
Why do people here .. ?

You show people a way they can save a lot of money eating out (apps, save 50% or more)

So they lecture you that instead of eating out you should spend hours shopping and making everything from scratch like you're some kind of a farm family Like, some of us don't like to eat out or do it for convenience?

Or, why do people eat out when poor people can't afford it? How about this: you might be too poor but some of us like to if that's okay with you!!

They do that to steal your data! Like, using credit cards or loyalty retail cards or when they have your email or phone number, They don't also get your data?


Natalie 22,

Christian 23,

Willis TX

Careers -

  • Natalie - stay at home mom (2 kids)

    • First kid intended, second not

    • Not planning any more kids (later clarified to not planning any within the next year and a half)

      • Out of nowhere - "I could probably only go through with having one more kid, I almost died with my last one" timestamp
  • Christian - restaurant manager

    • recently got a promotion
  • Household income net $5200-$5400 a month

Finances -

  • HELOC background

    • Christian's initial explanation timestamp

      • Was in insurance "for a while" "buying insurance leads" "living on a credit card"

      • 15'000 credit limit from chase at 18

    • "Why did we take out a HELOC" timestamp

      • Pay off credit card debt

      • Credit card bills were $600 a month minimum (later clarified to $900), saw his options as taking a HELOC or failing to pay them

  • "He has a problem telling me no" timestamp

    • "I ask for things and he won't tell me we don't have the money for this"
  • Overall - 5'161 in, 6'630 out timestamp

    • Higher last month to attend cousin's wedding in Oklahoma, they turned it into mini-vacation "went crazy"
  • Don't create budget at the moment

  • Pay-advancing timestamp

    • "Did you know he's pay advancing"

      • "I don't even know what that is"
    • His explanation is a little weird, I don't understand

  • Cars timestamp

    • Toyota Sienna (21,281, 8.9%)

      • 549.50

      • Over 100'000 miles, banks will only do 48 months

    • He drives her old Toyota Corolla

  • 32'419/32'500 at 12% timestamp

    • This is the HELOC

    • "Part of the reason it's so high is because we also had a second lien on our house" timestamp

  • Credit card ($2'446 / 14'000) timestamp

    • Was paid off prior to last month, not any more, had car repairs on the Corolla because it wouldn't pass inspection without it

    • Lot of random spending lmao

    • Moid stop stops at the gas station for a bear and some chips nearly every day

      • Says there is a specific brand of Doritos he can't find at HEB
  • His credit score is 750 post-HELOC

  • Moid Affirmed Hair Removal timestamp

Grandma :marseybabushka: defends her good boy :marseyskater: grandson on Reddit dot com :soysnootype:

Basically most of the comments are saying the same thing.

>throw another $5 in cheap frick :soysnooseethe:

I love how he has no problem spending $80 on the food but leaving a respectable $5 tip is out of the question. Congratulations instead of wasting $85 he wasted $80.

I mean if you're using $70 on food you might as well tip $5 at that point.

You are just figuring out why we say no tip no trip. Another $5 isn't going to break them and if it does they don't need to spend $80 for take out

If they can afford to pay all that, they can afford to tip. Fricking buttholes

If you can spend 80 bucks, you can give a tip or you can get it your darn self

Why would I do that if a delivery monkey is doing it for free? :marseysmug3:

you people are desperate. instead of taking $3 orders that ur basically breaking even on if not losing money why don't u get a job at McDonald's for $17 an hr lol

A lone voice of reason in a sea of :marseysneed:

Somehow this post generated over 400 comments. Dashers be sneeding.

!peakpoors !r-slurs

Caleb :marseycalebhammer: gets cancelled :marseycensored:
Virgin :marseysoycry: Rentoid vs Chad :!marseystinky: Homeless Man
Free drug paraphernalia for all junkies in Portland

This whole thing is a non-stop snipes at each other over who's to blame for the disastrous state of their shared finances and bickering over long standing relationship issues. I've only timestamped a few things that really stood out. Girlfriend is a pothead, making 30'000 a year cooking at a nursing home. Boyfriend is some sort of maintenance tech.

His Section -

  • "Why do you feel no obligation to contribute to the household?" timestamp

    • long discussion about how lazy she was not looking for a job, coming home to dirty dishes :marseyxd:
  • "Where's your retirement?" timestamp

    • Neither has anything.

    • "I don't think she's worried about it, her family's pretty well off" :marseyxd:

    • "They bail her out, they bail her out a lot"

  • He's borrowing constantly from Cashapp at 5% interest

  • She finds out he's paying for OnlyFans timestamp

    • "This is why he gets away with a lot, because I don't even know what he spends"

    • He blames the age gap :marseyxd:

  • "I bought an Apple Watch" timestamp

    • It got stolen, he got an empty box
  • He's a Cowboys fan

  • He goes to the coffee shop every morning even though they have coffee at home

  • Concluding statements (Caleb screeches at him for a little bit) - timestamp

Her Section -

  • Loan timestamp

    • 730% interest rate?!

    • while they were separated over a year ago

    • "I need to pay it all at once"

    • Not making the $139 payments

    • "I want to stop and pay it all at once so it's not as much"

    • "Hasn't looked at it lately" doesn't know how much it is now

  • Phone Loan timestamp

    • 150 loan paying back 1200???

    • Her phone under the boyfriend's name but she's been paying it

  • Her job hunt failures timestamp

  • Discussion over whether going out to eat is cheaper than groceries timestamp

  • Justification for the Cowboys playoffs seats timestamp

    • They get berated again lmao timestamp

    • "You deflect on everything. You know know nothing about finances. You both have your own addictive tendencies. I don't think me making a budget would be helpful."


It's actually impressive how incapable and r-slurred these folks are

Article on $100k debtchad triggers poorcels
:newport: Dollar General customer gets C- on shopping cart test :newport:

Probation :marseyblackcop: officer forcing :marseyfans: e-girl to get a real job :marseyjanny2:. Onlyfans link in her profile :coomerface:

/r/Money keeps coming up in my feed and it's an endless goldmine of poors


"sandskinnedhippie" makes a sadpost about having debts, $1 in the bank, living in their car, not being able to get a job because of a DUI blah blah blah :marseybeggar: :marseycrying: :marseywords:

Fellow poors notice she has a YouTube Premium subscription

EDIT 4: Some people are asking and criticizing why I paid for YouTube at one point, why am I rejecting donations, etc. Listen. I'm an imperfect human being. I made all kinds of bad decisions in my life , especially financially, and ultimately contributed to my own suffering. I brought myself here. I wasn't a good son or brother to my family. I'm not incapable of redemption, but I strongly feel I don't deserve that kind of help people are offering. Please just respect my decision. I will be ok. This suffering will pass. And there are many out there who are suffering more than I am. But thank you to those of you who are leaving kind and thoughtful words as well as practical advice (which I will follow and need). Thank you.

Bro get the frick up out of here. Seriously. You don't know what the frick work I've been putting in lately. Yes I made mistakes and I'm owning up to it. I've still got interviews lined up next week. And I had an interview at Lowe's today. Quit judging like a peepeehead and acting like you know my character. I'm not out here begging for money. I was merely venting, mind you after a full day of applying and going in person to places. Don't know what the frick is with you judgmental pricks, acting like you've never made mistakes in your life. Get off your high horse

Big brain poorcel :marseybigbrain: has an ingenious way to save like $2 monthly on their luxury

Just use free vpn and make new YouTube account based out of South Africa. Comes out to like $4 a month. Don't have to use the vpn anymore once it's created. Can do this for many streaming services. India is typically the cheapest but YouTube cracked down on that one

Several redditors too fricking r-slurred to spend 30 seconds installing adblock insist that YouTube is UNUSABLE because of all the ads and they simply need YouTube as their sole source of entertainment (:surejan:) because it's the only escape from their life of constant misery :cry:

Me and I'm on disability.

Youtube is basically my only source of entertainment and I can't stand how many ads a single video will have nowadays

It's not a little ad, it is 80% ads, it's literally unusable without premium.

I decided to get it last week. I don't have any other streaming services and have been using YouTube exclusively for about a year for entertainment. They have increased the number of ads to the point that it is ridiculous. I was watching a 30 odd minute video and averaged about 3 ads that I could not skip about every 4 to 5 minutes. I haven't used the music part yet, but when I go back to work on Tuesday I'll have something thing to listen to at my desk.

No thanks. Then I can't have it on my Xbox or TV.

Which I use to help escape from my shit disease.

Is it a coincidence that people who can't find jobs or manage their finances would rather pay monthly fees than type "adblock" into Google and click a button to install? :marseynooticeglow: :marseywrongthonk:


I had to stop watching around a quarter of the way through, it stopped being funny :marseydepressed:

Gia, 25, Sacramento CA :marseytrad:

Homeless living off twitter e-begging and ex-husband sending her pitybux timestamp

Does door-dashing for cash as well as e-begging

  • small amounts, $144 last month?

Attempts to explain the husband situation timestamp

  • He lives in Pennsylvania and wants her to move back but she doesn't want to go there?

  • She wants to live in Kansas?

  • Husband only just started working? What the frick

  • Married in 2018?

  • Both lived in Kansas City, she took care of him? What?

Visited husband a few months ago timestamp

  • Lost her van in an accident while there, he has all her things and will throw them out if she leaves him?

Wants to get a job around Austin timestamp

  • "I can't live in Kansas... I have a warrant"

  • Went to jail for 4 days for "failure to appear"

  • Driving on a suspended license, bad tags

    • got caught going somewhere then caught again while driving back?
  • "I don't know why I didn't go to court" :marseyfoidretard:

Went to college for Film Production

  • About a year, then dropped out because she had to leave Kansas rather than deal with the warrant

Smokes weed timestamp

Caleb notes she smells like weed? timestamp

Fat poors :marseyscooter: upset that Kansas :marseysunflower: may ban :marseyban: them from using food :marseystamp3: stamps for sodypop :marseyjuggalo:

The question in question was "where will the money come from to pay off national debt".

B-word, you going to be a human battery for the neo feudal vampires, stop worrying so much, neighbor.

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