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He will do this again. Gas stations and stores are the easiest easiest places to mask. Please keep yourself safe. :marseyropeyourself:

For once I agree!

"I don't know if I can ever trust him again after this." Yes you do know. You can't trust him. :marseyindignantwoman:

"Wait, babe! It's not what it looks like!" :marseyhearts: :m!arseycovidscare:

I'm so sorry

You need to do what is best for you

I can't imagine the shock and hurt you're going though

I'm really sorry x

Poetry! :marseyshakespeare:

Thanks :( I really do feel so shocked, I've always been scared this could happen but I really never expected it from him? I financially depend on him so much too idk what to do

He could really push this a lot further. :gigachad2:

Nope. I always have 2 extra masks on me because I'm very serious about precautions. If I had one and it broke, I'd put off my errands, go home, grab some, and then continue them. He's lying. He probably has verbalized/shown he's not on the same page as you with precautions or covid facts before. I'm so glad I'm single since this began. People rarely care and it's mostly women that do care. Please break up and save yourself. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

Seems like every foid's got some frumpy 300 pound Iago whispering "leeeeaaave him!" in her ear. Strangely, it often works. Imagine if men in relationships listened to angry incels for advice! :marseyblops2cel:

However, in this case I think a breakup would probably be good for both of them. Though the ideal scenario would be if he gets covid and pins her down and... :marseycoomer:

i would find it difficult to trust him again after witnessing him going into a store unmasked. is it possible that his mask broke and he thought running into the gas station quickly would be lower risk? yes. is it possible he used that excuse as a cover up? also yes. it sucks not knowing. you know him better than any of us β€” listen to your gut. if what he needed inside wasn't urgent, he could have waited until he had a new mask to go back. stuff like this (this being masks breaking and not having a spare on hand) sucks, and, albeit annoying, it does happen. :marseylongpost:

the main issue i see here in terms of y'all's relationship is that he readily admitted he wasn't going to tell you about it. if he had told you about it before you approached him about it, then you would have been able to decide if you were comfortable being around him, if you wanted to take extra precautions around each other for a bit, etc. since he didn't, that is where my mind would start wandering in terms of how often he has considered something β€œlow risk” and decided not to mask up, potentially putting you (and others) at risk. :marseylongpost2:

i'm sorry you're dealing w this, op. unfortunately, there is no right answer here, especially since you mentioned that you are largely financially dependent on your partner. i hope yall can figure things out going forward, even if it means going your separate ways. :marseywords:

We have been together for over five years and he's never wavered before, to my knowledge, and he's not ever done anything to break my trust. He's stuck by my side in masking the entire pandemic, and does seem truly remorseful and immediately moved to mask in the house for my sake. He's also been very mentally exhausted from his insane job and I've been noticing him making thoughtless mistakes in general lately due to it, so I am inclined to believe he just didn't think about it. But to your point, how do I know that that isn't a recurring thing… The lying/withholding is the bit that does really get me, too. This just sucks so bad. Given that I do love this person and he's never done anything remotely like this (I know we're questioning this, but he also travels internationally for work and masks and takes precautions there like masking, not going out to/eating at work dinners, etc.) so I'm gonna try to calm down and think about it for a while, maybe relationship counseling or something idk… I appreciate the thoughtful and insightful comment, it was a helpful perspective

The rare double-cuck relationship! :soyquack: :soyquack:

Please don't let reddit sabotage your relationship. I am here because I've have covid 6 times due to my big household not caring. My partner cares but he's forgotten once because it's the norm in society now. I don't blame him, he's remembered every other time.

:marseyjesus2: Downvote me to heck, I implore you all but as someone looking to avoid this I also have to be rational and understand it isn't as important to the people in my life as it is to me who's had a vaccine reaction and keeps getting it. I'm infuriated by it, it's so unfair but the world is moving on without me. Check out my post history for the reaction deets, I genuinely can't afford to catch it this much and I do and I'm still here. Please remember me it you ever catch it and feel anxious, if I can fight it so much you likely can too. Keep dodging it and I hope you never have to deal with it β™‘

Le suffering servant has arrived. But still, this technically qualifies as the voice of sanity.

All this has happened before, and all this will happen again:marseycovidscare: :m!arseyscared:

Redditor's :soysnooseethe: sister :marseychonkerfoidpuke: keels over, blames boomer father :marseyboomer: for finding out on Facebook :marseybacktofacebook:
this is cirno
Euro 2024 Live Match Thread - France vs Poland and Netherlands vs Austria



betting thread:




The cope over this guy is astronomical and everywhere. This is just funniest one I found till now, will add more later maybe :marseyantiwork:

:marseychudnotes: :!marseychudnotes:

The Stonehenge was built by :marseyblack:s? :marseyshook:

Uggo cope


I can't LARP with kali yuga tho I'd love to cause fricking wignats ruined it with their r-sluration god why'd they have to pick our doomsday scenario pick something from your canon, Nordics even have one but no they had to come for ours fricking LARPyans. Its so hyper specific to Indian context with references to caste and everything you'd think it would be safe from appropriation. :chuditsover:

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Once again, an American team has won the Stanley Cup. :marseysaluteusa:

!burgers, get in here! !leafs, get fricked. :marseypatriot: :marseycanadagenocide:

New Conservative Adult Animation just dropped! :marseywatchingtv:

The right is getting better at comedy and it's making the left nervous :marseycool2:

Will YOU be seated?



Based R-slur has an up to date CV

Tbh I'd give him a shot just because it's funny


Main story

A week ago, a British teenager got lost in some mountain wilderness on Tenerife. The last thing anyone heard from him was when he spent his last 1% of phone battery to phone his foid and tell her he was lost somewhere and only had 1% battery.

Should have maybe shared location instead instead via text, but we can't all be Einstein's can we?

Anyway, he's dead. We all know it. This isn't the fun part. Facebook detective r-slurs and the are the fun parts.

Facebook Detective R-slurs

I don't need to do an effortpost on this because everything funny is included in this thread:

But I will share some highlights:

There has been a 7-day search by Tenerifes emergency services. His family are desperate for info. But worth asking. Yeah maybe no one's tried his phone.

Yeah worth a try. I'm sure the search team would appreciate someone's pet Labrador getting involved. Let him sniff some of the lads socks and let him loose on the mountain. It's a good idea and I'm sure the emergency services of Tenerife could use a Labrador with a sensitive nose.

Another good shout. Maybe the hospital treating an unidentified Bong teenager might not have made the connection that it could be the missing Bong teenager on the news.

Lmao a psychic is helping now.

There are also people livestreaming webcam footage hoping to catch a glimpse of him, as well as r-slurs flying out to Tenerife to "help".



As with all of these missing person cases that capture the imagination of Facebook losers, it doesn't take long for conspiracies to start developing.

Locals refusing to talk about it.

His foid is a drugs mule and it's a drugs deal gone awry.

And by page 4 of the Tattle thread, they have also devolved into conspiracies themselves:

Plot Twist

This little missing chav was convicted as part of a group of eight for attacking another lad with a machete and an axe:

So maybe all the conspiracies are true ...

Further reading

Another forum thread starts making fun of the Facebookers before getting drawn into the same irresistible trap of conspiracy posting:

Lots of threads to pull at courtesy of Twttier:

!Britbongs are you keeping abreast of the latest Jay Slater drama?

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