:marseyitsover: the jury finds darrell brooks guilty on all 76 counts

it truly is over now

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Wearing an Internet hate symbol at my school bus driver job
Reported by:
  • Pizzashill-2 : R*PE R*PE R*PE R*PE R*PE R*PE R*PE R*PE R*PE R*PE R*PE R*PE R*PE R*PE
Let's go Marsey!

This Marsey came to me in a flash and I had to stop everything I was doing until it was done

Reported by:
new rule: groomercord users will now be banned on sight


Reported by:
  • BimothyX2 : Unfunny, uninteresting and unrelated to drama

idk if that's his actual doxx but still funny :#marseyrofl:

Reported by:
  • NearDramatica : this is bullshit but i upvoted because i <3 marsey
  • DickButtKiss : Marsey is a f*ggot n*gger
  • zombiecel : you take that back!
  • - : what the frick jannies DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS MARSEYMISIA
Upvote this post if you like Marsey :marseylove: Ignore this post if you hate her :marseysulk:


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Man buys over a million cds, Vinyls, and cassettes from a failed company in an attempt to start the company over again. Abandons his family and buys and moves into a warehouse in another state in one of the most violent cities in America. Spends over half a million dollars to get cockblocked by the city for zoning violations and gets robbed over 30+ times. He sneeds about the city and it's inhabitants on twitter documenting his journey. He's also trying to build a fusion reactor and a science museum in the city

MY CASSETTES! :#!soycry:


Murfie was a startup company that focused on the digitization of physical media into digital media. People would send their CDs, Vinyls, and cassettes, which the company would store in their warehouse and rip the contents onto their own platform for people to stream. Murfie even allowed people to buy and sell with other users on their platform.

During sometime during early November, the company asked all of it's current customers to make sure they renewed their current subscription before November 17th. No more than 5 days later, the company sent out an email to it's customers saying that the compnay was ceasing all operations including the website. This abrupt shutdown shocked everyone, that even that former CEO had one idea what had happened .

The situation only continued to spiral out of control. Murfies ToS had a clause that promised its customers that they would return all of their physical media in the case the company shut down (For a small shipping fee of course :marseymerchant:), but with all of their services down, customers had no way of getting back their cassettes and cds. In total, there were close to a million CDs, cassestes, and Vinyls left somewhere in limbo. Unsurprisingly, people were soying out about this:

😢 Our first “startup” client was Murfie. We’re super proud of being part of their story, and our world is better off because of their music-ownership-focused journey.

They have my 100+ cd's and $1000+ dollars. nothing to be proud of if they leave people in a lurch.

At this point everyone had lost hope that they wouldn't get their stuff back. Until one determined man showed up.

John Fenley :#marseyautism:

John Fenley is an investor, landchad, family man and an autist for music. When he heard the news of Murfie going out of business he stepped up immediately and offered to buy the remaining digital collection.

It wasn't his first venture into this type of busines. Fenley had a similar business that to Murfie that he started years ago, but was unable to find investors for his company. But this a second chance for him, because he knew what he could do it right this time. This was his white whale.

Shortly after, Fenley sold about 150k dollars worth of stock he received from another company and purchased an abandoned warehouse in Pine Bluff, Arkansas.

Before we continue let's discuss Pine Bluff for those unfamiliar with it. The only aspect you really need to know about Pine Bluff is that it makes third world shitholes look like a paradise in comparison. Let us look at some statistics to truly understand it :marseychartscatter:

Homicide rate:

Pine Bluff had 29 homicides in 2021. Pine Bluff had 23 murders in 2020 - a rate of 56.5 murders per 100,000 people. The national average was 6.5 murders per 100,000 people in 2020

Poverty Rate:

The per capita income for the city was $17,334. About 24.3% of families and 30.6% of the population were below the poverty line, including 45.6% of those under age 18 and 13.7% of those age 65 or over.


A fairly dangerous city to say the least. But, Im guessing at the time Fenley didn't understand this and would come across many problems in his journey for his whale.

The journey :#marseypirate:

Fenley has been documenting his adventure on twitter. These tweets are mostly in chronological order, but these aren't all of his tweets. You can check out Fenleys twitter account to see his full journey, but im just going to show some of the highlights.

Right off the bat, Fenley has issues with the Pine bluff city hall fining him for building violations:

Was handed this today by PineBluff zoning. Apparently semi truck trailers, shipping containers, and tents aren't allowed anywhere in the city. Even in industrial and commercial zones. Is this real? Just shut down the whole town.

He eventually meets with the mayor to discuss his future prospects but that ends up going nowhere:

Was handed this at the end of my meeting with the Mayor of cityofpinebluff. It's basically an eviction order barring me from living on property I own. I told them I would not leave the #Murfie containers unguarded regardless of their threats. Meeting did not go well.

I should mention too, that Fenley is also trying to turn the warehouse into a science museum and that he's attempting to build a fusion reactor :marseymushroomcloud:

I was playing around with a GPU accelerated Penning Trap simulator we are building to help understand my fusion reactor and came up with a very weird idea based on what I was seeing when I start with a flat disc of particles.

Tragically for Fenley, the PineBluff goverment are a bunch of chuds that don't trust the science:

What kind of city government tries to prevent someone from opening a science museum?

Fenleys frustrations with the city government only continue to grow:

Pine Bluff just seems to want to tear everything down. All they know here is destruction. It's amazing to me that they act like this. Can you imaging any other city working so hard to bulldoze houses? They don't want anyone to fix things.

The downward spiral only continues for Fenley:

Had another break in at the warehouse yesterday. This time they were able to open all 4 containers. They stole the security system, 2 telescopes, 2 turbo molecular pumps and other high vacuum equipment tools, welders, RC toys, sculptures, etc. Murfie media seems mostly OK

He does offer a $3 bounty to whoever catches those robbers :marseybountyhunter:

Had over $20,000 worth of equipment stolen last Saturday. Putting a bounty on catching the crooks.

They never catch them lmao

I never could have imagined that I would have to lock up all my valuables, and carry a loaded pistol with me, to feel safe walking to the bathroom at night in my own home.

Fenley also starts sneeding at the police for being shit at their job:

I think we need to change the way the police in this town are paid. I say double the budget, but every time a crime happens, the police pay the victims to make them whole until they reach 75% of their current pay. Let's see how fast that stops crime.

Despair grows inside Fenley:

PineBluff is a cesspit. What do I do? I've put about half a million into trying to get started here, but I can't get anything done. I only have about $100k left to work with, and that's not going to buy much anywhere else. I will not put Murfie media in rented space again.

I should mention that Fenley is also married and has kids that live in another state. It appears that he's somewhat abandoned them in pursuit of his dream.

Surprise... I was robbed again in PineBluff today.

7 days later... :marseywait:

Robbed again! WTF! Pinebluff 2 guys in sniper gear and gloves came and robbed me again this morning. I've lost track of how many times I've been robbed. I'm seriously going crazy.

Several hours later.... :marseywait:

Twice in one day... called 911 immediately. I went out and had the guy on the ground at gunpoint. Police were on site in 6 minutes.

Would you believe I was robbed again?


Febley is also is his own security guard too. He'll often confront those on his property with a gun of couse:

Robbed again? Seriously?

Fenley called the cops on the guy in the above video, and the police actually arrested him! But the guy was quickly released from jail and came back to Fenleys warehouse:

And they let the guy go, and surprise, he came back again today.

PineBluff happening right now. Two thieves were scoping my place out with this U-Haul filled with thievery tools. I had them at gunpoint but they ran away.

Three kids seeing if they can steal stuff. Just another day in PineBluff.

The constant stress continues to pile on our neurodivergent Ishmael:

3 years ago today I read an article that changed my life. Murfie had shut down and all the media they stored was headed to the dump unless a miracle happened. I stepped in to try to save the situation, but being stuck in containers for 3 years isn't much better. I'm so sorry.

I should clarify that he's basically living at the warehouse fulltime to ensure that one is trying to rob it. At least one has ever tried taking his security cameras:

PineBluff this is why I hate this town.


Can anyone tell from the sound what kind of gun I just heard firing shots outside my warehouse?

Fenley has been here for 3 years at this point and still hasn't been murdered somehow

I nominate PineBluff for "Most Purge -like" town. Criminals here have learned that nobody will stop them, and they won't pay any consequences for their behavior.I actually wonder if the city is complicit in this. Lack of investigation and prosecution is tacit approval.


Good movie reference!

I was having a pretty heated argument with somebody last night over a truck that they stole from me, and I'm pretty sure they burned one of my houses down. #PineBluff

Hopefully 2023 brings better luck to our hero

Not 4 hours into the new year and I'm already injured while dealing with an intruder. 2023 is off to a great start!

Its never going to get better for him


So far that's Fenleys entire story. An interesting one to say the least. Hopefully he doesn't get murdered so we can get more updates on his pursuit of happiness. Fenley doesn't look like he's giving up on PineBluff yet, since he's bought over 75 properties in the city so far. I truly hope he does catch his white whale one day

Thanks for reading!


EFFORTPOST Orange Father releases his MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT and fans are not pleased

He hyped this up yesterday with a short capeshit themed post so his followers have spent 24 breathless hours speculating what it could be about. Healthcare plan? 2024 running mate? The final and complete destruction of the deep state?

Negative Ghost rider, the holding pattern is full. It's $99 Trump themed NFT trading cards lmao


The .losers aren't happy

This is fricking r-slurred


I love Trump, and will support him until he stops fighting. But Americans are hurting, starving, rampant crime is harming our people, our wealth is being stripped, our livelihoods and businesses have been crushed. The best I can offer is a $100 Collect Trump Card 🖕🏻


Now I’m embarrassed I scolded my husband this morning because he wasn’t excited about a big announcement.

Lol foids posting Ls

This is a joke right? Please tell me this is a joke!!!

Yes and it's frickin hilarious

@realdonaldtrump released his NFT collection and I bought one without thinking. Good lord we are so far from the bottom.

Are you though? Feels like you might be close

There's a lot more cope and seethe and predictions here.

rConservative isn't feeling the NFT card hype either

This is one of the cringiest things I've ever seen. I hope one of the cards is of Trump jumping the shark.

The entire collection is “jumping the shark”

![]( fans disclose their major disappointment

From Lavern again (she's really upset):

I love Trump but our country is being r*ped and pillaged. I need more than this from the leading Presidential candidate for 2024. Don’t play with our emotions.


Wait…. So it’s a “Digital Trading Card” but you have a “limited supply”??

Supply and demand bby

Please tell me this is troll and the real major announcement will come later today.

Sorry Kittypoop, only the first part is true

I think he's trolling the media to prove he can get their attention, but this will be mocked (as usual) by them. Part of the game I guess.


Super Alpha Male Nick Adams weighs in

Yes, I am purchasing the entire collection of President Trump’s digital trading cards.

No, I will not apologize for it.


Only Nick could turn it back around on the leftoids so that they become the copers and the seethers

OH MY FRICKING GOD TRUMP'S MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT IS DIGITAL TRADING CARDS FEATURING HIS OWN BIG DUMB STUPID PUMPKIN FACE and holy shit he's selling them for a hundred bucks I shit you not. I wish I was making this up. and the rubes are going to eat this shit right up

And only Jeff could make NFTs seem cool by comparison.

Announcement video

I am going to buy Shoe some Trump trading cards for Christmas


BakedAlaska be like "I'm going to jail for this?!?

Wait hold up….. that MAJOR announcement we were all waiting for is literally Trump trading cards… 🤦🏼‍♂️

Meanwhile, Ye is preaching the Bible & defending J6 victims….. this is why Trump can’t win in 24.

Felineshit is coping hard:

My 3 guesses of Trump's big announcement today were ...

  1. Getting back on Twitter.
  1. Picked a VP.
  1. Leaving the worthless Republican Party to form a 3rd party- patriot party.

Introducing Donald Trump digital playing cards wasn't even on my bingo card. 😂


Trump just became the first presidential candidate in American history to accept crypto for political donations. Many more will follow! #Dogecoin


I literally predicted this lmao:

i can’t believe i’m going to jail for an nft salesman 😔

Many Suit Cases!
Normies are confused and enraged by an RDrama post about Elon :marseybluecheck: :marseybluecheck: :marseybluecheck: :marppy:

This is the article -

Twitter analytics tells me 230 people clicked the link :marseyxd:

This is - far and away - the most interactions I've gotten on a tweet by autodrama. Thanks @SmallFestiveNips for bringing rdrama to the masses :marseywholesome:


To refer to Elon Musk as an "African King" is an insult to Africans... - 6 likes

but he is :marseyconfused:

Admiral of the Incel Fleet. You can lick the decks and squeeze the sails ⛵️ 😉

white people go two minutes without sexualizing politics (impossible)

He never could be king , Kings are Warriors that raise to the top ,he is no warrior he abandoned his country, when he had to serve in the military supposedly because he doesn’t want to serve under apartheid ,now he has his own kind of suppression!!

just fricking lol

Don’t forget he is just clone of Trump - narcissist but worse as unlike trump who was a Traitor born in US . He was born in Canada so far worse

He is a traitor because he was born in a different country. Don't think that's how it works king

You call anyone a King you do not like. LOVE IT>

This guy gets it

Reported by:
actual in-house drama doe666_ verification

hi i literally hav no fricking idea how this site works or if this is even a good verification photo (happy to verify anyway i can) but a few ppl sent it to me regarding plsnope/carly stealing my content and using my photos. just wanted to pop in and confirm she is in fact NOT a real person (or me) and has been stalking and stealing my photos for years at this point. she gets caught then goes by a new user every time. sorry to anyone she scammed :/

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BASED :marseythumbsup: rdrama's pro slavery and human trafficking statement

slavery is so cool :marseyfluffy:

Reported by:
  • 2DBussy : ^ :marseytrain2: seethe
  • Goomble : All rules can and likely will be ignored at the discretion of the janitorial staff.

MINOR UPDATE: Srdines smugpost over the whole thing; users with millions of Reddit karma tut tut about terminally online jannies

Shit is popping off and n8 is going out with a bang. Here is his thread wherein he admits to doing what he could to break as many of @Merari’s mops as possible before leaving:

Which is apparently what this blossoming mop war is about.

This is coming to a head a few days after the Kiwis doxxed Merari (his name is Joost for God’s sake) which you can read about here:

Snappy in that thread should have an archive of the Farms post since KF is still down until later today. It’s a ride.

This is all presumably coming to a head because of Merari’s well-documented, passionate, months-long defense of child rapist Aimee Challenor.

Slack leaks coming soon, will flair thread when updated. Wanna get this posted rn so the Reddit post can be archived.




TW: MELODRAMA :violin:








Killhacks, whose tongue is permanently lodged up Merari’s butt, has noticed this thread almost immediately. Make an account and talk to us babe :marseyblowkiss: SEE UPDATE #3


Hey Femilip - it’s not n8. You can see cuz there’s a reply to his ping in one of the screens and it doesn’t have that tasteful green (yellow? am colorblind :marseygigaretard:) highlight. Also, timestamps. Both are relatively easily falsified, yeah, but I really don’t have time for that and I’m offended at the suggestion that I do.

Hi conalfisher! I still wish you’d join us for real :(


The groomercord user/Reddit mod there, “killhacks” is actually @tardkiller on this very website!

Here is a screenshot of his profile as I am expecting him to nuke its content imminently. Unfortunately, you can’t delete the account itself. rDrama is proudly GDPR noncompliant!




Timestamps scrubbed from this other leaker by request.





I have a short presentation to give in a few, I’ll be back with more in a bit x


A small one but significant? N8 is leading the charge away from Reddit and into the great outdoors lol





Million-karma Reddit poweruser /u/esoterix_luke has just groomercord dropped the tail end of a fight with merari via their Slack dms! Can Merari survive this fallout? Can Reddit survive losing TWO of its 20-hour-a-day volunteers in a month? (yes, jannies are infinitely replaceable)


rDrama user has tea on Luke:



Powerjannies are revealing their chad rDrama accounts to clown on Merari :marseywholesome:


And /u/esoterix_luke comes in hot with another Slack leak!


EIGHTH UPDATE - /r/CenturyClub leaks!

N8 has crossposted his assault on Merari to /r/centuryclub which is apparently a sub only for people with >100k karma or something?


disturbing allegations


Jannie to the jannies yalls the yallers and tells them to move to an even more exclusive subreddit lol


continued discussion of the yalling


assorted poweruser pearlclutching



Here we have a volunteer online janitor comparing Reddit moderation to work with NGOs and assorted charities. This isn't quite on the level of the guy who once essayed at me about how it's the same as working in a soup kitchen or homeless shelter, but it's close.


n8, as /u/karmanacht, explains why he left and why he's back (to piss Merari off 💜)


Some guy comes out very pro-n8 and gives a timeline of events that I'm not reading because I don't care that much. It looks good, though. You should read it.


And finally, for now, some randos also joining #TeamN8. Is it over for Joost?



Merari seems to have lost control of Groomercord :marseyexcited:


Jannies keep dunking on him with this too -

NINTH UPDATE - it has moved to /r/CenturyClubDrama

For a summary of this update, please just look at this helpful summary from the #3 moderator on Reddit, /u/RamsesThePigeon:


The explanation:


Full imgur album of the /r/CenturyClubDrama thread for anyone who wants to stink of corn chips for a few weeks:

To clarify, /u/RamsesThePigeon really is the #3 biggest powermod now that N8 is gone. Source:

He jannies 187 million Redditors. FOR FREE :marseyxd:

Some random fricking Merari essay about the whole thing that I’m not reading. Something about queerphobia. Racism. Sexism. You know the drill by now:



Some rando powerjannie telling Merari that his fanaticism for volunteering for a multibillion dollar global corporation is unhealthy and concerning just now:




just for you bb :marseyblush:


/u/I_PUNCH_INFANTS if you join rDrama and post itt I’ll hook you up with an exclusive bluecheck like I did for Conal and Phoenix. That’s a 100k dramacoin value. FOR FREE.


Powerjannie /u/I_PUNCH_INFANTS now has an rDrama presence as @I_PUNCH_INFANTS 🤗


I think it’s winding down now. For the day at least. Merari is Dutch so it’s quite late there and this is to be expected. Here are some leaks from his personal Slack:

Reported by:
Free Fall

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:marseypharaoh: marsey woz here

in memoriam: frozenchosen (rip)


Also in podcast form!


Reported by:
EFFORTPOST I don't want to punch nazis I want to r*pe them

The account is :marseyoctopus3: but the replies are real :marseylolcow:


seriously what is your obsession with r*pe?

OP: Unlike you, I hate Nazis

and you want to r*pe them, too! for whatever reason.

Not a want but a moral obligation


You don't "punish" nazis like that you fricking moron, you punish them by killing them

This account comes from an actual commie

Thus guy is utterly obsessed with wanting to be able to r*pe anyone he disagrees with

They're bad people you nazi chud, they deserve it


This dude is either playing a terrible joke that only he is in on or he’s a fascist masquerading as a communist to make people think we believe jn this demented shit. This guy faces the wall tho, We don’t r*pe anyone not even enemies

OP then posts a following tweet "Arguing with leftists be like" with this meme attached:

Link to tweet

Surely people wouldn't continue to fall for the bait? :marseyclueless:

Why are you trying so hard to justify raping people

OP: Why do you love Nazis?

Point to where I said that

OP: You’re defending them

He's right. /r/LoveforRapingNazis when?

To anyone saying you should r*pe nazis

OP: Why do you love Nazis?

question is why do u wanna r*pe them

OP: I don’t want to r*pe Nazis. I’m saying that it may be a terrible duty of leftists to do so



Don't r*pe anyone actually. What the actual frick is your problem

OP: My problem is Nazis, buddy. But apparently you want to defend them

I will defend ANYONE being threatened with r*pe you disgusting creep. Just fricking kill the darn Nazis. Don't r*pe them. Don't r*pe anyone.

why are you so concerned about the well-being of nazis

Because no one deserves to be violated in such a way. Not even a Nazi. Better to kill them and be done with them

"I'll commit mass murder against people I disagree with but I draw the line at raping them"


I'm sorry but this post is clearly coming from someone with a humiliation kink, I'm not gonna engage and fuel your sick fantasies

OP: You just engaged with me


Additional tweets by OP:

I don’t get why people are so opposed to my call to r*pe Nazis. They’re freakin Nazis! They’d probably enjoy it!

It is your moral duty to r*pe chuds

I’m engaged in good faith debate in the market place of ideas


Hitler when he sees all the “leftists” in my replies defending Nazis

Some funny memes that came from this:

Some replies from the commies that didn't realize this was bait:

Truly amazing

We need to start running gay ops on twitter. You can literally say anything on there.


This was only supposed to link the second tweet I'm sorry



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