Someone at work looks like a p-do

And it presents a dilemma to me.

If I share this observation with someone else, I risk losing my job for saying possibly the most unprofessional and offensive thing possible.

If I don't share this information, I look like a stupid twat when he inevitably gets outed as a p-dophile and I'm saying "I always thought he looked like a p-do."

How would y'all proceed dramafolx?

✨ Frozen's healing therapy space ✨

Thank you @oh for the idea

Today's affirmation: I give myself permission to do what is right for me.

What intentions are you setting for yourself today? Have you uncovered any new wellness practices lately? Have you set any boundaries?

Reported by:
  • jirk : spoilers
  • Redactor0 : That's from the original not Top Gun: Maverick, r-slur
Announcement: We're so fricking back

My gf said she stopped seeing her ex for good this time


For funsies I use YouTube suggestions to check whether Google is watching. If your recommended videos change suddenly to match your activity, that's a hit. As an example, I know my phone has at least 2 made up words in its swipe dictionary, and that it came from emails with a relative who likes uwu baby speak ("cwismas").

Account-level monitoring. It's a publicly traded company sweaty :marseynails:

  • Chrome

  • Google search :marseydetective:

  • Google Keep :marseynotes:

  • Google Mail :marseyunabomber2:

  • Google Maps :marseypedo:

  • YouTube :marseybardfinnsbiggestenjoyer:

Android-based monitoring. :ravenstarfirelaughing:

  • Screenshot feature :marseyneat:

  • Images (scanned with AI)

  • Clipboard :marseynoooticer:

  • Messages (text) :marseybestiereject:

  • Additionally, Google uses geolocation to suggest dumb butt things your friends are into :marseybeandoge:

I should note YouTube uses cookies when you right click to watch incognito. One video won't make a difference. But if you keep watching other videos in that same incognito session, that watch history will get you tagged. Why does this matter? TLDR Google knows when you watch Fox News incognito cause you're a secret cryptochud. :marseychudjamming: I'm not saying monitoring is all bad. The trick is convincing YouTube to recommend worthwhile content. Try to avoid using Chrome and Gmail if possible and get familiar with how your digital footprint works :marseyfeet:

Reported by:
As a male, no one has ever paid me to play video games with them and it sucks.

Just some food for thought.


I mean strags like TurkeyTom or MagicMush. MagicMush annoys me specifically cause he does lolcow videos where he will fricking APOLOGIZE for using Kiwi as a source like Neighbor you serious?

And then they don't even have the balls to bully the horrible cows they feature. Who the frick sees ChrisChan or Shmorky and think "oh I need to respect this mentally ill psychopaths pronouns/identity if I make a video on them". It's so disingenuous. Obviously they are dragging these guys into the spotlight to kick them for the Zoomers entertainment but they will cover their intent by claiming their content is "educational". I guess if Kiwi used a Slur Filter then they wouldn't have been chased from the Internet lmao.

Anyway. Wordswordswords I know but who is going to listen to me rant about this garbage irl? Exactly. So now it's your problem.

I want to get tattoos like this. Should I?
My company had layoffs but tbh I hated like 50% of the people that got laid off.

Maybe it's just :marseycope: but things are looking up tbh.

Bottom text

I had s*x with my aunt…..

I've been holding this in for a while.. Idk who'll see this but PLEASE don't get yourself into the situation I'm in!!! My bday had just recently passed, and I had a huge birthday party. A bunch of friends and family came. It was my 19th birthday, not 21 yet, but I still partied like a true adult. My aunt usually cooks at family events (She's an amazing cook), so me, being completely blind to what was to come, asked her to make me a pan of THC brownies while me and my cousin (her son) went out to grab drinks and get haircuts for the party. We finished doing what we had to do and headed home for the party. I got out of the car, my aunt hugged me and said “happy birthday my handsome nephew”. At the moment I think nothing of it, I'm just ready to eat my Eddie's and party😂.

Long story short… Party starts and I'm ZOOTED AS FRICKKK… Like crazy high… The brownies were good as HECK and I didn't instantly get high so I thought they wouldn't work and ate 4 pieces. My aunt came around and offered me a shot. At first I refused because I didn't want to be too fricked up, but I was already home and didn't have to drive anywhere, so I said frick it, I took the shots.. That's what did it, NO LIE. I only remember sitting down at the kitchen table…. Next thing you know, I'm having unprotected s*x with my aunt… She recently told me she was PREGNANT… Her husband has been in prison for over a year and is set to be released next month😟… I want her to get an abortion, but I also don't want to her to kill my cousins sibling… Someone please PM ME PLEASE🙏🏻. I need someone to talk to IDK WHAT TO DO PLS HELP! Pray for me pls man

Reported by:
  • konrad : junkie
  • whyareyou : Fake news ozempic makes you feel like shit as normal

Inb4 people call me fat.

I am no longer underweight and dealing with a frick ton of work stress so I'm restricting eating again. Whatever, we all have our coping mechanisms, don't @ me.

I don't usually have big problem with hunger but I also use all cheats I can (bronkaid, vaping, monster zero).

The WSJ had an article a couple weeks ago about websites illegally selling compounded ozempic. They were kind enough to share exactly which websites with readers. ♥️

I ordered two 3mg vials, sterile water and all the other supplies I needed.

It arrived yesterday. This morning I added 10mL of sterile water to the 3mg powder (I know how to do this properly, don't worry). The starting dose is 0.25mg/week for 4 weeks. I injected 2.5mL, not remembering it was 3x concentrated. So I took 0.75mg.

Now I'm nauseated af. Luckily I'm also not hungry at all. I will prob continue at this dosage since I already fricked up. I'll let you guys know if it works or if I die.

This isn't even the riskiest thing I've done in pursuit of beauty, but I already made a post about doing my own filler (bought from China) years ago.

My excuse is I only slept about 3 hours last night.

Reported by:
Women are parasites

I fricking hate them so much

My Results

follow up from

was told the gastric body sessile polyps could be cancerous but they could be not as well.

I'm having a white woman moment, but I'm gonna share anyway because what better place for me to jerk off to hate replies but rdrama?

Yer girl here is now a dog foster so I'm just too good to spend so much time here. I was already beyond reproach, but now I'm smuggier.



💯 Wholesome chungus moment 💀💀

Reported by:
Do you guys actually like me?

I have a confession to make (important post)

I'm not vegan, I just pretend to be one because it's funny.

So a few years ago I moved to the White Mountains of New Hampshire because I thought it seemed like a great area. It's a great place to live, but the grocery stores are very far away so i end up doing most of my shopping on Amazon, restaurant supply companies, and at the gas station.

So anyway, I started looking for recipes that didn't require perishable foods. Most of these recipes are vegan so I ended up on a lot of vegan websites and forums.

Through those websites I saw a lot of carnists making the most r-slurred arguments imaginable while spreading easily disproven lirs about @PETA and whatnot. I was bored one day so I summoned my inner @pizzashill and started dabbing on these morons. It was do much fun that I decided that I'd just pretend to be vegan and never mention that I actually value a good meal over the life of anyone else.

My favorite non-perishable food is 'Deenz (pic related, octopus Deenz I got today - they're really good, way better than fish Deenz) but most of my diet is wheat, rice products, and tomatoes. Also i make pizza if I have left over cheese from when I last went to the store. I eat meat bimonthly but I'm not that into it.

!besties !vegana !illuminati

@CarpathianMoon pls pin


Reported by:
missed connection: you were hot, I was hot

you looked at me. you were hot.

I looked at you. I was hot.

and then we never saw each other again.

please get in touch

PROTIP: add alcohol to your salad dressing :marseymindblown: :marseyhungover:

I was making dinner and had a bottle of mead set aside to drink and I decided on Impulse to add a tablespoon of mead to my vinaigrette. It tasted amazing :marseylickinglips:

My dressing is very simple:

A 1/4 cup of olive oil



Chilli flakes

Mustard seeds

2 tablespoons of white distilled vinegar

1 tablespoon of spirit of choice :marsey:

It was very good :marsey: :marseyantiwork:

A kick of tart vinegar with a mouth numbing spice together with that cutting taste of lightly crushed mustard seed and finished off with an infusion of honey sweetness that's refreshing accompanied by a faint sensation of salt and scent of pepper. :marseyembrace:

I'm going to try a rum vinaigrette next and that's going to be interesting indeed.


gma is a hoader :carpjannie2:

>be me.


>have gma who is crazy and terrible.

>she hasn't let us in the apartment since rona.


>gma goes to hospital.

>decide to open her house.

>completely unlivable apartment of roughly 4yrs of grime, cat piss/shit, food, mail, trash, and clothes.

>gma has alienated basically everyone.

>attempt to clean out house yesterday with the few people who haven't written her off.

It smelled as bad as you're imagining. :marseydeadinside2:


No amount of money is worth this personal heck I'm in. Thanks for listening.

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