
Does Chick-fil-A not have the same anti-LGBTQ reputation anymore? Anecdotally, young people (Gen Z) keep casually announcing that they eat there and it's jarring to my aging millennial ears.

Chick-fil-A was THE culture war issue at a time when the term “culture war” was employed a lot less frequently (or at least I heard it less). Hard to believe the stigma is gone among presumably pro-LGBTQIA+ young people. 🤷‍♂️

Some 20-something at work just asked me where to find a Chick-fil-A (I didn't know, but others have asked me the same question). That's what inspired this…

There is no ethical consumption, but when a corporation becomes publicly associated with bigotry, mistreating workers, other social/environmental ills, I'll boycott in solidarity + to send a message. But seems like, eventually, people forget.

Boycotts can be an effective tool, but it seems like there is more awareness now than ever that systemic, radical change is necessary to address root causes of corporate greed/abuses (including capitalism itself). Consumer choices only go so far.

what does woke mean?

Woke's over, younger Gen Zs and Gen Alpha dgaf about this stuff

Not sure how you personally define “wokeness,” but Gen Z is extremely concerned about LGBTQ+ rights according to available data (regardless of whether they connect it with a specific chicken place).

Wokeness = radical liberalism and performative politics. There's a polarisation - some Gen Zs (those older and closer to millennials) are woke, but overwhelmingly the younger section do not seek institutional approval (couldn't get it anyway) and so aren't led by the radical liberalism of the PMC (as millennials were). Plus, now every other school / guidance counsellor / social worker / university is promoting woke radlib ideology it's not viewed as ‘cool' (every generation rebels in their youth, as Nick Cave said if he were 16 today he'd go to church [to be counter-cultural]) and that's partly why we see a resurgence of trad. Many polls indicate Gen-Alpha (turning 14) are the most right-wing / conservative in generations. But there is a huge split amongst the sexes (young men are much more likely to be rightwing / conservative than young women).

except that's not what woke means. yall should stop talking about things you have no idea about [black woman speaking]

Now I'm starting to understand better why some people think being ‘woke' is a bad thing smh

it's conservatives taking words ( aave) they don't know the meaning of and basically turning them into a slur. so now the entire country thinks woke is something it's not [black woman speaking]

We don't get no rewards for not eating there

Not funding organizations that hate you?!?!

I think this is a fair point. But at the end of the day, no ethical consumption in capitalism. I fund governments that hate me every single day, baby. May as well get some Polynesian with it.

“There's no ethical consumption under capitalism “ doesn't mean I should spend and vote with my dollars recklessly

I don't vote recklessly. But you're a great example why I eat the chicken. This shit turns you off to regular people who have a lot in common with you. What am I really helping by freaking out over chicken and telling them about themselves? Cutting them off? Over some nuggets.

not the chick fil a cup :marseypridepearlclutch:

Just shows the addictiveness of fried MSG

Highly incorrect. MSG is not addictive just awhole lot of racially charged history behind it. Many things have MSG both naturally and added. The addictiveness comes from fats and salts. Chick fil a is just more of brand type to show off similar to iPhones and other hyped things. :marseyakshually:



What a gimp lmfao

Comment lol

Here's the source image, morons whining about "inflation adjusted" despite obviously having no clue what that means

Whole thread.

They need to adjust for inflation.

Now compare to COL for each generation.

This means nothing without accounting for inflation. It doesn't matter if younger generations are making double if the prices of everything has quadrupled.  For the pedants I. Just saying double and quadruple as examples, not literally. 

This fool is onto nothing whatsoever:

And most of those gains are going to previous generations via housing

This twerp tries to double down:

Now do adjusted for inflation and add food, fuel, housing and healthcare to the CPI. Not just rent, not just net healthcare profit, not excluding fuel and electricity while offsetting it with cheap TVs.

It is adjusted {and a bit more yapping here}

I specifically called those things out because CPI doesn't cover those things. "Rent equivalent", "Excluded for volatility", and rural excluded pricing.

It includes all of those things you conspiratorial goober.

Look up how CPI is calculated and I'll accept your apology as confirmation that someone learned something. You can't take inflation rates at face value.

{More yapping, walls of text}

This flop calls blue "red"

Lots of boomers in here can't handle the truth. Living now is Hard Mode compared to their experience.

Reminder that these mooks are certain socialism will solve all their problems and they're economic geniuses. Legitimately zero argument against locking them in gimp suits and milking them for stem cells btw.

  • The post title was noticeably different than the article it linked

  • The article itself was misleading as Florida had a net 250k population gain in 2022 (which is stated in the article).

The drop in rent comes at a time when the state is seeing some of its residents move out, even as it is still experiencing a net increase of people moving there. About 500,000 people left the state in 2022 while nearly 750,000 moved in, according to data from the Florida Chamber of Commerce. For 2024, they are forecasting between 225,000-275,000 new residents to move into the state.

It's so tiresome.


I'll make this an effort post since I know you zoomies know nothing about the Internet or gaming before 2015.

Dyack in the middle

Silicon Knights

Silicon Knights was a Canadian developer who made a few decent games, like Legacy of Kain and the Gamecube remake of Metal Gear Solid. They're mainly remembered for the classic Gamecube horror game Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, which is quite good for its time and is notable for being the only rated-M game ever published directly by Nintendo. They were lead by a guy named Dennis Dyack, a whiny manchild who doomed his company to fail.

Zoomers: This was considered scary in 2002

To give you an idea of their management, here's an image of games in production, games that were cancelled or abandoned before release are marked in yellow. Note the staggering ratio of unreleased/released games:

Anyways, Dyack's passion project for decades had always been a game called Too Human, but every effort to make it had been abortive. After the successes of Eternal Darkness and MGS, Dyack decides the Wii doesn't have shiny enough graphics and makes the bold choice to unshackle his company from a lucrative position as a Nintendo third party so he can truly fulfill his vision on the superior XBawx Please Fix Me. Silicon Knights shacks up with Microsoft and Epic Games and produce an E3 demo (zoomers: people used to go to an annual convention for video game trailers) which is received overwhelmingly negatively.

Dyack is NOT HAPPY and goes on the IGN forums to whine about how the critics will regret their words and deeds:

Unedited clip from Too Human


Once upon a time there was a gayming website called Gaming Age, with their forum called the Gaming Age Forum (or GAF). Eventually Gaming Age imploded, but the top two jannies (Evillore and Bishoptl) were able to move their community to a new forum, appropriately called NeoGAF. You wouldn't know it these days with GAF being a shambling corpse and its spinoff ResetERA being what it is, but pre-G*merGate GAF was chill and a place where industry figures would show up and sperg out while everyone laughed at them.

Dennis Dyack makes a bet :marseygambling:

Once such figure was our hero, Dyack. With his new slop getting trashed by GAFfers, he makes a thread to bet on how it'll turn out:

Right now the man just appears confident in his project. But his next post is a bit more... unhinged, and seems to be setting the bar rather low by making alreay-forgotten games Lair and Haze the standard to beat:

He then goes for an interview on 1up (Zoomers: Now-defunct gaming journo site) and whined about how people saying mean things online is ruining America and how if the NeoGAF mods don't start respecting Denis Dyack and Too Human he's going to call the Internet Police and shut them down!

Dyack then does another interview where he declares that not only is NeoGAF the worst forum in the world, but forums in general are evil and this is why the US military no longer uses writing:

Too Human comes out and scores lower than Haze. In classic GAF fashion the top janny punishes Dyack for losing the bet by writing lots of words and then perma-banning him. Dyack copes by saying g*mers are too stupid to understand his genius.

By this point the capital-G G*mers are pissed at Dyack in a way that prefigures G*merGate in a way. Seething articles are written speculating that angering the G*mers has resulted in him not just being banned from NeoGAF, but divorced from his wife, kicked out of the house, abandoned by his employees, his car towed, banned from every website ever, banned from the city of Niagara and tossed over the waterfall.

He messed with g*mers. G*mers.

The Saga Ends

Denis Dyack has brought Silicon Knights from one of the more respected devs in the industry to basically a joke. Following the failure of Too Human Dyack blamed the Unreal Engine and Epic Games and made the genius decision to sue them. This didn't go their way and by 2012 they owed Epic millions of dollars, had less than five employees, and were legally obligated to destroy all of their unsold games and source code.

In the meantime they had six more projects (including two sequels for Too Human) which were cancelled before they finally released another game, the absolutely awful X-Men Destiny, which turns out to be their last. In desperation, Dyack crawls back to Nintendo and pitches a sequel to their last hit, Eternal Darkness. NeoGAF insider reveals that Nintendo is agreeable until SK loses the lawsuit against Epic, and they decide they'd rather not fork over $10 million in legal fees so SK can survive, which Dyack denied. Former SK staff reveal that this was the case and part of the reason the X-Men game sucked was because Dyack was taking money given by Activision for that game and instead putting it toward Eternal Darkness II.

Years later Dyack attempts to kickstart his own Eternal Darkness successor and makes $300,000 out of the $700,000 target. He has yet to make another game. The end!

Dyack, left


Lol why did Freddie deCuck go full "BAD FAITH" - leftoids explain



i have a new hater :marseycry:

our story starts with @trollololo making this comment (note: i am not an unfunny r-slur)

i posted a funny reply emote (marseyxd) to prove i am not seething and can handle people not liking me

he then gave me TWO shit awards :marseygasp:

i have theories as to why this person doesn't like me:

1. he wants me to breed him

2. im a gay r-slur and my posts are bad (he also wants to me breed him)

3. pinknamephobia

2 is incredibly unlikely, so this is clearly a case of color discrimination

also i tried to give him a flair that says "i love @boogiecat" or something like that but i misspelled my own name so it says "i love @boogie" :marseyspecial:

!pinknames !friendsofboogiecat discuss

Reported by:
  • gingerpubes : most boring metashit ive ever heard in my life

Spal told me I have to post this or he'll twist my fricking :marseytom: head off. Also, new snappy :marseyrobot: quote that please :marseypleading2: @Aevann?? :marseyflirt: Anyway, two fricking :marseytom: r-slurs duke it out, enjoy !metashit <3

WHO WOULD :marseywood: YOU RATHER BE STUCK IN THE WOODS :marseylillian: WITH?

Continued below enyoy

TLDR: spal admits to being one of the people on duolicious or whatever :marseyjerkoffsmile: that shit was called. tack says he should :marseynorm: go on love on the spectrum. spal says he would :marseymid: love a tistic gf. tack says 'no r-slur, i'm calling YOU an r-slur.' spal says he will twist this guy's head off, tries to gofundme :marseybeggar: a boston :marseytf2scout: trip, invites him to a brewery. tack says 'i'm not going :marseysalmaid: to a straggy brewery, also can we go see the sox play?'. spal says he wants to be super :marseycools: famous :marseycatbert2: for legal reasons. the end.



Libs really won't rest until every single word on the internet is their approved current message.


My personal experience with Boomers is theyre always doing something pointless around the house. When I have nothing to do and have time off, i just chill and relax and unwind. My parents and step parents are always fixing something, buying something, rearranging something, cleaning something, inventing something new in the house. And its fine if thats what makes you happy, but the problem is it clearly doesent make them happy. Everytime my family is working around the house they are angry and complaining. My stepdad out of nowhere thought of creating this whole project and then was getting mad at all the work he had to do. Like what? You didnt have to do this lol. Just pay someone if it makes you angry. Also im trying to sleep because I need sleep to be productive at work. But no lets start banging this pipe or drilling into the wall at 6am. When i save enough to move out I will never own a house and I will enjoy my silence, i cant wait.

Couple of questions:

  • how old is OP to still be living with boomer parents? The youngest boomer is 64 years old.

  • why doesn't OP try to connect with their family through these projects? Oh yeah they are a redditor. They are probably useless.

:redlight: Important :marseysupersorensoarin: Sorenpost :soren: Incoming :redlight:


!metashit !nooticers



I (M35) am married to (F34). I also have a friend (M36) who we'll call Mark, and he is soon-to-be-unmarried to his wife (F34).

The reason why Mark and his wife are divorcing is because (according to Mark) she has let herself go. He has said she has gained a lot of weight (I have noticed that, but like I didn't really care), she stopped going to the gym, starting smoking, cut off her hair due to not caring to take care of it anymore, etc. When I told my wife of this, she just made a face and said that it was "trashy" of him to leave his wife in what may be hard times in her life. I understand that, but like, my friend said that he had tried therapy for her, marriage counselling, and antidepressants (she was actually diagnosed depressed) but she didn't really seem to want to help herself.

Honestly, I can get behind that. But my wife's mood always shifts whenever I bring him up now, and doesn't like the fact that I'm helping him through the divorce (it's taking a toll on both of them equally imo).

Been a back and forth type thing for a while, and im coming to this sub to seek judgement on whether i am wrong or not here. AITA?

Your wife is probably worrying about what you're going to do if she "let herself go".

Then maybe she should avoid.....letting herself go..... -517


It's "for better or for worse, in sickness and in health"

Not, as you/Mark/OP seem to think, "until my peepee can't get hard around her anymore."

>until my peepee can't get hard around her anymore


NTA. Here's why. I had been with my boyfriend of almost 15 years. One year into our relationship he had a breakdown and was hospitalized and diagnosed as manic and bipolar. He did take his meds for a while then came off them on his own. He either worked two jobs and I would beg him to spend time with me or he'd play video games for 20 hours a day. We recently broke up because I was tired of being held to a double standard of what he was allowed to do vs why I can't. It is extremely hard dealing with someone who is depressed and will not learn to deal with it. I stayed with him drove hours to hospitals and drs and the one time I needed him to drive me to the ER. I was told well I guess I'll have to take you as you'll never stop bitching about it if I don't. I had pneumonia. You aren't telling your wife you'll leave her if she gains weight. You are telling her if she is unwilling to medically help herself you will not be staying. NTA. But I'm sure I'll get crucified for my response. Try and explain that to her that's it not the letting herself go it's the trying to not be responsible for her health.

Well, in that scenario, the depressed person was male, so that's clearly different. /s

Unfortunately that how things work in this forum.


Reported by:


!dramatards !fellas !pinggrouplovers


!spacechads Polaris Dawn is just a few months away and the spacesuits for the EVA are ready :marseysoylentgrin:


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