: Fortune favors the Brave
- TheUbieSeether : Lot of Chrome Chomos ITT
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Firef*x reaches 5.8 % market share according to Cloudflare Radar
When Firef*x has reduced its market share in Statcounter (3 %), it's higher in Cloudflare Radar.
Cloudflare Radar uses the User Agent to determine the market share.
Statcounter’s core flaw is that it uses trackers, which are often blocked by tracker-blocking cowtools, like uBlock Origin, and [not sure] Firef*x ETP. If Firef*x ETP blocked that tracker, would be 0 % the market share at Statcounter?
OP is extremely concerned with the methodology of Statcounter and proceeds to sperg out over a ~3% difference.
Are you concerned about Market Share for your shitty opensores browser? You might be a Firef*x user
Wow, great if it's true.
Why great, was it less than 5.8% before? (I haven't been following this marketshare stuff closely, it's too depressing.)
Literally over marketshare
Oh, then that is good news. :) Why do you think it's gone up? I kind of doubt that it's because the general public has gotten more of a clue…
Manifest V3
Is that the Google change that weakens ad-blockers? I kind of thought most people don't even know what an "ad blocker" is, but maybe I'm being too cynical…
Yes, Yes. Advocacy is important
Google kicking ad-blocking extension out will surly be the second coming of the Age of Furryfox
I fix and setup peoples' computers for my job. We just kind of started putting Chrome on new PCs people buy because it was kind of needed for some sites/services and was still much better than OG Edge and of course IE. But after Edge changed from actually being its own thing (even with it not being my choice for a daily browser it was at least not based on Chromium) and is in many ways better than Chrome at this point. I have made it my personal touch to add Firef*x instead of Chrome on new PCs since we now since Edge is already present. So that way if a site is being weird a user could actually try a different browser/engine to see if it would work. I also have ran into random personal and client situations where Firef*x handled/handles certain situations the way I or they need/want it to.With Chrome being the new IE (in sites being made more and more for it), and many people not going out of their way to install/try other options. It would be dumb to not provide them with said option already on their new (or newly restored) PC, and can be easily removed if they want it gone. When I have to interact with them directly, I bring it up as an option if the person mentions security or privacy specifically (along with uBlock Origin, but also inform them that it works even better with FF).
Even with it being a couple of percentage points, it is really cool to see it growing. The only thing that I find possibly frustrating for new users is that the freaking Bookmarks menu button isn't on the toolbar by default and the one in the hamburger menu section doesn't show all the bookmarks and sub-folders, but instead seems to be like a bookmarks history that doesn't show non-recent stuff. Just seems like weird extra effort just to get something that was more straight forward in the past and works normally in Chromium browsers.
Aside from that I really really hate the weird first time run video thing and the Google-looking people in the "let's get started" post-install setup. I hate all the crazy extra "features" tabs and stuff that pops up when running Edge or Chrome at first. That stuff makes low-spec PCs basically lock-up and makes it just bad for those users. Firef*x used to be just jumping straight into things or just a "your browser just installed an update" tab that isn't bloated. Now it seems like it is just trying too hard to emulate the already lame shit the others are doing. Just seems cringe to me. Maybe it would be less cringy (again to me) if Firef*x were to just ask in a prompt before the browser loads for the first time asking if you are a new user or would like to skip it?
But aside from those two personal hang-ups I will still recommend Firef*x to everyone. Gotta get those numbers up enough to make sure universal web standards don't just get coded for one kind of browser engine. We still get treated like outcasts for sites like Netflix and now with more cloud gaming services popping up they all require Chromium shit.
*Edited to break up things because apparently it really upsets some people way more than I would've thought. Just roll-on if you don't want to read something. Or just downkong like you already did.
I don't know if the above is pro or anti Furryfox but I will not read it regardless
If you're a Furryfox loser...I mean user, please consider any of the following...
Using Safari as Steve would have wished.
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Not rocket science post your benchmarks.
Ideally we'd have a "battlestation" thread but I understand why people would be weird about it
I used kcbench https://gitlab.com/knurd42/kcbench on Fedora 37 but I assume we have a lot of Windows () users so I don't give a frick.
500 DC to first three posters
disclaimer: I am drunk
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I assume this site will repeat /g/ wisdom or counter-jerk roddit but are monitor light bars a meme?
This is what I'm talking about btw https://www.benq.com/en-us/lighting/monitor-light/screenbar.html - this one is $100 and seems like a ripoff but is popular on roddit.
I bought a Xiamoi one (https://www.mi.com/global/product/mi-computer-monitor-light-bar/) for much less and it legit seems well built and beneficial.
What is rdramas take on lighbars? Is it a consooooom meme (I think this is silly for niche nerd shit) or a genuine improvement for a shiposting station?
disclaimer: I am friday night drunkposting
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This might have been done already but I don't care enough to check
I'm going to list the top 15 langs on GitHut and you can choose your favorite and least favorite so we can argue about it and mock eachother for being an OOP enjoyer (an objectively better paradigm btw, and I'm not even indian) or being a Rust or whatever
Select you'are favorite lang
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Did you know that Medium is actually better than the New York Times?
Did you know that Medium is a completely different site from Substack?
- DickButtKiss : wait you can just print marsey bux at will?
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A redditor is someone who follows mainstream opinion, celebrates their own dweebishness, rejects normalcy, is obsessed with objectivity, and has a pseudo-anonymity. They are also obsessed with things apart from their intrinsic qualities, have a general sense of negativity, dread, and cynicism, think humor is repeating things, and think they are significant. Interestingly, redditors are only 0.001% of the population, yet they often call for a revolution. This is a reflection of their own sense of inferiority and their obsession with their ego mind.
The article doesn't say anything about a torrent, OP is a faggot All lastpass credentials available as a torrent
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more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more… https://t.co/0mcFJ1wwZK
— Twitter (@Twitter) February 8, 2023
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This is somehow worse than Windows bloatware lmao.
Orange Site:
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The women refuses court orders to isolate and seek treatment, instead going out of her way to spread the love of Nurgle to others, even getting traffic accidents in order to do so!
Doctors say the infection is so bad they thought it was cancer
Orange site discusses
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I want to soup up an old butt tube ham radio I found on Craigslist and figured I should get a better soldering station rather than get something cheap. I’m ok with soldering I just haven’t done it in 15-20 years. I was thinking of getting this
YIHUA 853D USB 3A-Three Cowtools- Soldering Station, Hot Air Rework Station and Power Supply 0~3A, 0-15V with output and test modes. Also ºC/°F display, Digital Cal, Sleep Function https://a.co/d/4Yk6tY5
Because it’s a heat gun and adjustable and has leads for continuity testing and all sorts of stuff
Is this good? Idk
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Samsung, the global international tech company, decides to host an AMA on Reddit, but they are incredibly thin-skinned, to the point of removing every comment they disagree with, leaving you with a post where reddit claims to it has over 300 comments but visiting it reveals it barely has 15.
With most comments being removed within 15 seconds...... Post: https://www.reddit.com/user/SamsungMobileUS/comments/10r7inq/
All removed comments: https://www.undelete.pullpush.io/r/u_SamsungMobileUS/comments/10r7inq
PS, the Samsung Galaxy S23 is not an upgrade, it's a new processor, that's it, please look at all the reviews before deciding on anything.
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If you’re feeling nostalgic, the Internet Archive hosts a ZIP file ( https://archive.org/details/WindowsXPAnd98Screensavers1 ) that includes 10 classic screensavers from the Windows 98 and XP era that will still work in Windows 11. To install them, download the file, unzip it, and copy all of the .SCR files to C:\Windows\System32 . You’ll need to have administrator access to copy files to that folder.
To enable screensavers go to personalization > lock screen > scroll down > screen saver
Now playing: Da Banana Bunch (DK64).mp3