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After much pissing,pooping and crying Tulsi is now the DNI


The only people dying in this mess are the arabs, who are fighting man to man while Israel brought it's jets. Too bad both Syria and Lebanon lost their surface to air missiles, I wonder what happened to them :marseyderp:

EFFORTPOST Let's Play Civ4: Dawn of Civilization Cute twinks Part 4: Barbarians :marseybarbarian: and Franks :marseydeux:

We're playing the turboneurodivergent Dawn of Civilization mod for Civilization IV that replicates world history. :marseyfluffy: !g*mers !historychads

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

336AD, the Roman Empire is #1 in the world by far but the Roman Golden Age has concluded. We've just conquered Nubia. The Western Roman Empire more or less officially ended in 476AD when Odoacer deposed Romulus Augustus so we're coming up on the timeframe we're supposed to be dead.

We successfully avoided the Western Roman Empire/Eastern Roman Empire split :marseyparty: but more civilizations are going to rise and attempt to fracture off of our existing territory. The Arabs are gonna spawn with a huge butt army ready to spread Islam (which we founded already in Egypt :troll:) and the European powers are going to start cropping up.

I'll need to prepare for this and be ready to retake this shit at a moment's notice from armies leveraged against me. :marsey300:

My goal is to vassalize the European powers so I can benefit from their global colonization.

We've had a small archer regiment providing us contact with India but only now I've gotten a scout east who can pass through the Bengal rainforest to meet China. :marseyliondance:

They inexplicably hate us for existing as with everyone else in the world, but they're willing to trade. They offer jade and venison for our wine and dyes with a lil gold to sweeten the deal.

They seem to be doing well but we're still #1 in the world by far. Persia is the only empire that comes close to matching us technologically - only they can research something we haven't researched yet.

Persia also has a lot of gold. :hmm: I might trade them some technology for cash at benefit to them. This will improve relations, and I have a strong espionage network going with them so if they research something I don't have I can just steal it. :marseyninja: Also, I predict the Arabs are going to BTFO them badly when they spawn.

With the money we gain from the tech trade, we can actually apply more espionage power to steal what they research. DEVIOUS! :pepedevil:

With continued espionage harassment we get our first Great Spy, Locusta*. If a civilization were far ahead of us we could send her to infiltrate for a huge boost, but as we're top dog I'll settle her in Roma for a permanent +12 espionage and small science boost that will continue throughout history. +12 is quite significant early on, so this is pretty advantageous. :ninja:

*This is a particularly cool article I recommend reading :marseyreading:

The dipshit Ethiopians continue to be difficult, despite everything we've done for them. :marseysigh: Repeated Catholic missions to them have been failures and even the Catholic presence in Aksum eventually disappears. :marseylucegenocide: They will not bend from Orthodoxy. Even more insulting is that they've now sworn fealty to Persia. :marseydisagree: It's like they think we're a threat to them. All we've done is help them out and attempt to bring them peacefully into the Catholic faith.

They are officially a lost cause. No salvation for them.

Fine, because I have a new black best friend, the pagan Mande in West Africa :marseybipocmerchant:

After researching Compass I'm able to pass ships through Cape Verde Peninsula and send a mission to Djoboro

I can't wait to spread the word of Christ and have a new Catholic brother!!! :marseydance:


Barbarians start to swarm about 400AD. The Roman Roads are a godsend as I can get my dudes quickly from one place to another as different areas get pounded. Byzantion as an espionage stronghold allows me to send spies out use the Citizenship bribery mechanic, this felt like a gimmick but it's actually super useful here. Just like irl I'm able to pay off the huns to spare Constantinople :marseyquadmagyar: + I get free Hunnic Horse Archers to fight back with :marseyhorsemanconquest:

By 450 it's a full on barbarian invasion :marseybarbarian:

Did you know a !foidmoment almost caused the fall of Rome? In the 400s Valentinian III had a complete :marseyfoidretard: for a sister named Honoria. She was notorious for fricking and sucking around the Imperial palace and Valentinian graciously attempted to set her up with a nice senator while he was attempting to fend off the pillaging of hunnic warlord Attila. Honoria was pissed off by this and wrote a gushy love letter to Attila the Hun out of spite.

The Meeting of Leo the Great and Attila by Raphael

Attila interpreted this letter as a marriage proposal and invaded Italy directly aiming to claim the seat of Rome, which he felt he gained a rightful claim to. Pope Leo I the Great met with Attila personally and somehow persuaded him to back off.

Our stability is okay, but definitely starting to dip. Okay is not good enough for what's coming. As always, military and foreign trickle down with the rest of the world being buttholes and barbarians up in our shit. Economy and expansion are not booming anymore.

Our treasury is doing alright but could be improved (right now we're running 40% research funding). Domestic could be improved easily with some civic changes.

We've researched Feudalism and now have another Legitimacy civic available to us. We don't have much reason to run Citizenship at this point, other than bribing barbarians, but our military is now spread out enough to deal with them. Vassalage is lower upkeep with compatibility with Thalassocracy. This + the unit upkeep will get us about 30 more GP per turn. We also change to Caste System like we should have ages ago, since Slavery is outdated.

Last time I won by researching "Civil Service" first, completing the final historic victory condition. I undid this so that I could attempt a Space victory instead. We're getting to a point where I'm running out of shit to research OTHER than Civil Service and the Sassanids, our only near-equal won't research it either :marseyannoyed:

This is kinda funny and forcing me to do things differently. I'm going to discover Gunpowder much earlier than I thought and get stronger artillery. "Civil Service" obsoletes our Legion so I have 100s more of those running around (which is good, they're based). But these slackers really need to research it soon so I can fail :marseywait:

I'll have to help these idiots out a little and sell them another tech at an absurdly generous price.

~472-480AD Ostrogoths pop up right outside Rome. I think this is meant to represent Odacer or Theodoric, right on schedule. The precision put into this mod is :marseychefkiss:

I wasn't expecting this but I have knights (Lancers) in Roma at this point :marseychessknight:

The game does not appreciate that I survived Theodoric. Charlemagne and France spawn as an independent kingdom, taking Paris away from us.

Bourdeoux and Clermont secede too, and we must fight to get them back.

Remember how when Rome spawned we were given a great military advantage? Well now France gets it :marseysweating: and I have to pull assault forces from everywhere in the empire to recapture it.

How's that for a Stack of Doom motherlovers :viking:

:marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman:

France's doomstack is defeated by my gigadoomstack and I recapture Clermont. France cannot capitulate for some reason :hmm: Probably a DoC thing for new civilizations. I don't remember all the rules. I think once "Rise of the French" ends they can become a vassal. I don't want to annihilate them, my goal is to have them become a vassal and take advantage of their colonization. For now, I've taken back a city, taken out their army and shown them who's boss.

I'm fine with just holding Clermont as it gives me foot access to Iberia. I just need to get Roman culture flowing fast.

This will be the first of many as new civs start to spawn.

The Vikings/Norse have arrived for example and introduced themselves in England. They may start to raid, but no threat of secession here.

However, around 600AD a certain guy who cannot be depicted visually is born in the Arabian Peninusla :marseymuhammad:

:soyjihadi: :parrotsaudiarabia: :marseyjihad:

Egypt and the Levant is lost :marseyitsover: Most of my army is kicked out and expelled to Knossos in Crete. I don't have enough boats to pick them up in, so they're stranded on Crete for a while :marseybeachtowel:

Conquering Nubia turns out to have been a good idea because it's outside of the flip zone, and gives us a southern vector for attack.

Next time: crusades :marseycrusader2: :capysaladin:



This is like some overly complicated spy movie that developed over a month so it's pretty long, but literally nothing makes sense and things drastically changed from day to day so hopefully it's still an interesting read :marseyfsjal: I'll use the same marseys to distinguish between the candidates and their respective parties to help everyone keep track :marseyfluffy:

Quick background information that you should know :marseyreading:

Romania was never a democracy and it will probably never be one either, it's a known 'secret' that the country is controlled by our secret services. After the revolution we never disbanded the secret service responsible for all the horrible shit happening during communism, we just asked them to stop killing people and left them to do whatever they were doing. So they just rebranded under a different name, retained all the control they had over the country and shaped the new 'democracy' and it's political landscape to fit their needs. Per capita, Romania has the most known secret service agents in EU, but the exact number of people employed is kept a secret, we just know that there are more than the official number. We don't even know how many glowie organizations we actually have since some of them are completely hidden, we just know that more organizations exist out there but nothing else. The secret services have no transparency and answer to no one, they have to give a briefing to the parliament about their activities every now and then, but beyond that no one can actually check on whatever they're doing. Obviously, there are a frick ton amount of conspiracy theories surrounding them and they are blamed for every unusual thing that happens in the country. And this is exactly what I'll be doing here :marseywholesome:

Second thing, we're an extremely docile nation who accepted pretty much everything those in power did over our history. Even during the revolution we calmed down immediately after killing Ceausescu and his wife, meaning that no one else was made to answer for the atrocities that happened during communism. Which is why the former generals and politicians still remain in politics today and why the secret services still control the country. So while reading this just remember that the population barely reacted to everything going on, aside from bitching on the internet a lot :marseylaptopangry2:

On to the parties! We have three main political factions:

  • the classic parties (PNL and PSD) :marseysuit: They are the first parties established after the communism's fall and have people in all the state's institutions in order to control them. They are also known for closely working with the secret services and basically being owned by them. They make sure the glowie wishes are being fulfilled (for example it's accepted that the constant pro-EU and pro-NATO attitude Romania has has been enforced by the secret services) and in exchange they are allowed to steal as much tax money as they want. They have ruled for decades, each playing opposition to the other, while happily mooching money together. But they also neglected to do literally anything for the country so the population got increasingly fed up with them. While PNL started to fall to the side, PSD remains the biggest and strongest party in the country and is accused by every other party of manipulating the elections every single time. And yes, they actually do it every single time :lelolidk:

  • the woke parties (mainly USR) :chadleftoid: The party was created after people got fed up with the other parties for not doing anything to improve anyone's lives. They have modeled their program after the lib parties in Europe and America (mainly gay stuff but with some pro-Palestine messages too recently) but have libertarian tendencies. They infight a lot and split up in ever smaller parties all the time.

  • the far right parties (AUR, SOS, POT) :marseyauthright: Newest and the most untested faction we have. Parties of all sorts of -ists, generally pro-Russia and anti-EU and NATO. Also lots of antisemitism, this will be important later. They argue a lot with each other but still try to form coalitions. All of them have been accused of being russian spies.

And lastly the candidates!

Lasconi :chadleftoid:

  • Exceptionally stupid, has no idea on anything going on in the world despite wanting to become president

  • Leader of the 'gay party' but tried to pretend to be trad and a christian. Nobody bought it.

  • Believes that Israel should do a ceasefire because Hamas and Hezbollah are fighting each other in Gaza

Georgescu :marseyhitler2:

  • Massive schizo, internet conspiracy theorists could learn new conspiracies from him

  • Independent, but part of the far right faction

  • Believes romanian language was the one that created the latin language not vice versa

Ciolacu :marseysuit:

  • Average Eastern Europe politician - corrupt and with no actual principles, will change opinions to keep his power

  • Leader of the biggest party in the country and the candidate with the most control over the institutions

  • Doesn't know english despite wanting to be president and meet other world leader

Simion :marseyfortuneteller: :marseyauthright:

  • Closeted gay gypsy. Politely doesn't mention he's a gypsy so we mostly pretend we don't notice

  • Leader of the AUR :marseyauthright: party

  • Yes, aur as in gold. Gypsies will forever remain gypsies :marseysigh:

Sosoaca :marseychonkerfoid: :marseyauthright:

  • Very fat and vey angry all the time. Will fight literally everyone at any moment, even her 'allies'

  • Leader of SOS :marseyauthright: party, also yes named after her :marseychonkernoticeme:

  • The last two aren't that important on their own, but since Georgescu :marseyhitler2: basically didn't exist until voting started they were the most important :marseyauthright: representatives. Both fell to the side after Georgescu appeared

Before the elections :marseyclueless:

Quick note: we had two different elections recently, the presidential ones (in two parts) and the parliamentary ones. So, since we only vote on sundays, three weeks of voting in total.

  • At this point in time Georgescu :marseyhitler2: was completely unknow to anyone so the older parties :marseysuit: :chadleftoid: were expecting to fight only two :marseyauthright: parties, both ruled by loud and stupid leaders. :marseysuit: and :chadleftoid: parties have been mortal enemies for years while the :marseyauthright: are fighting both groups while also screaming at each other. Despite the rightoids slowly growing in power nobody thought they can do much in the elections.

  • Sosoaca :marseychonkerfoid: :marseyauthright: has been forbidden by the Constitutional Court to candidate for the president position because she made some 'unconstitutional' statements - anti EU/NATO and for some antisemitism. This is a huge breach of the Court's duties because they have nothing to do with how the elections are organized, other institutions are responsible for this. But the Constitutional Court answers to no one and their decisions are law (I'm sure you can see a pattern) so she got kicked out of the race despite all her angry screaming. The decision was later retracted but oops too late to rejoin the race :marseyteehee:

  • The Constitutional Court is made from judges appointed by different parties, mostly the :marseysuit: ones, so everyone was aware that :marseysuit: are manipulating the elections again. But since Sosoaca is annoying and since she's suspected of working with Russia nobody really cared.

  • In a rare public announcement SRI (main secret service organization for internal affairs) announced that the AUR party :marseyfortuneteller: :marseyauthright: is suspected of having ties with Russia too. This wasn't news for anyone but it's nice to have an official confirmation I guess. But they also said the there is no proof of any external interference in any political candidate's campaign so they won't interfere with the elections in any way (it's still unclear if the last statement applied to Georgescu as well or not since he basically didn't exist at this point).

  • Ciolacu :marseysuit: who has been accused by everyone to work with Simion :marseyfortuneteller: :marseyauthright: to win the elections reacted angrily to this. Basically, he'll support the :marseyfortuneteller: :marseyauthright: party to reach the second voting session and there AUR :marseyfortuneteller: :marseyauthright: will be this huge threat that will scare people into voting for Ciolacu in exchange of whatever political benefits he promised them after his win (like naming their leader prime minister). Anyway Ciolacu :marseysuit: accused SRI of overstepping it's boundaries. They didn't react to this. Everyone else was angry that PSD :marseysuit: is manipulating the elections again and even of risking Romania's security by working with a russian spy, while some even accepted that they'll manage to win. But beyond these points things moved on smoothly.

  • This section is mostly important as a contrast to how the secret services and other political institutions reacted to potential russian spies (keep an eye out, open communications, quick decisions) and how they'll react from now on.

First presidential election! :ivoted:

  • The battle was supposed to be between Ciolacu :marseysuit: and Lasconi :chadleftoid: Ciolacu should win most votes inside Romania but Lasconi could beat him with the votes gathered from diaspora.

  • A news article about a 'surprise' coffee house meeting between Ciolacu :marseysuit:, Simion :marseyfortuneteller: :marseyauthright:, the other :marseysuit: party's leader and a secret service officer was written sometimes in the last weeks before the elections and someone rediscovered it. Lasconi's :chadleftoid: voters are annoyed. This is clear proof that PSD :marseysuit: is once again manipulating elections.

  • Voting happens and after that the counting starts. For awhile things were normal: Lasconi :chadleftoid: first, then Ciolacu, :marseysuit: Simion :marseyfortuneteller: :marseyauthright: and on the fourth place some independent candidate nobody heard about, Gergescu :marseyhitler2: . Who is he and how the frick did he get so high?

  • Then Georgescu :marseyhitler2: climbed on the third place replacing Simion :marseyfortuneteller: :marseyauthright: No seriously, who is this guy? Nobody heard of him.

  • Then he dethroned Ciolacu :marseysuit: from the second place. This was quite shocking because the idea of PSD :marseysuit: not ending in the last presidential election tour was unthinkable. This were the last results most people witnessed before going to bed. The counting will go throughout the night and the official results would be announced in the morning. Lasconi's :chadleftoid: voters were naturally overjoyed.

  • Morning came... and Georgescu :marseyhitler2: was on the first place, way in front of the other candidates. :marseywtf2: just happened?

The week before the parliamentary elections :marseysweating:

  • The parliamentary elections happened a week after the first presidential elections. Obviously it was a very busy week after such a weird turn of events :marseydizzy:

  • Everyone was confused as shit and started to search who the frick Georgescu :marseyhitler2: even was. Turns out that he was a complete nutjob: he believes in all sort of new age shit (mystical energies, crystals, communicating with spirits, natural healing bullshit) every conspiracy theory out there (moon landing is false, covid is a hoax, aliens, jews control the word, satanic NWO, you name it), is very against NATO and EU to the point where he wants to pull Romania out of them, and praises Russia at any given opportunity while hating Ukraine and considering it a fake country. He also praised our version of Hitler and called him a hero :lelolidk:

  • So, where did this schizo came from? All of his campaign happened on TikTok. No media appearances, no poster, no fliers, nothing. He just gathered a following on TikTok through his insane ramblings and convinced these people to vote for him. Since he was deepthroating Russia's peepee left right and center, and since Russia is known for manipulating social media through an army of bots, everyone (aside from his voters) started to get worried that he's yet another russian spy trying to overthrow our democracy.

  • Wtf are our secret services doing? What's the point of them eating so many of our taxes if they can't even defend the country from Russia? How could they miss this huge attack on our country? :marseyraging: But every one of them remained silent and didn't react in any way to all this chaos.

  • People started to get more confused and more videos of Georgescu :marseyhitler2: saying insane shit were uncovered. More and more voices started to scream about russian interferences, but a few people pointed out an uncomfortable truth - PSD :marseysuit: was always viewed as the party that supports the current political 'system' and USR :chadleftoid: as the anti-system candidates but that was when USR was founded. Now it's been years since then, USR won some important political positions and did nothing important with them or messed up... they've became part of the system just as much as PSD. The :marseyauthright: :marseyhitler2: are voted mainly for being new faces against institutional corruption rather than because people agree with their insane positions. How do you earn these voters back now that they're about to throw Romania into Russia's arms out of spite? :marseyveryworried:

  • Vote observers from small villages came forth and said that PSD :marseysuit: told them to count their votes to AUR's :marseyfortuneteller: :marseyauthright: tally to propel them into the final round so he can have an easy win ("We fricking knew PSD is manipulating elections once again!" :soyjakanimeglasses: ). But it turns out that they were giving their votes to Georgescu :marseyhitler2: as well. Wut? Did they know about him?

  • Meanwhile Georgescu :marseyhitler2: declared that he received zero money for his campaign and that he also spent no money during it (this is important for later). This lead to people saying that this is proof that Russia financed him in order to destabilized the country. Also multiple people were fined for still campaigning on the voting day with is illegal, and to everyone's annoyance Georgescu's supporters, who were doing it too, were completely unaffected :marseyhmm:

  • Ciolacu :marseysuit: and the leader of the other :marseysuit: party stepped down from their leadership positions due to their embarrassing defeats (this will be important later on too).

  • Now some weird accusations start to appear :marseyglow: Sosoaca :marseychonkerfoid: :marseyauthright: accused Georgescu :marseyhitler2: of being a Mossad spy while an AUR member :marseyfortuneteller: :marseyauthright: accused him of being a CIA asset instead. Both of these parties like to scream hysterically at everyone else so nobody really took them seriously. A former president known for his collaboration with the former communist secret services told everyone to calm down since there is no proof that Georgescu :marseyhitler2: was financed by outside actors. He was actually financed by individual inside the country. Wtf does this means? :marseyveryworried:

  • Research into Georgescu's :marseyhitler2: past revealed further oddities. Man was probably part of the old communist secret services (very few people were allowed to travel outside the country and despite being completely unremarkable he was allowed to go out multiple times), has been working with the KGB (to spy on them), has been a member of the Club of Rome (think tank for helping humanity develop sustainably or some shit, the important part that another romanian politician with ties to the secret services was there too), he was part of the UN and has been a freemason (for the last two he claimed that he left them because of all the evil shit happening inside the organisations). He also has been arrested in the past for his support of nazis but his cases were mysteriously closed with no explanation given :marseysquint:

  • A handful of r-slurs protested every day since Georgescu won the first tour but nobody cared :marseyprotestno:

The recount and the slow death of Romania's democracy :marseyflagromaniagenocide:

  • A few days after the official election results come in an independent candidate who only gained 1% of the votes decided to contest the elections despite having no chances to win. He wrote two different complaints, one against Lasconi :chadleftoid: and one against Georgescu :marseyhitler2: The accusation against Georgescu was rejected because it was made after the three days limit expired, despite the complainer's insistance that he made the contestation in time. But the accusation against Lasconi :chadleftoid: was accepted. His declaration stated that in three different locations the votes that were supposed to go to Ciolacu :marseysuit: were actually counted for Lasconi. The Constitutional Court once again overstepped it's boundaries and ordered for all the votes to be re-counted.

  • At this point people were starting to get worried. Half of them were accusing PSD :marseysuit: of preferring to burn down democracy rather than accept that they lost the elections for the first time (again, most of the judges appointed to the constitutional court came from the two :marseysuit: main parties). Basically, since you didn't vote for our candidate we'll remake the elections until Ciolacu :marseysuit: enters the final round. And since the difference between Ciolacu and Lasconi :chadleftoid: were really small while Georgescu :marseyhitler2: was way ahead of both of them, it means that Lasconi will get kicked out of the race in favor of Ciolacu, which means a landslide victory for Georgescu due to the anti-system voters.

  • The other half noticed that up til now everything happening favored Georgescu :marseyhitler2: He avoided every possible consequence despite multiple irregularities in his campaign unlike other candidates (for example Sosoaca :marseychonkerfoid: :marseyauthright: was pulled out of the race for saying milder shit than him) and all this scandal would further raise his popularity as the anti-system candidate. Is it possible that the secret services are actually protecting the nutjob? It would explain why they haven't done anything to stop him. They haven't even said anything to reassure the population that things are fine. Shit... :marseysweating:

  • Some politician made a petition for TikTok to be banned in Romania for the duration of the elections to prevent Georgescu from campaigning. People were torn between considering this yet another hit on democracy but enough of us were happy to do anything to stop Georgescu :marseyauthright: (same thing for the recount actually). The petition wasn't approved and later on he apologized for trying to shut down the funny videos app for everyone.

  • Our secret services still said nothing at this point, and the EU decided to finally do something in their place. They called the owner of the application and demanded explanations for the bot filled campaign. Georgescu's :marseyhitler2: voters got angry at this and said that this is proof that EU interferes in Romania's business and that we should distance ourselves form it. The investigation didn't reveal much, lots of bots, some russian but not all. No real proof of election interference :marseyshrug:

  • Our current president finally decided to react to the panic and said that the secret services hadn't given him any warnings about Georgescu :marseyauthright:

  • As a shock for everyone, Ciolacu :marseysuit: came out and said that he disagrees with the Court's decision and that he'll pull out of the race if he's declared winner after the recount. B-but all this was supposed to be his plan to steal the election to enter the final round, wtf is going on? If he doesn't want this then who does? Predictably, most people realized that he's bullpooping and that he'll walk this back if he actually wins :marseyunamused:

  • Now things get nasty. A weird facebook poster claimed that he was accidentally added to a mail list between multiple former secret service agents that were discussing using Georgescu :marseyauthright: to stage a coup. Basically the members of the former communist secret services were upset that the country distanced itself from Russia and wanted to forcefully bring us back into it's influence zone. One mail specifically said that we should become a satellite of China (?). Panic started to settle now, this was proof that at least some secret services wanted Georgescu :marseyhitler2: to win and since they control the country then there's nothing we can do to stop them :marseyscared: After this news people discovered that the :marseyauthright: parties (all of them) have the largest number of known former secret services officers as members, further cementing the conspiracy theories that our own secret services are dragging us all towards Russia :marseysad:

  • Oddly enough Georgescu started to soften his positions. He declared that he doesn't actually wants to take us out of NATO and EU, he just wants us to stop agreeing unconditionally with everything they decide (like helping Ukraine), that America is Romania's most important partner, and despite being an actual nazi, he started sucking Israel's peepee hard. He said that on the first day after he's declared president he will move our embassy to Jerusalem, declare the arrest request for Bibi as unconstitutional and that he'll invite him to visit Romania, and that he'll not only make antisemitism a crime (it already is just not really enforced) but that he'll expand the definition of it as well :marseywut2: You'd expect his nazi followers to be upset at that but they barely reacted at all. There were a few disappointed messages but they got over it in less than a day :marseyshrug: Leftists were more affected than them because muh war criminal muh genocide :soycry:

  • Anyway, moving on, we still have so much more to cover :marseyfluffy: After the Israel stuff some guys noticed a few odd things about Georgescu's :marseyhitler2: videos. He praised Orban and mentioned stuff about Romania tightening ties with Asia, which was also present in Orban's declarations. Since Orban, and a few other eastern european leaders, refused to arrest Bibi, since his speech mirrors Orban's, since he wants to remain an ally to Murica but wants to sever ties with Western Europe and since he has similar ideas of 'befriending' Russia as Trump, rumours started that Georgescu :marseyhitler2: is an american and/or israeli spy. Basically, Trump wants to break ties with Western Europe but still wants to keep control of Eastern Europe and get it closer to Russia and China, who America will become friendlier towards, and Georgescu :marseyhitler2: is meant to force Romania to play it's part in this plan. So, what where those accusations about him being a CIA/Mossad asset again? :marseydespair:

  • This didn't reassure anyone because Trump is already viewed as Putin's friend and OMG America is going to force us back under Russia, and how the frick is a shithole from Eastern Europe supposed to defend itself from the CIA and/or Mossad? Especially since our secret services, the ones supposed to protect us, seem to agree with all of this? At this point the general mood became depressed and fatalistic :marseydeadinside2:

  • Rumours started that RFK jr and Tucker Carlson will come to Romania to show support for Georgescu :marseyhitler2: Some journo even showed a letter from Murica's embassy in Romania with Trump's signature as proof. But nobody on murican side confirmed any of this. Later on, one of Trump's former campaign managers also hinted at coming to Romania for this but in a really vague way. Everyone was confused :marseyconfused:

  • A new :marseyauthright: party appeared for the parliamentary race, POT, considered Georgescu's :marseyhitler2: unofficial party. They had the exact same TikTok strategy as him, but if we can assume that Georgescu managed to hide long enough from the secret services through TikTok how did these guys slip through? Surely, at this point our secret services are aware of this electoral interference, right? Why aren't they stopping it? :marseyworried:

  • Leader of this new party visited Beijing at some point and promised that Romania will have closer ties with China if they win. Why is everyone trying to make us China's allies anyway, we didn't had much ties with them in the first place? :marseyconfused2:

  • Recounts start. Constitutional Court ordered all recounts to be done behind closed doors, with no camera or supervisors. Shit, it's happening, we're getting couped :marseydepressed: Ciolacu :marseysuit: entering the final round won't help anyone since his party is completely controlled by the secret services and he won't do anything to fight their plans. Basically between him and Georgescu :marseyhitler2: we're fricked no matter who wins :marseycrying:

  • Another handful of r-slurs gathered to protest but were quickly told to go home. Nothing else happened :marseylibleftgenocide:

  • Oh, and that part about Gerogescu :marseyhitler2: declaring zero donations and expenses? Turns out the institution responsible for checking up the candidates' campaign finances 'forgot' to publish the financial declarations for nearly a week, which is why his absurd declaration flied under the radar. Also, it's too late to do anything about it now, contestation time limit has long since passed :marseytroll:

  • But plot twists! Turn out RFK jr won't actually come to Romania, turn out Georgescu :marseyhitler2: wasn't even a member of the Club of Rome, just part of some affiliated organization, and the same thing happened with his UN membership. Wtf, does this guy even exists at this point? :marseywtf2: But wait! He was actually part of the UN... but no one knows who appointed him there in the first place :marseybeanquestion: Clearly this is some glowie shit and we already know he was a glowie and that he's supported by glowies :marseyglow:

The parliamentary elections :marseyridin:

  • These are actually the most important elections since the president barely has any power here. The parliament makes the laws. Candidate parties need to meet a certain voting threshold to win and the winners will make alliances with each other. While a dominant alliance that owns over 50% of the seats is preferred for a stable parliament we can have multiple smaller alliances negotiating each action, but that's a really unstable situation.

  • The recounts are still going. Everyone is stressed and demoralized. Why do we even bother to vote if the Constitutional Court will just throw away the results again? :marseytabletired2:

  • Turns out the other :marseysuit: party managed to get itself kicked out of the diaspora voting lists for not listing a woman candidate among their member lists. Funny lol r-slurs :marseylaugh: but once again, why is every happening favoring Georgescu :marseyhitler2: ?

  • Voting happens and the votes are counted. Because of PSD's :marseysuit: bullshit not everybody can vote in these elections (you need to vote in the place you live in, so students or workers who travel for their jobs are eliminated) and diaspora's votes barely count. So the results now are different. All three factions failed to reach a majority. No matter what, the parliament is split in three and they need to negotiate with each other to make a majority :marseyshrug:

  • Since diaspora's vote didn't count here PSD :marseysuit: got most votes and become the most important player. No matter what, they will join the ruling alliance, and again the parliament actually controls the country not the president. This could be good or bad depending on whether they are actually trying to coup the country or if they just want to keep being able to steal tax money (later one means that they won't pull us out of EU) :marseycapitalistmanlet: But if they ally with the :marseyauthright: parties and if Georgescu :marseyhitler2: wins the presidency and if Georgescu appoints Ciolacu :marseysuit: (or someone else from their party) as prime minister then together they will effectively control all parts of the country. And again, if the conspiracy theories with the secret services forcing us towards Russia is true then no one will be able oppose that plan :marseysulk:

  • Yet no one moved to make any alliance at this point since the recount haven't been finished and nobody even knows who can become president yet :marseywait:

Current situation! :marseymath:

  • The recounts are finally finished! :marseyyayyy: ...and nothing changed. All the panic and all the conspiracy theories were in vain. The second tour of the presidential elections will go without any changes - pro EU Lasconi :chadleftoid: vs pro-Russia Georgescu :marseyhitler2: Last voting session will still happen this weekend :marseyletsgo: But then what was the point of all this bullshit and chaos? :marseyhmmm: Best anyone can come up with is that PSD :marseysuit: tried to steal the first elections but either failed or waited to see how the parliamentary elections faired to settle on one strategy. And since they basically won the important election there's no point in remaking the first elections. Politicians :marseysigh:

  • Ciolacu :marseysuit: revealed that he won't actually step down as PSD's leader. What a surprise :marseyeyeroll: Everyone is waiting to see who PSD :marseysuit: will support both as president and as an ally for the parliament but they still haven't decided. Shit maybe they do actually want to ally with :marseyauthright: ?

  • Until this point our secret services still said absolutely nothing about the situation, so Lasconi :chadleftoid: finally gathered the courage to do something that should have been done since the beginning: ask them directly what the frick is happening here :marseyclapping: She made a petition for them to make public the files they have on Georgescu :marseyhitler2: Which they agreed (but only gave a rapport rather the actual files) :marseythumbsup:

  • It don't reveal much: some 'state actors' helped promote him on TikTok in a way that proved that they were very familiar with the algorithm and with how to keep themselves hidden from the state. The campaign had lots of similarities with the disinformation campaigns happening in Ukraine and the election interference happening in Moldova, both carried by Russia. But they don't name Russia as Georgescu's :marseyhitler2: backers directly. Still, it's clear that Russia was behind this right? The secret services just can't reveal everything and endanger national security, yeah? The cops have decided to finally start investigating Georgescu :marseyhitler2: and the media is calling him a traitor. Ciolacu :marseysuit: came out and officially said that he supports Lasconi :chadleftoid: for president and that his party will join with her party and the other :marseysuit: parties to form a pro- west parliamentary majority in order to block out the :marseyauthright: parties. It's finally over and Romania is saved :marseyrelieved:

  • Well, you see, it's too late to remove the russian asset from the presidential race since the contestation time window is over and we can't kick him out any longer :marseytroll: Yes, he might be a literal traitor trying to sell the country to Russia, so what? :marseydisconcerting:

  • Plus the files also revealed that the secret services were aware of Georgescu's :marseyauthright: campaign and his ties with Russia all this time. Good thing they aren't incompetent, right? I mean, they literally rule the country :marseyclueless: But then, why didn't they do anything until it was too late to kick him out of the race? Why the frick aren't them kicking him out now? He's a literal russian agent that betrayed his country to serve Russia and frick us all, surely there must be some exceptions to the 'too late' rule :marseyaware: The president knew too, and Ciolacu :marseysuit: (current prime minister) revealed that he was also aware of this but couldn't say anything since it was a state secret... but why didn't he at least throw his support for Lasconi :chadleftoid: earlier? He could have done this without revealing anything else... What is going on? Why isn't anyone doing anything? :marseywtf:

  • Besides, despite making an official alliance with the pro-EU parties, PSD :marseysuit: can still either break the alliance at a later date and join the :marseyauthright: parties, vote alongside the pro-Russia parties despite their promise, and even if Lasconi :chadleftoid: wins the parliament can force her out of her position and call for new elections. Plus the parliament is more important than the president and they have the biggest share of it... maybe those conspiracy theories were right after all? :marseydespair:

  • The police and other authorities said that they received no warning for Georgescu :marseyhitler2: no message or documents, nothing despite the secret services having files on him for who knows how long. They are just as shocked as anyone else. Even if they start investigating him now it might take awhile to arrest him. The elections might be done already. Sure, they could still cancel his mandate on treason charges, probably, but will they? And what does 'state actors' even means? It could just mean our secret services. And even if they specifically mean foreign state actors, we can go back to the CIA/Mossad conspiracy theory :marseyveryworriedfed:

  • Are we still getting couped? Do they care so little about our opinions that they will tell us straight to our face that we'll join Russia and that there's nothing we can do about it? :marseycry:

Today :hysterical:

I wrote all this yesterday, so here are the latest developments :marseydance:

  • Gergescu :marseyhitler2: is still in the race. Yes, there are hints that some secret services support Georgescu :marseyhitler2:, presumably the others are against him... hopefully :chudconcerned:

  • We have notified NATO, EU and our neighbours that there were hostile foreign interferences into our elections

  • A criminal investigation on him by multiple institutions has started, but it's unclear if it will help with anything. What will happen if he wins the election? :marseyquestion:

  • EU demanded TikTok to not delete his campaign data

  • The guy who demanded a recount came back and asked for both elections to be cancelled. Nobody knows what's his problem :marseyxd:

  • America asked us if we're ok. We still don't have an answer to this question.

  • No seriously, why aren't they arresting him yet? Why didn't they actually do anything all this time? :marseyveryworried:

So, this sunday I'll go vote in an election that might have it's winner already decided or might just get cancelled after the votes are counted :marseyexcited: An one of the candidates is an admittedly traitor to the country. And last week's elections might have been the last real elections I voted in, even if Georgescu :marseyhitler2: loses this is the perfect opportunity for PSD :marseysuit: to tighten it's control over the country even more :marseyfluffy: But the whole shitshow is still going strong so I'll keep you up to date :marseywave2:

Community Note by @sob

OP is a secret service glowie :marseyglow2: Do not engage

Helpful [69] Not Helpful [5]
Community Note by @Chapose

I just read hundred of words about this shit noone in the world cares about :bruh:

Helpful [49] Not Helpful [9]
Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : lmao i'm gonna start playing this game so I can burn ya - trans lives matter
  • Ubie : :carpcrying: :marseyflamethrower:
I keep being attacked and set on fire while I'm trying to fish off the back of my ship

!nms why are they like this

Reported by:
  • squorgly : put the adderall down and go to sleep holy shit
  • sob : take more aderall and don't sleep
EFFORTPOST :marseysteer: Wake up neighbors Syrian Civil War is fricking BACK :dumstickdancer:






WHAT THE FRICK IS GOING ON :marseyaaat#remble:

Around 2014, shortly before I went to prison, the civil war in Syria was very fun to follow - the Ukraine or Israel of its day but less normie. It was in the sweet spot between these wars - very well reported, slow, and with a couple of cohesive factions - and jiggaboo hijinks in Africa where there are dozens of factions, zero cohesiveness, minimal information, and rapid butt movements and upsets because Russians came or a white man got mad.

Then I got out and shit was boring again. ISIS was gone, the rebels were cucked, and Assad had mostly won. How'd that happen?

:marseyinvisible: 2011-2012: Humble beginnings

Bashar Assad, the Alawite leader of Syria, had brutally oppressed his people for many years. In Arab fashion, it took American glowies on X (at the time known as "twitter") to galvanize them into rebelling, which they did, mostly ineffectually, over 2011-2012.

Though their achievements were minimal, with every massacre and atrocity, Assad's grip over the population and business establishment weakened. This emboldened individuals and factions, and everyone (perceiving weakness) shifted from keeping their head down to aiming for a piece of the Syrian pie.

:marseyinvisible: 2013: Shit gets real

Red is Assad, supported by the Alawites (inhabiting the coast, mostly), secularish and nationalist Syrians, certain classes of society like Sunni businessmen who supported him pragmatically, various Sunnis in his patronage network, and regular people either coerced or cajoled into it.

He was backed by Iran in exchange for further influence, an open lane to supply its Shiite proxies, like Hezbollah (via Iraq), and as a geopolitical ally and counterweight to the western gulf states. Also, to a lesser extent, by Russia (who operate a port in Syria), China and other contrarians.

Green is almost everyone else: dozens of armed groups with grandiose names and wide-ranging political views, from moderate Islamists to hardcore Islamists. You think I'm kidding. No joke, every single Sunni Arab anti-Assad group at the time had some flavor of Islamic flavoring. The "moderate" guys wore short beards, listened to music and took American funds while beheading Alawites whereas the hardcore guys beheaded music listeners and moderates too :marseyladybugshrug:

The rebels held the suburbs - but not centers - of Damascus (capital) and Aleppo (second biggest city), the rural north (Sunni and neglected under Assad) and various positions in between. They were supported by wealthy gulf donors, Turkey, who gave them a free hand to cross the border and engage in commerce, and western powers like America and Europe. Like any non-state group they engaged in their fair share of smuggling, petty crime, taxation and tolls.

Yellow are the Kurds, who varied politically and religiously but always put their Kurdishness first. Initially, they were anti-Assad due to years of oppression, etc. but seeing how the Islamists treated them turned them more pragmatic. Poor guys, nobody except Israel likes them :(

There were also some Druze in the south, under the green faction for convenience.

:marseyinvisible: 2014: Rise-is of ISIS

Some ex-al Qaeda members in Iraq, battle-hardened and bored, saw an opportunity in the power vacuum to free Sunnis from Assad, which in practice became freeing them from their more lenient Sunni overlords (rebel militias proving an easier target than a theoretically professional army). Within a few months, they bulldozed most of the Syrian rebel factions in the east, turning their sights onto and humiliating Iraq as well.

At their height that winter ISIS was wrecking Arab armies everywhere and about to demolish Kobane / Ayn al Arab (one of the three Kurdish cantons). They did so much nasty shit there's no point in mentioning or cataloging it. IIKYK, if not, have a listicle I haven't read from google. Many locals felt some kinda way about their behavior but couldn't do much without getting beheaded. However, besides a huge number of foreign volunteers from shitholes like Chechnya and Tunisia, they also had local support from true believers, Shia-haters and those who appreciated unified governance over the mess of squabbling factions which had preceded it.

The Western reaction was wholly negative, so much so that even stodgy bureaucrats, Assad opponents, and kumbaya-singing libcucks from cowardly first world nations were galvanized into action. In September, 26 countries met in Paris and agreed to started bombing ISIS heavily; the US also bullied Turkey into letting the Kurds take their shit back.

:marseyinvisible: 2015: Meh

Not much changed this year. Besides Kurdish successes, the rebels took Idlib and consolidated in the south with the Druze. Most of the rebel-Assad line of battle was very low intensity, like Ukraine today. Neither side had the manpower, weaponry or supplies to engage in a more serious manner. In Iraq, the jihadis suffered multiple serious defeats by Shiite paramilitaries and the army.

I'm mostly not covering other name and branding changes in this article but (since it might come up later) in exchange for American support the Kurds accepted some token Arab groups and rebranded as the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in October.

:marseyinvisible: 2016: Two more weeks

There was a ceasefire most of the first half of the year, everyone focussing on beating ISIS. You'll notice a large green swath in the south: a Jordanian-trained, Western-aligned, U.S.-led opposition group. When the greenbacks started coming in, they spun off from the Allahu Akbar brigade, traded bobbing their heads 5 times a day for a pair of raybans and never looked back. No bullshit, check the article, their predecessor organization was literally called that. 'Moderates' :marseyaware:

They remain there to this day.

The latter part of the year offensives ramped up against the jihadis.

:marseyinvisible: 2017: Bye-SIS

Mainly Assad and the Kurds benefitted from pushing ISIS' shit in, with the exception of that small green slice up north: Erdogan's belated decision to establish a direct Turkish proxy instead of broadly supporting the opposition. That said, progress was slow as mutual enemies proceeded cautiously. That changed in July, when America and Russia agreed to a ceasefire to focus on the jihadis. Crucially, America agreed to stop funding and supplying most rebel groups. By then, ISIS had lost the north side of the Euphrates and many key positions, but still retained their capital, Raqqa, and significant territory within Syria and Iraq.

By the end of the year that was gone too. The terrorists were defeated, and all they'd accompished in the long run was a transfer of Sunni Arab land to Alawites and Kurds.

:marseyinvisible: 2018: Tits-urkey and Butt-ad

Turkey was pissed off at the success the Kurds were having and the fact PKK (Kurdish rebels from Turkey) fighters were a large part of the Kurdish army. Also, 3 to 4 million Syrian refugees had fled to Turkey, where they were causing societal issues !chuds and !nooticers might recognize. Consequently, they invaded Ifrin (the leftmost canton), kicked out the Kurds and resettled many refugees there.

Meanwhile Assad took the opportunity to wipe out any rebel pockets left south of Idlib/Aleppo. By and large, he seemed the biggest winner of a multi-year debacle which had left hundreds of thousands dead, an economy destroyed, and many millions fled in all directions, but Assad still in office and in control of the majority of the country and its population, and in negotiations with the Kurds, who'd earned some crucial respect and were angling for autonomy (obviously, independence was a non-starter, given the small size of Syrian Kurdistan, hostile neighbords, lack of port and the presence of Arab factions within the SDF).

:marseyinvisible: 2019: Sunni shenanigans

You'll notice a splotch of c*m on the green; over the course of the year, HTS (a Salafi Islamist group that had, unlike ISIS, renounced global jihad) mostly subdued other rebels in the Idlib area. I haven't mentioned inter-rebel fighting in the interests of brevity and sanity but you should know Wikipedia acerbically calls this the "fifth inter-rebel conflict." Keep that in mind when @sandkwinn and other 80-iq antisemites call for pan-Arabism, peace with Hamas, and the like. Arabs couldn't peacefully unify in a single PROVINCE while having 1. the exact same ideology, religion and langage and 2. least two, maybe four serious external enemies in common including a bloodthirsty tyrant and the world's worst terrorist organization.

Also, Turkey expanded their foothold in the east to a 30-km "buffer zone." The Kurds reacted by letting Assad's troops in to reestablish their presence alongside SDF forces throughout much of northern Syria. Notably, throughout the whole war, Turkey refused to consider a full invasion of Syria or direct, serious confrontation with Assad (for boring reasons), so this was basically ensuring an end to Turkish incursions in exchange for letting Assad back in the hen house.

In October, Trump's Navy SEALs capped Baghdadi in Idlib. The world rejoiced.

:marseyinvisible: 2020: :flame#thrower2: :marseyturkroach:

Assad, with serious Russian support, pushed up on Idlib, and the Kurds let him operate in even more of their territory. Dozens of Turks got merked by the Russians (probably on accident), causing a diplomatic rift and retaliatory bombing of Syrian gov't positions.

:marseyinvisible: 2021-2024: Nothing ever happens

The frontlines stabilized and fossilized, most direct conflict ending.

Sanctions of Assad's economy caused him to increasingly rely on the production and distribution of Captagon (meth / adderall type stim) to the gulf for foreign currency. Deciding their shit wasn't fricked enough, G-d sent them some earthquakes.

The Kurds mostly acknowledged Assad's suzerainty in case of a war with Turkey while retaining their militias and local administration. Occasional skirmishes against the Syrian Army and between Kurds and Arabs within the SDF continued.

HTS "unified" Idlib - in the bare minimum sense that the 11 other factions there acknowledged their superior position while remaining independent - and started professionalizing their army, integrating drones and shit.

The American proxies sit in the desert guarding a CIA listening post and the only direct road from Baghdad to Damascus.

Everyone got bored and stopped checking r/syriancivilwar.


UNTIL THIS WEEK :mars!#eyscream:

:marseyinvisible: Wednesday, November 27th

Neighbors in the loop saw on X that HTS had launched a small offensive in the villages west of Aleppo, catching a mostly-demobilized Syrian army by surprise and capturing a few bases, some dozens of soldiers, vehicles and equipment commensurate with a raid of that size.

Most tweets are already deleted but there were some fun vids of them beating captives, a dead Russian or two, spoils of war etc. Nobody thought anything of it. We're all used to these shitty little propaganda raids from two-bit outfits in BIPOC parts of the world like Myanmar and Ukraine. You'd have to be mainling copium to expect anything more given the shit performance of the rebels the past decade and a half... right?

:marseyinvisible: Thursday, November 28th

I was busy mowing the lawn, trimming trees and hedges, weeding, cleaning out the AC drain and, like all Americans, having Thanksgiving dinner. Turkey, not Syria, was on my mind.

Turkey was on the Syrian National Army's mind too, which is to say they were grateful Turkey did not take advantage of the fact HTS was overrunning their entire shit west of Aleppo, maybe the only bright side of the debacle so far. It seems the consolidation of the past few years paid off - HTS used better equipment, were better trained, and had drones and operators never before seen in sandshit outside Israel. The advance showed no signs of stopping.

Suheil al-Hasan was spotted near the front - the pro-Russian commander of the "elite" Tiger Forces and somewhat of a civil war celebrity.

They reached within 7km of Aleppo's center, killing and plundering on the way. Many Syrian army guys got caught with their pants down - an Arab specialty, to whom discipline outside of active combat is a foreign concept.

It looks like they knocked off an Iranian general...

Meanwhile the Turks and Kurds got spooked...

:marseyinvisible: Friday, November 29th

HTS continued their excursion in Aleppo:

Freeing their neighbors (and some hos) from the torture prisons:

Capturing mad shit:

And the police HQ:

Laughable showing by Assad honestly.

Most importantly, THEY TOOK THE CITADEL! This dumb butt castle or something was held by the regime the entire fricking war. It's almost unbreachable (by middle eastern standards) if properly defended. Big propaganda coup for the rebs.

:marseyinvisible: The future...?

Are Islamists (HTS), Turkey (SNA) and the Kurds (SDF) - the most unlikely allies - really going to campaign together against Assad? After 13 years during which zero cooperation took place between anyone, including at times when a slight intervention by, say, Turkey or Israel would have toppled the dictator? Or is this all hype and nothing ever happens? Will Assad counterattack with Russian or Iranian help and kick these neighbors back to Idlib?


No one knows :shmleep:

P.S. @DWHITE___________DYNAMITE please teach your mans how to spell drumstick


gigachad baby mogs attention whore foid

!thotpatrol !babykillers

Ukraine war news: New Kursk offensive confirmed by Zelenskyy

You won't believe what happened

Russian retreated a bit to let Ukrainian…

wait for it


A new pocket

Novosilka wasn't enough with a 100% wipe

Ukraine continues to having more pockets

This map seems to also now updating slow

Since Russian mod report of capturing after reinforcements has arrived

According to Zelenskyy, a "significant number" of enemy troops were destroyed. He gave no details but said the losses were in the hundreds.


Russia's Ministry of Defense said Saturday that it had repelled a Ukrainian counterattack in the Kursk region.

Russia said Friday its forces had captured the mining town of Toretsk in their latest breakthrough in eastern Ukraine's Donetsk region, where Ukrainian defenses are creaking. Ukrainian officials did not confirm the report.

I just love how the reporters sucker punch it

But let's ask our expert that knows everything Ukraine is doing is right:


Since invasion of Kursk where Ukraine gained around 1400 km and now holding 400km and a town Sudzha with pre conflict population of 5000 people.

Ukraine lost those town with population over 10000 people: Kurakhove, Selydove, Hirnyk, Vuhledar, New York, Pivnichne, Ukrainsk, Krasnohorivka, Novohrodivka and of course Toretsk

You see that's why I love khohols they rush to lower the population of towns they are about to lose. I respect it and I am understandable so

So it's a 31k city.

And those clowns doing it other wise with Sudzha

They writing its population is 6k


So @rdramamademegay was it worth holding 400km of basically rural farm land in Kursk while losing land in the most populated and mineral rich region ? I ask pure rational question no need for emotional answers.

There is very good reason why Trump asking Zelenskyy to leave Kursk since Putin told there won't be any peace talk until Ukrainian are in Kursk and this month Ukraine is about to lose more than 400km in Kharkiv. Putin can get that land back when he wants and while Ukraine send its best men to Kursk and launches reckless offensive in zone where they are now outnumbered is a great gift for Putin in an attrition war.

Also here funny event

This week Korean soldiers left

But Ukraine offensive failed and they getting owned so this weekend

North Korean returned


@rdramamademegay Fact check this genius

/r/redscarepod: Very cool very funny


Top upmarseyd comment:

This admin will turn me into a west wing watching lib. wtf is this man.

An administration just made up of idiots and rage

Ye makes his most disturbing tweet yet: he likes TLOU2 :marseyyeezus::marseygameritsover:

@Xkong can I get a version of this Marsey choking Carp

Average redditor wife


I frequently mention in front of my straight white male husband that straight white men need a tall collective glass of shut the frick up and listen.

He agrees and mostly does. I meet him in the middle and only watch about a half hour of news/commentary a day. Let's face it, whatever comes about with Sweet Potato Hitlers plans, he will be impacted the least of the two of us. He is with me when I'm crying for the fear and pain of this time and I'm with him as he finds how horribly deep the rabbit hole goes. He knows he'll never be able to fully be in my position or the position of the Navajo who are being detained.

But he listens.

Foid gets two month old stepdaughter jailed for domestic violence


Hahahahaha hahahahaha

Muzzies are such innocent babies if only hondas didn't corrupt them

You have to wonder where support for this bs comes from. It victimizes foids as much as moids, usually any family nearby is included in complaint to increase harassment. It's probably easiest of the turbo tarded laws to change but it's like all public discussion is verboten beyond inkwell circles.


highlights from this thread include:

yeah this super scary d&d nerd who wants to make america a monarchy is why you MUST vote blue no matter who

this very stable guy posts exclusively in rsp subs and /r/oldergenz

you have 30k comment karma in rsp subs over a few months

redditor of 6 years calmed down because federal bureaucrats didn't quit :marseymonk:

this cute twink actually unironically trotted out the "prep for tuesday" bit from /r/twoxpreppers lol

the usual callbacks to 2016-2020

autism man is going to use your social security number to launder money to buy video game items

its all so tiresome

The YAAASSSS KANGing of Kendrick Lamar continues; Rich-And-Vibrant-Culture posting is back and more (literally) neurodivergent than ever before.


Me when a black stripper named Shaquanda twerks on my peepee. (it's a symbol of liberation)

Assorted roasts and reactions:

!chuds !BIPOCs

OP in r/bayarea has been getting flipped off and hail hitler'd a lot; redditors respond


Tell me about your favorite youtube channels (ideally < 400k subscribers) and I'll add them to snappy... Only comment if your peepee is > 8 inches.


Can't stop thinking about her.

Almost as if it isn't actually child safety that they care about



This is how she set up the board:

This is how it should be normally set up:

Its typical for new people in chess to mix up the placement of king and queen in middle, but its another level of blunder to mix the knights and bishops, which indicates you havent played a single game in your life.

Seems Elon is not picking the brightest genes for his infant farm.

Fun game for dramatards! :carpbounce: :marseydudesrock:

you didn't post for 5 days and made peter griffin die
bruh i need help. my kindle is jailbroken and i have to setup ssh connection to android for file transfer. how do i execute it?


Thursday - Cross Out the Eyes

Might be my favorite Thursday song <3

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