
!codecels !schizomaxxxers @grizzly discuss


EU just ruins things because they can't build anything.

AI often isn't available because of obscure laws. chatGPT had been blocked for a month. Gemini is not available right now. A disaster.

Bureaucrats want to show that they exist.

To my knowledge they've never been "blocked". Google simply didn't release them in the EU for a while.

By delaying something introducing stupid regulations, they block it.

Personally I don't want to be drinking polluted water, eat unsanitary food, live in a place where all housing is owned by a handful of entities that engage in price-fixing, work 80 hours a week in an environment when response to mass worker suicides is to install suicide nets, have my privacy violated by private corporations (foreign or domestic) or have my insurance rates tripled by some opaque discriminatory AI, but you do you in whatever dystopian future you dream of.

You're just a low life europoor communist.

EU just wants to kill tech, because its ever changing nature means that they can't control it.

Quite the opposite, in EU there is no innovation because only big tech can comply with regulation.

EU is just hurting its own startups.

USA, India, China. They all have multibillion AI companies. EU doesn't because nobody wants to deal with unpredictable lawmakers

Edit: @dang came and mopped up, RIP _giorgio_

Edit 2: actually _giorgio_ didn't get banned :marseymindblown:


Just lol


Empress is so unhinged it's unreal lmao bussy


According to a Bloomberg report, listings for DEI roles were down 19% last year — a larger downtick than in legal or general human resources departments per data from Textio, a company helping businesses create unbiased job ads.

“I’m cautiously concerned — not that these roles will go to zero but that there will be a spike in ‘Swiss army knife’ type roles,” Textio Chief Executive Officer Kieran Snyder told Bloomberg.

Other sectors besides have dramatically carved into their DEI departments after deploying mass layoffs in anticipation of a pending global recession.


"Learn to code"

Reported by:
  • rDramaHistorian : I really want to care about this but I am a straggot moid who gets laid so....
  • JimJones : Moralstragging on rdrama? Lol, lmao even.

Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince stated an imminent threat to human life was why he revoked our service.

He elaborates in his post, and claims violent rhetoric had ramped up.

This seems to be based off one of two things:

1. A post made on 4chan's /pol/ with a picture taken outside an apartment in Ireland which references the forum.

2. A series of posts made by one user, @Washizu Iwao (formerly @Serotonin).

This means that a community with 16,000 daily sign-ins is being punished for the behavior of a single user, or a person not even on our website.

The post by @Washizu Iwao was posted at 9:42pm EU time. It was reported seven times. After 32 minutes it was deleted by @Ride, one of our admins. The user was also banned.

Our website makes no money. All of our moderators are volunteers. It took Facebook (with a 24/7 staff of paid moderators) 29 minutes to remove the Christchurch shooting from Facebook Live.

This user joined in 2020, but the account remained inactive until July, 2022.

He made a single, low-effort post in an on-topic board before going dormant again until August 21st. Every subsequent post was in the Keffals thread.

This person is not an active member of the community. This appears to be a sleeper account someone had gotten access to in July, and kept on hand to use like this.

On August 31st, Matthew Prince released a strong statement defending his role as a service provider and not a regulatory body. 3 days later, something scared him. I don't know what it was, but it achieved the desired result. In his explanation post, which reads as rushed and irrational, he tries to mitigate the whiplash between the two opposing statements by saying we are the worst site he has ever seen - because one post (which was already deleted by the time he pulled the plug) made a violent threat.

The precedent has been set. At Cloudflare, with enough pressure, a single post by a strange account can be made to threaten a 9-year-old community and the tens of thousands of people who have used it every day for years. There has never been a violent incident in our history, which cannot be said for many other sites still on Cloudflare. This narrative feels like a lie spun up to save face.

Even now, I have received zero communication from Cloudflare, U.S. Law Enforcement, the Irish Garda, or the Royal Ulster Constabulary regarding anything related to #DropKiwiFarms or its members.

This concerns me and should deeply concern everyone about the state of the Internet.

I'll have more to say later. I've not yet moved my domains from Cloudflare, because a part of me thinks that Matthew will recognize this as an err in judgement. The decision is simply too asinine for me to accept as reality.

Despite repeated warnings over a decade, a steady flow of email traffic continues to the .ML domain, the country identifier for Mali, as a result of people mistyping .MIL, the suffix to all US military email addresses.

The problem was first identified almost a decade ago by Johannes Zuurbier, a Dutch Internet entrepreneur who has a contract to manage Mali’s country domain.

Zuurbier has been collecting misdirected emails since January in an effort to persuade the US to take the issue seriously. He holds close to 117,000 misdirected messages—almost 1,000 arrived on Wednesday alone. In a letter he sent to the US in early July, Zuurbier wrote: “This risk is real and could be exploited by adversaries of the US.”

Funniest part of the story. They're reporting this one instance, but they have been doing this consistently FOR A DECADE.



can't make an API call?



Sequel to this post:

Cursory glance at a reddit search:

I feel deep personal shame for even remembering ten year old reddit drama.

Reported by:
lol. Nice meme.

PSA: #Reddit is restoring deleted and overwritten posts to save what they consider "their data". This is a new low and probably illegal at least in Europe. You can send a GDPR or CPRA request here:

These are screenshots of my profile on June 14th before and after overwriting and then deleting all my posts with Powerdelete. Today, June 16th all my posts have been restored by Reddit without my knowledge or consent.

Orange Site discussion

Reported by:
  • Unbroken : Make yourself a "knows 1 html tag" badge
  • Neon_Needles : Imagine not being a c*m drinking front end HTML5 cuck. Shameful.
carp can’t code haha shut up carp let the REAL pros handle things
Which one of you was shilling SN on /g/?



A study found that anti-piracy messages work on women but actually make men MORE likely to pirate (because dudes rock :marseyjam:).

One brave slashdotter has to remind everyone that this is because women get punished for rebelling ( :marseyrofl: )

Meanwhile the rest of the comments have entirely too many people fully admitting that they don't pirate because they "have too much to lose" and apparently don't know what a fricking VPN is, which is a truly darning indictment of what used to be one of the best tech-literate forums on the interwebs.

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