Eastern european bros we are so back :marseywereback:
Someone threw a spit ball at Trump during his Congress speech :marseyemojilaugh:

Burger politics are so chaotic :marseyhappytears:

:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Disney Introduces Openly Christian Character After Ditching Transgender Story :marseycrucified:

This is the first openly !Christians character to feature in a Disney film since 2007's Bridge to Terabithia. The film features young adolescent children Jesse Aarons (played by Josh Hutcherson) and Leslie Burke (played by Anna Sophia Robb), who in one scene attend church together, and discuss religion on the way home.

Only interesting tidbit from the article. To be fair other than Moana who is whatever indigenous pagan and it's a central feature in the story they just sidestep it altogether. I guess Coco and Up have physical churches in them? But no characters who talk about it. :marseythinkorino:

The article title is clickbait for sure, the original plan was to have a Christian character and a separate trans character. It wasn't a 1:1 replacement.

Anyway this angers the redditor :soysnootypefast: :

Darn everyone would really rather tell their kids about a guy who was nailed to a fricking cross before accepting that trans people (and kids) exist

:marseyandjesus: :marseyagree:

As a Catholic, we do not worship Jesus Christ in the same way. In our beliefs Jesus is not god, he is the son of god. Which I think is different than what Christians believe (I'm Catholic, not "Christian" so I can't speak for sure on what other religions believe). That being said, we consider god to be made up of the holy Trinity (the father, the son and the holy spirit), so in a sense Jesus is not god but he is a part of god. But us Catholics do consider ourselves to be Christian even if other "Christians" don't.

/u/a205204 this is not what Catholics believe go talk to your priest please :marseyfacepalm:

That's certainly why Catholics see themselves as Christians.

Let's say you came back from work and someone moved into your house and legally changed their last name to match yours. Do you suddenly consider them to be your family? They believe they're your family, so why don't you?

/u/pikpikcarrotmon Your analogy works better in the opposite direction. When do you think the Reformation began? :marseysmughips:

I think it can be assumed some characters are but the only recent ones I can think of that have an identified religion are Mei in Turning Red and Anne in Amphibia who are both Buddhist.

There is a church and priest in Encanto so they are likely Christian but it never directly says they are.

If Marvel Animated studios counts then we also have @Nightcrawler who is Catholic.

/u/jesuspoopmonster I am Catholic, yes. :marseywave2: Come hang out with me on!

Community Note by @Raditz

We're running with the shadows of the night :marseysing:

So baby, take my hand, you'll be alright :marseyjam:

Surrender all your dreams to me tonight :marseyheavymetal:

They'll come true in the end… :beavisandbuttheadrocking:

Helpful [30] Not Helpful [21]
Actually commie shit in Washington, taxes to pay for striking workers wages


!evenchads stay winning

Who is daddy going to blame when it blows up in his face?

Last time he nearly killed the pork industry and had to bail them out. This time he has already killed the AG improvement programs USDA were running, deported all their slave labor and stopped most of foodaid that was buying excess US grain. Between those and the potash daddy is going to see his dream of total farmer death.

US doesn't grow most of its own vegetables (60-80% come from Mexico) because most of the country doesn't have a productive climate.

We import 90% of our potash for fertilization from Canada.

About a quarter of the oil we refine comes from Canada. The US refineries that process the heavy Canadian oil need to be retooled if that comes from a light source.

I look forward to $10 gas and $5 tomatoes.

I suck Jewish peepee.

Caesars Palace - Jerk It Out (Official Video)


:!marseydrawing1: Interesting sketches :!marseybadlydrawn:


Reported by:
@pizzashill are you sure you still want to invest in the European Defense industry?
@kaamrev Musk says starlink can't work in South Africa because he lacks melanin, is this true? :marseydarkxd:
Russian entering Sumy oblast

Can't believe booth his goals had failed


He's such a cute boi! :marseyfluffy: :marseybow: :marseyjam:

!animalposters !cats





It's sad. I remember going on /r/redscarepod and the lesbian relationship post was nasty and made me sad.

Elon Musk is BREAKING THE RULES : :marseycrying:

for the lazy: the rule is you can't have government employees sleeping at their federal job buildings unless they are specifically told they can.

the story says, they are being told they can

:marseyfirefoxgenocide: Mozilla just can't stop taking more :marseyl:s as it of course loses it's USAID funding :!marseyxd:


Friday Afternoon Music: Post Music for Friday Afternoons

:marseyjam: is lookin kinda broken in full res :mersya:


TikTok clip: Wikipedia's dark scandals


Army Is Breaking its Own Body Fat Standards to Meet Recruiting Numbers, Watchdog Says

Trump may have jumped the gun last night bragging about his military meeting recruiting numbers, unlike Biden's kitty enbie military that lowered requirements for chicks and :!marseytrain:s. Looks like the recruiters have still been putting their finger on the scale. :marseycarlos:

According to the report, trainees have been allowed to join at up to 19% above the standard -- meaning some male recruits may have had body fat percentages as high as 45% and female recruits reaching 55%, levels that would likely be considered morbidly obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

r/army discusses and is unsurprised

I had 8 applicants arrive to MEPS yesterday for a physical/enlist combination and 6 of them were both DQ'd for medical reasons and administratively for BF composition. One younger male was 12% over the standard and the RRNCO was positive "he was good."

If you actually say it out loud, in what world is a 17yo, non-athletic build who is 5' 9" and 257lbs able to make it through BCT.

This is after last year's reports that 70% of active duty is overweight and 20% is obese. (I'm curious though how much of this could actually be muscle mass overweight. That's probably being to generous though.)

I keep seeing other stuff about letting in more people failing the ASVAB, which I was under the impression in high school wasn't even a pass/fail and had a tier for "functionally r-slurred, would be a parking lot attendant as a civilian".

So both Biden and Trump just want the military full of fat, r-slurred people for some reason. Hope our drones are getting better for the war with China or there are going to be a lot more deaths from heart attacks than bullets on the beaches of Taiwan. In a fight, I would probably place bets on a bull :marseytrain2: and a roided up pooner over some thousand pound TLC show rejects, but who knows if either could beat a swarm of chinks with whatever dinnerware their catatonic families have cobbled into weapons on the Great Assembly Line of China.

This summer is going to go crazy.

I have a feeling we are going to have really nice weather and a really fun news cycle. Something big is coming in politics and everybody is going to be out of the house and talking about it and meeting new people and making new friends. It's going to be a lot of fun!



H3 gets a 30day BAN for rerunning the Hasanabi content nuke for "glorifying extreme violence" : LivestreamFail


reminder Hasan only got a one day ban for encouraging his audience of violent terrorist sympathizers to kill a US congressman

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