Reported by:
  • whyareyou : what mainstream press corps news report does to a mf
Haven't seen posts like this in 8 years :marseywholesome:
Jeff Tiedrich is in pure meltdown mode


!chuds newest campaign ad just dropped too

President Joe Biden's dismal debate performance left his own aides so dejected that they muted post-debate commentary and left Waffle House orders uneaten.

That's according to Bloomberg, whose reporters said they spoke to aides, lawmakers, displeased donors, and voters in the hours following Biden's disastrous debate with former President Donald Trump.

Horrified staffers watched as Biden fumbled through the early goings of the debate, adding ammunition to mounting attacks on his cognition and perceived frailty. The weak opening sequence led some aides to pre-emptively warn reporters he had a "cold."

Following the debate, Bloomberg described the mood as "glum" — and the "gallows humor was rampant."

Aides on Air Force One, the president's plane, reportedly muted cabin TVs to avoid post-debate commentary. Flight attendants offered a local brew: "Emergency Drinking Beer." Orders from an Atlanta favorite — Waffle House — were left untouched.

Multiple officials told Bloomberg that Biden himself — who boasted "we're going to beat this guy" at a raucous after-party — seethed after the debacle, which TV news anchor and broadcast journ*list Chris Wallace compared to a "car accident in slow motion."

According to what Bloomberg described as "allies outside his tent," Biden's campaign may have inadvertently shot itself in the foot by setting debate rules that conflict with his inherent style — he thrives on an audience, just like Trump. And with the opposing candidate's microphone cut off, Trump came off as "more subdued" — because he couldn't interrupt Biden as he did in 2020, giving Biden the advantage in the minds of voters.

Reported by:
  • Aevann : SHUT IT DOWN
  • BraveShill : Truer words have never been spoken
  • DickButtKiss : This was obviously made by an agenda-posting buttburt libtard
AI makes an rDrama meme

Link to the tool

Prompt was "The average user"


People are, of course, 100% on board with this and not being dramatic at all

Turns out that giving hobos free money (UBI) doesn't make them less homeless. This makes redditors big mad.

They organized the recipients in the following groups, "Eligible applicants were randomly assigned to one of three payment groups: A) $1,000 a month for 12 months, for a total of $12,000 in a year; B) $6,500 upon enrollment and $500 a month for the subsequent 11 months, for a total of $12,000 in a year, C) $50 a month for 12 months, for a total of $600 in a year."

This is odd, why don't they have a control group that received $0 per month? Could it be that they knew most of these people would find housing of their own volition regardless of the payment provided, and that by excluding an actual control group, they don't have to compare against the null results???

Maybe by providing $50/month to people that would find housing anyway, they could claim that participants showed these incredible improvements (ignoring the fact that the payments are not the reason why)?!?!? No, that would be disingenuous! Leftists wouldn't do such a thing!!!

Actually, that's exactly what's going on here. If you look at Figure 16 on page 27, it turns out that the $1000/mo payment is statistically no more likely to reduce the probability of a participant being unhoused as compared to the $50/mo payment. Does anyone actually believe that $50/mo is enough to solve homelessness? No, that's silly.

Leftists want to believe that UBI will work SO BADLY that they take taxpayer money, funnel it to a group of homeless people they know do not need it (they deliberately chose participants without disabilities and illness), construct a purposely deceptive "study" based on this scientifically unsound process, and then plaster the "promising results" all over the internet, using leftist propaganda accounts on X to trick people.



8 years ago Trump was saying insane shit like "I could walk down 5th Avenue and shoot someone" or "Grab 'em..." or engaging in some other pointless flame war on twitter during this time and still ended up winning

Really shows how much current libs care about the personal image than the message. The entire point of Trump was to be a "frick you" to the political-elite Harvard Lawyer system of presidents. The fact that libs are even considering a viable alternative shows they are fricked.

!burgers it's joever for libs for the next 20 years if this demographic (younger genx and millennials) continue to be their biggest supporters.

Someone please pinger the genx and millennials. As a zoomer who wasn't even eligible to vote in 2016, all I can do is watch this shitshow and laugh.

Kid gets Looney-Tunes windup punched :marseywhirlyhatgenocide:

:marseyzoomer: Are you ok?

:marseywhirlyhat: A̸̪̠͕̞͆̌̃̓̈́͂ͅA̶̱̠̔́̉͘̚͜Â̵̛̰̫̯̬̳͕̂̽̓́͒̽͑̅͗̚̕̚͜͝͝A̷̡̧̡̡̩̲̟͈͕̜̘̝̤̹͒̓̂̆̌̅̐̕͝ͅA̸̧̤̽̽͆̈́͊͘̕̕͝Ą̴̛̞̔͑͛̉͌̓͐A̷̢̛̛̯̝̘̗̖͉̟̻͚̳̖̲̣̥̘̋͆̀͛͗̂̇̐͝A̴͓̭̔̑͐͂́̏͆̆̽̔̋̚̕Ą̷̙̗̆̓̍̀̉̉͘A̴̤͕̒̔͐͑̋̽͐͘͠Ā̸̡̢̱͖̫̣̗̗͎̘̣̹̘̼̬̈́͒̊̾͐͆͝A̶̡̢̨͈̫̣̘͖̪͙̝̖̼̫̟̘͔͆̌̒̂́̇̽̈̃̚

the real reason why @WootFatigue owns a raccoon



The most realistic option is legitimately murder. Their decisions are causing the deaths of many many Americans. And if they die, their bullshit claim to power dies with them. They choose to be murderers in a position you hold until death. They are actively begging to be murdered.

And let's be clear, I'm not advocating anything. This is the reality they made. They've left no legitimate paths to oppose them


The French had a quick and cheap solution

Its weird that no one remembers that the French Revolution was rich people murdering their rivals in a power grab, not some fight for equality, and lead to Napoleon,

1) Soap box

2) Ballot box <— last chance this November

3) Ammo box

In that order

Funny when Cons say this Biden threatens to bomb them, and they forgot #3 is Jury Box

Trump has already said the president should be allowed to [REDACTED] so maybe Biden should take him up on that

Unfortunately, I think the :#marseytunaktunak: won't under stand this one.

Military coup is underway in Bolivia :marseyletsgo: :marseycomrade: :marseyhappening:

I know, I know. The BBC is not a reliable source, cope.

I have no idea why they are doing this but former commie leader and American hater Evo Morales has denounced it so it must be a good thing. Hopefully it leads to a lot of helicopter rides for leftist scum.

:#marseypinochet: :#marseypinochet: :#marseypinochet:

Cute twinks of reddit clutch pearls

Most stable South American shithole

/r/Bolivia for those who speak lettuce picker


I can't believe there's even still a chance he'll win. It's insane. But yet I know it's a possibility still. He's the antichrist.

And this is the reason why people with common sense all over the world are having anxiety attacks, come November world order relies on American hillbillies :marseyrofl!:

Men like trump destroy governments so dictators like Putin can step in and rule them. Biden 2024 or these United States will be no more. Trump will literally sell us to Russia Russia Russia. BIGLY! (I put some rhymes, catch phrases, and all caps misspelled words in to attract the MAGA) But seriously, We gotta reach out to our conservative brothers and sisters in this country and help them realize Trump has no ones interests in his mind but his own. He will be the death of our nation. And most of us. Blue wave for the save!

Yeah, but at least he's not a libral. The shock of my life was when my 80 yr old baptist preacher, 30 yr military father in law took up the Trump flag and started defending Putin. Thats when I knew the well was poisoned.

Project 2025 is a PROMISE for him to be Dictator on day one. The already laid out their plan people. We will be installing a fascist dictator. And most of you seem to be cheering it on?

We're Americans. We hate fascists.

These propaganda articles are hilarious. Let's get some things straight. Trump imposed very strict taxes and limitations on goods exported to China. Something the Biden administration doubled down on. Hillary Clinton's campaign that claimed Russia inference in the 2016 trial was found to be untrue.

This isn't news. Its blatant lies. [-6]

If Russia was pushing for it then you think you would see more propaganda for trump online but that's just my take on it. [-2]

This is the liberal equivalent to QAnon

Before you say it I am not a Trump supporter [-5]

dO tHeY knOw AMeRicA fELl?!?

If you dont shut your right wing talkin point butt up. Turn off Newsmax, leave your bunker, and go outside. Nothing fell, America isnt over, you silly hill billy. This is the problem with Trump fearmongering everytime he gets in front of a microphone, he knows that a bunch of slack jawed yokels are gonna eat it up. It's scary that you vote.

You're good at name calling. A step above the simple down vote. Maybe some day some one some where will take it a step farther and have an intelligent rebuttal. [-3]

Let it all burn. Supreme court put their stamp of approval on legalized bribery. America was rotten from the start. Now those in power no longer even try to hide their malfeasance. I refuse to vote for either of these addled brained old fricks. You reap what you sow and America has a lot to answer for. [-5]

Lmfao reading these hyperbolic headlines AGAIN after saying Trump was gonna start WW3 and its the end of the republic in 2016-2020 is tiresome. I dont really even like the guy that much but reading this makes me want to vote for him.

You would think if Putin and Trump are so buddy buddy, Russia would have invaded in Trumps term for less consequences from the US... [-11]

Everyone said this the last time too. There was even CIA/FBI intel showing links between Trump and Russia. Then one by one they faded away and were disproven.

If we want to stop Trump getting in we need to legitimately attack his shit character and poor political positions, not make shit up, but even worse, just retell the same lies from last time. [-17]

Lol, yeah. Trump allowed the borders to be flooded with illegals, gave billions for foreign wars and helped usher in crippling inflation. TDS is back baby! [-10]


There actually happened a lot of shit in Ukraine this week especially corruption wise and its related to my previous post about call center

So this guy:

Decided he is da boss of Ukraine. As hobbies he likes to stop random men and telling them to pay him X or he send them to new bakhmut.

He got so insane he decided to take over some call Center businesses

The big men didn't liked it and told Yermak (true leader of Ukraine) to do something or they will them self get rid of that clown

So surprise Yermak decides to get rid of him.

He was arrested and they found tons of money at his place and etc and next day a court case was opened against that man:

He walking to the court

He saying something in the court

Him celebrating the victory in some elite restaurant :marseyxd:

And like 300k people signed a petition to arrest him but this time the guy got out with a warning to not mess up with big bois :marseythumbsup:

Another thing there is preparation to get rid of Sirsky. But Sirsky doesn't give a frick about moral so he got rid of one of his general that was doing Mariupol defence. Now in Ukrainian rhetoric Mariupol and legendary Krinky is failure

Maaaa human waives :chudseethe:

Reality was that Russia just bombed that location without doing any assaults. Like imagine your enemy is rushing towards your camping spot in fps.

And this foid is the main who pushes to get rid of Sirsky and she was also main in getting rid of Zaluzhnyy, she is some minister.

So things ain't very solid and US wants this to end, Biden invited yesterday a Russian homo that Biden personally sanctioned and forbidden to enter US

So Zelenskyy knows things ain't going well so he needs to act like good boi and pretend he wants peace. But I am sure he knows Russian don't need any compromises now when penetrated the Toretsk area (also reason of criticism against Sirsky)


Obama is white and married to a man.

DEBATE BETTING THREAD :marseyletsfuckinggo2:

will i watch two senile p-dophiles i don't care about impotently talk at each other about things i don't care about for an hour and a half tonight


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