Should I talk to this guy in class [Cute twink Incel Poll, vote now on your phones!]

I think he noticed me looking at him sorta lustfully the other day in class (hes cute though its not my fault), and we came across each other later that day and he struck up a bit of a conversation (I guess he was trying to get me to do something) but I just talked about group project stuff. IDK if he likes me or something. I kinda have his his number from a group project chat but i figure I should ask him if he wants to hang out or something in person cause its weird to just text people out of the blue with a number they didn't explicitly give you. Once I texted him in the group project chat and gave me a "heart" reply but idk if im reading into it too much or this fella just a bit fruity. He seems really fem though so idk I guess I have to be the assertive one.

so should I try reaching out to this guy

if yes, how do I reach out to him

what do i say?

This is r-slurred like asking /b/ to name your dog, but whatever. I also have like 3 rolls of film and 2 cameras so that could be a fun date or something. idk

The last time I tried to get someones number (I think i literally just asked if they wanted to study together or something) like a year ago they kinda flaked so but idk if that other guy was straight or just uninterested in what I was putting out so It kinda left me with a bad impression and I just gave up on meeting people IRL. I don't want to like perv on some guys especially if its like we have class or a group project together cause I feel like we're sorta forced to be together and thats like too predatory like workplace harassment or something.

Australia Most Sexually Active Woman Annie Knight Wants To Settle Down - Romance - Nairaland


@peepeehands found you a gf candidate







kpekus as wide as river niger





Yorubas are chubby chasers





So true kween








Yorubas aren't chubby chasers all yoruba foids are just fat




Reported by:
  • pet : moids complain about women like this then give them tonnes of attention. shut the frick up
Let oldstrags have nice things


:marseyfrenchitsover2: :marseybritbongitsover: :marseyhomoitsover: :marseymuslimahitsover: r/europe is on suicide watch at this point :marseyrope: Whole front page is full of TDS :marseymagarentfree: each post with hundreds of coping comments :marseycope:


Each post is copier than the other :marseyraging:












But don't worry, EU is planning to finally take destiny into it's own collective hands :marseyhope:



...how it's actually going :marseydespair:



How many Canadians actually disliked Trudeau, b-word? : AskCanada




Actually kind of funny because I actually both got temp suspended for this (2 weeks) and then perma banned for the same things??


This brings down with it a bunch of AI porn karma and my mod position at frickluigi :marseycry:

Reported by:
  • whyareyou : its womens day did u not get the memo
Why are we all beautiful women? :marseypretty:

im literally screaming, @MODS

r/boxoffice argues over captain america




They also argue about sonic 3:



The world you were born in no longer exists :marseyitsover:
14000 views Carp :marseywords: dunks on "aristocratic" Nazi lolis in exchange for headpats from gay furry journo


trad twitter is imploding rn because Patriarchy Hannah turned out to be a 40 year old single cat lady, not a married homeschooling tradwife and mother of 14

Patriarchy Hannah is a fairly big account in the trad sphere. Not an insane amount of followers but everyone knows about her cus she's always coalposting. Imagine a pickme that hasn't realized an outgroup preference is cringe by, like, 20. !ranchers, I bring you Hannah. Her account appealed to girls still going thru it, but primarily it was for men who enjoy the fantasy of some hottie calling herself an r-slured subhuman while bowing down to his superiority. !chuds I imagine many of you were followers. Please scroll to the photos in that case

It started with this thread:

Unrolled for the twitterless: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1890513666623066281.html


-she never publicly facedoxxed but she was running a groomercord (ofc) where she DM'd pics of (at least) 3 different people and claimed to be them :marseyxd: https://i.rdrama.net/images/173959813342-9TH79q2JC3Q.webp here's one of them

-she kept posting pictures of "her" properties that people discovered either belonged to total randos, or a curious "Bays" family that kept popping up

-she posted stuff from her grandma's obituary that led to Jennifer Bays specifically ending up in the crosshairs :carpsnipe:

The girls are digging more on their own now :marseypopcorntime: and have come to the conclusion that Jennifer Bays is unmarried, lives at home, has no kids, and according to this https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739598131NSNxffu2NqUzxQ.webp has the same exact date of birth that Hannah claimed to! https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739598132aBC04A7a8Wd4iA.webp

Now Hannah is claiming it's just her cousin :marseysurejan: https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739598132QdwXvPS94X_DGA.webp

Now that everyone's pretty sure she made her husband and children up, the posts are getting spicy

looking at the real pic of her, you know this b-word has doordash premium and all these posts were her double dashing shit to herself. This is a nearly Amberlynn Reid "ugh I ordered an apple and they gave me chips" type thang

BUT she brought up that her husband was a convicted felon all the time, which is super funny now that we know what she looks like because of her mugshot

She's all over twitter trying to talk her way out of it but I have to imagine booktok is going to have a hot new author of dark, dangerous bad boy smut here soon

There's pastors writing song parodies

Shes got R-slur Male feminist running interference for her but he fricked up and admitting it was doxxing

At one point a big account came out saying she was totes legit and defended her super hard in the comments and... for some reason ended up deleting the OP ๐Ÿ‘€

Voice experts confirm while she was up doing 4 AM twitter spaces as a mom homeschooling 14 kids, they determined that she was actually FAT

The girls are gloating

Come get your scalps ladies

Apparently she still lives with her parents so you know this b-word was GOONING her shit raw writing about her TrAuMa

I'm reporting to you live from my phone so I can't post the link to a search term but I typed "weight" and it NEVER ENDS stolen !thin valor





this b-word singlehandedly ruined Valentine's for so many men because their wives have been staring at their phones all night having too much fun clowning on one of momtwitters most annoying characters. Happy valentine's day everyone!! !biofoids pickme death in in in

Trump will kick out Ukro refugees




This is an announcement regarding Lev, who is currently off exhibit due to treatment for facial swelling.

The swelling in his face is currently improving, but he will need continued treatment.

In addition, his kidney function has declined as he gets older, and he is undergoing regular treatment.

After discussing the above with the zookeepers and veterinarians, it was decided that Lev will continue to be kept and treated in the backyard.

We considered setting up a day where everyone could meet Lev one last time, but considering his physical condition, we have decided to keep him in the backyard.

We apologize for the inconvenience this brings to everyone who was looking forward to meeting Lev

The women have spoken :marseymindblown: :peperealization:
Caesars Palace - Jerk It Out (Official Video)
:marseytransattentionseeker: Don't you hate it when your women/non-binary hiking group excludes you? :poonerangry:

Literally the boss baby come to life. :poonerdood:

The voice could give FTYakub a run for his money https://rdrama.net/h/chudrama/post/276463/-. :#marseyemojilaugh:


Anti-Kino Masterpiece. Minecraft movie trailer. :marseyemojilaugh:

It looks like somebody attempted to make one of those teen adventure movies from the 2000s but somehow did a shit job of it.

Like somebody made one of those "the Rock" family adventure movies but did a shit job of it.

This looks so bad that the generic adventure music used in the trailer is better than the trailer itself and you can tell.

I can only see some teenagers coming in to watch the movie because they thought the Emma Myers actress looked cute but then still giving up on the movie halfway.

Also wtf :marseywtf2: how does that 22 year old foid have that clean baby face skin? That's literal zero damage child skin on her face. Is that a new filter or has skincare really come far enough to make the next generation of foids look like 12 year old faces when they get to 22?


Trailer has been up for about 10 hours now and on IGN has had around 22,000 views so far so you know its bad.


Movie looks trash and Jake Black looks like he is out of time and belongs back in the 2000s and 2010s and feels out of place in the 2020s. Jason Mamoa looks like somebody looked at everything that he is liked for then did everything to take all that away. The foid looks like a child enough to creep me out, but good on her she will look great when she is 30-35 and still looking like early 20s. The moid lad looks like generic moid lad. Big Black foid looks too big and silly.

This movie is a guaranteed flop. 2/10. The kids will turn the TV off.



In order to avoid having no games Xbox will now endlessly AI generate the same open world slop for g*mers :marseylolcow:

All these games just look like Overwatch :marseylaughpoundfist: This is what Xbox has been doing instead of actually shipping consoles or making new games


Can't wait for all the reddit posts from AI game devs "Uh guys I just spent $2000 on tokens on AI and it accidentally deleted all my levels. No I dont use version control"


!codecels !g*mers






Reported by:
drumpf fact checked in real time by frog

r/teachers continues to be full of sane, well adjusted people


The post

I lost it with a class. A student made a Third Reich flag on the Chromebook in my class. Heard hitler and looked over then I went off in a profanity laced tirade about how many people died and they were not all Jews and you in a Parochial school. Showed a Holocaust video for the rest of the day for the rest of my classes. The video went went well and had some discussions I really don't need this job and may get fired but it's a good hill to die on.

Comment from the thread

I've had a few teachers flip their b-word switch when they saw something grotesquely wrong and immoral. Sometimes it's necessary to show your students your nonviolent rage to get a message across ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

If you get fired, there's plenty of other schools that will hire you. Thanks for standing up to hate ๐Ÿ‘

Reddit teachers continue to be normal people who definitely understand kids. I know the best way to get kids to not do something edgy is to have a massive reaction and break all the expected decorum towards them.

Tips on tipping


A self-proclaimed 'paddystinian' :marseypalestineflag: is huffing some high grade copium :marseycope: after Vance :surewalz: threatens Ireland with sanctions over becoming a muslim califate :marseyflagireland:

๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช WOW!

Vice President JD Vance just SLAMMED the pro-Hamas Irish government for their imprisonment of Christian schoolteacher Enoch Burke.

"The Irish government must free Enoch Burke immediately or else face significant sanctions"

Hopefully sanctions mean their tax heaven status will get crushed alongside their hopes and dreams :marseystars:

:marseyira: : You think we care ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚Burke was sacked for a repulsive attack on a defenceless woman on a night out. Oh and the sweetie... The USA absolutely depends on Ireland. Ah.. Didn't you know that from 2017, Trump tried IN VAIN to get 900 US Multi nationals to leave Ireland. REFUSED

>USA absolutely depends on Ireland

I thought this is a troll at first, but no this r-slur is for real :marseylaugh:

Ireland fits into the US 140 times. They do not need Ireland ๐Ÿคฃ

:marseyira: : The size of Ireland doesn't matter. The USA and simply couldn't survive without us. Sorry sweetie. Have a nice weekend ๐Ÿ˜

One of our states alone, and there's 50 of them, has an economy 6x bigger than your entire country's economy. Ireland is joke you fricking clown ๐Ÿคก

Actually you chud, America couldn't survive without a bunch of self-hating alcoholic kitties, and that's a fact :marseynails:

:marseyira: : Oh but they do. 900 major companies who wouldn't survive without us. 9 TRILLION worth of finance transactions going through Irish cables DAILY (mostly American) and Shannon which the USA simply couldn't do without to fight whatever war it's currently engaged in.

She (I assume) comes back for another round just to prove how not triggered she is :marseyseethe:

9tr doesn't have to go through Ireland, Shannon is convenient that's all, plenty of other airports around.

:marseyira: : Shannon is essential. Any other airport is too far away. That's always been the case for decades

Too far away from where ?? It's an airport, you can fly UK to Australia nonstop ffs

:marseyira: : Not in the type of planes that Shannon is used for. Fighter planes refueling etc. No ones speaking about a regular plane here dear

Burger planes couldn't even leave America without Ireland's gracious help :marseyitsover:

Nobody depends on Southern Ireland in economic terms it's a non entity. Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom . Southern Ireland is on a form of Global dole .

:marseyira: : Big multi nationals do. For our tax regime, our under water Sea cables that carry 9 TRILLION worth of financing transactions daily and of course our highly educated work force. Without our cables.. Its back to the stone age if anything happened to them. The world would go dark

Frick off you Twat . Southern Ireland was given a Better Tax Regime by the EU because it's a terrorist shithole . The idea being , give them free money and it will keep them quiet . Three clearing houses in the World, New York , London and Tokyo. Workforce -Travellers

Actually he whole world depends on Ireland for survival :marseyrofl:

David can't even do basic geography let alone a country's fiscal policies.

Go on then Mr Southern Ireland explain my lacking in Geography

There ya go.

Oh frick it's not a Republican Twat is it ?

Yeah I live in a republic so I suppose I'm a republican twat just like you're a royalist twat.

This started some fight I don't care about but the potato not-havers seem angry enough :marseypopcorntime:

Anyway, back to our nutjob... :marseydetective:

You should check out our new Sec of Commerce and see what he has to say about US companies doing business in Ireland to avoid US taxes

:marseyira: : Simply saying what's being said for years. They're still here and likely to stay here. Companies like profits. Lots of billions of profits. Profits before patriotism ๐Ÿ˜

Suddenly, commies like capitalism :marseysmug2:

Other things you need to know about our brave warrior :soyjakhipster:

:marseyira: : PS.. The government CANNOT interfere with the courts in Ireland and we parents DEMAND THAT BURKE BE KEPT AWAY FROM OUR KIDS.... His choice.. Stay away from our kids or stay in jail

I'm a parent and you certainly don't speak for me . Get your pervy transgenderism out of schools.

:marseyira: : These students are young adults with rights. They have a RIGHT to study applied law including equality. The gra is part of the law in my country. You nor anyone will deprive our young people of knowledge. Live with it or don't. No one cares. But you won't interfere with our kids

Xer is also a train supporter, shocking I know :marseytransflag2:

:marseyira: : I do it every year. I collect fabric from my tumble dryer and store it over winter and put it out when nesting season starts ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿฅ

Not good though if synthetic with microfibres?

:marseyira: : Agreed.. Its just bits of wool, mixed fibers that are left over in the filter when I use my tumble dryer . They seem to like it

Hippie who leaves bits of cloth out for birds :marseyx:

:marseyira: For those who know nothing about Ireland... THE IRISH PRESIDENT NEVER VISITS THE WHITE HOUSE. Think president Higgins did ONCE ever. You honestly think anyone, especially us Irish care what you think.. Or cares what anyone thinks??

Really hates Merica, also very shocking :usarentfree:

:marseyira: : Given Ireland is substantially superior in EVERY aspect to the UK, this is a sad reflection of the standards of education (socially and academically) in the UK. As we've helpfully pointed our on numerous occasions, YOU may apply to become part of the ROI.. don't hold your breath

Really hates the brits despite living in an failed version of Britania :marseybritbongitsover:

Lesbians are never nice people. It isn't surprising this ugly woman Jenni Hermoso would slander his action. She looks like Trent Alexander Arnold but with bigger biceps.

:marseyira: : I've never known a lesbian who wasn't a nice lady. This woman is very pretty. The old guy who kissed her isn't remotely attractive

MeToo advocate :taylorlorenzcrying:

Berlin police broke up pro-Palestine protests for chanting and singing in Arabic after banning Arabic at demonstrations.

Germany losing it.

:marseyira: : They've always been on the wrong side of history for some reason

And supports the islamisation of Europe, third shocking revelation :marseypikachu2:

And probably more dumb shit but I got bored of scrolling through it's account, hope you like my find :marseyantiwork2:

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