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So what's everyone watching this week? !kino !hatewatchers
@Kongvann please pin
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I hereby renounce the Democratic Party pic.twitter.com/bCI7Gq5r3Y
— Isaiah L. Carter (@IsaiahLCarter) February 6, 2025
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— Isaiah Martin (@isaiahrmartin) February 12, 2025
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My boss texted me asking if I was free to join him for dinner tomorrow. Isn't that kind of weird?! Or am I over reacting? How do I get out of this? I already told him I didn't have anything going on after work
edit: please give me an excuse to get out of this after already telling him I had no plans??
nvm I think I'm going to pretend to be sick and not show up at work tomorrow
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the president's 43 year old daughter is posting camel toe thirst traps on the internet and you're blackpilling? pic.twitter.com/CRpRxzqJ3T
— Melian Refugee (@escapefrommelos) February 7, 2025
Ivanka has grown tired of people forgetting she's a smokeshow; posted elite thirst on IG pic.twitter.com/xohpqib9hc
— Flappr (@flapprdotnet) February 6, 2025
This too pop culture enjoying queens:
I TOLD Y’ALL SHE STINKS 😭😭😭 https://t.co/U9AQOAJTt7 pic.twitter.com/LPvslhWRBj
— seiji 🌿🌸 (@szaseiji) February 6, 2025
sabrina’s whole posture said, “how did i get here?” while billie was holding in the biggest “oh heck no” of her life 💀😭😭😭 pic.twitter.com/3uiqC6bjtH
— seiji 🌿🌸 (@szaseiji) February 7, 2025
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Another gigachad with perfect genetics (5' tall fat Asian man with autism)...
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I wanna see videos of people who have used the hair dye I'm interested in
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i was having such a fun night
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Cdm taught mwe two use the bird site on twop of pizzashiww. He didnt directwy teach that, just stated: "i wonder what would happen if...".
Deflectwor is gwood, and it remains hidden, but seeing bank statements makes it easier two fwind if the user purchased onye in the tinye period of recent pwosts/cwomments.
Ive alswo nyoticed swomething else, and im twying two fwigure out the rest and the MWOST ABUSIVE ways two use awards on users.
Pwease teach me! Explain what u knyow, maybe with a shwort two word cwomment!
Im eager two learn fwom others whwo have mwore intewwigence than mwe on this subject!
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Hе sауs: реорļе tоļd íf Ι bесоmе рřеsídеnt hřуvníа wíļļ соst 45 dоļļаřs, thеřе wíļļ bе сhаоs ín Ukřаínе
аnd wаř wíļļ stаřt but nоthíng hарреnеd
Соmmеnts аrе реаk
But mу роínt ís thе whоļе sаgа ís sо írоníс аnd аrс оvеrshаdоwеd
Ιn 1999 hе sауs ukwаínе nееd tаnks tо fоrеvеr аnd роíntļеs fíght
Ιn 1996 sауs hís fаtе аnd fаtе оf ukwаínе ís оn Рutín hаnds
Рutín wаsnt еvеn рrеsídеbt bасk thаn
Аļsо bеfоřе Рutín bесаmе tgе рřеsídеnt hе соntínyuеs tо kíss hís аss
Hе еvеn рrеdíсtеd bеíng stuсk ín Russíа