US Army turns to microgrids, EVs to hit net zero by 2050
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Official First Post Meet the Microsoft Pluton processor – The security chip designed for the future of Windows PCs





Indeed they are right, only a matter of time before r/chodi, desimeta, bakchodi, etc. gets the banhammer.

India thread

No AHS thread yet.










In case you are wondering what I'm talking about

TL;DR: Moonchild is DMCAing numerous Pale Moon forks for alledged copyright violations, due to him getting bussyblasted over the Male Poon name and logo.

Part 1

Not long after Mypal shut down, in case you don't know, a new fork named Male Poon came out from a based individual named ManchildProductions, which led to this sneedfest from tobin.. Unfortunately, Moonchild and his furstrag self couldn't handle the project being up, files a bullshit DMCA against Male Poon, and gets it taken down :marseycry: :marseycry: :marseycry:. (archive of the github repo :marseythumbsup:)

Mourning on /g/

the palemoon sub discusses

The good news? There are mirrors off Github, so the browser stays for now

Mirror #1

Mirror #2

Mirror #3

/g/ thread where ManchildProductions discusses where to move his beloved project (archive here)

Part 2

Numerous people forked the Male Poon project, and you know what Moonchild and his pathetic manchild army did? You guessed it, HE FILED DMCAS AGAINST EVERYONE WHO FORKED MALE POON ON GITHUB

Twitter thread

The same individual (the one in the twitter link) forked Male Poon and renamed it Orbit Navigator with the specified purpose of making Tobin sneed. No sneed post from Tobin that I could find yet, but will update if there is one.

/g/entoomen discussing the DMCAs

Pastebin version of the DMCA


Unrelated to the Male Poon Drama, Tobin also filed a DMCA against roytam1's Binary Outcast fork (fork is still up as of today) due to commits that were allegedly stolen according to this thread.

Correction: looks like the commits were taken down but the browser remains (all commits liked in the dmca 404)


KiwiFarms thread where I obtained most of the info provided

In case anyone wants to try out Male Poon, you can download binaries here

LMFAO this is an extremely long effortpost.

This is why you should download Brave




The Verge Tweet

G*merGhazi thread


To srspost for a second, this is bad for the future internet, and if it happens, I’m going to blame both Big Tech and cancel culture for this. Not much Drama, just me :marseyschizo:posting and :marseyseethe:posting.


Tweet exposing the case

No longer employed according to his bio

Cryptocurrency thread



Prior coverage

As the drama continues, and a based new fork was made, which really makes the Pale Moon developers seethe,, Moonchild writes a new manifesto, proclaiming he would make developing forks harder for everyone, due to "mob rule".

After Moonchild’s message, coincidentally, it turns out the latest version is placed into a login wall,, which eventually takes the Drama all the way to Reddit. Moonchild denies that he violated the MPL

However, it turns out to only be a temporary glitch, but one of the instigators, JustOff, is still not satisfied, leading to a mild, boring slapfight between another developer.

Bird Farms

More Bird Farms

I know, boring continuation of prior drama, but entertaining rants are to still be found.


Rightoids take another L


Note: Since this already had KiwiFarms and Reddit posts, only the highlights will be posted here, with brief explanations provided (this is a terrible write-up, I know)

TL;DR: Two neurodivergent developers get into a spergout over some ukrainians Windows XP fork, states that it violates Mozilla Public License 5.1, shuts the entire thing down.

Bird Farms Post

Reddit Post 1

Reddit Post 2

Reddit Post 3

In case anyone is wondering what Pale Moon is, it originally was a Firef*x fork developed by Moonchild Productions, which is now based off Firef*x before version 29, in which there was some past drama with the developers in the past

Now, enter Matt A. Torbin. He is the guy having a spergout over the Pale Moon Fork. He literally has at least twice called them terrorists, and criminals in the past. As you can tell, he really doesn't like them

Let's start with the first issue:

At the time, the developer of the Pale Moon fork (Mypal), Fedor2, in 2019, allegedly did not have the source code form set up right in the repo.. The problem was, since he grew in a post-Soviet shithole, specifically Ukraine, he did not fully understand how FOSS licenses work, due to how intellectual property is handled in that region. He also cannot speak proper English. Eventually, all was said and done, and Torbin seemed satisfied.

Ohhh, but it doesn't stop there. He is where Matt REALLY SPERGS OUT over him

Not only does Pale Moon exist, so does Baslisk, which is, you guessed it, yet another Firef*x fork done by MoonChild Productions, this time, Firef*x 52. Fedor2 also forks it, calling it Centuary, and this really gets the fatass riled up, this time proclaiming that he is in violation of MPL Section 5.1.

Not only does the drama continue, but now not only Fedor2 and Matt get into an argument over the license,, but now MoonChild gets involved.

Even more WORDS WORDS WORDS from Matt

Oh, and Fedor2 gives instructions, which really send Matt into a masssive spergout

Fedor2 then runs to the MSFN forums to get validation, and support over whether it violates Section 5.1 or not

Please help to understand what this is about

Here is another Pale Moon developer bringing the issue up

Anyway, in the very end, Fedor2 proceeds to close the repo up, stating someone else will need to take over the project

MSFN user mourns over its death

windowsxp sub seething

MoonChild tries to clarify, but people are still confused

Oh and supposedly, Moonchild and Torbin not only want the repo deleted, but everything destroyed, although Moonchild denies the case, accusing others of pulling an agenda to attack them.

Edit: LOL

Reported by:
Turns out ProtonMail/VPN isn’t as private as you think

They also gave out info to Europol recently regarding Paris climate protests

r/privacy thread of the tweet above

ProtonMail thread

ProtonMail response



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