Nuke Canada for allowing this kind of neighborspeak to evolve there.

!whites !BIPOCs

Reported by:

(only posting here the more relevant screenshots and posts)

This is a very small portion of files from CWC's profile. It turns out, for his "PlayStation" history level for LBP, he actually had a bunch of different kids from PSN send him pictures of the game cover from PS eye. There is much, much more to come. (T or F: Christian Weston Chandler had multiple LittleBigPlanet "girlfriends" that he went to Bora Bora Island with... on multiple occasions.) Find out later! Much more to come as uncovered.

these were recovered from CWC's psn profile on LBP1-3. they haven't been seen before. more will be coming, including levels that have been locked for years and never documented. CWC had girlfriends on LBP after Julie, whether they were one night stands or not is a mystery.

For behind the scenes of Autism Tutorial. The attachment of the bed with CWC and a fellow sackperson was a private picture on his LBP profile. It is dated to 2012 although that could be wrong. The name of the other sackperson is "LBPgirl1". A probable child, or catfish, (as was most of the playerbase of LittleBigPlanet), CWC actually had a number of interactions with various sackfolk. The child seen in one of the other photos is an image sent to him by an account I'll leave anonymous but that he interacted a number of times and was PSN friends with.

Worth noting, his Sonichu Ep1 level had a number of pathways and parts of it that were inaccessible without flying in create mode. I am working on getting a comprehensive recording of the behind the scenes of that level too, and the levels he left locked.

The picture of those two sackpeople, male and female, are either a representation of Bob and Barb or are supposed to represent a drug-addicted mother and elderly father, supposed risk factors of natal autism.

CWC went through great effort to obtain pictures of first party Sony games to appease them in his history level, including taking photos of his PSP and the PC featured in the internet cutdown. Meaning, CWC assumedly took his PS3 into the room it was in in order to take them. It was not possible to import photos directly from the HDD. In fact, CWC used 99 pseye photos in his history level, which was the maximum the game allowed.

I was unable to recover any comments or reviews CWC left for others or comments or reviews left on his levels, although I do have all or most pictures that he took or was featured in, as well as some PSN messages.

Isn't the whole asking someone to hold something up the way you verify that someone is real online?

If that's the case, then why was Chris getting children to prove they were actually children?


Yeah, I'm a little concerned.

What was a 26 year old man needing to talk to kids for?

not apparently. cwc had multiple kids send him pictures of first party sony games that he didn't have so that he could prove in the history level he was a true ps3 player. i haven't even parsed through all of the photos and messages yet (i have to convert them manually into a format that's readable) but i'll keep it updated. nothing darning yet other than the fact that he was definitely interacting with and forming in-game relationships with probable and sometimes definite children.

Where did you get this information from? Do you have access to his old PSN account or something?

"Yes officer, I asked those young children to send me pictures of themselves so I could prove that I'm an OG g*mer. I don't know why they're all very young children, I guess that's who plays the game, oh! and me!"

Chris has had p-do tendencies in the past, liking Shadman's art, and now Flutter is the size of a small child, which I'm sure is something Chris loves about her.

I'm not putting anything past this motherlover.

Here is the full PS3 history level:

So wait, how did all of this extremely rare and obscure never-before-seen material from 16 years ago got uncovered out of nowhere, all coming from a single Groomercord user who created his KiwiFarms account a week ago?

Zeus Blue Thunder:

Hey there. I do not want to start drama, I really don't. When I do, it's because I am disagreeing with something objectively, specifically the actions of a person and not the individual themselves. I also saw a lot of people questioning how I got my info, even claiming I am a pawn of Praetor.~

I am actually kinda glad people question me, because it means that my word isn't just blindly taken as fact. Now, this is relevant because of friendofcoal.

Quick disclaimer, I am gonna talk a lot about social deduction. It's not for everyone, but I'll try to be as concrete and use as simple of a wording as possible.

See, friendofcoal joined the Kiwi Farms two days ago, just for those revelations (Timezones throw that off slightly, but still).

The Groomercord account they use for the CWCki is relatively old, however.

They joined the CWCki around two to three weeks ago. Not sure on the exact date, first, it doesn't really matter, second, I'd have to log in on my alt again and that's a bit of a pain. Their first message, posted on the 1st of this month, was about the errors in the Julay video, showing that they were already invested in the technical details of Classic Christory. This shifted into smalltalk and theorising about Flutter, which then shifted on the 8th (The date of the Kiwi Farms account creation), when they started revealing all of the LBP shit.

Now, why is this relevant?

Lemme explain.

Krimzen27's account is set to only allow messages from friends. I sent them an invite which was then accepted, which means that me inviting them wasn't seen as a hostile action. I then proceeded to ask them, in general, about the Chris's LBP and tried to confirm their identity (I got the Groomercord acc handle before I verified it by going on the CWCki Groomercord). This also wasn't seen as hostile and I got a reply.

When I asked them about the method they used to obtain the information, they promply unfriended me, which was basically a block.

This is the tricky bit.

When I get info, it's because I either scour the public records, I use the info supplied to me by Chris/anyone related to Chris via socials medias, various accounts, videos, transcripts, ect, ect, or I contact another person who can confirm it for me, such as people behind the sightings and such. If someone asked me about something as inconsequential as where I got random old butt pictures of Chris from his PSN, I wouldn't even bat an eye. Heck, would anyone even care that you hacked his PSN? It's probably floating around the internet due to one of the numerous dataleaks anyway.


Block when I attempted to ask this exact question.

How one would naturally stumble upon this info is either:

  • Finding Chris's old account that nobody knew about and just copying the info (not likely, especially due to some of the contents shared and that it has been done in 2024)
  • Hacking/getting access to the PSN account
  • Being connected to Chris and having knowledge/access to it from there, whether it's being one of those galpals on the site or being Caden Michael Peck.

Due to the activity of the fellow starting almost instantly from this revelation, I suspect that they started using the Groomercord and made the Kiwi Farms specifically for the sighting, which means that the news was either too big not to share, or a part of something larger.

I have no idea what the motives or the goals of friendofcoal are, but something's really sketchy in this, but I can't quite put my finger on it...


I fully expect this picture to be analyzed and called fake. Everyone should do their own testing and crossanalysis because we are currently operating on my word, which is not worth anything. Here is a fotoforensics check of it:

Once I get a better understanding of this situation I'll reveal more information. This is not the original, unedited, compressed, encrypted, etc. photo. I exported it and then took a screenshot of it, but I did not change anything with the image. The original resolution was 640x480. The original was AES-CBC-192 encrypted. I did this as I believe releasing the originals, of any of these files, could be an opsec risk. I'm not entirely sure what kind of metadata is included with them. Please note that as I release these, I am not claiming they are sent by CWC personally. I can only confirm that this was definitely sent by the Sonichu account (accid: 647866604572217206) over PSN. I could not find a Unix timestamp for this file. If anyone knows when the Sonichu account used this avatar, let me know. There are different avatars used in different messages. I don't want to look like a fool making a claim that turns out to be nonsense.

Transcript (from Sonichu, as an attachment, to another PSN user. I am NOT claiming this necessarily came from CWC.):

"Subject: Hi my Dear (two different PS3 heart emojis)

Darling, I'm soo glad you've been on my mind, and, Rest-Assured, I MISS you very Much; I just can't stop thinking about YOU and ALL the special times we've shaerd (sic)-hurry back to me soon!"

The issue is not with the info. That I believe to be legitimate.

What I find odd is your behaviour, as mentioned above.

I don't find those to be enough of a hot spot to warrant such reaction.

From the sound of it the hotspot seems to be this data is not public and it's not from a hack. Information encrypted in that fashion would take years of work to break on someone's home computer. Either the key is available to him due to the fact he's a PlayStation employee or he's using company resources or a botnet to crack the encryption.

Either way it wouldn't be a good idea to share it with everyone. Hopefully he's a PlayStation employee with full access to everything Chris has ever done on there.

Actually, yeah.

I have seen a bit of this on the CWCki groomercord.

To be honest, I assumed the info was just on Chris's account and only required a login.

If this is how it'd one, via decrypting hashes and such, that's a MASSIVE level of commitment which I respect.

Heck, I actually contacted Coal for something simillar, specifically, trying to find hidden info/"hack" into a few of Chris's profiles.

Fair enough then. I suppose the rant actually served a purpose, albeit a different one than expected.

Again, despite what it seems, I do not hold grudges against people online, but their actions. Since I now know the reason for this, I can finally...stop caring for a bit because I don't care about old PSN pics and mostly about Flutter, Chris's AirBNB and AOL email which I am trying to gather more info about/access.

You're doing good work, Coal. :coal: If you feel confident in doing some other work, I would be pretty happy.


I just got banned on the cwcki groomercord (Krimzen27) because I leaked some info without permission. Someone keep them updated.

This was a message sent from the Sonichu account to someone who identified themselves as a girl and sent a photo of themselves. The photo which is being referenced contains a non-explicit photo of an apparently young girl. I chose to censor the name used in the photo.

I am requesting permission from KF staff to post the remainder of the exchange. Don't draw any conclusions until you get a full understanding. There is no evidence a crime occurred.

I was given permission to post this by KF staff. It is censored and is going to stay that way unless I find a reason to release it. This message was not part of a PS3 reply chain, but was used as a response to a message from the Sonichu account that requested pictures. These are not the only pictures received by Sonichu. Nothing illegal has been discovered. I have reason to believe that Sonichu and this user had a voice conversation together.

And no, there's no recording.

I am going to confirm that CWC had sole control of his PSN account during the period of all of the screenshots I have shown. He controlled the account throughout most of 2010 and onward.

Barb also bought an impressive amount of games that CWC either never played at all or played only once. Thousands of dollars. I can also confirm in at least one case he bought DLC for a game he never actually played at all, one week after buying it (DJ Hero 2).

I think most of the people communicating with him at the time were adults pretending to be kids so they can "catch" him being pervy. Cause y'know, Julaaay?

I'm curious as to where they're getting their info as well. I'm waiting to see what they're trying before wasting time on them lol.

After the bluespike incident he had a little bit better grasp on keeping his accounts to himself, so that's not surprising.

Also not surprising that they bought a shit ton of games that were never touched. That was confirmed before he went to prison. He most likely bought multiples of different games just cause he could because no-one knew (or cared). Classic case in point was the Sonic Boom games that he "hated".

What is the point of this?

It's possible that these were trolls. Here is what I'll confirm, and will later show with evidence:

1. This user and Sonichu interacted for the first time on LittleBigPlanet 2 in 2011. I know this because the PS3 keeps an index of all players you have encountered and where you encountered (the "Players Met"). Their interactions continued for at least several months. During this time, they took several pictures together on LittleBigPlanet 2. I am going to assume that most of their chat interactions took place on LittleBigPlanet 2, but I have no evidence for this because LittleBigPlanet games do not save chatlogs to storage. Records of calls to other users, "Chats", are limited to timestamps, including length of call, and the users involved. It is worth remembering that in these chats either side may turn on the PS eye and exchange video.

2. I personally do not believe that the user I refer to (as seen in the censored screenshot) is a troll. My reasoning is that minutes after meeting on LittleBigPlanet 2, they immediately added each as other as friends. I must emphasize the order here: they met on LittleBigPlanet 2, and then added each other. On all LittleBigPlanet games, it's only possible to join or play with a non-friend by sending them an invite (which is handled as a special PSN message, of which none exists), "dive in" (which will randomly call another player to join you.), or to happen to play the same level simultaneously. Meaning that either the user dove in to CWC, Chris dove in to her, or they were playing the same level and became acquainted that way. I do not know which. So, this is not apparently a case of a troll adding CWC as a friend or inviting them, rather CWC either stumbled upon her or vice versa. CWC was always referred to by his PSN id Sonichu, or abbreviations thereof, when interacting with this user.

3. The photographs exchanged between the them include CWC showing his guitar, his custom LittleBigPlanet game, his custom Sonichu games, among others. I found 4 different photographs sent to CWC from the user. All 4 appear to depict a prepubescent girl which is almost definitely under the age of 14. I have not found any reason to believe anything explicit was solicited or sent. CWC solicited all photographs he received. The girl shown in the photographs are definitely the same, and although they have a low quality (although a quality appearing to be greater than a PS eye camera), I was unable to reverse image search the photos. I will give a description as follows: dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and appearing to have fetal alcohol syndrome (I'm not a medical doctor). I would, almost, say that it looks like Flutter, but thinner and younger (Please note, this is not Flutter, it just came to mind as a way of describing her.)

4. There is no evidence CWC knew her age, or any of the other apparently young girls and boys, from what I've found.

Even if there was nothing explicit, this is EXTREMELY suspect.

It's sus, this is for certain. Of course he doesn't mind age, we already know he'll violate his own standards.

Here is a portion of CWC's hexadecimal cachefile for the playstation store. Notice the home/000...3/. This is because CWC had three user accounts at the time. User, User 1, and Christian Chandler. The portion of the cache shown is around the same time CWC claimed the Metal Gear Solid level pack, from LBP1, (that he received for free as runner-up) as indicated from the tag (BCUS). The date shown in the rear right corner of the hex photos are from the time of capture, not the time of modification. This is a feature of multiman.

The other attachment shows CWC soliciting more photographs from the girl and commenting on her lovelyface. If you're wondering why CWC refrained from using spaces in the subject, it's because PS3 had a very small subject character limit, which that subject reaches exactly. The same is true with his mecomment.

Sadly, I could not find CWC's .dict files, which would include all unique words he ever used and weights of existing words (effectively, a keylogger). But there is still a lot of interesting and bizarre information.

Here is CWC soliciting her to join a voice/video call on PSN. A call that lasted about 2 hours. This is PSN, where when on a call you can't do anything else with the system.

Yeah, there really isn't a ton of evidence of legitimate wrongdoing at this time, just a few screenshots and messages that look kind of suspicious without context. And then the miles of baseless speculation that inevitably follows. I'm hesitant to accept any of these theories unless some more solid evidence of Chris engaging in pedofork activities comes out. There's just too many possible scenarios that aren't "Chris groomed kids on PSN".

I personally feel like if Chris was actually some form of diddler, it would have come out years ago. Chris has hilariously bad opsec, even moreso back in the pre-:marseytrain: era. Surely someone would have pieced it together, or found something when one of his accounts got hacked, or come forward as a victim. Heck, it only took a month before he started blabbing to people about fricking his mom. There's a good chance he would have talked about it voluntarily.

I guess my point is that you guys should hold your horses on the wild theories, at least until more information comes out. None of this looks great, but none of it is definitive proof of malicious actions. But hey, if I'm proven wrong, so be it.

If there's something here, I don't think it's about being a p-do per se (like for example searching actual p-do material online or doing something obscene in front of a school). Not that I want to defend him, he is disgusting and he always used his autism as an excuse to not learn social roles and boundaries. So I can see him taking the opportunity if it falls into his lap because Chris' r-slurred train of thought is very simple, like the incest saga clearly showed: does it feel good in that moment? Does it have the potential of getting his duck wet? Then frick everything else, he is going to do it and not care about consequences.

Correct, he done it to Barb. Do you think Chris chan has any kind of impiulse control? No, he shits his pants.

Basically he shouldn't be trusted around children. Especially girls.

It's doubtful he would snatch one due to it being effort and he is lazy.

If there was one living in a house with him and he had frequent opportunity to be alone with the child, it wouldn't be a case of if, more a case of when.

He would certainly groom both the child and himself into it.

Just as he did with Barb.

!ranchers !oldstrags !pedohunters

Reported by:
We need a containment HOLE :marseygoatse: for this shit lmao

US politics that is

It's so cringe lmao

>candidate stuttered a bit

>candidate does a thing

>Isn't le douche bad, and le turd sandwich good?

!grillers let's keep this shit contained

!eurochads let's get this discussion going while the nightmutts are asleep

Black lives matter

Kittens :marseyghosthappy:

:marseyghost: :marseypumpkin4:

!animalposters !cats !catholics

:soymad: BBC reporting on Sinwar's death :marseymuslimitsover:

I should have specified that TÜRKIYE Tom's videos are full of incorrect information and ignoring important information as well, and also, his dorky voice is fricking unbearable and his taste in music is also peak 2009 emo teenager who never grew up :marseyemo:

But I still rarely watch his videos sometimes nonetheless, and I can applaud him for bringing cases of pedos and predators like Goonclown into the mainstream, and it is sort of weird to see such a famous and monetized youtube channel with millions of views having an account on sites like KiwiFarms and talking about the sources that he gets from the farms, but anyways,TÜRKIYEGOD gemerald or :marseytrain2:keyTom brimstone collection here: !soyteens !ranchers


I can't believe none of us r-slurs posted about this. Let me capitalize on it then :marseycapitalistmanlet:

Not sure where the conflict started, I was only skimming /r/worldnews for posts about Ukraine or Israel, and generally ignored everything else. But I think it started with North Korea sending balloons filled with trash and shit over the border into South Korea.

>South Korean military says 350 waste balloons detected from North Korea overnight as tensions flare

>North Korea reportedly sends balloons carrying excrement into the South

>Parasites Were Found In North Korea's Trash Balloons, Seoul Says

Dunno what caused Communist Korea to do this, I think it wasn't the first balloon batch they sent, so tension flaring might have been the result of a past fleet of shit filled balloons, but anyway... :marseyshrug:

>South Korea vows 'unbearable' retaliation against North Korea over its launch of trash balloons

Obviously this pissed off Capitalist Korea :marseyraging:

>South Korea accused of flying drones over Pyongyang 'carrying anti-regime propaganda'

>Sister of North Korea's leader threatens South Korea over drone flights

So they sent drones flying over N.K which made Kim sperg out massively :marseydrone: :marseyscared:

>North Korea severs all road and rail links to South Korea

>South Korea fires warning shots after North Korea blows up border roads

>North Korea claims 1.4 million apply to join army amid tensions with South

>North Korea Claims Mobilisation of 1.4 Million Youth for "Holy War"

And he's now screaming war :chudtantrum:

>S. Korea to attend NATO defense ministers' meeting for 1st time

South Korea has also started to get closer to NATO in the meantime, including sending weapons to various eastern european countries and joining drills there, but I don't have links for the Ukraine war part :marseyteehee:

>North Korea confirms its revised constitution defines South Korea as 'hostile state' for first time

Latest news about the conflict, the same as the main link so you don't have to click twice :marseythumbsup:

So dramatards, what do you think? It's probably :marseysal: once again, but Best Korea seems much angrier this time and the West is already annoyed with them for sending weapons to Russia :marseythinkorino:

What a stupid hill to die on

I'm very left wing but I can't stand virtue signaling lazy people lmao


Anywhere here is where you make fun of them for being stinky

:marseytunaktunak:currycel compares benjamin netanyahu to hitler as a positive:marseytunaktunak:


Reported by:

Crazy that moonmetropolis kind of self destructed on the day of the return of our soren and saviour.


We were kings
Good Morning feeling horny rn so DM me for ERP.......... Do u like my :blahajspin: btw

!lgbt !cuteandinvalid My boobs hurt I think Im on my period

Reported by:
I have 1 million coins



!anime !kino

Reported by:

Does North Korea even have 10k people to fight? Apparently so!

Ukrainian intelligence agencies have learned that North Korea is preparing to send 10,000 troops to fight alongside the Russian military in Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced at a press conference in Brussels on Thursday.

Hmmm just like they "learned" to bomb the Nord Stream?

adding that Pyongyang was currently training a contingent of 10,000 troops inside North Korea for deployment alongside Russian forces in Ukraine.

Oh so they're training 10k troops in their own country. Mhmmm...

According to Budanov, while Kyiv did not have the "full picture" on where the North Korean soldiers would be deployed, some 2,600 of them were expected to be dispatched to Russia's southwestern Kursk region

Ahhh so now only 2.6k and another "apparently"

Lots of speculation from Zelenskky, but it's probably WW3.

:marseytruthnuke: My fake(?)cel story :marseythissmall:

Grillcast was telling the truth when he said I was tall, jacked, and good-looking. However, I'm a peepeelet, 2.25" hard. I was a late bloomer because I literally skipped two grades and I've got a bit of the 'tism which is why I couldn't get any dates in high school but I did have a girlfriend for a bit in college. I was really anxious about doing anything sexual with her but I thought she really loved me, when we were just friends I had been really open with her about my other issues and insecurities and figured that would've icked her out too much for anything romantic to happen but even after knowing all that she made the first (official) move and asked me out. For a few days I was on top of my world, I thought I had finally beat my inner demons and could be "human" now. After our first date we went back to her place and cuddled for a bit and then started making out and she was really eager (I didn't mind getting sexual "early" with her since we'd been friends even before college) so I started fingerbanging her (I moved my fingers to the pattern of playing Cirno's theme on guitar) and we both started undressing. I was really anxious but I really trusted her and as mentioned earlier I had been open about other problems of mine with her, including my anxiety around s*x, though I hadn't specifically mentioned my micropeepee. I thought things were going well since she didn't seem too concerned and started giving me a gentle handjob but after a few seconds she said "it's ok if you can't get it up right now" and I was like "I am hard" and the face she made is seared into my memory forever. It was a combination of fear and pity. Throughout our relationship, part of what made me love her was that she never looked down on me. I struggle to see myself as being truly "human" with all the innate value that comes with and she was the first woman who really saw me as an equal. In middle and high school I was bullied a lot because I was small and weird and even the people who were nice to me did so out of pity. I got along well with some of the other spergs and I cherish their kindness but I'm a heterosexual man and I long for a romantic relationship with a woman. So yeah, in this moment I had just been knocked from the highest point I had ever been, mentally, to my absolute lowest. I awkwardly got dressed again and walked the couple miles back to my dorm (she lived off-campus) and cried for a few hours which was awkward because my roommate was there. The next day my ex (probably coping) impulsively got a shitty tattoo of some inspirational phrase (I can't even remember the words) and I told her it sucked and that I didn't want to date her anymore and she took it really poorly and ended up telling all of our friends (we mostly had the same friend group) that I was an abusive peepee(let) and made a point to go after my church friends and tell them I was a man-whore and nearly everyone I knew ended up alienating me. It was like a waking nightmare that continued day after day with no promise of ever waking up. My grades plummeted and I dropped out of college shortly afterwards. So yeah, that's my fakecel story and also the backstory of how I ended up in my piece of shit ambulatory rotting corpse life. I hate women so much it's unreal, but I hate myself more. I'm an unlovable freak, I'm evil, there's no hope for me, and I should've been aborted.

!incels kick me, keep me, I don't care anymore, but this is the story of the only romantic encounter I've ever had.

:marppy: Drama Report: 2024-10-18 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Don't worry guys, you are special/r/GenZ (361K)63%2940
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🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Harris Complains She Was Not Informed The Interview Would Include Q.../r/babylonbee (30K)56%1339
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘How did Trump regain the momentum in October ?/r/Askpolitics (6K)51%594
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Reddit is full of Gaslighting that Kamala did good on her fox inter.../r/conspiracy (3M)65%722
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Did they really drop Biden just to end up exactly where he was 3 mo.../r/Conservative (2M)62%600
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Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘How did Trump regain the momentum in October ?/r/Askpolitics (6K)51%594
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘Harris Complains She Was Not Informed The Interview Would Include Q.../r/babylonbee (30K)56%1339
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Sinwar is DEAD/r/UnitedNations (18K)48%285
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Ok I did one. How's my list? /r/assasinscreed (10K)50%73
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘"I can travel anytime I want 🤡"/r/Natalism (10K)47%60
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘how queer is your club? what region of the country/world are you in?/r/Hema (20K)50%122
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Don't worry guys, you are special/r/GenZ (361K)63%2940
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Sometimes the AI (even on Normal) feels a bit too unfair; I've had .../r/alienisolation (35K)52%192
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Rant from an old fan. /r/DragonageOrigins (22K)52%115
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Gov Pogi ng Cavite/r/cavite (19K)49%86

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


They're a bit wrong tho.Pakis should teach them the truth

Customs and Border Patrol agents help clean up Hurricane Milton devastation :marseywholesome:

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