry isn't coming. We are the cavalry. Stop paying rent. Stop working.


I love this subreddit so much. The OP alone is incredible. Get evicted and quit your job to bash the fash.

Let's have a look at some highlights in the comments:

68 agreeable replies to this one saying the masses are this close to forcing Trump to resign :marseynotes: I wonder what they have to say?

We The People are going to stand up to the popular and electoral vote winner and install Kamala :marseyexcitedgif:

Other options besides violent revolution include signing up for a website that says you pinky promise to go on strike at some point and this will overturn the election :marseyrevolution:

Redditors are a big fan of that!

And this tactical mastermind correctly observes that the Big Tech Fascism industry is going to censor this powerful website and stickers are the solution

Further downthread we find Big Action being taken like closing all half of your social media accounts :marseytrotsky:

Antisemitic remarks meet reddit communism later

I keep seeing them say WE THE PEOPLE today and yesterday it was endless "so this is how democracy dies hehehe starwars" repeated forever and mass firmware updates seem less like a meme every day

Schizo substack if anyone wants to follow it. I don't

In closing, remember the nonviolent French Revolution built on peaceful protests and /r/maliciouscompliance :daydream:

Also /u/when-octopi-attack fricks kids

Reported by:
  • Grue : No glance, didn't c*m.
48 hits an arrogant femoid reporter with the Vance Glance :surewalz:

!chuds :marseyxd:

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