More like B-word McConnell :marseycarlos:

!r-slurs !ableists !chuds !nonchuds

No Hard Feelings - MOVIE REVIEW!

I need DC asap because the casino is fricking rigged, so you're getting a movie review! This movie is like two years old now and I still think about it to this day, not because of the pornographic scene, but because of the storyline.

The whole idea behind the movie is that a 30 year old dommie-mommie is broke asl and needs to pay property taxes to keep her mom's house. Instead of selling it off, she wants to keep it because of the NOSTALGIA o algo. To get the money, she finds a craigslist offer about a family who's giving away a car for a hot single in their area to "date" their son. The whole reason behind this is that their son is an incel (not a he-man woman hater incel) and they want to get him used to socializing before he's sent off to college. After this, the movie is mostly comedic filler that doesn't really expand on the story, but is still fun to watch. She goes to the place that the son is working at (as the parents don't want him to know it's all staged) and tries seducing him. I forgot how it happens but she ends up getting him in some van and he pepper-sprays her thinking she's going to r*pe him (friggin sweet!). The only other memorable part is the scene on the beach where they go skinny dipping for some reason, a group of teens steal their clothes and a NAKED JENNIFER LAWRENCE beats the shit out of them. After that she tries having s*x with the incel but he refuses, so she then steals HIS clothes and tries to drive off which results in him jumping on her (borrowed) car and fighting for some reason. The scene is both funny and arousing (to me at least). I also now permanently associate Maneater with this scene, which is somewhat nice.

Later in the movie, the incel finds true love and ALMOST has s*x with someone who wasn't trying to use him, but SHE ends up barging in and ending anything that was going on between them. The next day, the incel overhears his parents conversing with the MC about how she needs to convince him to go to college and not stay with the actual love of his life. In a fit of rage, he calls over his groomercord buddy to crash the reward car and tries to scam her into having s*x. He ends up prematurely ejaculating because WHO WOULDN'T? The movie then becomes boring as they retract from the main point about the incel and go back to the MC's useless self-inflicted issue about paying off the house. She decides to sell the house and move to California because her friends are moving away too and this makes her start to think if soying over nostalgia is actually productive to her life.

This movie did have it's own fair share of drama (albeit wasn't that big) where the film was accused of normalizing grooming.

Xhe almost has a point, the part where it falls flat though is that I would be happy to be in his position.

During the whole movie, I felt a huge connection with this dude. I suggest giving it a watch if you're ever in need of a laugh/feeling down/feeling romantical.

Punks who decided to sit it out over Palestine, how's it going? : punk


I'm the most punk poster there and I'm a preppy little dandy.



going out for brunch rate my fit
/r/redscarepod bickering over Elon Musk and DOGE


Elon Musk is ugly so I can't support him but where did all these libs come from? Redscarepod subreddit just looks like a default sub now lol.

I can't sleep!

You know what that means? Time... To... GOON!!!

I got a mild tummy ache but I'm still going to GOON because I'm too lazy to go take a shit but I'm not too lazy to GOON. Sheeit it's the weekend so I can GOON all night and then SLEEP all day on Sunday. If you're tryna GOON and you need some COOMpacks hit me up (Whatsapp only).

It turns out, I wasn't the first to think of this shit. And the lil GOONERS have perfected it. I can COOM easy knowing that this time honored tradition will be upheld by future generations.

Ready to GOON with no headphones.

"Some important things you need to know." in r/conservativeterrorism

Hi, I'm Penny.

We (and every other subreddit) are required to uphold the Reddit Sitewide Rules, and you (because you're using Reddit) are required to abide by them.

One of those rules prohibits Targeted Harassment, and one expression of Targeted Harassment is "anything that contributes to persuading someone else to cease using Reddit".

That includes moderators of other communities, and other communities.

We also want to keep the topic in this subreddit focused on Conservative Terrorism.

Terrorism towards various demographics as expressed by the Trump administration and its supporters can be in a wide range of expressions both subtle and overt, however

Reddit, Inc. has a particular narrow definition of what is and is not an expression of terrorism - one which doesn't cover such things as "I was banned from /r/Subreddit, after posting / commenting something opposing Conservative Terrorists, therefore the operators of that subreddit are Terrorists / Terrorist Sympathisers".

It also doesn't cover "the audience of /r/SubReddit have cognitive dissonance about their support of hateful policies (which policies are arguably terroristic in nature), here, check out their posts and a selection of comments, these rubes, these pol:marseytrain2:s, these maroons".

This subreddit is not a Sneer Club. We aren't here to Gawk at Other People On Reddit Being Hypocrites.

We're also not here to amplify their hateful messages by reposting them here.

So, here are some ground rules:

1: Do Not Post Here About Other Subreddits.

Don't screenshot them, don't post them here.


Don't post there, don't comment there, don't modmail them, don't @ their moderators or participants elsewhere. Boundaries are important - even the boundaries of closeted, in-denial bigots who burp "States' Rights" as an answer to everything.

And don't come here to showboat about it if you do.

And finally,

3: Reddit Sitewide Rule 1 specifies,

Communities and people that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned.

We enforce that. Without exception. That includes the dogwhistles and references to violence.

Do not threaten, advocate for, wish, hope, celebrate, express extreme indifference towards, or otherwise encourage or suggest harm of any kind, violence, or death.

Neither aid, nor abet, command, counsel, induce, nor procure violence.

If someone engages in this behaviour, they will be banned, without exceptions.

If someone enables this behaviour by responding to such an expression, they will be banned, without exceptions.


Oh, for multiple reasons, including (in no particular order):


  • It's a violation of Reddit's Sitewide Rules.

  • Making threats online gets the FBI (and sometimes the Secret Service) crawling all over you, which (in the current administration especially) makes you a danger to associate with.

  • we know that literal terrorists - US NATIONALS literally convicted of felony terrorism in the United States, WHICH IS NEXT TO IMPOSSIBLE - make "false flagging as their targets and making violent threats online" one of their go-to methods to terroristically break movements and communities and draw down powerful persecution of them. Oh, and Jack Posobiec does it too.


So don't do it, 'K? And don't enable it. Hit Report on any threats you see, even the cutesy "Mario Brothers" and "in Minecraft" ones.

Because, at the end of the day, when the Trump administration goons show up at my doorstep to extraordinarily rendition me to Gitmo, I would like the world to know it is because I am transgender and didn't bend the knee to their fricking terrorism β€” not because "This subreddit has been temporarily banned due to a prevalence of violent content. Inciting and glorifying violence or doxing are against Reddit's platform-wide Rules. It will reopen in 72 hours, during which Reddit will support moderators and provide resources to keep Reddit a healthy place for discussion and debate."

Oh, and if you want one final reason, here's the final reason:

I'm the head moderator here, and right wing terrorists have used violent threats to give me clinical PTSD around violent threats simply because I stood up and said "kick the terrorists off Reddit", which I manage to work around to continue to advocate for a better world free from their terroristic harassment, so respect my personal boundaries, thanks. If you can't respect any of the reasons above and can't respect my personal boundaries, there's the door, on the other side of which are people all too happy to talk to you about their desire to see you do their dirty work.

Hope that's abundantly clear!

Trump signs order to declassify JFK, RFK, and MLK files.
35 finally exceeds 1,000 active users! :marseyhappening:

It's Nigcon Nigvember but this totally isn't a chud site :#marseyaware:

Thanks Carp! :marseythumbsup:



I hope we hit back so fricking hard it gives Trump a stroke.


Women and need to post giga-Ls


When people ask if you are pregnant and you aren't...

I was shopping at Victoria's Secret, and I asked the saleswoman for help. She leaned in an asked if I was pregnant. When I said no, she said, "Are you sure?" When I angrily said NO again, she said, "You look like you are about 4 months along."

It makes me sad when I see pregnant posts on social media and women are bragging about their baby bumps. I have Crohn's Disease, and I've had a bit of a belly for most of my life, while the rest of my body is skinny. Their baby bumps look like my everyday life. Perhaps it's a combination of knowing I never want to be pregnant but having so many people in my life tell me I should have kids + feeling hurt that many people have ASKED me if I am pregnant because of my bloating.

As a woman, I just want to be valued for more than how my body looks or what creatures my body can produce. :p

*EDIT: The VS incident happened a little while ago, so I won't be able to complain to the manager or report her, but I have just been feeling a lack of confidence in my body lately and been seeing so many pregnant posts, I am currently feeling triggered. Since the incident at VS, several other people have asked the same rude question, but that one was by far the worst because she would not let it go. So.... thanks redditors for the support. :)

Anglo migrant in Japan cuckposts about Kurd BVLLS on behalf of indigenous Nihhonese

The Japanese birth rate is so low they now have to import yts to be Japanese nationalists


Some data chud just nuked Bill Kristol's (neocon war criminal) government scamming :marseyxd:
Cat Campfire

Kanye :marseyyakub: has GONE crazy :marseyinsane: on his X- the everything app TL
:marseyrake: A nation of cucks prepares to surrender :crankykong:

I think the Tariffs start on Tuesday, so the Canadians :marseybeaver: are mentally preparing for their surrender on Sunday :marseywhiteflag:

Reported by:
:redlight: :redlight: RDRAMA DISS TRACK - Coonskin Cap (ft. The Black Guy from the Park) :marseyjamming: :marseyvibing: @WootFatigue BTFO'D

@WootFatigue Frick you b-word neighbor

!metashit !grillers !music

Disney princess shit.


New Bernie






!brics we gonna kick some american military industrial class :marseypunching: :punch: :squareup: yanks ain't got shit on us


There's probably drama here

And all through the thread itself

but it's just so surreal that they responded that I'm content to leave it at this


Now playing: Seashore War (Tropical Freeze).mp3

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