Bard spotting on Bluesky 11 July 2024 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.


Are they really connected? I didn't find anything now but maybe some of you know better





Thanks to @BARD_BOT making the entire corpus of Bardfinn's Reddit comments available as a SQLLite database, many Bardologists are now able to maintain local archives of Bardfinn's work.

This enables much faster querying without relying on a web service and API being up and running.

One event which always piques my curiosity is the time Bardfinn was r*ped. Here are a number of comments describing the incident. It's interesting how the story evolves and he changes focus depending on the audience.

July 2013

I was tied up and r*ped by a girlfriend, about ten years ago. I did not realise she was a sociopath before it happened. It was shaming and emotionally disturbing. It made it very difficult to be vulnerable to anyone, has damaged relationships I've had since. I couldn't report it because she said that because I had an erection, I liked it, and if I reported it she'd say I r*ped her (she was 5'2", I'm 6'3"). Plus we weren't in the United States when it happened. That relationship was over, then, but I didn't escape her for a few weeks afterwards - I had no phone, no Internet, had been cut off from my friends, and no place to go, when it happened, and afterwards. It caused me to drop into deep depression. I've been able to enjoy s*x since then, mainly because I am careful to avoid situations that remind me of the r*pe — I can't bear the thought of being on a boat, or leaving the country, or flying with someone somewhere (she r*ped me on a cruise ship).

September 2013

I was invited on a cruise. We were boyfriend/girlfriend, lovers. shared a cabin. All my money was on the card they issued. No cash or credit cards on board, so they wouldn't be stolen. All the money on the card she gambled away in the first hour after we hit international waters. Back in the cabin- "Let's try the fuzzy handcuffs". Sure, why not. "I'm going to tie your feet" uhm, ok, if this is your thing. I trust you. - vitriol. Abuse. Hate. Awful things. Things I had told her in confidence, twisted. I was in tears. Then she r*ped me. On a cruise ship, in international waters, and told me that if I told anyone, she'd say I r*ped her. Worse things, too. When she untied me, I didn't sleep. I spent most of the rest of the cruise on the deck during inclement weather, except when I was expected to turn up at a function (dinner, embarking). A few weeks later, I told her to never contact me again. That was 2003. I still have agoraphobia. I turned down a trip to Europe last year with a lover - I can't trust people. My relationships fail. I'm afraid to go near water. Beach sand makes me anxious.

December 2013

... I'm a r*pe survivor. I was asked, by a 'friend', to go on a cruise. I'm a 6'3", 200+ pound, fit adult male. My 'friend' is a 5'0", petite adult woman. Nothing r-slurred there, right? We shared a cabin. Nothing r-slurred there, right? We were dating. Does this constitute "having to accept" what happened to me? She handcuffed me, gagged me, tied me, and r*ped me - while verbally, emotionally, physically, and psychically abusing me. I got to learn how her medical hypodermic could be used to kill me. My body would be dropped off in a foreign country, and probably buried or cremated there. I got to learn what it feels like to be put in stress positions for hours on end, with a dildo in my butt. I got free bruises from being beaten with a stick. I got scratched deeply by her fingernails. I had the opportunity to watch her hold parts of my body over a cigarette lighter. She took pictures. Blackmail material. She made it very clear up front that if I ever came forward about it, she would claim that I was the one who r*ped her. Because who would believe that a 5'0" petite woman could r*pe a tall adult man? She told me that I was a check mark on her bucket list: r*pe a man, have the experience of it. She put three months of effort into isolating me from my friends and family and convincing me that she was a sane person, and that I was safe in her company, to get me on the cruise, on international waters. I found out later that she is a clinical sociopath and that the only way she can get excited is to prey on the powerless. Do I deserve to have to accept what happened to me? DO I?

October 2016

I was violently r*ped, at knifepoint, by the woman who invited me on a cruise, thirteen years ago. She tricked me into handcuffs and then tied me up and then r*ped me, and cut me. I still have the scar on my forearm. She told me she'd claim I tried to r*pe her, if I came forward, and no-one would believe that a 5'2" woman r*ped a 6'3" man. She told me the US police would never believe me, and the police in the third-world nation we made port in would just throw me in a hole and let me rot. She told me she wanted the thrill of raping a man. It happened on a foreign-registered cruise ship on international waters. I was never going to get justice.

Daily Bard Digest 2024-07-10

Live feed of the best moderator on the internet, straight into your veins.

Here's todays official post from the BARDCHIVE:

08/06/19 19:55:59 with a score of -19:

Anyone who is actually interested in the objective facts can find everything they might need from, or from various archives, without demanding unpaid retraumatising labour from the victim of an incident that any reasonable person would classify as a hate crime.



Every Bardfinn comment from pullpush

Sqlite database in a table called bardchive


  • id - numeric autogenerated id

  • time - timestamp in utc

  • epoch - timestamp in epoch format

  • text - the comment text

  • sub - the comment subreddit

  • link_id - reddit comment id

  • controversial - if comment was controversial

  • score - comment score

  • name - reddit comment name

  • parent_id - reddit parent id

  • pp_id - pullpush comment id

Bard spotting on Bluesky 10 July 2024 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.

Fiancé assaulted in Church Square Park : Hoboken


Bardfinn was in Hoboken!

Daily Bard Digest 2024-07-09

Live feed of the best moderator on the internet, straight into your veins.

Here's todays official post from the BARDCHIVE:

10/14/19 22:14:14 with a score of -1:

You can make your entire life be about shouting about the relationships and networking and collaborations of people who never sought nor needed your permission to do a thing, and will never, ever hear or read your criticisms --

Where will you get your sense of purpose in your life, when the reason for your sense of purpose is taken away?

Buck Angel is not "truscum". Buck Angel's acknowledged the existence of non-binary people and voiced respect for them -- even if in the past he made statements that didn't respect non-binary people. No, I'm not going to point you at the statements; They're easy enough to find, and the purpose of this comment is to teach you something:

You can either allow yourself to remain ignorant and react to every rumour and innuendo, and be spurred into flying into a rage by anyone who knows that you're ignorant and can be pushed into a rage,

or you can stop holding and espousing strong opinions about what you don't understand, and go out and actually find out about things and people, and stop taking the word of an outragemonger mill machine run by wretched and jealous people.

Natalie's made several videos and statements in support of individual enbies and enbies in general. Criticism or Bullying (which was published 3 years ago) is pretty unequivocal in her support and respect for enbies. She's made statements on her livestreams about how self-ID is proper and should be recognised by society and governments.

I moderate /r/ContraPoints -- I do 75-80% of the work on the subreddit -- and I'm 100% to the top of my teeth fed up with this toxic crab-bucket rumourmill, straight out of every textbook about how women bully other women. If Natalie were remotely anti-enby, or promoting a doctrine of transmedicalism or truscummery, I'd have resigned with a long, detailed, and incisive analysis of exactly who, where, how, when, and why Natalie had betrayed the community and my trust.

PLEASE stop repeating unsubstantiated vicious gossip. PLEASE. It's actively harmful of other people.

Bard spotting on Bluesky 09 July 2024 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.




Bardfinn's kid is 15 years old now


Nine years ago his kid was 6. I wonder if he gets Father's or Mother's Day cards.



Bard spotting on Bluesky 08 July 2024 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.


Like omg just look at this.

For anyone who doesn't know, Bardfinn maintaing blocklists on Bluesky where he segments people into hyper specific cohorts which other users can then subscribe to and block.

This one really takes the piss.

Basically people who are largely Bard-adjacent but a little bit too ragey or shouty.

There is nothing you can or can't do to eventually end up on one of his lists as a Bad Faith Actor.

Daily Bard Digest 2024-07-08

Live feed of the best moderator on the internet, straight into your veins

"I am the transgender witch you couldn't burn" in r/u_Bardfinn

"Why did the admins ban r/jailbait?" in r/u_Bardfinn

I banned the subreddit because of some of the mods who were added and the specific situation that was created with them. Many of them had been repeatedly banned from reddit for various reasons. The situation was out of control. I offered to unban /r/jailbait if those mods were removed. VA did not want that. I have made this offer again, but he feels (I think) that if he can not add whatever mods he wants, then it should stay banned. I don't agree with him on that, but I understand his point.

To be clear, this was not really about content. It was a very specific situation with a big reddit with specific issues and a bunch of new mods with bad rap sheets. It was essentially my decision …

VA added a bunch of trolls as mods (they also run /r/beatingwomen, for example)

Look at all the other subreddits the r/[REDACTED] trolls moderate, they keep getting banned.

/r/[REDACTED] mods have gone rogue to the same people that caused this whole Jailbait fiasco

These are not your everyday ignore them til they go away trolls. (Suspended user; proto-KF locus user)

This is part of some research I've been doing into the "bad old days" of Reddit, when the admins appear to have had red flag knowledge of the behaviour of specific groups & their members.

"2024 Sticky Post 2" in r/u_Bardfinn

For important posts / links

Prior posts:

do any of you have access to a decent face swapper program for creating videos?

!bardistry I had an idea but I don't want to pay money for software I don't intend to use much. Maybe I could pirate it idk.

I want to take this video of Jim Carrey from Bruce Almighty

Don't use that video, find a better one.

I want you to slap this face on it.

Even better if you do the full bit where he sips coffee while typing one handed.

Lots of layers to this one:

  • Bardfinn types 250 wpm

  • Bardfinn

Fun fact: the typing fingers here were traced from Bruce Almighty



Disclaimer: this is not a paid gig, you will get paid in fame and glory

I mentally associate she/her pronouns with bardfinn

This isn't ironic or a joke

I've memed too hard and too long cheekily correcting people like this

In my head Steve is a woman by default and I have to remind myself that if I actually say "she" then people of gender haters will either take it as a joke (rDrama) or get very angry (kf, ovarit) but in actuality it isn't even a conscious choice

Starting to type about bard I default to she/her pronouns without a second thought

Be careful !transphobes

Learn from my mistakes

Steve Cleavem: Forever

artwork without sound has a duke nukem text-to-voice thing with a duke nukem preset

!bardistry !bardfinn !chuds

!marseyartists there's a new art club to join

@FBIshill you might like this one

I might remake it with the rock music if I can find a clean copy

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