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Bard spotting on Bluesky 08 March 2025 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.



"Strag Limbo": Is art gay? Yes!!!! (and that's a good thing)

Link is just some bullshit cool shit i saw.

Zoo wee mama im smelling my farts they smell so good.

Here is a great director his name is Harmony Korine.

Hint (the pedia of wiki or should i say the libertarian of wiki, early life? more like early wife!!!!)

What an ARTIST!!!!!

Next up we got YMS, the best movie reviewer on youtube, did I mention he is bisexual? AND A FURRY!!!!!

Woah, and he spent 20 minutes going over the symbolism for an effect in a movie that literally just a stock effect

What a GENIUS!!!!


Next up we got a twofor!!!!!!


Next up we got a classic:

So funny when he says the word CANCER and dressing up in a PINK MORPH SUIT!!!! And he talks in Japaneses???? Woah that's like the anime i watch!!!!


(some of you r-slurs actually think this chink is funny, he is an ugly emo cute twink who looks like an actual carp)

Uh funny podcast much???

(people actually unironically watched this shit. dweebs)

irrelevant, i just want to say talk shit about this guy. Android + Mutt Cat + Stomach Sticks Out + Pants to Tight + Nasty Mirror + Small butt shower header (poor hygeine probably doesn't wash his butt) + Can't take a selfie with one hand (Lol seriously is this neighbor like 80 years old??? who tf takes a selfie like that)

im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe. im seething at art. art makes me seethe. i seethe at art. art makes me seethe.

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  • dang : Fake and straight
The real chuddery was the heckin wholesome moments along the way.


!nonchuds why didnt dems stand and clap?

Incredible ragebaiting tbh:


Dems are the real RACIST THUGS:

Grimes has to publicly tweet at :marseyelonmusk: now to tell him about their child's medical emergencies

sorry xea38f5a, daddy needs to tweet 😲 at Hitlerrapist1488's edited news headline


Wale - Matrimony feat. Usher [Official Music :marseydaftpunk: Video]

Another story from my protest days

At the first BLM protest I went to there was a black guy dragging his screaming girlfriend by the hair through the crowd and screaming "imma kill you b-word imma kill you" and nobody said or did anything.



So...s*x slaves

aka legalized r*pe

Step 1: Maga erases black history

Step 2: Maga erases women's rights

Step 3: the Female Chattel amendment

'Open season for unpunished r*pe and abuse would really settle down the incels.' Frick all the way off of this planet.

Jesus Christ why are we letting the incels out of the basement?

Don't be fooled, these are functioning members of society. They are your grocers, neighbors, uncles, cousins, your bestie's new guy.

They are not some basement dwellers who are now just brave enough to surface. They are people you know who have had these thoughts which are now validated by this administration, so they don't feel like they have to hide anymore

Exactly this. My entire family and I aren't hardly speaking now because they berate me on my views and now my husband and I are looking into divorce because I will not conform to his will. >>> He is giving me ultimatums constantly and gaslamping me the same way our administration is working. It's quite terrifying.

Their ultimate goal is the subject of this conversation: they want it to be legal for men to own women. We are livestock, blow up s*x dolls, property to them. Not humans. It's incredibly disturbing.

Slavery. The ultimate entitlement of white men. They don't want girlfriends, or companions, or even trad wives. They want slaves. That's all Elon wants and he's the boss level bro for them.

Yep, because a "state mandated girlfriend" won't stab you with a kitchen knife or knitting needles or anything like that.

Certainly won't brain you with a frying pan.

Or poison your food.

At minimum malicious incompetence. Accidentally dyeing all their clothing pink. Pretending mixing soda with your coffee in the morning is completely normal. Getting them a new hot pink work lunchbox for their birthday. Oops, the bleach made its way into the washer with your pink clothes. Right before bed is the perfect time to vacuum.

Most likely being openly verbally abusive. I would not be surprised if someone who's forced to be someone's girlfriend would use every opportunity to tell them how much of a loser they are to need the government for this.

Occasionally physically abusive. Because do you think all women are pushovers who will let you hit them without hitting you back?

I have a body count in the 100's so that's my out 😎 I am far from their ideal unicorn virgin

Hidden bonus: anything they do, one of your previous did it better.

As a 44 year old white guy I am EXTREMELY pro rampant kitchen knife/ knitting needle home accidents. :malefeminist:

And frying pans?!?! So incredibly dangerous. Especially if some guy were to trip in the kitchen and land face first into a frying pan currently being used to make some fried chicken.

State issued girlfriend? You better be ready to meet your maker, cause if I'm stuck with some dumb butt male feminist we're both going out in a blaze of glory.

Insane - seriously insane. We are not property to parcel out. If we ever are - there will be violence.

They're already treating us that way. They're removing rights and protections so we have less and less. Male feminists can already pick their child's mother as it is. We are chattel and nothing more to most of these pieces of shit.

How about state mandated education and job training for men who are way fricking behind? Women don't want to date some video game playing nitwit who lives in his mom's basement rage tweeting about :rape:

I'm married with two kids, and i still find time for video games... what's your problem with people having a hobby? It's interactive storytelling and problem solving.

As far as living in your mom's basement and the other bits... yeah, i mean, i get that.

You cannot be that dense. You know exactly the type of guy that she's talking about. Congrats for obviously just fishing for a way to say "b-but not me!!!!"

Was my comment not nuanced enough for you? Yes i was being defensive, yeah i over do it sometimes.

Get a hobby.

I'd love to enjoy my hobbies but unfortunately I have worry about my BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS being taken away! :marseydarkfoidretard:

Add this guy to the list of People who have not read or watch handmaiden's tale…

Worse: he did, and he LIKES it

Reported by:
:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Can any of you BIPOCs ban CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM already?

!metashit !jannies this "ironic" zoosadist zoophile BIPOC has destroyed 3k of my dramacoin by stalking my profile even though my comments are all private, I seek to not interact with this r-slur since he posted that image that looked to be CSAM, and he keeps on talking about his "ironic" love for fricking mutilated animals, go back to your Groomercord shithole BIPOC.

Community Note by @YappingCat

I seek to not interact with this r-slur since he posted that image that looked to be CSAM

That was @Homoshrexual spamming shit on his wall, cdo was just pinging people to it

Helpful [14] Not Helpful [1]
:marseysweating: Just found my ID so I don't have to pay $100 for a replacement :!marseysweating:

Turns out it probably dropped out of my wallet when I transferred it from my work bag into my overnight bag when I was packing to visit Malaysia to visit my in-laws last weekend for Lunar New Year that I skipped because I was in the midst of securing a new job :pepemoney:

We have a copy of our ID in our government mandated app so maybe it's time to store my ID like my passport :marseyhmm: Only taken out when it's really necessary

Still it feels amazing that you're able to scan a QR code at the Singapore side of the land border without taking out your passport at all much like taking a domestic flight in the states or the Schengen area in the EU, as compared to doing the whole song and dance with your passport in the past.

Infrastructure in Malaysia still sucked so there were massive jams and it took way too long to reach my wife's hometown :marseydepressed:

Still it was pretty interesting to experience the new forms of efficiency on the Singapore side of things :#marseysalutesingapore:

I'm fricking :marseydrunk: lol good night

:marseygroomer2:Front Page: Nuclear:marseyoppenheimer: proliferation is :marseyakshually: a good thing, chud! :soyreddit:


Drumpf saying that he wants to work with China and Russia so that all their countries can reduce their nuclear stockpiles to safer and cheaper to maintain levels actually means that Drumpf will get rid of all our nukes while Russia and China get double and then Drumpfnis gonna take ur guns!

Gene Hackman and wife's cause of death released


  • Wife died naturally due to mouse poop disease

  • Hackman, having severe Alzheimer's lived with the body for almost a week

  • Hackman died due to heart failure

  • Dog in kennel starved/dehydrated to death

Darn life is so fricking brutal, even the most privileged among us meet this kind of end

Let's check in on how our friends at r/superstonk are doing

In case you'd forgetten, /r/superstonk :marseychartuptrend: is the group somehow even more r-slurred than us, who believe that the best value stock, the only stock you want in your portfolio right now is $GME, yes that's right, Gamestop. You know the tiny brick-n-mortar retailer which you haven't stepped into since Gabe Newell consent-accidented your credit card. I don't know if they actually sell games anymore, when I last passed one on the way to fill my shitty mall chinese food craving it looked like the entire store was funkopop :marseyfunko:

They believe that (checks notes :marseynotes:) back in 2021 evil hedgefunds :marseymerchant: decided to make a tidy profit by shorting Gamestop until the business collapsed. Severely underestimating the power of g*mers :marseyautism:, the stock was bought en masse, causing a short squeeze, briefly driving the price of $GME from a couple dollars to over $80. But the :marseysoyswitch:s couldn't take the :w: and insisted it should have gone to several thousand dollars :marseymooncricket:, so long as people keep holding. They were kicked out of /r/wallstreetbets :marseywallst: (how seriously :marseygigaretard: do you have to be to be exiled from that community) and formed /r/superstonk, which rapidly became the biggest conspiracy theory rabbit hole on the internet. They allege a four year campaign of coverups: hedgefunds hiding trade volumes, politicians accepting bribes, SEC employees being threatened, rather than admit they got duped into buying $20 of worthless memestock :marseywagie:.

It's a day ending in 'y' which means that the signs are all there :marseyschizowall: and $GME is about to pop:

What I think that happen now?

I think that tomorrow GME price needs to retest 24.99 daily SMA200 (that probably is in an higher lvl, np), and after that can go higher (probably 55 or more, but at least 55 imo)

/r/Superstonk - Here we go again...GME ready to go?

  • ADX+DI are bullish but with low power (a retracement to SMA200 is possible)
  • RSI is bullish, and that's ok
  • CCI is bullish, bul likes to dance tomorrow ;)

No wait it'll happen in March

I think there is a reason why RK got in April-May and that was to create fractals. And I found also same cycle repeat itself from other ticker. So I thought instead of repeating 2020-2021Jan cycle, they repeat much more stretched out version of Apr-May run and it's 10x slower than last Apr-May run.

Shennanagins at the SEC to prevent them from holding the crooks to account:

You have got to be f**king kidding me 😡 Feb 18, 2025 . A watermain break has has flooded the DTC's security processing business (jersey city area) wow, just fuggin wow 😮‍💨

📰 News

These criminals see the walls closing in.

I hope u all get sent to prison for a VERY LONG time.

Shorts never closed.

DTCC commits international securities fraud.

SEC & FINRA are colluding and complicit.

Ken Griffin lied under oath.

JP Morgan is a crime syndicate.

No cell, no sell 💎🙌🚀🌙

$GME GameStop 🎮

This :marseysmoothbrain: locked themselves out of their account and claims it's to stop them from being able to sell when the squeeze happens (it must be close for them to start locking trades!)

I have contacted Computershare three times in the last 6 business days without any resolution. Only a promise of my call being returned by the security team within 48 hours, and it has been " escalated "…it's been 6 business days, still no call. Still locked out of my account online, still no access to my shares.

So just be careful and make sure you all check whether or not you are able to sell a share before this happens to you.

I'm truly beside myself and pretty unsure how to proceed if this lasts through this week without any correspondence from Computershare.


This poor kid has $80000 invested in GME...

Anyway take comfort that whatever poor life choices you made, at least you aren't bag holding for the soyist of retail failures!


holeposting again

Are anorexia forums still a thing

I don't mean the support/healing ones, the genuine pro-Ana ones. I really wanna lurk one. Do the feds shut them down or have ppl lost interest?

I took photos of some birds


The ziggers have taken 700,000 casualties

You having fun winning so much, my red-blooded patriot brothers?

:capy: Capy is now fighting crime in a third-world shithole :capynasser:




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!kino !schizos !accelerationists

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I hope Elon Musk fires this DEI HIRE when he refuses to return to work at a government office.

!the_donald !project2025 !chuds

:marseytrumpgenocide: Not hiring drumph supporters. :omgeerie:



Good corpojanny/women of size HR bait thread.

I wish you the outcome you deserve for hiring people just like you!

A workplace full of compassionate and caring people!

That's a way to spin it. 🙄

The truth? People who actually care about their fellow humans and didn't vote for someone who is gleefully making the lives of women & immigrants & queer people worse? People who don't make excuses about their party's representatives doing Nazi salutes and advocating for dismantling the constitution by letting Tr*mp run for a third term? Yeah, that's the kind of place I want to work. Not where people yell about immigrants but don't give a shit about Elon or Melania. Racism and hate aren't patriotic.


Yikes, as someone who could really give a flying frick about the government or any parties, judging people by their political beliefs is honestly fricked up. Kind of like judging them on their religious beliefs and so on. I truly hope you get caught doing this and get canned lol

Yeh, never gave a crap about my coworkers or friends being liberal. Everyone's lives and struggles are different.....different struggles shape beliefs and morals. Dont know how someone with any moral terpitude can even think like this.

Trump? Morals? 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀

Anybody who supports that man is either completely amoral or deeply confused.

Where did I say trump?

The post is about not hiring trump supporters, my dude. It's right up there in the post.


Conservative here and neither I nor anybody conservative associates on LinkedIn post or up vote any political comments.

But you have at it.

The idea that one can judge "gullibility" by political party is truly idiotic. The party of "he's fine, he's sharp, he outthinks me" that flips to "he's too senile" after a single evening telling anyone else at all they are too gullible is just deliciously stupid.

If you are referring to Biden, it wasn't just the debate. It was 4 years of watching his decline. Look up the signs and symptoms of dementia.

Anyone who looks at Trump and believes he is in the same physical and /or mental/cognitive condition as Biden might have dementia themselves


This is messed up and wrong.

To the contrary, it's sensible. Think about it.

No it's not. It's wrong, otherwise OP would have no problem revealing more information. He knows it's not ok thus he hides info. IDGAF about who my team voted for, they had their reasons to do so, and I'm not a self appointed judge to hire or fire them based on political affiliations.

Do you Facebook? Because I have many Facebook friends. Mostly progressive. But the few conservative friends who are on my Facebook believe absolutely EVERYTHING. They're constantly talking about how people are putting fentanyl on objects to poison you, or don't smell that perfume in the parking lot, or Facebook is going to use your pictures unless you post this wall of text. They are so gullible. Even when I try to explain to them to use their critical thinking skills; they're just so goddarn gullible. I don't want people like that working for me


What kind of person wants to go out of their way to hire bigots, nazis, and morons?


Social pretexting is a red team tool I support 💯 to harden asset protections. 🏆Ethics for compliance, anti-bribery, anti-corruption, and conflicts of interest are other human asset protections for your consideration:

1)Digitally and physically post the companies public value statements is a very effective way to govern corporate culture along with the OSHA, EEO, FMLA, FLSA EPPA, and Wage posters.

2)Another governing tool is using project implicit testing created by the great Vernā Myers (Follow on LinkedIn) with your companies annual training for safety, security, and privacy awareness. Studies find that by publishing corporate ethos the culture desired flourishes and the reason many are refusing to dismiss DEI programs.

I am working on an emotional intelligence program to identify team weaknesses before a hostile work environment suks critical skills out of successful business operations by elevating chaos and distraction.


It's a pretty gross position to take! Sure a small amount of supports might actually post on LinkedIn but I would think twice about hiring anyone who posted massive support for any controversial take on LinkedIn because it should be a professional platform. If you can't separate personal opinions from business (regardless of who you support) you have an issue.

Who you support politically should never have any impact on business decisions and I would argue that you are no better than the people you are discriminating against. I say this as someone who's normally politically neutral and is very nervous about the current political climate. Your hiring discrimination might not be illegal but it screams unprofessional and I wouldn't want to work for you regardless of my voting record…

I don't need gullible people dragging my team down though so I'll continue down this path.

I basically just said that I wouldn't hire anyone who spoke out on social media, especially LinkedIn, regarding any controversial opinion that could show they are outwardly aggressive, gullible or otherwise easily manipulated. That would include inappropriate posts about Trump/Elon, Biden, BLM, Pride Month, Nazis, the disabled, abortion or anything else that has NO business in the workplace.

By limiting your opinion to Trump supporters only you are including a HUGE number of people who are also gullible and incapable of critical thinking on the other side of the board as well. You should reconsider applying your position to anyone who's controversial - not just Trump.


Listen, the MAGA crowd would have no issue in discriminating against me in the hiring process, so frick em.

I'm sure someone else will chime in with a real answer, but as far as I'm concerned you're in the right, my friend.

Not to mention, there is a clause within Project 2025 that the way I interpreted it is that they want to make it legal for people of a particular faith and who have a moral objection to homosexuality, to legally discriminate against gay people. So the bakery discrimination on steroids!!!

Just wow. Luckily, I work for respected company that prohibits this kind of behavior and we are encouraged to report any type of intolerance whether it's against sexual and gender minorities, as well as even people of faith. Even though it's a very progressive company, they always ensure that people of faith are respected and protected (as long as they don't disrespect others who work alongside them who aren't of the same beliefs and/or proselytize in the workplace, and to be honest, no one should be discussing religion or politics in the workplace anyhow).


People post about trump on LinkedIn?


I'm honestly shocked about it. I have so many sales stalkers on LinkedIn maybe that's why I see so much of it I think Trump is more popular with sales folks.

I'm a "sales folx" and I have only ever seen 1 guy post about far right politics (not even trump) and he never moved up

Only a true clown would post politics cuz you alienate 50% of the population


There are no federal protections against this. Your local state or city may. California, New York, DC, Washington, and Oregon have limiting policies, some before employment, some after. And the federal government has prohibitions against this for federal positions.

I am commenting only in direct and limited response to your question.

Thank you for the info!

Just claim hiring them would be a DEI hire as there are many cognitive issues that would prevent them from being able to fulfill their duties

lol another comment recommended this too


live SPS reaction:

Body found at Ventura Park : PortlandOR


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