Is Palworld any good?

Is this another meme game like Valheilm? I never touched that shit again after a few hours

!g*mers pls help


Currently sitting at 92% it's probably the most popular game in the creature collector category in the last 5 years. Twitter account confirms 1m sold earlier today. Apparently modern GPU's run it at 200fps on 1440p so it's optimized. All this and it's just early access with more to come. Most people weren't even sure this was a real game because it had nothing but cutscene until 6 months ago. You can catch humans in the balls, make them your slaves and even slaughter them for food like any other pal.

Avowed bros, it's not looking too good

Obsidian has released new gameplay for their upcoming RPG. It looks pretty mediocre. Just like with Outer Worlds, obsidian seems to be making another uninspired derivative knock off of an older RPG. This time copying the elder scrolls in style.

I especially hate all the conversational parts. Some of the voice acting in PoE was pretty good so I dunno why its so butt here.

That said, as long as they port the druid class and I can shift I'll probably buy it

Game review channel that doesn't suck. Renn with two Ns,

I laugh out loud at every video. Am I :!marseywhirlyhat: ? Perhaps. But I haven't looked forward to uploads like this since Dunkey was telling people to get gunned down in ditches for being "scumfrick r-slurs."

His talent and effort are high, this content rocks. :marseyagreefast:

Videos are full of jokes not just in the game world but the real dimension as well :marseyappleseed:

Very dry sarcasm even in ad reads. Macabre humor delivered with soothing and pleasant tone that comes completely out of nowhere :marseyregular:

References to obscure internet jokes that I've only ever seen mentioned on rDrama. :!marseygossiplaugh:

His newest video is about Lies of P so he spends the entire time in a pinocchio costume lying to people at Olive Garden but not in an r-slured :marseyzoomer: prank channel way it's actually good I swear.

Still a game review video essay channel though so put it on your second monitor while you do literally anything else.



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Reminder not to support palworld, it's not even subtle about its rip offs, how much else has it stolen?

I'm ashamed to stand with these strags, not because they support video game piracy or because they freak out on Xitter about inconsequential things :marseynothingburger: but because piracy is based and they make it seem lame

If you want to play palworld and not financially support lazy artists, I highly recommend a boat ride with your buddies to find the one piece

>"If they steal a previously-stolen design, I'm OK with that :marseyretardchad:"

If its ripping off pokemon, I dont care, everyone knows that.

If its ripping and stealing fakemon, thats a problem


Darn, using a design from one franchise as inspiration for another? How horrible.

Pokemon fans when they see unsucked Game Freak peepee


Anyway I hope this game takes off cus the designs are cool and we could get crossover porn :marseyevilgrin:


What kind of home computer did you and your family use? How powerful was it? What kind of programs did you run?

My family's first computer was an Amiga 500. I used to play Capone and F/A-18 Interceptor on it. My parents never used it for work.

It had a 7MHz CPU, 512kb of RAM, and no hard disk. Every program had to be loaded from a floppy disk.

It ran on a proprietary operating system called AmigaOS, also loaded from a floppy disk each time.

:pikachu: :marseylenin:
Sony openly lying to my face

It's says a friend of my preordered this game but this friend is my Dutch account :marseythumbsup: and I for sure didn't preordered that game on any of my accounts. I clicked on that game because I was curious when it comes out but I ain't getting it even for that 10 buxx upgrade price it ask (didn't even upgraded my ps4 Spider-Man to ps5) only game for sure I am preording this month is like a dragon


:#marseydetective: :#cocka:

Guys stop zooming into her private parts you perverts!

hubba hubba hubba....hominahominahominahominahomina AWOOOGA AWOOGA AWOOOOOOOOOOOGAAAA hominahominahominahomina

Your pubic hair is sexy asf and looks realistic. Very beautiful 🀩



He says it at 4:06 :marsey:

@Majin-Boobs discuss

This is Minthara
Hit that shit that takes you out of this world.



>you can catch and enslave humans to force them to protect your base


Pokemon with guns

Kill enemies

Eat them

Make them factorio your base

Base building

Open world



Over 100 mons

Cross breeding



A surprising lack of bugs

Wall climbing


Sky mounts


Customization like drop rate, egg hatching rate, mon rate for each world

Each mon has different ai for the environment they're in

Early access for content updates

More like Arc Survival with pokemon than anything

Reported by:
Yo Dramatards, what was the first/earliest game you guys ever played??? :marseyfluffy: :marseyfluffy: :marseyfluffy:

I was like 5 when i 1st touched a computer in 1997/1998 at pre-school, there was this shitty PC with all of these learning programs for kids,

But the one game I do remember was that windows95 Ski game, where you skied down the slope, and inevitably some Indomitable Snowman came to fricking devour you, I could never win that darn game, could one of you strags beat it? I never could

Later in about 2000, one of my uncles would donate his fricking 10 year old DOS-PC for her to type and print on, and holy frick was that thing old. It didn't even have windows on its desktop, and you could not use the mouse to open a program - you had to type number 1-40 to open the listed 40 odd installed programs lmoa.

However the fricker did have 2 excellent games installed on it!

The complete 6 Episodes of the 1st Wolfenstein 3D

which apparently you can just fricking play in ur browser these days :marseymindblown: :marseymindblown: :marseymindblown:

Ahhhhhhh good times, i would be able to 100% 2 episodes, however episode 2 and 6 were fricking bitches

Then there was Prehistoric

A dinosaur platformer. I basically smashed my spacebar into oblivion with this darn game :marseyextinction: :marseyextinction: :marseyextinction: :marseyextinction:

I also played the space cadet on windows98 like the 9gag post show! :marseylaying: :marseylaying: :marseylaying:

Yep we had zero internet! We would play this at the school computer labs when the teacher wasn't looking, most boomer adults were just as tech-illiterate was we were with this new PC technology, that the library teacher, whom was also to be the Tech-lab/PC-lab teacher of our schools, didn't know how to fricking uninstall the darn games even to stop us from goofing off, instead of typing our assignments. :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist:

RSA mandated that due to the proliferation of computers in the business world, that by 1999-2000, all schools were to have computer-labs for the kids to learn tech literacy, but obviously only middle-class schools could accomodate this, I was very fortunate.

The very 1st game I played on a private computer, was on my aunts worklaptop, a monster of a machine that was barely portable because those early laptops weighted like bricks.

The magic Schoolbus games! :marseylaying: :marseylaying: :marseylaying:


Come on dramatards, show me ur nostalgia ! :daydream: :daydream: :daydream:


Where my retro heads at? -- Post 'em

In honor of Autism Games Done Quick, I wanna see your collections of retro games and CRTs. No I don't mean Critical Race Theory, nice try. Please tell me I'm not the only one neurodivergent enough on this site to have them.

It may not be much but it's mine. It's a Sony KV-20V50 that I got from a random dude online for only 20 bucks. Not a bad deal, there's some geometry issues specifically the bowing on the left and right side that I could fix. I'm not really willing to risk opening this thing up while it's live. At least not yet.


So let's see what you guys got.

(Game is Bonk's Revenge running on my imported PC Engine with a chinese flashcart)

:marseygamer: Share you multiplayer struggles :marseygameritsover:

only MP i play is dota2 :marseycrystalmaiden: . Stuck in Crusader :marseydawnbreaker: for ages thanks to pinoys indos and malays :marseyitsallsotiresome:

now the Chinx joined SEA and are playing farming :marseylegioncommander: simulator :marseyrope:

!g*mers !codecels share you MP struggles and stories

Reported by:
  • Healthy : Facedoxxing @transb-word
  • X : LOL
:marseyquestion: is this supposed to be a woman :marseyconfused!:

I'm surprised the stream is still up after so many hours lmao

Chat here:

Bongland is just irl Resident Evil.

The tweets are not my concern. If someone wants to make a fool of themselves by liking hate speech, it's their right to do so. What is my concern is how Artur is trying to hide what is very clearly his project under a new name, lie about it and threaten people who are trying to expose the truth. I worked with Artur on Cold World; he used a real 911 Phone call of a woman in the 1980s (Allegedly) being S.A in a police horror game. He then made me record a stupid patreon donation recording for Cold World: Evacuation. He worked with my buddy Pete on Stray Souls, Pete said it was an absolute nightmare working with Artur and half the time he was working on another game (SUPERNORMAL) while working on Stray Souls. Artur is disingenuous and abandoned Stray Souls after it flopped miserably. Be cautious about supporting this game, not for his social interactions which does also include banning/blocking people who criticize his video game but also for the fact he's known to abandon ship when it can't make him money.

You didn't need to sell me on the game any further than I already was, but thanks anyway.

All the people saying they'd like to play this game, I urge you to watch this video first. The dev is a very harmful and offensive person, has many many projects in the past that he failed or was removed from and most importantly, is transphobic, racist, and lying about it.



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