r/LegalAdviceUK - Falsely accused of spitting on the street

Hello, I was walking from one of the stations to the gym and I was stopped and accused of spitting on the street by an officer from the council. I was quite shocked about the accusation as I didn't do anything remotely close to what was mentioned. The officer said that I bent down and spit on the street.

I was fuming and did my best to compose myself. I was given a fixed penalty notice and wondering what my options are? I did manage to get the photo of the officers badge.

What are my options? Looks like I can't appeal formally and would have to take it to court?

whaddo u guys think about this law? Are street spitters no good hooligans, is it worse than stabbing people, or is it over for the bongs. Personally i don't see how a street that brits walk on is deserving of any respect

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  • X : /h/chinchilla
Post your FDS Kitty Ka-WEEEEEENS

GIRL 👏 KITTIES 👏 ONLY 👏 (jk all kitties allowed 🥰)


More discussion in this thread :marseyschizowall:

With very little research, a lot of people are blaming an Aaron Peters, someone who has supposedly been filing false DMCAs for sport for years. One of the affected copyright infringers did a deep dive.

The major consensus is that Garry fell for a ruse, but who knows

Who dunnit


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

It was 20 years ago. And if you're a good actor people will get over it. He said racist shit but he's not as bad as a ton of people in Hollywood. It would be so interesting to see Seinfeld and Richards get together for one last series. (334)

A lot of murderers haven't killed as many people as Hitler, but they're still murderers. Your argument is dumb.Edit: Lot of people missing my point and defending a racist because he made them laugh once. Nice. It is very easy to go through your life without calling anyone the N word. (-106)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

It was 20 years ago. And if you're a good actor people will get over it. He said racist shit but he's not as bad as a ton of people in Hollywood. It would be so interesting to see Seinfeld and Richards get together for one last series. (334)

While that is true, I don't think that means we should forgive him (esp. since he's done nothing to make amends). I think it just shows all the more why we need to hold the scum in Hollywood accountable for their actions. (-37)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Can't really know how racist someone is inside. He got angry at audience members talking 20 years ago and definitely acted racist and dropped a million N bombs. Go watch Dave Chappelle's laugh factory episode on the same stage afterward, it's awesome. Guy screwed up, but people do. (44)

All of us have screwed up at one point or another. Although, I have never yelled the N word because I was annoyed...Whole lot of handwaving going on here. (-21)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I've gone back and forth wonder whether he said it because he is/was a seething racist normally able to hide his true feelings, or because he is spoiled and immature and thought it was the most hurtful thing he could say. But, I realized that the result is the same whether he's a racist "at heart" or not. He used racist language and his position of power in the moment and as a white man to belittle a black man. He may or may not walk around with racist thoughts threatening to spill out every moment, but he certainly was willing and able to fire a racist comedic weapon. Does doing a racist thing always mean somebody a racist?* Probably not, but the hurt and harm it causes is the same either way. To that end, all the attention was put on the figuring out his feelings and not the feelings of those that were hurt by what was said and who said it. *Is a loan officer a racist if they just need a paycheck and have no control over lending algorithms they've come to realize are bias... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Cancel culture is so weird. I still haven't forgiven Chris Brown for beating rhiana, but racism I can get over. Louis ck sexually assaulted other women by exposing himself and idc anymore, but I didnt find him as funny anymore either. When we find out someone cheated on their spouse, the world seems to go to shit on them but I'm just here not caring cus its not my business or illegal. There's no standard to this. Cancelculture is relative to public opinion and applied by the those in charge. People tried to cancel dave, which I found ignorant of them, and Netflix basically told them to go frick themselves lol. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Yes, let's just pass judgment on everyone based on their worst moment. Ignore everything else! Are you 12 years old??? Do you also look at yourself through that lens, or do you give yourself a pass?  (1)

No? It's just that some people's worst moments are so bad that everything else they do don't make up for it.If someone's worst moment is being rude while stressed but always a great person otherwise, they are most likely considered a great person.If someone's worst moment is murdering people while stressed but always a great person otherwise, they are most likely considered a murderer.If your worst moment makes you do something a lot worse than other people could ever imagine themselves doing, then your worst moment is probably bad enough for you to be judged by that a lot more heavily.If you don't understand that, you're probably the one who's 12. (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/SnowHurtsMeFace

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+2🐮)

Number of comments: 32

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

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:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

It Chapter One, It Chapter Two

It Chapter One

Altogether a pretty cool film. Some characters were too one dimensional such as the bad dad whose only personality traits were either creepy or angry. And the 80s kids riding around on bikes thing was :marseysleep:. But the impressive parts were that it didn't rely on cheap tricks to be spooky. I liked how they still managed to have scary scenes even while it was daylight and while the characters were surrounded by other people, opposed to the usual getting split up in the darkness.

It Chapter Two

This one was odd. The first mistake they made was that they just copypasted the personalities of a bunch of 13 year olds onto middle aged adults. Apparently no one grew up or changed or anything in 27 years. Eddie was especially weird to watch. His character came across like some parody of a teenage girl in the skin of a 40 year old man.

The second mistake is that they noticed that people liked Richie's jokes from the first film and did what shitty writers always do: completely miss the point of what makes that character funny and just have him spew stupid one liners for the whole film. idk if they noticed Marvel's success at that time or what but all the misplaced jokes had the same effect they do in Marvel films. They completely kill the tension, or generally flatten emotion so every scene feels silly and superficial.

I don't think the creator must have actually had any adult relationships in his life because the whole dynamic between the characters was weird. The tone was all over the place, romantic scenes out of nowhere, stupid jokes every few lines, deaths taking a whole two minutes to get over before everyone's happy and laughing again and etc

They attempted the spooky scenes in daylight again but failed to build any tension so it wasn't scary at all and felt more like watching Ghostbusters or something.

Pennywise as a villain is a cool character and was acted well but was kind of wasted in this one.

MasterLawlz dox. Find and harass him in real life please and thank you, internet hate machine.
Biofoids? More like Cryofoids 😴😴😴



This is what they had in mind I'm sure. Some gay little thing where they could do tiktok dances at each other.

Very cute.

It isn't turning out how they hoped.

Maybe we get another HWNDU out of this.

Girl bullies an neurodivergent kid and twitter starts literally calling for her brutal murder

I found a statement from the little boy's mom. He didn't almost die. He had some bruises and he was upset (and also a little bit of a kitty imo I guess there's a more video where she's pretty rough with him).

Somehow this story has morphed into multiple broken bones, a broken spine, and near death.

People are of course handling it well

Very normal behavior here

:marseyragingtyping: :marseyragingtyping: :marseyragingtyping:

Okay that one's true

Not satisfied with prison for the girl and her mom, this morally righteous crusader wants her in jail and crippled. The girl is 14 btw

"People said"




People have been doxxing her and her family, of course

I've barely touched the surface of just how absolutely apeshit people are going over this

More threads I've tracked down

All the videos of the bullying:

Did I mention this girl is 14? Grown dudes fantasizing about curb stomping little girls lmao wtf

That picture had her home address, family member's names, name of her school, and parents cars including license plate numbers

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  • Newfriend : /h/polarama arcticcel yakubear cope
:marseywrongthonk: :marseynooticeglow: :marseyhmmm: :marseyhmm: :marseythonk: :marseynoooticer: :marseygigathonk:
Shaving the dog

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