:marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke: :marseytruthnuke:

!truthnuke !jidf !jews !nooticers




Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Agreed. It's 2025, they can get an Uber home and pay for it. (347)

Many women legitimately feel unsafe calling Ubers when drunk and alone/with only other girls. You can debate the reasonableness of that if you want to be that guy, but it's a real emotion.FWIW, I've been called at 2 AM for the same thing before - though, it was a week after a woman had been kidnapped, r*ped, and killed because she got in the wrong car calling itself an Uber at my college. (-72)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Imagine arguing that women feeling unsafe riding Ubers means they're entitled to ask their male friends to pick them up at ungodly hours of the night/morning. (81)

Where did I say they're "entitled?" Do I think a male friend of mine would be "entitled" to ask me to pay go to the jail & pay his bail after he got in a bar fight? Heck no. Do I think a good friend should be willing to do it (as long as it doesn't become a habit)? Heck yeah.People frick up. Friends pick each other up when they frick up. (-38)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

I agree, but as the OP is written, it sounds fairly onesided. (45)

I mean he doesn't make any mention of asking them for anything & them saying no? And this is literally one request. The rest he's complaining about is them… talking about their lives? (-21)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Sorry, not man here, so I never comment but as a girl, honestly get rid of them from your life.  "I hate hearing it because like dawg women are so privileged in this aspect it's not even funny." This makes me think they are just entitled abusive gf's. Especially that they talk about their relationship without partners consent to randos, especially that they are insulting them  in awful ways. Awful people ngl.Depending on how influencial they are, and other factors, I would consider messaging these bf's and letting them know how shallow these women areAnother option is telling them to stfu. I once had a shit butt "friend" who told me shit like "omgg all these men here are so ugly" I dgaf and it pissed me so I told her that they think same of her but at least are quiet abt it. She never mentioned it again lmao (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I went to university in a program that was mostly female so my friend group was 90% female. It was great for the most part but holy crap did girls talk about the most personal shit that I had no interest in hearing about. I also ended up being the "guy of last resort" when they needed help with something.The answer is to have boundaries. They are at a bar and need a ride home? You tell them to put on their big girl pants and call a cab. You aren't their escape plan.When they are talking about the shape of their boyfriend's peepee or something you either start making up a story about some girl with the nastiest looking snatch you've ever seen until they get the point, or just tell them that you don't need to hear that sort of shit in general. As someone else said, grow a spine. (15)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

What's an incel? - I learn so much in this sub. (-4)

Oh pull up a chair!Incel is short for involuntary celibate. It was a term created by very angry an stressed out virgins. This grew into an insult term later to describe some guy who is undesirable or at least looks like a virgin with no experience dating.Some would say things "she doesn't owe you anything incel!" Some kids with very low self esteem will admit they are one. But the term it self is really stupid because the involuntary part of it is from lack of taking any action or lack of trying from the virgin male side or personal growth. Like some would say "I went to talk to a girl and she ignored me. I'm going to be alone forever. I'm an incel." But the way I used it, people can look at Op's rant and say "ok incel" basically losing all meaning to the phrase. (4)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Meggy_bug

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 4

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Reported by:
  • whyareyou : weak bait
  • Y : D Cell Batteries cost WAY more :marseyupvote2:
  • Cheesey : This!!! They want to keep us away from boom boxes!!!
  • DangerousBlackGuy : Just received a report from 60 minutes that pizza's peepee is small and shaped like an egg
Trumpflation is out of control
How Every Country Got Nuclear Weapons Explained
Trump's vision for Gaza unveiled with AI video and song :marseyvibing:


(Yes, that's his official instagram)

Bearded bellydancers

Towering golden Trump statues

Flattering angle of Bibi and Trump :marseyheart:

Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm

!kino !gonks !hatewatchers !chuds




Mods of /r/Conservative object.

OP should be suspended for using the RedditRequest process for trolling.

I noticed you're the guy who moderates in republican, conservative, AND conservatives subreddits, huh.

Quite an impressive resume. You got a lot of free time running flaired only subs and participating in misinformation?

You're part of the greater issue with the Conservative reddit and our country if this is the type of leadership you participate in.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I'll be adding you to the list of quislings


How is this trolling? You all have clearly shown complete disregard for the entire point of free speech, an open forum, or any semblance of fair moderation. You've completely lost the plot. You all are the snowiest of snowflakes and ban anyone who doesn't toe the MAGA line. It is not a conservative subreddit. It is not a public subreddit. Mark it private or change your moderation.


They ban so many people for petty reasons. Might as well make it private… smh

Lol, if a sub like /r/Democrats did this you wouldn't say a word.

You're only complaining because it's a conservative subreddit

It's funny you have to use hypotheticals because left leaning subs aren't so terrified of dissent that they feel the need to make their snowflake safe space. You can't find a real counter example because your side is so scared of the truth you have to ban it.

STFU. Left leaning subs ban you before you even participate. They use bots to search your post history to see if you are worthy.

Aggression, projection, triggered defensiveness. You really are a perfect specimen of a Trump supporter.

I see you want to change the subject bc you are wrong.

Change the subject? I don't need to change the subject. You get banned from subs for being an active contributor to hate subs. Sorry I don't feel bad for you. Here's the difference: for those subs, you just have to not be a cultist. To participate in rcon you have to prove you are a cultist. Also, I participated in rcon for a little while before being banned for asking a question. Never got banned from any other sub for my participation. Maybe you were banned because mods from those subs saw what you post, not where you post.


I think there is sufficient evidence in this thread to show why new moderation is needed whether it's someone here or not.

whether it's someone here or not.

As OP, I'd like to underscore this. It doesn't need to be me. I'm sure there are more qualified people than me. At the same time, I know I would do a better job than the current mods.

Guy, you're delusional.  Every default sub is moderated by exactly what you deride. The fact you'd only recognize this in relation to the single sub that runs against the grain is hilarious.

Anyway, get fricked. By your own fascist doing you progressives lost FB, Twitter, the podcast space, and most of the MSM to free thinkers.

Enjoy the last thing you have left - the Reddit bubble.

Every default sub is moderated by exactly what you deride.

What other sub excludes 99.9% of the website from participating on over 99% of its threads?

I'm sure some exist. And that's problematic too. But two wrongs don't make a right. Pointing out another example of wrongdoing doesn't invalidate my point. In fact, it underscores my point.

They have an extraordinary approval scheme because this site is a delusional progressive mob intent on destroying anything remotely right of center, and you and you're post just another weak butt manifestation.

But that's them apples big guy. Reddit has always pumped the fact that moderators make their own rules. If you object to that you object to Reddit as a whole.

Anyway, try commenting some right wing shit on the defaults and you'll understand the actual moderation on 99.9% of reddit.

Literal nonsense


Why do you want that subreddit /u/agent-bagent, are you trying to make it like every other sub on Reddit right now? Gosh let the people have their own space if they want. When you have subs like pics and millenials get taken over to be basically anti-Right/Trump subs then don't be surprised when people want their own place to go to

I clearly answered this question.

I am you say that and say that you want a "open subreddit". So why don't you do that to the other subs on Reddit that should be open but in reality are just anti-Trump subs?

I agree, OP should moderate all subs. The Unitary Moderator Theory has yet to be fully explored and is worth looking into.


Heck no.

/u/agent-bagent is not making this request in good faith. He has no interest in advancing conservative ideas and this would be nothing short of a hostile takeover.

/r/Conservative is one of the few large subreddits where conservative ideas are able to be talked about freely. Many subs, including 'default' subs will ban users for even mildly conservative ideas.

Further, the argument that /r/Conservative should be taken over because it bans left-wing ideas is ludicrous. Subs such as /r/politics, /r/pics, /r/news will ban users for participating in any number of right-leaning subreddits. Reddit Inc. has consistently held the policy that these subs have full control over what is or isn't allowed. That same standard should apply to /r/Conservative.

The sub, like many subs, has to take actions to stop brigading, and at the moment there is no larger target for brigading than /r/Conservative.

Allowing the sub to be taken over by a group of leftists would only further isolate Reddit Inc. from a broader spectrum of ideas, and without push back, will continue to devolve into further into extremist ideas which have begun percolating throughout many of the most popular subs.


:marppy: Drama Report: 2025-03-01 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘Trump and Vance humiliate them selves infront of the world./r/pics (32M)65%17676
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Men: How do you NOT glance at a woman's chest when she's wearing a .../r/AskMenAdvice (325K)50%1818
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Zelensky Tries Bold New Strategy Of Insulting The People He's Beggi.../r/babylonbee (42K)51%1822
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Trump Tells Zelensky some Hard Truths/r/Conservative (2M)56%1270
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Lindsey Graham says he was very proud of Vance and Trump, and that .../r/southcarolina (195K)62%1215
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Let's see how it works out for him, Cotton./r/PowerfulJRE (2K)47%704
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Zelenskyy was cursing Americans.. 'you have nice ocean and you don'.../r/Conservative (2M)61%765
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Theo being an r-slur part 1000/r/TheoVon (123K)59%698
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Democrats claim Trump wants to oppress women. Yet he's appointed ju.../r/TrueUnpopularOpinion (148K)56%511
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘As a ukrainian, I am beyond frustrated after what happened/r/Asmongold (452K)61%557

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

🤓🤓🤓🤓🔘Let's see how it works out for him, Cotton./r/PowerfulJRE (2K)47%704
🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘Hoes mad, like wtf?/r/neofeudalism (4K)50%226
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘Ashamed of the Catholic VP/r/TrueCatholicPolitics (6K)52%351
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘Zelensky Tries Bold New Strategy Of Insulting The People He's Beggi.../r/babylonbee (42K)51%1822
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘Sit down, be humble/r/ProfessorMemeology (3K)55%129
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Where's our money, b-word/r/ProfessorMemeology (3K)48%80
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘My coworker keeps using the "r word"/r/WorkAdvice (43K)52%387
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘What if Ukraine built a nuclear bomb/r/whatif (32K)51%206
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Back at it, Who is the worst character of Campaign 3?/r/fansofcriticalrole (19K)48%112
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Ethics Complaint Alleged Against MU Football Coach Eli Drinkwitz/r/columbiamo (31K)55%198

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

r/Buttcoin admits defeat. Total cryptard victory


The level of seethe :marseyfluffyannoyed: is NUCLEAR :marseytruthnuke: on fednews


Please be careful out in public you may run into feds randomly weeping :marseysob: anywhere at all


what the frick

is going on

in the federal government

:marseyitsover: :marseyitsover: :marseyitsover:



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

As soon as a country comes up with a better system for humans to live in, they will have to build walls to keep everyone out (70)

You just described the US…🤣 (-12)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Private schools, or public schools? (1)

The best part I like about mass is I get paid $103 per hour to take money from the state taxpayers. We all laugh it up (-5)

Basedness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

It's easier to imagine the end of the world, than it is to imagine the end of capitalism (18)

It is because capitalism is in our nature and always has been. (-5)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

No but 1 unlucky turn from the mammoth will end your life pretty quickly due to lack of medical knowledge, medicines and/or your village not willing to feed you for 20 years. (1)

I mean that really depends. If you get a nasty infection you're fricked but don't underestimate the human ability to recover or even just persist through grievous injury. We have prehistoric evidence of people living with holes in their skulls or arms or other body parts missing. Also humans aren't really stabby hunters they're persistence hunters. Its not the javelins you threw at the mammoth thats going to kill it but exhaustion and blood loss. Getting close to the mammoth means something is probably going wrong. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Name 3 capitalist societies that had these issues and then name 3 socialist/communist ones that had it.Which one was easier to answer? Again, sure. Capitalism is far from perfect but the alternatives are considerably worse. The best is a capitalistic economy with some socialistic programs in place to readily help those who need it, healthcare and as safety net. (-3)

USA, the UK, and Germany.There have been no completely socialist nor communistic countries on these levels. Communism is a stateless classless society, and as the USSR had a state, they were not communist. They were aiming for it, the main problem is that their choice of how to try and get there was nested in the belief that you need a vanguard party, and that vanguard party becomes the ruling class, which becomes authoritarian.The DPRK is not communist, because again, Communism is a stateless classless society, and therefore there couldn't be an authoritarian dictator overseeing it.During the 'wild west', the USA committed a genocide against Native Americans, often times ignoring signed treaties while doing so. They slaughtered buffalo because they knew that tribes relied on them, and viewed them as sacred, leading to starvation, and death.The US also had the whole Slavery thing, as well as political imprisonments(Remember the Japanese concentration camps during WWII?) and has a hi... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I'm going to give you a bit of a different and a little bit of political answer here, but bear with me cause I think it would indirectly answer your question. At least that's my opinion on the matter, you're not bound to agree with me.Working itself is not the problem. Imagine coming into life and serving zero purpose to your fellow humans. Who would create the food surpluses needed so we're not all farming for our food? Who would collect the trash so we don't live in wastelands? Who will treat the sick? You get the idea. The problem is that in a truly free market, with SENSIBLE regulations (not rules for every single thing), people that earn an honest living could in theory be able to provide for themselves and their families working one job with normal hours. We all know people who bought their homes and sustained their families on one income. The government should interfere in the economy ONLY to bust monopolies and cartels and insider trading etc. Anything that would mean market... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Edward_Tank

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 2

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Democrats are planning various protests for Trump's speech to Congress | Fox News

Some of the more moderate ideas floated reportedly include carrying egg cartons to highlight costs, carrying protest signs, and coordinating outfits.

The Dems have such a massive foid problem. I hope they wear hand maid outfits

:marsey#xd: :marseyhand#maid: :marseygi#lead:



I cheated a new pokemon save to have Annihilape as a starter. I'm going to beat this

Which other pokemons should I be allowed to add to my team? :chao: :shadowkick:


!metashit !antibharatiya !builtfor !the !BWC

as it was written...


This happened in 25 August 2010, when a Let L-410 Turbolet twin-engine short-range transport aircraft designed and produced by the Czech, crashed near Bandundu Airport. Of the 21 people onboard, all died, including the pilots, except one passenger, which is how we have any idea of WTF actually caused the crash!

====(from BBC article)

A plane has crashed in the west of the Democratic Republic of Congo, killing 20 people, officials say.

One person was also critically injured as it came into land in Bandundu, about 200km (125 miles) west of the capital.

A BBC reporter in Kinshasa says it hit a house, but no-one is thought to have been hurt on the ground.

DR Congo, the size of western Europe, has few roads after decades of :slapfight: :slapfight: :slapfight: civil war, and has one of the world's worst air safety records. :marseyplanecrash: :marseyplanecrash: :marseyplanecrash: :marseyplanecrash:

The BBC's Thomas Hubert says the plane crashed 2km from the airstrip as it attempted to land just after midday.

Colonel Joli Limengo, the local chief of police, told our correspondent that most of those on board had died in the accident, including the two pilots - who were believed to be Belgian nationals. :marseyflagbelgium: :marseyflagbelgium:

He said that 19 bodies were pulled from the wreckage along with two survivors, one of whom later died. :marseydead:

The aircraft was operated by Filair, an airline based in Kinshasa, and was due to stop over in Bandundu town before continuing its journey to the capital.

Our reporter says Filair, just like all airlines registered in DR Congo, is on the European Union's no-fly list because of the country's poor air safety record. :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist:

Transport Minister Laure-Marie Kawanda said a team had arrived in Bandundu to investigate the crash.

====(end quote)

Note that this was BEFORE the investigation by the Belgian authorities were carried out! :marseydinosaur: :carpdino:

Initially the authorities were confused as to why the heck the plane had crashed, cuz usually when these types of small planes tanked it was cuz they were literally out of fuel :marseyxd:

====(unknown AFP article)

Plane crashes in DRCongo, 20 dead: deputy governor

(AFP) – 4 days ago

KINSHASA — At least 20 people were killed after a plane flown by the Belgian head of a local airline crashed while trying to land in western Democratic Republic of Congo, officials said.

The Filair Czech-made twin turboprop crashed Wednesday afternoon at Bandundu after a 300-kilometre (200-mile) flight from the capital Kinshasa, and apparently running out of fuel, Vicky Mboso Muteba said.

"They have brought out the people, we have 19 bodies in the morgue," said Mboso, the deputy governor of Bandundu province, northeast of Kinshasa.

One of two survivors later died in hospital. :marseydead: :marseybattered:

The owner of the private airline Filair, Belgian Daniel Philemotte, 62, was at the controls of the Let-410 plane and was among those killed, along with the co-pilot and stewardess, he added.

Mboso said that after an abortive attempt to land, the aircraft turned away and crashed towards the edge of Bandundu city, hitting an earthen house whose residents had managed to flee in time.

There was no explosion, said Mboso, who was one of the first to arrive on the site along with soldiers from MONUC, the UN mission in the Congo.

"Subject to expert opinion... the presumed cause could be a lack of fuel," he said. :platyaboriginal: :platyaboriginal: :platyaboriginal:

====(end quote)

Basically people noted what was strange about this crash was that the fricking plane actually made an attempt to land, but aborted midway?! The authorities were also really puzzled wtf went wrong, cuz the pilot was a :marseyflagbelgium: Eurocuck (and therefore actually competent, unlike the locals). And they also found the plane was completely full of fuel, so empty tanks weren't the cause, compared to what was the cause speculated when the news broke in Congo, as well as some minor Safrican foreign news outlets.

Here's a :marseydeux: article google translated into Bonglish

From the 2 survivors, including the one poor soul whom would die in hospital later, the authorities gathered that there had appeared to be some kind of panic :marseyscream: :lepanicrunning: :lepanicrunning: :lepanicrunning: aboard the plane, so close to the runway, causing all of the passengers to run towards the cockpit, unbalancing the small plane, and pulling the center of gravity, and making the aircraft near inoperable, which is why the pilot had managed to make one aborted attempt at landing, yet still pulled up at the last moment, to end up crashing it near the emergency landing strip of Bandundu Airport later!

====(from french article)

The crash of the Fil Air plane that occurred on Wednesday, August 25 in Bandundu City was not caused by a fuel shortage but rather by a technical failure before being thrown off balance by panicked passengers, indicated John Mbu, the consultant of this airline, forty-eight hours after the occurrence of this tragedy that killed around twenty people including the boss of the company, in the west of the DRC.

John Mbu explained:

"The statement of the only survivor, who was on the plane, said that the pilot had to land on the emergency strip located next to the runway. And that, when he arrived on final and had to point to land on the emergency strip, the passengers, having seen that his nose was not on the runway, screamed and all came into the cockpit."

As it was so close to landing, he continued, it threw the plane off balance and it swung before crashing into a house.

The hypothesis of running out of fuel is therefore not true, according to him, because after checking, there were still at least 150 litres of kerosene in the tanks.

However, regarding the technical breakdown, Fil Air was waiting until Friday evening for the expert report on the black box. This was recovered by civil aviation authorities and the transport ministry, the source said.

====(end quote)

So by this point the confused authorities understood there was some kind of last minute panic? :marseyhmm: :marseyconfused: :marseythonk: :marseyhmmm: :marseyquestion: :marseypregunta: :marseyhuh2: :marseybeanconfused: but they were still clearly uncertain WTF actually was the cause and were waiting for diagnoses of the Black Box

AND THEN: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy:

It seems about 3-4 weeks later, when the sole survivor had recovered in the hospital from his injuries and could be questioned more clearly, and without delirium, that apparently fricking one of the passengers had smuggled a pet crocodile aboard, in a duffle bag. And that close to the end of the journey, the fricker apparently escaped, causing a panic shitstorm amongst the rest of the passengers, whom would flee to the opposite end of the aircraft in their headless panic :lepanicrunning: :lepanicrunning: :lepanicrunning: :lepanicrunning: :lepanicrunning: :lepanicrunning: :lepanicrunning: :lepanicrunning: :lepanicrunning: :lepanicrunning: :lepanicrunning: and frick up the center of gravity with such a sudden shift of weight!

====(from archived TheTelegraph article)

The plane came down despite no apparent mechanical problems during an internal flight in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It has now emerged that the crash was caused by the concealed reptile escaping and causing a stampede in the cabin, throwing the aircraft off-balance.

A lone survivor apparently relayed the bizarre tale to investigators. The crocodile survived the crash, only to be dispatched with a blow from a machete. :marseybestfriends: :marseybestfriends: :marseybestfriends:

According to the inquiry report and the testimony of the only survivor, the crash happened because of a panic sparked by the escape of a crocodile hidden in a sports bag. One of the passengers had hidden the animal, which he planned to sell, in a big sports bag, from which the reptile escaped as the plane began its descent into Bandundu. :marseydinosaur: :marseydinosaur: :marseydinosaur: :surerex: :surerex: :surerex:

A report of the incident said: "The terrified air hostess hurried towards the cockpit, followed by the passengers." The plane was then sent off-balance "despite the desperate efforts of the pilot", said the report.

====(end quote)

:marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

Even more hilarious is that the British Air Crash investigators didn't want to believe in the crocodile story and thought it was bullshit :bs: :bs: :bs: and the fact that they couldn't get ahold of the flight-recording data from the Black Box (no idea why) made them sceptic to this story. But due to all the compounded factors, like the Belgian pilots being experienced, the plane being in good condition and fully fueled pre-crash made not good accounts for the cause of the crash outside the hearsay of the sole survivor, whom had little cause to lie.

Man tries to get shot in the butt and somehow fails

If he'd done that to a less sedentary and worthless foid she would have blasted him with the gun she should be keeping at all times next to her stories-watchin'-chair. Also who TF sits in a basement room with the window open?

Cute cat tho.

Reported by:

A hole for all the bird lovers to post about pigeons and birds in general.

!birdposters - Lil B

Reported by:
Important poll

Hungover Redditor swears that they'll never drink again, 45k updoots in /r/pics


So yeah, after drinking myself to sleep most nights and drinking during work, I woke up Saturday morning throwing up and decided then and there I wouldn't drink anymore. And soon after my body started to attack me, sending tremors and anxiety like I hadn't felt from withdrawal before. It got so bad that I nearly checked in to a hospital for fear of accidentally hurting myself. But around midday, as the tremors became gradually less, I ended up having a crying breakdown in my car for a good 5 minutes. It simultaneously felt kind of cathartic, but also was a point where my desire for a drink was at its strongest.

I spent time with a friend who knew what I was going through tonight and it was nice. Really nice. And when I got home, I dumped my last whiskey bottle I had in my desk drawer

ETA: and in case any of you are curious as to what inspired me to just stop cold turkey all of a sudden, I'll just say it's complicated but that depression and loneliness played a big part. If you've never listened to the song Whiskey Lullaby by Brad Paisley and Alison Krauss, please do so. That'll give you an idea on the road I've been on

Posting that you're sober when you're still drunk from the night before lol good luck Redditor see you in a couple of days

The comments are the usual "so proud of you fellow Redditor" and "noo you can't just stop drinking you might die :soycry:"

He's also spamming completely random hobby subreddits about his "sobriety" and farming upmarseys like a vacuum cleaner.

Was anyone affected by the mass protests on Monday? Yeah me neither. But r/50501 insists that they taught us all a lesson and hit us hard!


Protest from 3 days ago affected Q1 earnings stocks down MAGAts!

Totally socially aware Redditor doesn't see when a friend blows him off but claims victory over convincing a MAGAt!

Oh boy, another one in a couple weeks. I'm sure this one will be different.

Call people Russians if they don't agree! That'll work!

eta: I guess they shut down temporarily for da violence of the calls tsk tsk tsk

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