New AI just dropped :marseyautismcap:

Luma AI's new dream machine :marseymini: can make this great :marseynice: videos, check :marseyelonpaypig: them out, make more, and harass artists and AI whiners

Get excited :marseywereback: or cryabout where :marseydrama: we will be in 10 years



Reported by:
The sadness :marseycrying: of living :marseyjumpscare: without BBC

@sneedman hmu


Frick ROAR,frick you Karen with your privilege,votela you know who later :marseywave2: this year,and most of all,frick you,right in the kitty(we all know you have one),SolCandy,you fake mutherfuker you.

So reverse BEEE is not so nice?

If its a race issue....u dont cater for black? Why not? Goes for any other race u dont cater for...y not? We are all humans....what if u cater for white...but he is unhygienic and a black :marseymayoface: gentleman :marseybowler: wanted to book u was hygienic.... ? So why not?

I have a Dream (Martin Luther Voice) - That one day all the non-white ESA punters will stop complaining about the white :marseyokaymilk: ladies' ROAR. It sounds desperate. I always find guys pathetic :marseycryingclown: in real life when they cry about not being wanted by a lady (same shit over here). Move along gents - and by the way; if you do a proper forum search :marseydetective: you'll find a thread :marseystitch: or 2 where :marseydrama: some white :marseypajeetmask: SPs mentioned that they cater for non-whites

It's amazing to observe :marseynoooticer: the phycology of the so called 'affected' when reverse EE, BEE and AA is applied to them. And worse so for them when there's absolutely frick all they can do about it, as the race card means jack shit in this industry !!


So is it racist :marseyuncleruckus: to not serve :marseywithcake: clientele of a certain race? Is this a barrier to the legitimazation of prostitution. Imagine if a doctor :marseyliquidator: refused to treat :marseyespeon: black :marseysosa: patients.


I like watching men piss :3

I really like when they pee outside or someplace risky pr forbidden. Idk. It is very sexy and private, like it's something I'm not supposed to see. He's so vulnerable exposing himself to give into his body's urges. And he looks so relieved and raw and masculine holding his peepee and leaning his head back 😍 it's all male, very human, and it turns me on every single time

I also like when girls pee their pants sometimes but do NOT want to do it myself. Just watch vids sometimes.

what the frick is going on with foids

:redlight: Not actually Cuck :marseybikecuck: fiction (check profile):redlight: :marseycuckfiction: sends r/divorce :marseycuck: into foot :marseyfeet: fetish frenzy

Years ago, I created a massive list of disturbing films on IMDb: :marseyautism:

As of this writing, the list has 1,706 titles on it and easily the largest such list on the internet. :marseylongpost:

However, as many of you know, I was in prison from 2015 to 2024 and, as such, I was obviously not able to keep the list updated. Could you all please fill me in on the disturbing films that have come out since then? There's a list from /r/DisturbingMovies, but it's largely useless. It was made by Redditards, so it's filled with films that don't even remotely belong on a list of disturbing movies, like Watership Down and The Dark Crystal. To be on my list, the content has to be at least at R-rated level. :marseyindignant:

(As a side note, while I was in prison, I wrote a detailed outline for my own attempt at creating the most disturbing film ever made (partially inspired by the disgusting s*x offenders who I was forced to be surrounded by) - one that would not only far exceed every other "sickest movie ever made" in terms of on-screen depravity, but would also tell an emotionally devastating story filled with truly heartbreaking pathos. The fact that even the deeply jaded and desensitized prison staff were shocked and disturbed by it (and repeatedly spoke to me about it) told me that I did exactly what I set out to do.) :doge:


Maybe someone posted this already but I didn't search for it.

I'm going to do sneedman style by adding foids intermittently. Today I'll go with Denise Milani.

Tard Squad ELI5 reporting for duty:

:soysnoo2: By making them private, a user might get a good deal of likes for a publically heinous opinion because the awful people who like it are free from being exposed as supporting that heinous opinion by having their likes be public.

:!chadlibleft: Now imagine politicians, companies, religious leaders, etc... liking any sort of account and you having no idea. Epstien p-do accounts? No problem! Racism, bigotry, support for Putin? All aboard!

:soyjakferaltyping: Elon can just promote topics he agrees with and demote and outright censor anything he doesn't agree with. Because he's a petty daddy's money wannabe tyrant with a shitty diaper and a mother who doesn't love him even with all his money.

NoStupidQuestions asking Badthinks:

Why are users of Reddit, which has private likes, upset that Twitter/X now has private likes?

>[Bottom Text of OP]: Just browsing through the posts announcing Twitter/X will hide which users liked what and Redditors seem to be frothing at the mouth with rage about this new change. But why, when Reddit itself doesn't show you who upvoted or downvoted what?

:soysnootyping: People who matter don't use reddit. Being able to see if a public figure is into fascist shit is pretty handy.

/r/Technology geniuses:

:marseyinsane: $8Chan in its final form. A pseudo NatC bar hiding behind a fig leaf. One man's attempt to control the narrative for his own ends whilst giving plausible deniability to those who wish to sow dissent and stir shiat on a colossal scale

:!marseysmoothbrain: It means they can sell your likes now that they aren't giving them away :marseyjanny2: for free. :!marseyjanny2:

Some White Knight on /r/Twitter wants to fall on his sword and make his votes public again

!alligatorfrickhouse !fhqwhgads !chuds


/r/thugsaucesthesequel (and other related subreddits like /r/thugsaucesthetrilogy) are subreddits known for super-edgy "thugposting" comedy memes - more specifically, these are (usually very NSFW) memes that typically involve gay porn (almost always black gay porn), with black gay porn stars like Dreamybull, LoveandLightTV, and Brandon the Erotic Barber usually being meme-ified. Almost all of the people posting these memes are nerdy suburban white kids who only know what black people look like because of gay porn and Grand Theft Auto. They hate and mock black men while simultaneously fapping their micropeepeees to white men's gaping buttholes getting furiously pounded by throbbing BBC. In other words, typical Reddit humor. :soysnoo5:

Just recently, users on these subreddits decided to engage in targeted raiding of "feral" furry porn subreddits, which revolve around what is essentially drawn bestiality porn - the sort of outright zoophilia that even most other furries don't want to be anywhere near. :marseyfurry:

Just a few examples:

Yes, that's right: subreddits full of gay racists who fetishize black men attacking subreddits full of furry zoophile perverts. I am literally an autist, but this is weapons-grade autism that makes mine look like merely unrefined aspergite by comparison.


It's Pride Month, discuss gay historical figures :marseylgbtflag3:


That he actually did desire men is also clear from statements by his famous contemporaries, Voltaire and Giacomo Casanova, who personally knew him and his sexual preferences. Significantly, Voltaire nicknamed Frederick "Luc". When read backwards, it means "cul" (the vulgar French term for "anus" or "butt").

Voltaire was a bottom, lmao :marseydeux#:

Furthermore, at an advanced age, the king advised his nephew in a written document against passive anal intercourse, which from his own experience was "not very pleasant"


Saxony and France, however, repeatedly managed to place good-looking young men near him. Sanssouci was a women-free zone during the Friderican era.”[12] Frederick himself once shocked a dinner party with a misogynist rant against "ghastly women you smelled ten miles around."

:#marseywall: :#marseywomanmomentgenocide:

One thing I notice from these historical gay men is that unlike modern stereotypes of catty gays befriending queen bee foids, old timey ones were quite misogynist :marseynoooticer: !nooticers

Jinxthinker explains evolution and how streaming is actually a very difficult job (Hasan Piker pill taken)

playing video games all day is harder than the top streamers make it seem 10:33


it takes a high degree of concentration & brain power

steelrising is also quite a scary game - the trumpet robots creeped me out & they make u jump

  • We're listening to EASYFUN- Be Your USA. Here's the deal, steaming has left Jinxthinker mentally and physically exhausted and he needs a break (he then does a short dance)

  • Jinxthinker favors xhamster for his ADULT WOMEN porn.

  • He takes inspiration from several Elden Ring streamers but he doesn't watch them anymore because Elden Ring.

  • Jinxthinker thought he had food but then there was no food and he forgot to do his laundry because he was too busy streaming Steel Rising. He describes this game and why Phil should play it.

  • he's now into robot girls with fanblades.

  • It's getting harder to find really good porn. He wishes you could use the internet to make your own porn (nobody tell him about coomer text to image models)

  • There's furry adjacent image generation happening

  • He explains how tigers and lions don't live together and this isn't well known (to small children, I guess?)

  • Jinxthinker doesn't believe in evolution. He uses the Mr. Garrison explanation with a brief song interrupting it

  • EU4 is a nerd game, but Jinxthinker is still top percentile at it

  • Jinxthinker hasn't eaten in 2 fricking days, it's amazing how professionals like Phil do it.

  • He's watching Gossip Girl then he's going to watch Vampire Diaries. Then he describes a show he tried to watch but it was stupid.

  • He wants to react to some random videos on stream in the future.

!jinxthinkers where are the feathered fish with monkey tails?

Aliens are obviously real.

Man says life only grow on Earth because only Earth has water, fundamental to life on Earth.

Man go to moon. Find water on moon.

Man go to Mars. Find water on Mars.

Man research Jupiter, find water on its moons.

Man finds out the basic component to make life exists everywhere.

Going by the numbers, we will obviously find single cellular life on at least one other planet besides Earth.

The question then is, how likely are we to find intelligent alien life, or even primitive lion and tiger like alien life.

The answer is very likely.

Our galaxy alone has billions of Earth like planets. Earth like planets are those that can be found across the cosmos within the theoretical habitable zone for life to exist along with being similar to Earth's size.

Going by the numbers there is very obviously other intelligent life in the universe.

The question then is, why haven't we made contact yet.

Taking into account amount of time the universe and other galaxies have existed for, alien life must have already emerged by now in other places, with some civilizations far more advanced than us and others far less.

The answer to this question is simple, it's because technologically they are in a similar spot to us if they exist right now.

Here is why this makes sense.

The Earth is 4.5 billion years old. The oldest planet in the galaxy is 9 billion years old. Life on Earth started 3.7 billion years ago.

It took 3.7 billion years of random permutations in evolution to stack up to something as advanced as us humans. Who are still barely advanced enough to move from planet to planet.

The average age of a planet in the galaxy is similar to Earth's.

Assuming that all the other advanced civilizations are of a tech level similar to us, they are themselves yet to conquer their own solar system. If we look at our own solar system, it would take us at least thousands of years to colonize the entire solar system, and this is if we were doing it in earnest.

Mars itself would take thousands of years to fill up to optimum population capacity in a best case population boom scenario. That's just two planets within the same solar system. Similarly other advanced species would take hundreds of thousands of years to have any utility in moving from solar system to solar system.

The real question is, why haven't we gotten any signals from other intelligent life in the galaxy?

One possibility is that it is because the distances are too vast and space too big for a signal to reach the right place at the right time. Our own furthest radio signals are incapable of covering even a 10th of the Galaxy, and even if another intelligent civilization has received the signal, it would take equally long for them to respond and for us to receive the signal, not even taking into account that the signal might not be disclosed to the public.

Another is that they just don't care about alien species so far away. It's hard enough for us humans to care about even what is happening half a planet away, it might be almost impossible to hold interest for events occurring 10-20 light years away.


Aliens obviously exist. We should conquer the stars. it is man's divine destiny. We should start with the moon, Mars, and giant mining rigs on asteroids in our own solar system.

Humans will see a population boom the moment more land opens up to them and robotics replaces slave labor/ current day workforce.

We are nearing the next great population boom.

This post rests on native land.

1 Samuel 18:25-27

Then Saul said, β€œThus shall you say to David, β€˜The king desires no bride-price except a hundred foreskins of the Philistines, that he may be avenged of the king's enemies.' ” Now Saul thought :marseymindblown: to make David :marseysaluteisrael: fall by the hand of the Philistines.

And when his servants told David :marseyross: these words, it pleased :marseybeanrelieved: David :marseyross: well to be the king's son-in-law. Before :marseyskellington: the time had expired,

David arose and went, along with his men, and killed :marseykenny: two hundred of the Philistines. And David :marseysaluteisrael: brought their foreskins, which were given in full number to the king, that he might become the king's son-in-law. And Saul gave him his daughter Michal for a wife.

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